Saturday, March 16, 2013

This Day in Goodlove History, March 16

This Day in Goodlove History, March 16

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Jeff Goodlove email address:

Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.

The Goodlove Family History Website:

The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

Birthdays: Alisha A. Cunningham, Isaac Godlove

Remembrance: Gariella Hanna Morris.

March 16, 597 BCE: Nebuchadnezzar captures Jerusalem and begins deporting Jews to Babylon. [1][1] King Jehoiachin and many other leadeing citizens, including a young priest named Ezekiel, are exiled to Babylon. Zedekiah, uncle of Jehoiachin, is appointed king of Judah. [2][2] In the Bible, the event is recorded in 2 Kings 24:1ff. and in 2 Chronicles 36:5-8. It is also implied in the early chapters of Jeremiah and Ezekiel.[3]

Genes Tell Intricate Tale of Jewish Diaspora

Stephanie Pappas, LiveScience Senior Writer

Date: 06 August 2012 Time: 03:00 PM ET

The Aben Danan Synagogue in Fez, Morocco, brings a North African flare to the Jewish faith.
CREDIT: Anibal Trejo, Shutterstock

A new genetic map paints a comprehensive picture of the 2,000 or so years in which different Jewish groups migrated across the globe, with some becoming genetically isolated units while others seemed to mix and mingle more.

The new findings allow researchers to trace the diaspora, or the historical migration, of the Jews, which began in the sixth century B.C. when the Babylonians conquered the Kingdom of Judah. Some Jews remained in Judah under Babylonian rule, while others fled to Egypt and other parts of the Middle East. Jewish migrations have continued into the present day.

The study researchers found that the genomes of Jewish North African groups are distinct from one another, but that they show linkages to each other absent from their non-Jewish North African neighbors. The findings reveal a history of close-knit communities prone to intermarriage, said study leader Harry Ostrer of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York.

"Virtually all the Jewish groups we've studied tend to be quite closely related to one another," Ostrer said. "It would seem for most Jewish groups, there is a biological basis for their Jewishness which is based on their sharing of DNA segments."

Tracing Jewish genetics

Ostrer and his colleagues have been studying the genetics of Jewish groups throughout Europe and the Middle East, both to reconstruct the history of the religion and to investigate diseases such as the genetic disorder Tay-Sachs that disproportionately affect this population. In 2010, the group reported on the genetics of seven European and Middle Eastern populations. The new study, published today (Aug. 6) in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, expands the findings to a total of 15 groups, with the newest additions from Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya and the island of Djerba. [Photos: Ancient Jewish Treasure]

The researchers worked with local communities to get volunteers to offer blood samples for genetic analysis. The current study analyzed the genes of 509 unrelated North African individuals, comparing them across groups. Similar work has been done linking ancient Israeli and Syrian people to Ethiopia.

The results revealed close relations between North African and European Jews, Ostrer said. The researchers also found two distinct groups of North African Jews, one comprised of Libyan and Tunisian Jews and the other of Moroccan and Algerian Jews. These groups were more likely to share DNA segments than other Jewish groups, indicating more shared genetic history.

"I like to think of Jewishness as a tapestry with these DNA segments representing the threads that weave the tapestry together," Ostrer said. Non-Jews can convert to Judaism, but membership in the group is also passed down along a matrilineal line, meaning Jewishness straddles the line between religion, ethnicity and culture.

A history of migration

The findings tended to track with what is known of the history of the Jewish Diaspora, or spread of the Jewish people, through North Africa. For example, there was evidence of gene-sharing between North African Jews and non-Jews, but generally not recently, the researchers found.

"This tends to fit the historical observation that during Islamic times from roughly the eighth century to roughly the 20th century, there was limited intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews," Ostrer said.

Among Moroccan and Algerian Jews, there was evidence of some mixing with the Sephardic Jews who trace their roots to the Iberian Peninsula. Again, the genetic results back up the known history of Sephardic Jews leaving Spain and Portugal, with some settling in Morocco and Algeria.

The findings help create a "comprehensive view of what the Jewish Diaspora was like," Ostrer said. Major times of movement included the classic period of Greek and Roman dominance, when Jewish groups migrated out of the Middle East and into Europe and North Africa, converting locals and intermarrying along the way. A second major migration occurred after the Spanish Inquisition in the late 1400s and early 1500s, a time when Jews and Muslims were ordered to convert to Catholicism or leave Spain. [10 Myths of Medieval Torture]

The most recent movement began in the late 1800s and continues today, with immigration to the United States, Israel, Canada, Australia and South Africa, Ostrer said.

