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Jeff Goodlove email address:
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, and John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address!
• • Books written about our unique DNA include:
• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.
• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.
“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.
Birthdays on January 3…
John R. Burgess
Arch B. Coup
Doris Coup
Dorothy Coup
Mildred K. Hammond
Sharon L. Powers Kruse
Steven D. Pyle
Mary E. Smith Taylor
Kay Wilson Gunn
January 3, 106 BCE: Birthdate of Marcus Tullius Cicero. Cicero is remembered as Roman statesman and orator. From the Jewish point of view he was just one more anti-Semitic intellectual. “He denounced Judaism as a ‘barbarous superstition.’” He defended a Roman official who had stolen contributions that we supposed to be shipped to the Temple at Jerusalem. He decried the influence of Jews in Rome cautioning one group to speak quietly lest they be overheard by the Jews.[1]
January 3, 1710
At a Court held for Richmond County, January’ the third 1710—~ Andrew Harrison and Elizabeth his wife came into Court and acknowledged this their deed unto John Jones the younger (the said Elizabeth being first privately examined and it was admitted to record.)
Test M: Beckwith, Clk. Cur:
Ex-a per M: Beckwith, Cik. Cur.[2]
Christmas Eve 1776 to January 3, 1777
Another verification which Butterfield made on page 104 of Chapter 5 is that “He (Crawford) was one of the heroic band that crossed the Delaware with Washington on Christmas Day (1776), participating in the Victory at Trenton on the next day, and at Princeton on the third of January, 1777.”[3]
January 3, 1777: William Crawford took part during the year in battles and skir-
mishes on Long Island, and the remarkable retreat through New
Jersey. One of the heroes that crossed the Delaware with Wash-
ington on Christmas day, he fought at Trenton the next, and at
Princeton on January 3, 1777.[4]
1777 January 3, Colonel William Crawford was at Battle of Princeton[5].
Thursday, January 20, 2005 (10)
Mary and Gary Goodlove visit The Battle of Princeton, January 1, 2005.

Thursday, January 20, 2005 (11)
Gary and Jeff Goodlove stand by a canon found behind the Mercer house at The Battle of Princeton. January 1, 2005.
Strength Estimates of American Forces
January 3, 1777: estimated 7,559 effectives[6]
January 3, 1777
At daybreak the British and Hessians suddenly learn that Washington
had departed. After hearing heavy carronading in their rear the
British and Hessians instantly quick marched to Princeton , where
they find the entire field of action from Maidenhead on to Princeton
and vicinity covered with corpses. Washington had achieved a success.[7]
Top of Form
Washington at the Battle of Princeton 1777
Washington at the Battle of Princeton 1777
In one of the pivotal moments of the Revolution, on January 3, 1777 when the cause of the patriots hung by a thread at the town of Princeton, New Jersey, Gen. George Washington proved once more to be the savior of the cause. Encountering a British brigade led by Col. Mawhood outside of Princeton, the patriot vanguard was forced back by a charge lead by the 17th Regiment of Foot. At the height of the fighting Washington with his staff galloped onto the field and rallied the retreating troops of Mercer's and Cadwalader's Brigades.
By: Don Troiani
January 3, 1786: I remember something about a Goodlove Heiskell in the early research. JG
Goodlove Heiskell
Born 1740 VA. Blacksmith
May 4, 1785 Takes an apprentice
January 3, 1786: Bought several slaves[9]
The decree organizing the Guard of the Consuls was dated 13 nivose year VIII (January 3,1800)." (Lachoque - "The Anatomy of Glory" p 7)[10]
• Joseph LeClere, my 5th great grandfather was one of Napoleans bodyguards. His family would eventually move to Dubuque, Iowa.
