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Jeff Goodlove email address:
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, and Abraham Lincoln.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address!
• • Books written about our unique DNA include:
• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.
• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.
“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.
Birthdays on January 21…
Nancy E. Cain Smith (wife of the 4th cousin 7x removed)
Joseph Coup (3rd cousin 4x removed)
Albert A. Crawford (4th cousin 3x removed)
Savilla Godlove Baker
Harold J. Goodlove (3rd cousin 1x removed)
Joseph W. Hannah (2nd cousin 3x removed)
Homer M. Moreland (4th cousin 3x removed)
JOHN MUNN (1st cousin 7x removed)
January 21, 1118: Pope Paschal II dies January 21. [1]
January 21, 1189: Philip II (husband of the 8th cousin 14x removed), Henry II (24th great grandfather) and Richard Lion-Hearted (23rd great grandfather) initiated The Third Crusade. The Third Crusade took an exceptionally harsh toll on the Jews of England. Although the third crusade became famous in song and fable, it was a failure. Unfortunately, it did not end the crusading spirit. More crusades would follow which meant more misery for the Jews of Europe and the Middle East.[2]
January 21, 1276: year of the four popes – Gregory X dies, Pope Innocent V, Pope Hadrian V and Pope John XXI (end 1277). Death of Pope Gregory X, Innocent V the first Dominican becomes pope and dies after 5 months – Adrian V dies after five weeks but revokes conclave rules, Pope John XXI dies after eight months in office. January 21, Pope Innocent V (Pierre de Tarentaise) appointed, dies June 22, [3]
January 21, 1306: Phillip the Fair of France issued secret orders today for his officials to prepare for the expulsion of his Jewish subjects and the confiscation of their property. Phillip found that his treasury had been depleted by his wars with the Flemish and he saw this as a way of replenishing his treasury. Under the terms of the expulsion any Jews found after the July 22, 1306 (10th of Av) were to be executed.[4]
January 21, 1393: 1393: The Jews of Majorca were guaranteed protection by the governor who “issued an edict for their protection, providing that a citizen who should injure a Jew should be hanged, and that a knight for the same offense should be subjected to the strappado.”[5]
January 21, 1495: Isaac ben Judah Abravanel and King Alfonso sailed from Naples to Mazzara near Sicily. The city of Mazzazra was given as a gift from Ferdinand of Spain to Alfonso. While there, news reached both Abravanel and Alfonso that Charles VIII had taken Naples. The French rioted against and looted the Jewish community almost wiping it out. Many Jews were sold as slaves, and many were forced to convert to Christianity. Abravanel later wrote, "My entire enormous wealth was stolen."[6]
January 21, 1535: When Parliament reconvened in November, Cromwell brought in the most significant revision of the treason laws since 1352, making it treasonous to speak rebellious words against the royal family, to deny their titles, or to call the King a heretic, tyrant, infidel, or usurper. The Act of Supremacy also clarified the King's position as head of the church, and the Act for Payment of First Fruits and Tenths substantially increased clerical taxes. Cromwell also strengthened his own control over the church. On January 21, 1535, the King appointed him royal vicegerent, or vicar-general, and commissioned him to organize visitations of all the country's churches, monasteries, and clergy. In this capacity, Cromwell conducted a census in 1535 to enable the government to tax church property more effectively.[1][7]
January 21, 1578: Don John gives them battle, and achieves a decisive victory at Gemblours. [8]
January 21, 1582: The young Countess of Lennox, widow of Charles Earl of Lennox, dies at Sheffield, leaving an only daughter, aged four years, called Arabella Stuart. [9][10]
January 21, 1763: JOHN MUNN, b. January 21, 1763.[11]
January 21, 1783: The regiment received new flags. The Waldeckers remained in Flatbush until the summer of 1783 and the return voyage from New York began on 25 July 1783 (July 25). [12]
January 21, 1793: Prussia and Russia signed a treaty that portioned Poland. All of a sudden, Russia had a large Jewish population, something which her rulers had not bargained for and did not want.[13]
In 1793 (as a result of the Second Partition of Poland), Greater Poland was taken over by Prussia and initially renamed "Southern Prussia". After 1815 this term was no longer used and the province was refered to with the name of its capital town, i.e. Poznan (German: Posen). This is often misleading, especially records providing only the name "Posen" are ambiguous - they suggest the town, where usually the entire province is meant.[14]

January 21, 1793: One day after being convicted of conspiracy with foreign powers and sentenced to death by the French National Convention, King Louis XVI is executed by guillotine in the Place de la Revolution in Paris.
