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This Day in Goodlove History, March 22
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspx
Birthday’s: Robert Craig, Ella L. Godlove Peterson
Remembrance: Mary C. Geyer Dennis
March 22, 1144: This date marks the first ritual murder libel which took place in in Norwich, England. It set the pattern for subsequent accusations that would be made into the 20th century all across Europe.. A 12 year old boy, William, was found dead on Easter Eve, and the Jews were accused of killing him in a mock crucifixion. They were not, however, accused of using his blood for the making of matzos, although this would become a standard feature of later libels. It was later presumed by scholars that the boy died during a cataleptic fit or else he was killed by a sexual pervert. After Easter, a synod convened and summoned the Jews to the Church court. The Jews refused on the grounds that only the king had jurisdiction over them and they feared that they would be subjected to "trial by ordeal." William was regarded as a martyred saint and a shrine was erected in his memory. In spite of this episode, there was no immediate violence against the Jews. Over the years, despite denunciations by various popes, ritual murder libels continued. Possession of a saint's shrine bestowed great economic benefits on a town because sacred relics drew pilgrims who spent money on offerings, board, and lodging. For bones to be considered sacred relics they had to be killed by a heretic (i.e. a Jew). Such charges were used as an excuse to murder Jews as late as 1900.[1]
March 22, 1190: In England, King Richard angered by the riots and the loss of crown property ( since the Jews belonged to the crown) renewed a general charter in favor of the Jews first issued by Henry II. His Chancellor Longchamp instituted heavy fines against the Pudsey and Percy families thus at the same time enriching the treasury and hurting his political opponents. Only three people who were also accused of destroying Christian property were executed.[2]
March 22, 1349: The townspeople of Fulda Germany massacred the Jews because they blamed them for the Black Death.[3]
March 22, 1369: In France, Charles V sought to force Jews to attend church services by issuing an order that included a penalty for defiance. Unless they complied "the Jews might suffer great bodily harm".[4]
March 22, 1457: The Gutenberg Bible became the first printed book. The printing revolution would soon reach the world of Jewish literature. Thanks to Gutenberg's remarkable invention, books would soon be much more readily available to the People of the Book.[5]
March 22, 1510: The Jews were expelled from Colmar Germany. Jews had been living in this town in Upper Alsac for at least three centuries prior to their expulsion for which no reason is given.[6]
March 22, 1523: Richard Smyth2 [William1] (b. abt. 1460 in Wiltshire, England / d. March 27, 1527 in Wiltshire, England) married Alice.
More about Richard Smyth:
The following is an inquisition of the Will of Robert Smythe:
Location: Fryday and
Watlyng Streets, London, Parish of St. John the Evangelist: On March 22, 1524 London (Inquisition Post Mortem). Died on March 27, 1527, London (Ibid). IPM on July 17, 1529 Guildhall 21 Henry VIII. "Inquisition taken at the Guildhall, July 17, 21 Henry VIII (1529) before John Reston, Mayor, John Hales and John Scott, Baron to the exchequer, and John Baker, recorder of the City of London, by the oath of William Cummings, Thomas Knight, Richard spar, George Hughes, Paul Alexander, William Oxley, Henry stickle, Robert Harrison, John Baxter, Robert here, Stephen Township, we in December, Thomas Osmond, Roger Hennings, Antony Elderton, John Grande and Richard rate, who say that: "Richard Smith, late of London, merchant tailor, William Fytzwyllyan, Knight, John Bylsdon, Richard Conhille, Wm. Skrynen, John Hall and John Fulwode, were seised of eight messuages, 2 tofts, and one garden lying in Fryday Street and Watlyng Street in the parish of John the Evangelist, in the ward of Bredstrete, to the use of said Richard Smith and his heirs "So seised, they enfeoffed William Wylford, senior, John Goone, Tho Cole, Tho Lee, Robt. Patchett, Paul Wythixoll, John Wylford, Jas Mychell and Robt Fell, of the premises: to hold to them and their heirs to the use of Richard Smith and his heirs, and for the fulfilment of his