Napolean’s Imperial Guard was the world’s most elite fighting force during this period. These fearless infantrymen, or artillerymen, and cavalry troopers, handpicked by the emperor to serve in his personal bodyguard, were the best-trained, best-equipped, and toughest troops in Napoleon’s formidable army. All men in the unit had served the emperor from the beginning, and at the time of Waterloo many of these soldiers were ten and twenty year veterans. Their flawless tactical maneuvering and almost fanatical devotion made them feared and respected by armies across Europe.[11]
January 3, 1822: Andrew Jackson returned to Hermitage from Florence, where he had employed Stephen Sharrock as overseer of his Big Spring farm.[12]
January 3, 1834: Charles C. Harrison (1834-after 1885)
Christian Co., KY; Muhlenberg Co., KY and Perry Co., IL
CHARLES C. HARRISON was born in Hopkins County, Ky., January 3, 1834, and is the only child of Benjamin F. and Penelope (Clark) Harrison, the former a native of Christian and the latter a native of Hopkins County, Ky., and of Irish and English descent, respectively. Benjamin F. Harrison was educated in his native county, was married in Hopkins County, and soon afterward returned to Christian County, where he inherited the old homestead, upon which he resided until his death in 1835. He was for a time one of the magistrates of Christian County, and was a member of the Old School Presbyterian Church. The death of Mrs. Penelope Harrison occurred in August, 1837. She also was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Charles C., after his mother's death, was reared by his uncle, James Clark, with whom he resided until the latter's death, August 23, 1848; he then lived with another uncle, David Clark, in Muhlenburgh County, until he was twenty-seven years old. He then bought wild land in Hopkins County, near the present village of White Plains, where he subsequently improved the farm upon which he still resides. He was for four years one of the magistrates of his precinct. He was married January 8, 1861, to Miss Elizabeth Williams, a native of Perry County, Ill. Four children blessed their union, two of whom, one son and one daughter, are living. Mr. Harrison and family are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is also an earnest advocate of the temperance cause; in politics he is a Democrat. [13][14][15]
December 20 to January 3, 1863: Dr. William McKinnon Goodlove (1st cousin, 3 times removed) and the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Sherman’s Yazoo Expedition December 20, 1862, to January 3, 1863. [16]
January 3-10, 1863: Dr. William McKinnon Goodlove (1st cousin, 3 times removed) and the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Expedition to Arkansas Post, Ark., January 3-10, 1863. [17]
Zebulon Vance Monument
Zebulon Vance Monument.jpg
Asheville, NC
Governor Vance was a States' Righter and some of his independent actions, however, did not find favor in Richmond. In particular, there was disagreement over his policy of exporting North Carolina cotton abroad by way of blockade runner ships and using the material received in exchange for the benefit of North Carolinians, both civilian and military. Because of that policy, North Carolina was the only Confederate state to equip and clothe its own regiments, but much of the blockade runner supplies were shared with the rest of the Confederacy. General Longstreet's Army, for example, received 12,000 uniforms from North Carolina after the Battle of Chickamauga.
January 3, 1863: Boon Hill Johnston County NC. Jan 3rd. 1863
To His Excellency Gov. Vance,
"Sir, The people of Johnston County owe allegiance first to North Carolina secondly to the Confederate States, and accordingly, to my Humble judgement protection is due from North Carolina to her Citizens even against the injustice of the Confederate authorities; but so far from the State protecting Johnston County and equalizeing her among her sister Counties, the State itself seems at the present time to be almost as injust as the would be Aristocratic and demanding Horse leeches of the Confederate Service. Not long since a man, who said he had authority from the Commander at Goldsboro, but who could not read his own instructions, having never had the blessing extended to him of learning his letters came to this his native County with and armed force to press and take our wagons & mules from us, his particular friends he passed by lightly, those whom he before had old grudge against, he robed of all they had in the way of teames, and if they objected he threatened them should they not hush there complaints to take them and force them into the Confederate Service. . . ." -- With Great Respect I am Your obt Servant
W. A. Smith [18]
Sun. January 3, 1864:
Went to cedar rapids to start to davenport had a good time.[19]