Louis ascended to the French throne in 1774 and from the start was unsuited to deal with the severe financial problems that he had inherited from his grandfather, King Louis XV. In 1789, in a last-ditch attempt to resolve his country's financial crisis, Louis assembled the States-General, a national assembly that represented the three "estates" of the French people--the nobles, the clergy, and the commons. The States-General had not been assembled since 1614, and the third estate--the commons--used the opportunity to declare itself the National Assembly, igniting the French Revolution. On July 14, 1789, violence erupted when Parisians stormed the Bastille--a state prison where they believed ammunition was stored.
Although outwardly accepting the revolution, Louis resisted the advice of constitutional monarchists who sought to reform the monarchy in order to save it; he also permitted the reactionary plotting of his unpopular queen, Marie Antoinette. In October 1789, a mob marched on Versailles and forced the royal couple to move to Tuileries; in June 1791, opposition to the royal pair had become so fierce that the two were forced to flee to Austria. During their trip, Marie and Louis were apprehended at Varennes, France, and carried back to Paris. There, Louis was forced to accept the constitution of 1791, which reduced him to a mere figurehead.
In August 1792, the royal couple was arrested by the sans-cullottes and imprisoned, and in September the monarchy was abolished by the National Convention (which had replaced the National Assembly). In November, evidence of Louis XVI's counterrevolutionary intrigues with Austria and other foreign nations was discovered, and he was put on trial for treason by the National Convention.
The next January, Louis was convicted and condemned to death by a narrow majority. On January 21, he walked steadfastly to the guillotine and was executed. Nine months later, Marie Antoinette was convicted of treason by a tribunal, and on October 16 she followed her husband to the guillotine.[15]
Good gourd! Blood belonging to Louis XVI found in souvenir squash
By Dylan Stableford, Yahoo! News | The Sideshow – Wed, Jan 2, 2013 Portrait of Louis XVI by Antoine-François Callet (Wikimedia Commons)
It's been more than 200 years since King Louis XVI was beheaded by French revolutionaries, but a team of scientists believes a recently discovered gourd contains traces of his blood.
According to the BBC, the scientists say a dried, hollowed-out squash that had been kept by an Italian family as a souvenir contains a handkerchief that was dipped in the king's blood by a spectator.
A message on the outside of the calabash reads: "On January 21, Maximilien Bourdaloue dipped his handkerchief in the blood of Louis XVI after his decapitation."
According to the findings published in Forensic Science International, analysis of DNA taken from the blood revealed it to be similar to DNA from a mummified head believed to belong to Henri IV, Louis' 16th-century predecessor.
Results of a 2010 test on the gourd were inconclusive, but the genetic connection to Henri's remains led the scientists to conclude the blood found inside the gourd is indeed that of the king's.
"This study shows that [the remains] share a genetic heritage passed on through the paternal line,” forensic pathologist Philippe Charlier told Agence France-Presse. "They have a direct link to one another through their fathers. One could say that there is absolutely no doubt any more."
Louis XVI was killed by guillotine on January 21, 1793; Henri IV was killed in 1610.[16]
January 21, 1802: Gabriel D. Smith, (4th cousin 7x removed) Jr.11 [Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. June 18, 1798 in Elbert Co. GA / d. October 3, 1880 in Carroll Co. GA) married Nancy E. Cain (b. January 21, 1802 in GA / d. September 27, 1885 in Carroll Co. GA) in 1821 in Franklin Co. GA. [17]
January 21, 1813: By the beginning of November 1812 the Virginia Militia had reached Delaware, then the site of William Henry Harrison’s (6th cousin 7x removed) headquarters, where they were joined by the Pennsylvania brigade on the same mission. By that time, Harrison had traced a route for American forces across northern Ohio, marked sites for outposts and storehouses, and ordered roads built across Black Swamp to connect Upper and Lower Sandusky Rivers with the Rapids. The militiamen, as stated in this letter, would come through Wooster. They then proceeded up the Scioto River to Marion and Upper Sandusky to Findlay, then crossed the Black Swamp to the site of Ft. Meigs on the Maumee River Rapids just southwest of Toledo, arriving on January 21, 1813. These Virginia forces helped in the construction and defense of Ft. Meigs, [18]
January 21, 1841--Emanuel Godlove married Louisey Swanson by John T. Davis, Judge of the County Court. There is something that is rather strange about Emanuel Godlove...he owned slaves when he lived in Miller County while other immigrants of German descent did not! In 1859, in the Miller Co. Assessor's book, it is recorded he owned 4 slaves valued at $2,000. He purchased a slave woman named Milley and her child, Eliza Jane, from John Flanigan for $800. Later he bought another slave woman named Nancy and her child, Charles, from a man named Joseph Howser.