will. "So seised the said Richard Smith at divers times after declared to the said Wm Wylforde and his co-feoffees that it was his will that the Master and Wardens of the company of the Merchant Tailors of London and their successors should after his death have the said premises to the intent that they should find forever one priest to celebrate in the said parish church of St. John the Evangelist for the souls of the said Richard, expending upon the same 52 shillings, 5 pence. Also 13 shillings 4 pence year forever to find 2 wax candles to be burned on Sundays and festivals and one light called a Trenell before the crucifix in the said Church forever. Also 4 shillings yearly to be expended forever for the Paschal light in the said church, and 3 shillings 4 pence to be paid to the Chamberlain of the said city if present at the said anniversary. "On the 22nd March (March 22)1524, the said Richard Smythe made his will, whereby he declared that John Smythe, his son and heir, should have all the said premises, and revoked all other wills by him made.”After the death of the said Richard Smythe, the said Wm. Wilforde and his co-feoffees were seised of the said premises to the use of the said John Smythe. "So seised the said Thomas Lee and Robert Fell died, and William Wilforde, John Gone, Thomas Cole, Robert Pachett, Paul Wythixoll and John Wylford survived them.”The said John Smyth being so seised enfeoffed thereof Thomas Crumwell, John Bylsdon, Richard Ryche, Guy Crafforde, William Gynkes, Richard Holte, John Bodnam, and John Stukley: to hole to them and their heirs to the use of the said John Smyth and Joan, his wife, and heirs of the said John Smythe forever. "One of the said eight messages, in which Thomas Nixon now lives, is held of the Master of the Rolls of the Court of Chancery by fealty, and the yearly rent of 53 shillings 4 pence. The residue of the said premises are held of the Abbott of the Monastery of St. Peter's Westminster, in right of the said monastery, by fealty, and the yearly rent of 12 shillings, 6 pence. "All the said premises are worth per annum, clear 29 pounds. Richard Smyth died at London, 27 March, (March 27)18 Henry VIII (1527); John Smyth is his son and heir and was then aged 31 years and more." Inquisition, p.m. 21 Henry VII, No. 21 (London).
It seems that two years after Richard's death, his will and estate were still not settled. It took and inquisition to settle the matter and carry out the terms. In the 1400s and 1500s, the Law was carried out in two ways: the criminal issues were handled and settled by the Sheriff and the civil matters were handled by the Inquisition, which sound bad but was merely a judge who acted on behalf of the Crown. The inquisitioners of the 1100s and 1200s were given autonomy of the same judge and jury, but as religion was high theme amongst the people, the greed of the church controlled the judges and used them or misused them to try heretics (anyone who opposed the church); but just 200 yrs later their control had been diminished. And through this inquisition, we find that Richard was a Merchant Taylor (and apparently a good one from the amounts of money being dispersed. These sums at this day an age would amount to thousands of dollars). We also find out that his only son was named John Smyth who at the age of his father's death was 31, which means he was born about 1495/1496. Knowing that Literacy was rarely amongst the poor in this time, to have a will of such would indicate that Richard was of some standing in the community and with the Crown. The Crown belonged to the Tudor Family, of which at this time was Henry VIII.
A. Children of Richard Smith and Unk.
+ 3. i. John Smythe (b. abt. 1495 in Wiltshire, England / d. 1560 in Corsham, Wiltshire, England)[7]
Richard Smyth is the 13th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 22, 1541
On March 22nd, 1541, Ewen Raadh nan Cath received a remission for being with the MacDonalds of Slate and others at an attack upon the castle of Ellan donan; in the same remission are included, Neill McEwin, M'Lauchlan, Donald M'Ewin, M'Lauchlan and Niell M’Ewin, and M’Kerlich, who from their names may very possibly be MacKinnons, but this is of course uncertain.[8]
March 22nd, 1556 - Cardinal Reginald Pole becomes archbishop of Canterbury[9]
March 22, 1622: The first Indian massacre in America almost wipes out settlements near Jamestown, Virginia.