January 3, 1872: Notes for MARION CRAWFORD:
Letter of Administration for Marion Crawford
Marion Crawford died Intestate
Marshall N. Crawford apptd. to adm. estate 3 January 3, 1872
Marion Crawford...Marshall N. Crawford Admn. with C.B.L. Booth, heirs Elizabeth Crawford, William Crawford, Laura Whitsett, Ann E. Selvey, Rany Selvey, M.N. Crawford, J.D. Crawford, F. Crawford, Valentine Crawford the children of Susan Vandever & the children of Melvina Selvey, & Susan Crawford. [20]
January 3, 1872: Notes for MARION CRAWFORD:
Letter of Administration for Marion Crawford
Marion Crawford died Intestate
Marshall N. Crawford apptd. to adm. estate 3 January 3, 1872
Marion Crawford...Marshall N. Crawford Admn. with C.B.L. Booth, heirs Elizabeth Crawford, William Crawford, Laura Whitsett, Ann E. Selvey, Rany Selvey, M.N. Crawford, J.D. Crawford, F. Crawford, Valentine Crawford the children of Susan Vandever & the children of Melvina Selvey, & Susan Crawford. [21]
January 3, 1891: In July 1888, Baum and his wife moved to Aberdeen, Dakota Territory, where he opened a store, "Baum's Bazaar". His habit of giving out wares on credit led to the eventual bankrupting of the store,[11] so Baum turned to editing a local newspaper, The Aberdeen Saturday Pioneer, where he wrote a column, Our Landlady.[12] Following the death of Sitting Bull at the hands of a federal agent, Baum urged the wholesale extermination of all America's native peoples in a column he wrote on December 20, 1890. On January 3, 1891 he reverted to the subject in an editorial response to the Wounded Knee Massacre:[13]
The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries, we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth.[14]
A recent analysis of these editorials has challenged their literal interpretation, suggesting that the actual intent of Baum was to generate sympathy for the Indians via obnoxious argument, ostensibly promoting the contrary position.[15]
Baum's description of Kansas in The Wonderful Wizard of Oz is based on his experiences in drought-ridden South Dakota. During much of this time, Matilda Joslyn Gage was living in the Baum household. While Baum was in South Dakota, he sang in a quartet that included a man who would become one of the first Populist (People's Party) Senators in the U.S., James Kyle.[citation needed][16][22]
January 3, 1891: Following the December 29, 1890, massacre, Baum wrote a second editorial, published on January 3, 1891:
The peculiar policy of the government in employing so weak and vacillating a person as General Miles to look after the uneasy Indians, has resulted in a terrible loss of blood to our soldiers, and a battle which, at best, is a disgrace to the war department. There has been plenty of time for prompt and decisive measures, the employment of which would have prevented this disaster.
The Pioneer has before declared that our only safety depends upon the total extirmination [sic] of the Indians. Having wronged them for centuries we had better, in order to protect our civilization, follow it up by one more wrong and wipe these untamed and untamable creatures from the face of the earth. In this lies safety for our settlers and the soldiers who are under incompetent commands. Otherwise, we may expect future years to be as full of trouble with the redskins as those have been in the past.
An eastern contemporary, with a grain of wisdom in its wit, says that "when the whites win a fight, it is a victory, and when the Indians win it, it is a massacre."[35][37]
These two short editorials continue to haunt his legacy. In 2006, two descendants of Baum apologized to the Sioux nation for any hurt their ancestor had caused.[38]
The short story, "The Enchanted Buffalo", claims to be a legend of a tribe of bison, and states that a key element made it into legends of Native American tribes. Father Goose, His Book contains poems such as "There Was a Little Nigger Boy" and "Lee-Hi-Lung-Whan." In The Last Egyptian, Lord Roane uses "nigger" to insult the title character, while in The Daring Twins, set in the American South, the only character to use the term is a boy from Boston complaining that his mother uses their money to help "naked niggers in Africa." Baum mentions his characters' distaste for a Hopi snake dance in Aunt Jane's Nieces and Uncle John, but also deplores the horrible situation of Indian Reservations. Aunt Jane's Nieces on the Ranch has a hard-working Mexican present himself as an exception to reiterate Anglo stereotypes of Mexican laziness.[citation needed] Baum's mother-in-law, Woman's Suffrage leader Matilda Joslyn Gage, had great influence over Baum's views. Gage was initiated into the Wolf Clan and admitted into the Iroquois Council of Matrons for her outspoken respect and sympathy for Native American people; it would seem unlikely that Baum could have harbored animosity for them in his mature years.