Emanuel was a businessman in the town of Tuscumbia in its early history. He was in partnership with Daniel Cummings. Emanuel also operated a hotel in the town called "The Tuscumbia Hotel" during the same era the only census record I could find for Emanuel Godlove was in 1850. His name was recorded as first I could find no record whatsoever. I thought he had just came and went through Miller Co. by then, but decided to go back once again and take another look. By looking in the same area where his partner (Daniel Cummings) lived, I found the GOTT family of Emanuel and Louisa. I do not know if it was the census taker's fault or a typographical error in the book. The following is the Emanuel Godlove family in 1850:
· Family #524---Equality Township, Town of Tuscumbia
· GOTT/GODLOVE, Emanuel 32 Ger.
· Louisa 28 VA
· George 8 MO
· William 5 MO
· Susan 2 MO
· James 8 mos. MO
Neighbors were: Daniel Cummings, William P. Dixon, Robert Armstrong, John Brumley, George Lansdown, Josiah Birdsong. There is no record of the Godlove family in the 1860 Miller Co. census.
· They have a child buried at Tuscumbia Cemetery:
· GODLOVE, Francis M., son of M. & L. 24 Sep 1855-4Aug 1858
Evidently they moved out of the county in the late 1850s or early 1860.
· Researcher of the Godlove Family:
· Ron Vallance
· Santa Ana, CA
· · Dick Strickland
· Ironton, MO [19]
January 21, 1856: ARMENIA D. CRAWFORD, b. February 11, 1820; m. JOHN N. MOBERLY, January 21, 1856, Estill County, Kentucky. [20]
January 21, 1851: Georgia Secession Convention[edit]
Ordinance of Secession
Facsimile of the 1861 Ordinance of Secession signed by delegates to the Georgia Secession Convention at the statehouse in Milledgeville, Georgia January 21, 1861
In 1861, George W. Crawford (8th cousin 6x removed) was elected as a delegate from Richmond County, Georgia to the state's Secession Convention. The delegation elected Crawford president of the convention by a unanimous vote[6] and he oversaw the state's vote of secession. As the convention's president, Crawford is considered the author of Georgia's Ordinance of Secession, the official document announcing the state's formal intent to secede the federal Union—originally as an independent republic, ultimately to join the Confederate States of America.[21]
January 21, 1861
After making farewell speeches, Senators from Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida resign from the United States Senate.[22]
January 21, 1863: Union General-in-Chief Henry W. Halleck wrote to Grant to explain the rescission of the Order #11, stating that "The President has no objection to your expelling traitors and Jew peddlers, which, I suppose was the object of your order; but as it in terms proscribed an entire religious class, some of whom are fighting in our ranks, the President deemed it necessary to revoke it." Captain Philip Trounstine of the Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, being unable in good conscience to round up and expel his fellow Jews, resigned his army commission, saying he could "no longer bear the Taunts and malice of his fellow officers… brought on by … that order."[23]
Thurs. January 21, 1864
In camp 500 men left for Dixie[24] saw a fist fight[25]
William Harrison Goodlove (2nd great grandfather)
January 21st, 1865: We are still at the depot waiting for orders.