March 22, 1765: The English Parliament passes the Stamp Act, a tax on newspapers, legal documents, and pamphlets.[10] In an effort to raise funds to pay off debts and defend the vast new American territories won from the French in the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), the British government passes the Stamp Act on this day in 1765. The legislation levied a direct tax on all materials printed for commercial and legal use in the colonies, from newspapers and pamphlets to playing cards and dice.
Though the Stamp Act employed a strategy that was a common fundraising vehicle in England, it stirred a storm of protest in the colonies. The colonists had recently been hit with three major taxes: the Sugar Act (1764), which levied new duties on imports of textiles, wines, coffee and sugar; the Currency Act (1764), which caused a major decline in the value of the paper money used by colonists; and the Quartering Act (1765), which required colonists to provide food and lodging to British troops.
With the passing of the Stamp Act, the colonists' grumbling finally became an articulated response to what they saw as the mother country's attempt to undermine their economic strength and independence. They raised the issue of taxation without representation, and formed societies throughout the colonies to rally against the British government and nobles who sought to exploit the colonies as a source of revenue and raw materials. By October of that year, nine of the 13 colonies sent representatives to the Stamp Act Congress, at which the colonists drafted the "Declaration of Rights and Grievances," a document that railed against the autocratic policies of the mercantilist British empire.
Realizing that it actually cost more to enforce the Stamp Act in the protesting colonies than it did to abolish it, the British government repealed the tax the following year. The fracas over the Stamp Act, though, helped plant seeds for a far larger movement against the British government and the eventual battle for independence. Most important of these was the formation of the Sons of Liberty--a group of tradesmen who led anti-British protests in Boston and other seaboard cities--and other groups of wealthy landowners who came together from the across the colonies. Well after the Stamp Act was repealed, these societies continued to meet in opposition to what they saw as the abusive policies of the British empire. Out of their meetings, a growing nationalism emerged that would culminate in the fighting of the American Revolution only a decade later.[11]
March 22, 1767: This commission ‘visited Redstone, March 22, 1767, and had a. meeting with the settlers on the 24th, and again on the 30th. On, this date, a meeting with 30 or 40 representative settlers was held at Gist’s plantation. A delegation of Indians also ‘attended this meeting. The Indians expressed themselves as preferring to await the pending trial negotiations, then under advisement by the Six Nations, and the settle also decided they would do nothing until the Six Nations had settle their controversy with the State of Pennsylvania. Among the names of those who met with this commission, were Lawrence and Richard Harrison. “Many severe things were said of Mr. Crogan, and one Lawrence Harrison, who treated the Law of our Government with too much respect.” [12]
Lawrence Harrison is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodloe
March 22, 1769: Filling up leases for them at Valentine Crawford’s all day.[13]
Valentine Crawford is the 6th great granduncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
Plan’s for George Washington’s Mill

“George Washington’s Workshop”, The History Channel.