The interpretation of the Indian editorials has been explored in the context of satire and reverse psychology, highlighting their ironic inconsistencies. Analysis of Baum literature, both subsequent to and contemporary with the editorials, appears to reveal sympathy with the plight of the Indians, suggesting that in these editorials “…he was not advocating holocaust, he was deploring it, at the moment it was occurring and in the midst of it … (he) found himself surrounded not by bloodthirsty redskins, but rather by his subscribers, bloodthirsty frontier rednecks.”[39]
January 3, 1907
(Central City Herald) Earl Goodlove butchered a beef Saturday. Misses Goodlove entertained their friend Miss Emma Wilkinson Saturday night and Sunday. (Winton Goodlove’s note:Emma later married Orvill Andrews.) [23]
January 3, 1909: Permelia Smith (b. March 6, 1824 in GA / d. January 3, 1909 in GA)[24]
Permelia Smith12 [Gabriel D. Smith11 , Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. March 6, 1824 in Franklin Co. GA / d. January 3, 1909 in Carroll Co. GA) married Calving Howard Powell (b. December 23, 1823 in NC /d . April 2, 1911 in Carroll Co. GA) on October 30, 1844 in Carroll Co. GA.
A. Children of Permelia Smith and Calvin Powell:
. i. Missouri Martha Powell (b. December 16, 1847 in GA / d. February 15, 1918)
+ . ii. Mary Clark Powell (b. December 21, 1847 in GA / d. October 27, 1901 in GA)
+ . iii. Diedna Evelyn Powell (b. abt. 1849 in GA / d. June 3, 1907 in AL)
. iv. Nancy E. Powell (b. October 21, 1851 in GA / d. May 3, 1930)
. v. Infant Powell (b. abt. 1853 in GA)
. vi. Thomas J. Powell (b. abt. 1855)
. vii. Charles O. Powell (b. December 13, 1856 in GA / d. June 22, 1871)
. viii. James Darius Powell (b. July 31, 1859 in GA / d. April 7, 1932)
+ . ix. John Marion Powell (b. May 1862 in GA / d. abt. 1937)
. x. Calvin R. Powell (b. February 22, 1863 in GA / d. October 18, 1930)
. xi. Sarah Adalina Powell (b. March 8 1865 in GA)
. xii. Indiana Hassie Powell (b. February 3, 1867 in GA / d. January 6, 1894)[25]
January 3, 1921: William Levis Parker (b. January 3, 1921 in AL / d. June 27, 1984 in AL)[26]
January 3, 1943: John Simon GUTLEBEN was born on December 17, 1875 in Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died on January 9, 1955 in , Alameda,CA at age 79.
John married Charlotte J. FROHLIGER on July 11, 1916 in ,,CA. Charlotte was born in 1897 in ,,OH and died on January 3, 1943 in ,Alameda,CA at age 46.
John next married Lucy MULKEY in September 1948 in ,,CA. Lucy was born on August 27, 1876 in ,Butler,KS and died on August 29, 1974 in Forest Grove,Lane,OR at age 98. [27]
January 3, 1959: Alaska joins the Union as the forty ninth state.[28]
January 3, 1997: Judy Siegel. "Genetic link found among 'kohanim'." The Jerusalem Post (January 3, 1997).
"Kol ha-Kohanim hem be'emet b'nei Kohanim ekhad." Ma'ariv (January 5, 1997 = 27 Tevet 5757). Original article in Hebrew. Translation of excerpts:
"Research in genetics done on the Y chromosome, in other words, the one passed directly from father to son, provides some answers and proves that Jews who are Kohanim are really the descendants of one man, the founder of the 'Cohen Dynasty' according to Jewish tradition. Moreover, the research discovered that the same unique genetic markings that are found on the same chromosome are the same for a Sephardic or an Ashkenazic, born in Europe, North Africa, or anywhere in the world. The research was led by Professor Karl Skorecky... His co-workers were Dr. Sara Zelig and Dr. Shraga Belzer. ...and Lynn Bergman... and staff from the University of Arizona, USA. ... The report was published last weekend in the respected periodical 'Nature'
• 3,500 years ago…A Genetic Trace is Found Linking Kohanim Worldwide
• Report by Grant Jeffrey
• A newspaper report from Jerusalem dated January 3, 1997 indicates that scientists have found a unique genetic chromosome linking Jews of the priestly tribe (Kohanim) worldwide. The researchers found these Jewish Kohanim, whether from the Ashkenazi (European) or the Sephardi (Spanish and Middle Eastern) branches share a variation of the Y chromosome. This is a very strong evidence that these individuals are descendants of one man, Aaron the High Priest, who lived 3,500 years ago. Prof. Karl Skorecki, a senior nephrologist (blood specialist) at Rambam Hospital in Haifa is the head of molecular medicine at Israel's Technion's medical school. He and his colleagues published their findings in Nature, a British science journal.