The United States and Latin America tend to be a "melting pot" of genetics, Ostrer said — 50 percent to 60 percent of American Jews marry someone of a different religion or ethnicity — but the "Old World" genetics of European and North African Jews are helpful in understanding certain diseases.

In these populations, people married within their communities and even within their own families for centuries, allowing studies on relatively few people to be extrapolated more widely throughout the population. In a similar example, researchers recently found a gene that protects against Alzheimer's disease in Icelandic populations. Those results were reported July 21 in the journal Nature. The same sort of research is possible in Jewish populations, Ostrer said.

"It represents an extraordinary resource that is much harder to do, for instance, in the European-American population, because there has been such a melting pot occurring there," he said.

Follow Stephanie Pappas on Twitter @sipappas or LiveScience @livescience. We're also on Facebook & Google+. [4]

596-586 B.C.: Zedekiah, King of Southern Israel.[5]


Amasis. Egypt became a sea power in the Eastern Mediterranean and entertained relations with the Greek islands and the Greek colonies in Cyrenaica. Defensive alliances with Croesus of Lydia and Polycrates of Samos against the Persians failed. Amases son Psamtik III was defeated by the Persian king Cambyses at Pelusium in 525.[6]

595 B.C.

Jeremiah dated these prophecies against Babylon to Zedekiah’s fourth year as King. (595 B.C.)Jeremiah 50:1-46.[7]

595 BCE: An insurrection in Bablyon is joined by some Judeans.[8]

594 BCE: Judah and some local states, hearing of the insurrection against Bablyon, plan their own revolt. The plot fails to materialize, and King Zedekiah reassures King Nebuchadrezzar of his loyalty.[9]

594 B.C.: Jeremiah preached the following sermons around the time that the false prophet Hananiah plotted against Jeremiah. This happened during Zedekiah’s reign in 594 B.C.[10]

594 BCE: The prophet Jeremiah wears an ox yoke to symbolize his advice to submit to the yoke of Babylon.[11]

593 BCE: Ezekial begins to prophesy to his fellow Judean exiles in Babylon. The prophet envisions YHWH visiting him from Jerusalem in a heavenly chariot, which will later become the object of Jewish mystical speculation. He regurgitates a message of Jerusalem’s doom, written on a scroll Ezekiel is said to eat. Although he affirms the possibility of last minute repentance, he foresees catastrophe as he mimes to his audience the impending siege and exile of Jerusalem.[12]

593-571 B.C.: Ezekiel, major prophet of Southern Israel.[13]

March 16, 37 CE: Caligula becomes Roman Emperor after the death of his great uncle, Tiberius. Caligula was a challenge to all those he ruled, including the Jews, because he was “crazy.” Among other things, he appointed his favorite horse to the position of Consul. He did present a special problem for Jews because he believed he was a god and expected to be worshipped by his subjects. Fortunately, he never succeeded in having his golden image installed in the Temple of Jerusalem. After a bizarre meeting with a delegation of Jews from Alexander that included the famous Philo, Caligula said of the Jews, “They’re not so bad after all. They’re just a poor, stupid people unable to believe in my divinity”.[14]

March 16: 455 CE: Valentinian III, Western Roman Emperor passed away. During his reign, the position of Jews continued to worsen. Under one imperial decree, Jews were excluded from government service and were prohibited from practicing law. Another decree made it possible for the children of Jews who converted to Christianity to inherit the property of their Jewish parents.[15]

March 16, 1190: 500 Jews of York were massacred after a six day siege by departing Crusaders, backed by a number of people indebted to Jewish money-lenders. German chronicler’s account in Medieval Sourcebook.[16] On the Sabbath eve before Passover ("Shabbat Hagadol") in York, England, a group made up of clergy, barons indebted to the Jews, and crusaders waiting to follow Richard, set Jewish houses on fire and stole all their valuables. The Jews under Josce, a prominent Jew of York, and their Rabbi, Yom Tov of Joigny (a contemporary of Rabbenu Tam and author of the Yom Kippur Hymn "Omnam Ken"), fled to the castle. Richard Malebys (a noble who owed large sums to Jewish moneylenders) commanded the attackers. For 6 days the Jews held out. A monk who came each morning to celebrate mass and inflame the crowd was killed by a stone thrown from the tower. Facing the choice of baptism or death, most chose death. (Josce killed his wife and two children, and was in turn killed by the Rabbi). The vast majority killed themselves after destroying their belongings. Josce was the last to die. The few who remained opened the gate and requested baptism. They were massacred anyway. Over 150 Jews died.[17]