Rained hard all day.[26]
January 21, 1896: Edith Ogden (wife of the 9th cousin 4x removed) was born to Robert N. Ogden, Jr. and Sarah L Beattie,[1] and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana; she was a "belle of cultured, aristocratic habits who acquitted herself well in the parlors of the Potter Palmers and Marshall Fields" and other Chicago notables.[2] She married Carter Harrison on December 14, 1887. Their first child died in infancy in 1889; they had two surviving children, Cartder Henry Harrison V, born June 28, 1891, and Edith Ogden Harrison II, born January 21, 1896. (Their son was the fifth of that name because his father was, formally, Carter Henry Harrison IV. He was known in his political career as "Junior" because his father, Carter Henry Harrison III, had preceded him in office and had been one of Chicago's most famous mayors.[3] Confusion arises when "Junior" is erroneously referred to as "Carter Harrison II.") The couple celebrated the fiftieth wedding anniversary of an apparently happy marriage in 1937.
In the first phase of her literary career, Edith O. Harrison concentrated on children's literature; later she wrote travel books and autobiographical works. Her early book Prince Silverwings was adapted by family acquaintance L. Frank Baum for a dramatization that never made it to the stage.[4] (All Chicago theaters were closed after the Iroquois Theater fire on December 30, 1903 caused 570 fatalities.) In the process, influences from Harrison's book appear to have found their way into Baum's works.[5]
She did not abandon her theatrical ambitions: over a number of years Harrison and Baum tried to establish a children's theater in Chicago. They were still working on the project as late as 1915, but without success.[6]
Harrison's 1912 novel The Lady of the Snows was made into a film of the same title in 1915. [1][27]
January 21, 1903: – The [28]Wizard of Oz musical opens at New York City’s Majestic Theater on Columbus Circle and becomes the greatest Broadway success of its time. Reviews are mixed, but it is an instant favorite with audiences. At 293 performances, it becomes the longest-lasting show of the decade. Seven traveling road companies keep The Wizard of Oz on the road for years.
The entire production company socializes together. When the men in the cast form their own baseball team, Stone begins recommending new performers and stagehands based on their skill at the game. For at least one game—an entertaining celebrity fund-raiser—Stone plays in his Scarecrow costume with a birdcage on his head. Though Montgomery spends his summers in Europe, Stone stays with the show continually.
Author and Historian Albert Castel wrote...
January 21, 1906: "Order Number 11 was the most drastic and repressive military measures directed against civilians by by the Union Army during the Civil War. In stands as the harshest treatment ever imposed on United States citizens under the plea of military necessity in our Nations History." [29]
General Order Number 11
General Order Number 11 had been in the making for some time before the Lawrence raid. It directed the depopulation of Jackson, Cass, Bates and parts of Vernon Counties. Its goal was to eliminate the support and shelter the guerrillas found in these counties. The order made no difference between southerner and loyal Union citizen except that those who swore a loyalty oath and could prove their loyalty could relocate within the limits of certain areas securely under Union control. All other citizens must leave their homes with only what they could carry in a single conveyance, if they had one, and remove themselves to southern states or well away from the border with Kansas. Everything, crops, livestock, homes and household goods left behind would be destroyed. Those failing to obey would be arrested and executed as being Confederate spies or guerrillas.
General Order Number 11 was the harshest measure ever taken by the U.S. Government against its citizens. The order originated back east but General Thomas Ewing was responsible for carrying it out. Ewing issued the order after the Lawrence massacre because he felt he had no other choice. Senator James Lane of Lawrence (who had escaped the massacre in his nightshirt) threatened to have Ewing court-martialed if he failed to issue the order. Ewing was the Union commander responsible for the security of Kansas and as Lane and the citizens of Kansas saw it, he had failed miserably in his duty. Lane was also rabble-rousing for a raid by Kansas militia to wipe out every farm and home in Missouri along the Kansas border. Ewing felt that the order would help defuse this dangerous situation. Many people, even many northerners, severely criticized Ewing for the order but he refused to rescind it. Years later, backlash from this cruel measure helped defeat Ewing’s bid to become governor of Ohio.
Simeon’s parents, John and Eliza Whitsett, lived about a mile north of Hickman’s Mill. Ironically, Hickman’s Mill and an area of one mile surrounding it was one of the few areas in Jackson County that was exempt from the order. Perhaps John and Eliza escaped the devastation that befell most of Jackson County. Isaac and Cynthia Whitsett at Lee’s Summit certainly did not, nor did Sim’s cousin Stewart Whitsett and his family. Evidence indicates that they moved from Lee’s Summit to Lafayette County where several Whitsett families lived. Some of the Lafayette County Whitsetts were cousins and the ties may have been close enough for one or more of these families to take them in.