• The scientists obtained genetic samples from the inside of the cheeks of unrelated Jewish men who lived in three nations. They asked in they were Kohanim, related to the priestly tribe. The genetic phenotypes of 188 Jews who believed they were descended from the Kohanim were different genetically from those Jews in the sample who were not kohanim. The researchers found a preponderance of the YAP, DYS19B haplotype in the priestly kohanim This Y chromosome is carried only by men and is passed down father to son patrilineally. Mitichondrial DNA, on the other hand, is transmitted by the mother's X chromosomes. Professor Skorecki explained that it was impressive how the characteristic Y chromosome was passed down the generations despite centuries of assimilation over the last two thousand years. Professor Skorecki did not choose kohanim based on their names (Cohen, Rappaport, or Shapiro, etc.). Rather, they asked if their family tradition claimed they were kohanim.
• The professor is himself a kohen. He noticed another kohen in a synagogue and wondered if they could be genetically linked since the Bible claimed they were all descended from Aaron. "I wanted to know if it were possible to find a genetic connection." It is estimated that approximately 5 percent (350,000 men) of the 7 million male Jews worldwide are descended from the priestly tribe. The priests led Israel in its worship in the Temple and Tabernacle from the time of Aaron. God commanded that they would not be given a tribal territory like the other tribes. Instead the Levites would receive tithes from the sacrifices in the Temple. Since the Roman army burned the Temple in A.D. 70 the kohanim priesthood required its members to keep ritually pure by not touching a corpse or marrying a divorcee.
• Dr. Skorecki and his fellow researchers discovered a preponderance of the YAP, DYS19B haplotype in the priestly kohanim but they did not find this in Jews that were not descended from the kohanim. This genetic evidence was found in kohanim from both the Ashkenazi (European) and the Sephardi (Spanish and Middle Eastern) branches of the worldwide Jewish population. This is a strong proof that the Aaronic priesthood existed in the distant past as the Bible relates. This provides fascinating evidence that the Jewish priesthood predated the division of the Jewish people into the Ashkenazi and the Sephardi branches, these two major ethnic groups, which occurred approximately a 1,000 years ago during the Middle Ages. [29]
January 3, 2009: "Spanish Inquisition couldn't quash Moorish, Jewish genes." ScienceNews 175:1 (January 3, 2009). Excerpts:
"'The genetic makeup of Sephardic Jews is probably common to other Middle Eastern populations, such as the Phoenicians, that also settled the Iberian Peninsula,' Calafell says. 'In our study, that would have all fallen under the Jewish label. The 20% of Spaniards that are identified as having Sephardim ancestry in the study could have inherited that same marker from older movements like the Phoenicians, or even the first Neolithic settlers thousands of years ago.'" [30]
January 3, 2011:
From: C. Michael Watson []
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2011
Subject: Grand Lodge of Ohio: Masonic History of Ancestors
Goodlove, W. M. (William M.)
Lodge No. 209
Initiated February 10, 1873
Passed December 1, 1873
Raised May 17, 1875
Dimitted June 25, 1877
Affiliated July 17, 1877
Susp. N.P.D. July 1, 1793
Reinstated December 3, 1895
Died December 26, 1915[31]
January 13, 2013: Ancient Traces of Terrace Farming Found Near Petra
LiveScience Staff
Date: January 3, 2013 Time: 09:28 AM ET
UC doctoral student Christian Cloke in front of the Monastery of Ed Deir at Petra.