March 16, 1297: Joan's father, Edward I (Longshanks) was planning another marriage for Joan to Amadeus V, Count of Savoy,[20] to occur March 16, 1297. Joan was in a dangerous predicament, as she was already married, unbeknownst to her father.[18] When the marriage was revealed to Edward I, Joan's condition would certainly have been apparent, and would have convinced Edward that he had no choice but to recognize his daughter's marriage.[19]

Edward I (Longshanks) is the 21st great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

Joan of Acre is the 20th great grand aunt of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16th, 1517 - Pope Leo X signs 5th Council of Lateranen[20]

March 16th, 1521 - Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan reaches Philippines[21]

Saturday c. March 16, 1754

Sieur de Contrecoeur[22] sets out from Fort Le Boeuf with an expedition of 600 men to take the Forks of the Ohio and begin construction of a fort by which French claims to the area can be secured. [23]

March 16, 1776: On the 16th,(March 16) Gen. v. Heister went on board the Commodore's ship " Elizabeth," and owing to the lack of transportation, he was obliged to leave Rail's and Mirbach's regiments, and 154 men of Knyphausen's, behind. On the iyth the fleet set sail forty-four vessels under Commodore Parker. On the 26th (March 26) it reached Portsmouth, where the English troops already on other vessels, gave them a hearty welcome. On the 28th (March 28) divine service was held in accordance with the German piety of the time, every soldier had a prayer book in his knapsack, and men and officers were in the habit of daily pious exercises.

The English authorities urged the instant departure of the German division, but Heister tried hard to secure delay until all his troops were in hand, but

he was obliged to yield. On May 6th, the fleet, under Admiral Hotham, consisting of 150 sail, finally got under way ; the convoy consisted of six men-of war and two cruisers. There were 12,500 troops on board, of which 7,400 were Hessians. [24]

March 16, 1778: Winch, David, Lancaster, Capt. Ebenezer Belknap's co., Col. Nathaniel Wade's regt.; enlisted March 16, 1778; service to July 15, 1778, 3 mos. 29 days, at Rhode Island; roll dated North Kingston.[25]

David Winch is the 1st cousin 7 times removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1802: The United States Military Academy West Point is established.[26]

March 16, 1824: Andrew Jackson received a gold medal voted by Congress for War of 1812 service.[27]

Andrew Jackson is the 2nd cousin 8 times removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1826: Isaac GODLOVE
Birth: March 16, 1826 Wheatfield VA
Spouse: Unknown REEDY ( - )
Marriage: Unk.[28]

Wed. March 16, 1864

Started on the march. Camped 6 miles west of iberie. 14 mile march. Nice camp

Received a letter from wildcat. [29]

William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1865: William McKinnon Goodlove, and the Union Army, K Co. 57th Inf Reg. in Ohio at the Battle at Waynesboro, North Carolina on March 16, 1865.He Mustered out at Little Rock Arkansas, August 14, 1865. [30]

William Mckinnon Goodlove is the 1st cousin 3 times removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1865: Battle of Averysboro, N.C.[31]

March 16, 1874: Charles Smith12 [Gabriel D. Smith11 , Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. August 19, 1833 in Franklin co. GA / d. November 12, 1907 in Carroll Co. G A) married Sarah Jane Barrow (b. October 29, 1829 in Upson Co. GA / d. December 19, 1910) on November 14, 1852 in Carroll Co. GA.