General Order Number 11, which brought almost unbearable hardship on the hardworking families of the affected counties, had almost no effect on the guerrillas. In fact, they benefited. Livestock running loose was easily captured for the food, many stores survived the fires and abandoned buildings made for excellent shelter. Although Jackson County swarmed with Federal militia and bands of Jayhawkers, the guerrillas knew the area like the back of their hands and easily eluded patrols looking for them. For the most part, Federal patrols kept to main roads rather than risk ambush from expert Bushwhackers. If they dared venture far from main thoroughfares, they usually paid with their lives. General Order Number 11 was a disaster of major proportions and it failed to accomplish its prime objective. [30]
Eventually, both General Ewing and James Henry Lane would meet a fitting fate. Ewing would be run over by a streetcar on January 21, 1906 after leaving his New York law office. J. H. Lane justifiably committed the utmost act of humiliation. In August of 1866, he placed a pistol in his month and scattered his brains to the winds, neither of them ever uttering even a syllable of remorseful tribute to the inhumane acts that followed them to their graves. [31]
January 21, 1913: Gradually they were convinced of the possibility of the thing, and the League was organized. At first, although an excellent school teacher eas elected president, the other officers were hard to find. A rousing gooed serMon on Life Service brought the people around, however, and soon a lively Epworth League was operating in full force.
Issued by the Hopkinton and Buck Creek Epworth Leagues:
Tourist Ticket
good for
Around the World
Rev. Gilbert Chalice
The Sunrise Kingdom Trips by Jinrikisha Kago Chaira
January 21, 1913[32]
January 21, 1918: Almer Smith (6th cousin 5x removed) (b. December 10, 1898 in GA / d. January 21, 1918).[33]
January 21, 1938: The Romanian government strips Romanian Jews of their citizenship.[34]
January 17, 1941: Dagobert Gottlieb, born January 21, 1907 in Berlin. Resided in Berlin.
Deportation: January 17, 1941, Auschwitz[35]
January 21, 1941
In a lengthy report, Theodor Danneckjer defines his goals as head of the Gestpo’s Jewish Affairs Department in France, while describing the need for creation of a central office for Jewish affairs in France; “To recognize and eliminate Jews from any administration of the Jews and their property until they are removed.”[36]
January 21, 1941: After observing a three-day anti-Semitic rampage in Bucharest by the SS-supported Iron guard in Romania, the Romanian Jewish writer Mihael Sebastian wrote, “The stunning thing about the Bucharest bloodbath is the quite bestial ferocity to its…the butchered Jews were hanged by the neck on hooks normally used for beef carcasses. A sheet of paper was stuck to each corpse with the notation “Kosher Meat.”[37]
January 21, 1941: In Rumania, the Iron Guard raided thousands of Jews, destroyed hundreds of shops, and looted or burned twenty five synagogues. In addition, 120 Jews were cruelly tortured and killed.[38]
January 21, 1941: Bulgaria enacted its first anti-Jewish measures.[39]
January 21, 1941The Germans begin a counteroffensive in North Africa. The Fareynegte Partizaner Organizatsye (United Partisan Organization) is created by Jews in Vilna[40] to resist Nazi terror. [41]
January 21-23, 1941: The Iron Guard unsuccessfully attempt a coup in Romania, accompanied by riots against the Jews.[42]
January 21, 1943: In Warsaw, the Germans opened fire in the ghetto. Resistance was given by Jews seizing weapons and firing from rooftops with only 10 pistols. The Germans retreated after twelve were killed.[43]
January 21, 1943: Over the next four days, two thousand Jews from Theresienstadt, Czechoslovakia, are deported to Auschwitz. Some 1760 are gassed on arrival, including patients from the Jewish mental hospital at Apeldoorn, Holland, as well as about 50 of the hospital's nurses who accompany the patients to lessen their terror.[44]
January 21, 1943: Knochen cabled Eichmann once more (XXVc-195). He asked him what the possibilities were for the transport of 1,200 Jews eligible for deportation. He indicated that 3,911 Jews were interned in Drancy, among them 2,159 Frenchmen. Finallly he asked; are French Jews eligible for deportation? [45]
January 21, 1944: Adolf Gottlob, born March 27,1874 in Niederwerm. Resided Niederwerm. Deportation: from Nurnberg-Wurzburg-Rebensburg, September 23,1942, Theresienstadt. Date of death: January 21, 1944, Theresienstadt[1][46]