CREDIT: Brown University Petra Archaeological Project
The ancient city of Petra, which was carved into the desert cliffs of modern-day Jordan, might look inhospitably bone-dry today, but new archaeological evidence shows that its first-century inhabitants took advantage of what little water reached the region to farm wheat, grapes and possibly olives just outside the city.
Researchers say extensive terrace farming and dam construction in an agricultural suburb north of Petra began about 2,000 years ago — sometime before the Romans took control of the city from the Nabataeans in A.D. 106. The Nabataeans were a people who wrote using an Aramaic language and controlled caravan trade throughout the region. (A small number of the Dead Sea Scrolls were apparently written in Aramaic.)
"No doubt the explosion of agricultural activity in the first century and the increased wealth that resulted from the wine and oil production made Petra an exceptionally attractive prize for Rome," researcher Christian Cloke, a doctoral student at the University of Cincinnati, said in a statement. "The region around Petra not only grew enough food to meet its own needs, but also would have been able to provide olives, olive oil, grapes and wine for trade. This robust agricultural production would have made the region a valuable asset for supplying Roman forces on the empire's eastern frontier."
This canyon dam and water pipe were part of ancient Petra's complex water-management system.
CREDIT: Brown University Petra Archaeological Project
The researchers involved in the Brown University Petra Archaeological Project (BUPAP) say they found evidence of quite impressive systems to dam riverbeds and redirect rainwater from the region's brief and torrential winter downpours to the hillside farming terraces north of the city. Meanwhile, Petra's inhabitants took advantage of the broad watershed of sandstone hills that naturally guided water to the city center by building a complex system of pipes and channels to direct water to underground cisterns for storage.
"Perhaps most significantly, it's clear that they had considerable knowledge of their surrounding topography and climate," Cloke said. "The Nabataeans differentiated watersheds and the zones of use for water: water collected and stored in the city itself was not cannibalized for agricultural uses. The city's administrators clearly distinguished water serving the city's needs from water to be redirected and accumulated for nurturing crops."
These initial conclusions from the first three seasons of BUPAP fieldwork promise more exciting discoveries about how the inhabitants of Petra cultivated the outlying landscape and supported the city's population, the researchers noted. The presence of highly developed systems of landscape modification and water management at Petra also offer insight into geopolitical changes and Roman imperialism.
Cloke will present the findings January 4 at the Archaeological Institute of America annual meeting in Seattle.
Follow LiveScience on Twitter @livescience. We're also on Facebook & Google+. [32]
Ancient Carving Shows Stylishly Plump African Princess
Owen Jarus, LiveScience Contributor
Date: January 3, 2013 Time: 09:07 AM ET
ancient relief with carving of princess
Dating back around 2,000 years and discovered in a palace in the ancient city of Meroe in Sudan, this relief appears to show a princess who is, fashionably, overweight.
CREDIT: Image courtesy Krzysztof Grzymski
A 2,000-year-old relief carved with an image of what appears to be a, stylishly overweight, princess has been discovered in an "extremely fragile" palace in the ancient city of Meroë, in Sudan, archaeologists say.
At the time the relief was made, Meroë was the center of a kingdom named Kush, its borders stretching as far north as the southern edge of Egypt. It wasn't unusual for queens (sometimes referred to as "Candaces") to rule, facing down the armies of an expanding Rome.
The sandstone relief shows a woman smiling, her hair carefully dressed and an earring on her left ear. She appears to have a second chin and a bit of fat on her neck, something considered stylish, at the time, among royal women from Kush.
Team leader Krzysztof Grzymski presented the relief, among other finds from the palace at Meroë, at an Egyptology symposium held recently at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto.
Famous Meroe pyramids surrounded with dunes.
In addition to its palaces Meroe is well known for its fields of steep-sided pyramids where royal members of the kingdom of Kush were buried.
CREDIT: urosr | Shutterstock
Researchers don't know the identity of the woman being depicted, but based on the artistic style the relief appears to date back around 2,000 years and show someone royal. "It's similar to other images of princesses," Grzymski told LiveScience in an interview. He said that the headdress hasn't survived and it cannot be ruled out that it actually depicts a queen.