A. Children of Charles Smith and Sarah Barrow:
. i. Nancy C. Smith (b. abt. 1857 / d. abt. 1931)
+ . ii. William Wesley Smith (b. February 1861 / d. abt. 1943)
. iii. John T. Smith (b. abt. 1866)
+ . iv. James David Smith (b. October 16, 1868 in GA / d. may 9, 1942)
. v. Lucinda E. Smith (b. abt. 1871)
+ . vi. Emory Eli Smith (b. March 16, 1874 / d. June 9, 1961)
. vii. Elvira S. Smith (b. abt. 1876)[32]

Emory Eli Smith is the 5th cousin 6x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1911: Joseph Mengele was born on March 16, 1911, in Gunzburg, Germany. His father founded Frima Karl Mengele & Sohne, a factory that produced farm machinery, in Bavaria. In college, Mengele first studied philosophy, imbibing the rascist theories of Alfred Rosenberg—who posited the innate intellectual and moral superiority of Aryans—and then took a medical degree at the University of Frankfurt am Main. Soon thereafter he enlisted in the SA, the paramilitary force of the Nazi Party. Mengele was so enthusiastic about Nazism that in 1934 he joined the research staff of the Nazi Institute for Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene.

When war erupted, Mengele was a medical officer with the SS, the elite squad of Hitler's bodyguards who later emerged as a secret police force that waged campaigns of terror in the name of Nazism. In 1943, Mengele was called to a position that would earn him his well-deserved infamy. SS head Heinrich Himmler appointed Mengele the chief doctor of the Auschwitz death camps in Poland.

Mengele, in distinctive white gloves, supervised the selection of Auschwitz' incoming prisoners for either torturous labor or immediate extermination, shouting either "Right!" or "Left!" to direct them to their fate. Eager to advance his medical career by publishing "groundbreaking" work, he then began experimenting on live Jewish prisoners. In the guise of medical "treatment," Mengele injected, or ordered others to inject, thousands of inmates with everything from petrol to chloroform to study the chemicals' effects. Among other atrocities, he plucked out the eyes of Gypsy corpses to study eye pigmentation, and conducted numerous gruesome studies of twins.

Mengele managed to escape imprisonment after the war, first by working as a farm stableman in Bavaria, then by moving to South America. He became a citizen of Paraguay in 1959. He later moved to Brazil, where he met up with another former Nazi party member, Wolfgang Gerhard. In 1985, a multinational team of forensic experts traveled to Brazil in search of Mengele. They determined that a man named Gerhard had died of a stroke while swimming in 1979. Dental records later revealed that Mengele had, at some point, assumed Gerhard's identity and was the stroke victim.

A fictional account of Josef Mengele's life after the war was depicted in the film Boys from Brazil, with Mengele portrayed by Gregory Peck.[33]

March 16, 1916

Earl Goodlove is making plans to build a new 36X56 barn on his farm this spring.[34]

Earl Lee Goodlove is the great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1935: In violation of the Versailles Treaty, conscription is resumed in Germany.[35]

March 16, 1939: J. Darius Smith12 [Gabriel D. Smith11 , Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. January 28, 1841 in Carroll Co. GA / d. unk) married Emily Caroline Michael (b. abt. 1847 in GA) on November 29, 1866 in Carroll Co. GA.

A. Children of J. Smith and Emily Michael:
. i. Perens W. Smith (b. July 29, 1868 in GA / d. August 10, 1937)

More about Perens Smith:
Perens married Joseph Enoch Smith (b. April 20, 1867 / d. March 16, 1939)[36]

Joseph Enoch Smith is the husband of the 6th cousin 5x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 16, 1941: President Roosevelt promises that the United States will supply England and the Allies with military aid.[37]

October 6, 1941-March 16,1945 : A total of 46,067 Prague Jews are deported to the “east” and to Theresienstadt.[38]

March 16, 1942: 1800 Jews are transported from the nearby Jungerhoffer concentration camp to a nearby forest and shot. [39]

March 16, 1943: More than 1200 Jews from Lvov, Ukraine, were killed at Piaski, Poland, as retribution for the March 16 murder of an SS trooper by a Jewish man. Eleven Jewish policemen were hanged in the ghetto, 1000 Jewish slave laborers were executed, and an additional 200 Jews were murdered.[40]

March 16, 1978: Senate ratifies first Panama Treaty.[41]


• [1] [1] The Gifts of the Jews, How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, by Thomas Cahill; Page 273.

• [2] [2] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.



[5] Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.

[6] The Anchor Atlas of World History Vol. 1, From the Stone Age to the Eve of the French Revolution, 1974, pg. 25.

[7] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1047.

[8] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.

[9] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.

[10] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1057.

[11] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.

[12] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.

[13] Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.