January 21, 1945: Ninety-six Hungarian Jews interned at Auschwitz and working at a quarry at Golleschau, Germany, are sealed inside a pair of cattle cars labeled "Property of the SS." Half of the prisoners freeze to death as the train travels aimlessly for days. At Zwittau, Germany, the cattle cars are detached from the train and left at the station. Manufacturer Oskar Schindler alters the bill of lading to read "Final Destination--Schindler Factory, Brünnlitz." After unsealing the cars at his factory, Schindler frees the Jews;[47]
January 21, 1961 Khrushchev, as a good-will gesture to the newly inaugurated
JFK, releases Bruce Olmstead and John McKone (two pilots shot down by the Russians) from their
cells in the Lubyanka prison, where they have been held by the KGB for seven months. Besides
Francis Gary Powers, these two men will be the only American fliers to get out of Moscow’s
infamous Lubyanka prison alive. [48]
January 21, 1980: State of the Union Message outlining “Carter Doctrine”.[49] (2nd cousin 7x removed of the wife of the 4th cousin 9x removed)
January 21, 1981: President Reagan sends Carter to Germany to welcome hostages home.[50]
1981: Cairo, Egypt. Anwar Sadat is reviewing his troops on parade, next to him is his successor, Hasne Mabarac. What happens next will change the world. A group of young soldiers leap from their vehical and spray the reviewing stand with with bullets, killing Sadat. Mabarac survives. The Egyptian government arrests hundreds of alleged Islamic militants and takes them in for questioning. Among the suspects is Ayman al-Zawahiri.[51]
January 21, 2014: The Sisters of Saint Cecilia are a group of women consecrated religious sisters. They are the ones who shear the lambs' wool used to make the palliums of new metropolitan archbishops. The lambs are raised by the Cistercian Trappist Fathers of the Tre Fontane (Three Fountains) Abbey in Rome. The lambs are blessed by the Pope every January 21, the Feast of the martyr Saint Agnes. The pallia are given by the Pope to the new metropolitan archbishops on the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, June 29. [52]
January 21, 2009: The Holy See lifts excommunication
By the power expressly conferred on him by Pope Benedict XVI, the Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops issued a decree on January 21, 2009 remitting, at their request, the excommunication of Bishops Fellay, Tissier de Mallerais, Williamson and Gallareta.[48] L'Osservatore Romano of January 25, 2009, spoke of "the excommunication that they (the four bishops) had incurred twenty years ago",[49] said that they had incurred latae sententiae excommunication"[50] and declared that, by means of the decree, the Pope "remits the excommunication that lay upon the Prelates in question".[51]
Accusations of anti-Semitism
Some[82] claim that anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism exist in important circles of the Society - an allegation that defenders of the SSPX reject, stating that the Society has lay supporters and even a priest with Jewish backgrounds.[83]
The views of Bishop Richard Williamson have been a particular source of controversy, as have those of another British SSPX cleric, the late Fr. .[84] For example, Bishop Williamson has written:
"[U]ntil [the Jews] re-discover their true Messianic vocation, they may be expected to continue fanatically agitating, in accordance with their false messianic vocation of Jewish world-dominion, to prepare the Anti-Christ's throne in Jerusalem. So we may fear their continuing to play their major part in the agitation of the East and in the corruption of the West. Here the wise Catholic will remember that, again, the ex-Christian nations have only their own Liberalism to blame for allowing free circulation within Christendom to the enemies of Christ."[85]
In an interview with Sveriges Television in January 2009, Williamson repeated his opinion that the generally accepted history of the Holocaust is wrong. He accepted an estimate of only 200,000-300,000 Jews killed in Nazi custody, and denied that gas chambers were used for the purpose.[86]
Bishop Williamson's supporters[who?] counter that he has never advocated racist hatred of Jews, and that he hopes for the Jews' conversion and salvation. Williamson's views, moreover, on this and other subjects are controversial even within traditionalist Catholicism: see the main article on him for more details. After his January 2009 interview, both the Superior General of the SSPX, Bishop Fellay, and the District Superior of the SSPX in Germany, Fr. Franz Schmidberger, stated that Williamson's views represented his own personal opinions.[87]
The SSPX was also accused of anti-Semitism in a 2006 report on Traditionalist Catholicism published by the American Southern Poverty Law Center. Defenders of the Society have strongly criticised the report and accused the SPLC of using accusations of anti-Semitism as a means of "silencing opponents of liberalism."[88] They have drawn parallels to similar accusations against Jewish scholars like Norman Finkelstein.