Why royal women in Kush preferred to be depicted overweight is a long-standing mystery. "There is a distinct possibility that the large size of the Candaces represented fertility and maternity," wrote the late Miriam Ma'at-Ka-Re Monges, who was a professor at California State University, Chico, and an expert on Kush, in an article published in The Encyclopedia of Black Studies (Sage Publications, 2005).
An ancient palace
The discovery occurred in 2007 as Grzymski's team was exploring a royal palace in the city, trying to determine its date. The sandstone blocks that made up its foundation were "extremely fragile," according to Grzymski, and the team found that the palace dated to late in the life of Kush's existence. The blocks were re-used in antiquity by the palace's builders and were originally from buildings that stood in earlier times.
When they found the relief it "was loose and falling apart so we just took it out," Grzymski said. It was brought to a museum in Khartoum, Sudan's modern capital, for safekeeping. "There's always a danger of robbers coming and taking [them] out, so many of those decorated blocks were in danger."
map of meroe in sudan
The ancient city of Meroe is located on the Nile River about 125 miles (200 km) northeast of Khartoum, the modern day capital of Sudan.
CREDIT: Image courtesy Wikimedia
They found many other decorated blocks as well, Grzymski said. Because they had been re-used in antiquity the blocks were out of order and presented researchers with a giant jigsaw puzzle.
"Ideally, I would like to dismantle this whole wall, this foundation wall, and take out the decorated blocks and see if we would be able reconstruct some other structures from which the blocks came," Grzymski told the Toronto audience.
It's one of many, many, tasks that need to be done in the ancient city. "It's considered one of the largest archaeological sites in Africa," Grzymski said of Meroë. "This site will be worked on for a hundred years perhaps before it's fully explored."
Grzymski is a curator at the Royal Ontario Museum and the symposium was organized by the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities and the museum's Friends of Ancient Egypt group.
"Ideally, I would like to dismantle this whole wall, this foundation wall, and take out the decorated blocks and see if we would be able reconstruct some other structures from which the blocks came," Grzymski told the Toronto audience.
It's one of many, many, tasks that need to be done in the ancient city. "It's considered one of the largest archaeological sites in Africa," Grzymski said of Meroë. "This site will be worked on for a hundred years perhaps before it's fully explored."
Grzymski is a curator at the Royal Ontario Museum and the symposium was organized by the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities and the museum's Friends of Ancient Egypt group.
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[2] Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence, pg 308
[3] Gerol “Gary” GoodloveConrad and Caty, 2003
[4] Ohio Arch. and His. Society Publications.
[5] The Brothers Crawford, Allen W. Scholl, 1995
[6] This is an historian’s careful reconstruction of American troops in NewJersey, by Samuel Stelle Smith in The Battle of Princeton (Monmouth Beach, N.J., 1967), 36. Washington’s Crossing by David Hackett Fischer pg. 381
[9] Historical reg. of Virginians in the Rev., soldiers, saliiors and marines, 1775-1783. Ed. By John H. Gwathmey. Richmond, Va. 1938 (13,872p. :380
[10] ://
[11] Badass by Ben Thompson, page 214.
[12] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824
[13] Source: Kentucky: A History of the State, Perrin, Battle & Kniffin, 2nd ed., 1885, Hopkins Co.
Other Kentucky Biographies.
Return to Index of Harrison Biographies
The Harrison Genealogy Repository
Last Updated: January 28, 1998
© 1998 Josephine Bass and Becky Bonner. All rights reserved.
[14] Becky Bonner E-Mail Address:
Josephine Lindsay Bass E-Mail Address:
[16] History of Logan County and Ohio, O.L. Basking & Co., Chicago, 1880. page 692.
[17] History of Logan County and Ohio, O.L. Basking & Co., Chicago, 1880. page 692.
[19] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary
[22] Wikipedia
[23] Winton Goodlove papers.
[24] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[25] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[26] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[27] Descendents of Elias Gotleben, Email from Alice, May 2010.
[28] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[31] Grand Lodge of Ohio, January 10, 2011
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