[18] Wikipedia

[19] Wikipedia



[22] Contrecoeur. Capitaine Claude-Pierre Pecaudy de Contrecoeur. (Disagreement on date-of-birth, one source indicates 1730— but another places the date at 1703—the compiler believes the 1703 is probably the more accurate). (cawn-tra-coo-er). Accompanied Céloron on his noted expedition in 1749. Became a captain in the French marines. Onetime commandant at Fort Frontenac and veteran of several western explorations. He took the unfinished fort (stockade) at the forks of the Ohio from Ensign Ward on April 17, 1754. Contrecoeur led a force of 1,000 Troupes de la Marine and militia with eighteen cannons against Ensign Ward and his body of 42 men. Contrecoeur completed the stockade and gave it the name Fort Duquesne after the then current Governor–General of New France, Ange Duquesne de Menneville, marquis Duquesne.

Contrecoeur was commandant of Fort Duquesne before and after the Battle of the Monongahela when General Braddock’s forces were routed. The French Captain recognized that Fort Duquesne was too small to hold all his regular forces plus the Indians. The fort could hold maybe 200 people. Besides, the Indians would not attempt to hold a fort against attack. This violated their entire nature of warfare. He recognized that the British force would have to be engaged in the field before reaching the confluence.

A continued argument exists as to who was commander of Fort Duquesne at the time of the Battle of the Monongahela. This compiler’s opinion is that Contrecoeur was fort commander during the period leading up to Braddock’s arrival in the immediate area, but—was replaced in command by newly-arrived Captain Daniel de Beaujeu. When Beaujeau led the French, Canadian, and Indian force from the fort down to the battle site on the Monongahela, he was in the front ranks and was killed at the onset of the battle. At that point, he was replaced in the field by Captain Jean-Daniel Dumas who executed the remainder of the battle. When the Dumas-led force retired to Fort Duquesne, Contrecoeur resumed command. The military authorities in Montreal then replaced Contrecoeur with Dumas—maybe a couple months after the battle.

The “who” was in command after the battle becomes important to historians because of the torture and massacre conduct of the Indians after the British retreat. Accounts told by persons present at the fort paint an ugly picture of the treatment of prisoners.

Dead bodies from the Battle on the Monongahela remained unburied and identification of some was made in 1758 after Forbes occupied Fort Duquesne.

Beaujeu. Capitaine Daniel Lienard de Beaujeu. (BOH-joh). Born August 9, 1711 in Montreal and killed at the Battle of the Monongahela July 9, 1755. French officer who persuaded Fort Duquesne commander Contrecoeur to allow him to lead a group of French and Canadian soldiers plus allied Indians out of the fort and up the Monongahela River to meet the force of British General Braddock. The Indians thought Beaujeu would be leading them against an invincible force and refused his request. But, after an impassioned plea by Beaujeu where he apparently shamed them, the Indians changed their minds and added around 637 warriors to his force of some 254 French/Canadian troupes de la marine and militia. Thus, Beaujeu was able to lead a force of approximately 900 to the battle

Beaujeu was killed by the third volley from the British and was replaced by Captain Jean-Daniel Dumas (see Dumas). Some accounts record that Beaujeu had been appointed commandant of Fort Duquesne—replacing Contrecoeur. Without Beaujeu’s persuading the Indians to fight, Fort Duquesne would certainly have fallen. After Beaujeu’s death and the defeat of Braddock, Contrecoeur was quick to claim credit for the victory.

Beaujeu had a younger brother—Louis Lienard (1716-1802) who was commandant at Fort Michilimackinac 1758-1760. After the August 1760 French surrender to the British in Canada, Beaujeu turned over command to Charles de Langlade so that Beaujeu would not be the one surrendering to the enemy. Perhaps Louis Lienard felt that surrendering to an enemy who had killed his brother would have resulted in a humiliation beyond the call of duty.



[25] Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, 17 Vols. [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1998. Original data: Secretary of the Commonwealth. Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution. Vol. I-XVII. Boston, MA, USA: Wright and Potter Printing Co., 1896.


[27] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824

[28] 1. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1880 United States

[29] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove

[30] (Historical Data Systems, comp,. American Civil War Soldiers [database on-line], Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 1999.)

[31] (State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012.)

[32] Proposed Descendants of William Smith


[34] Winton Goodlove papers.

[35] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page1760.

[36] Proposed descendants of William Smith

[37] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

• [38] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1768.

[39] Nazi Collaborators, MIL, Hitlers’ Executioner, 11/8/2011.


[41] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 497

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