In 1989, Paul Touvier, a fugitive wanted for war crimes, was arrested in the SSPX priory in Nice. The SSPX stated at the time that Touvier had been granted asylum there as "an act of charity to a homeless man".[89] In 1994, Touvier was sentenced to life imprisonment for ordering the execution of seven Jews at Rillieux-la-Pape in 1944, allegedly in reprisal for the Resistance's killing of the Vichy minister Philippe Henriot.[90] On his death in 1996, a Requiem Mass was offered for him at the SSPX church of St Nicolas du Chardonnet in Paris.[citation needed] Touvier had expressed remorse for his actions and had asked for forgiveness.[citation needed][53]
[7] Wikipedia
[9] I This cousin-german of James VI became celebrated by her
misfortunes, under the name of Arabella Seymour.
[11] Crawford coat of Arms.
WALDECKER TRUPPEN IM AMERIKANISCHEN UNABHANGIGK EITSKRIEG (HETRINA) Index nach Familiennamen Bd.V Bearbeitet von Inge Auerbach und Otto Fröhlich Marburg 1976
[17] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe.
[21] Wikipedia
[22] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[24] The origins of the word “Dixie are hazy. Some historians believe it came out of popular reference to the land south of the Mason-Dixon Line; others fro the widespread use of ten-dollar notes issued from Louisiana with the French spelling of “ten”, dix, on the bills. By the 1850s, the term Dixie was understood to mean “the South.” Ohio born minstrel singer Dan Emmett composed the song “Dixie” in New York City in 1859. Iyt became an instant hit in both the North and South, and was soon embraced as the fighting song for the Confederate cause. The 2010 Civil War Calendar.
[25] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeff Goodlove
[26] Joseph W. Crowther, Co. H. 128th NY Vols.
[27] Wikipedia
[32] Buck Creek Parish, The Department of Rural Work of The Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1919, page 3.
[33] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[35] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[36] French Children of the Holocaust, A Memorial, by Serge Klarsfeld, page 18.
[40] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1770.
[42] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1764.
[45] Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, 1942-1944 by Serge Klarsfeld, page 360-361.
[46] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[49] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 498
[50] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 499.
[51] International Profile, Ayman al-Zawahir, 12/11/2007 HISTI.
1. [52] ^ St Cecilia by RENI, Guido
2. ^ a b c "St. Cecilia". Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.
3. ^ Fuller, Osgood Eaton: Brave Men and Women. BiblioBazaar, LLC, 2008, page 272. ISBN 0-554-34122-0
4. ^ Rom. sott. ii. 147.
5. ^ The Life of Saint Cecilia – Golden Legend article
6. ^ Chaucer, Canterbury Tales, The Second Nun's Tale, prologue, 85–119. As the rubric to these lines declare, the nun draws her etymologies from the Legenda Aurea of Jacobus de Voragine (Jacobus Januensis - James of Genoa - in the rubric).
7. ^ Ode on St. Cecilia's Day (composed 1711) at, for example,
8. ^ Lyrics of "The Coast"
9. ^ Cecilia will put song in your heart, Ideally Speaking (Jerry Johnston), Deseret News, 14 November 2009, p. E1. Johnston writes: " . . if you're a composer who needs a melody, talk to Cecilia. She'll put a song in your heart."
[53] 82^
83^ Father Florian Abrahamowicz, superior of the SSPX District of Italy comes from a firmly Roman Catholic family from Vienna, Austria that had Jewish ancestry.
84^ In an article entitled The Mystery of the Jews, Fr. Crowdy claimed that it is Catholic teaching that, on religious rather than racial grounds, the political influence of Jews should be curtailed.
85^ The Gulf War
87^ Fellay's letter; Schmidberger's statement
88^ Liberal Inquisition
89^ AngelusOnline Page 831
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