March 22, 1770: Rid to the Mill and laid of with the Millwright the foundation for the New Mill House. Upon my return found Captn. Crawford here.[14]
George Washington is the grand nephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
Captain William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 22, 1776: .....3 William Woodsb: March 22, 1776d: July 8, 1884
.........+Mary Harrisb: Unknownm: January 12, 1802d: Unknown
.....3 Susanna Woodsb: June 13, 1778d: October 2, 1851
.........+William Goodloveb: Unknownm: February 23, 1796d: Unknown
.....3 Mary Woodsb: July 31, 1780 in Albemarle County, Virginiad: July 23, 1822 in Franklin County, Tennessee
.........+Barbee Collinsb: Unknownm: June 25, 1795d: Unknown
.....3 Sarah Woodsb: January 31, 1783d: April 24, 1785
.....3 Archibald Woodsb: February 19, 1785d: Unknown
.........+Elizabeth Shackelfordb: Unknownm: October 10, 1810d: Unknown
.....3 Anna Woodsb: January 27, 1787d: Unknown
.........+Thomas Millerb: Unknownm: July 29, 1806d: Unknown
.....3 Thomas Woodsb: May 5, 1789d: May 15, 1891
.....3 Ann Woodsb: May 15, 1791d: May 15, 1891
.....3 Mourning Woodsb: April 2, 1792d: Unknown
.........+Garland Millerb: Unknownm: January 18, 1810d: Unknown
.*2nd Wife of Archibald Woods:
.....+Dorcas Hendersonb: Unknownm: January 30, 1818d: Unknown
Binkleys and More
Entries: 16513 Updated: Thu Jan 15 00:51:09 2004 Contact: Sara Binkley Tarpley Home Page: Binkley Branches
Please visit my revised and expanded Web site for biographies, photographs, and more. NEW-AN INDEXED TRANSCRIPTION OF THE 1850 CENSUS FOR THE 4TH CIVIL DISTRICT OF DAVIDSON CO., TN, INCLUDING SLAVE SCHEDULE.
ID: I02909
Name: William GOODLOVE 1
Sex: M
Reference Number: 2910
Marriage 1 Susanna WOODS b: 13 JUN 1778
Married: 23 FEB 1796 1[15]
View Tree for Wm. GoodloeWm. Goodloe (b. WFT Est. 1751-1778, d. WFT Est. 1800-1843)
Wm. Goodloe was born WFT Est. 1751-1778, and died WFT Est. 1800-1843. He married Susannah Woods on February 23, 1796, daughter of Archibald Woods and Mourning Harris Shelton.
More About Wm. Goodloe and Susannah Woods:
Marriage: February 23, 1796[16]
March 22, 1777: George Washington, March 22, 1777, General Orders
Head-Quarters, Morristown, March 22, 1777.
Parole Georgia. Countersign Hallifax.
The Commander in Chief is pleased to make the following promotions.--viz:
Major John Green of the 1st. Virginia Battalion to be Lieutenant ant Colonel of the same, vacant by the death of Lt Cot. Eppes.[17] Capt. Robert Ballard of the same to be the Major of the same, vacant by the promotion of Lt Col Green.
Lieut. Col Alexander Spotswood of the 2nd. Virginia Battn. to be Colonel of the same, vacant by the resignation of Col. Woodford[18]--Major Richard Parker of the 6th. to be Lieut. Colonel, vacant by the promotion of Col. Spotswood. Capt. Morgan Alexander of the 2nd. to be the Major, vacant by the promotion of Lt Col Markham[19] to the 8th.
Lt Col Thomas Marshall of the 3rd Virginia Battalion to command the same, vacant by the promotion of Brigadier Weedon.[20]
Capt. George Gibson of the 1st. Virginia Battalion, to be Major of the 4th., vacant by the promotion of Lt Col Sayres[21] to the 9th.
Lt Col Alexander McClenachan of the 7th. Virginia Battalion to be Colonel of that Battalion, vacant by the removal of Col Crawford:[22] Major William Neilson of the same to be Lieutenant Colonel, vacant by the promotion of Col McClenachan: Capt. William Davies of the 1st. to be Major, vacant by the promotion of Lt. Col Neilson.
Lt Col Bowman[23] of the 8th. Virginia Battalion to be Colonel of the same, by promotion of Brigadier Muhlenberg, and Major John Markham of the 2nd. to be Lieutenant Colonel, vacant by promotion of Col Bowman.
Lt. Col George Matthews of the 9th. Virginia Battalion to be Colonel of the same, vacant by the death of Col Fleming[24] and Major John Sayres of the 4th. to be Lieut. Colonel, vacant by the promotion of Col Mathews.
As it is not possible, from the present dispersed state of the Virginia Officers, many of whom are necessarily absent from the Army, and may have a claim for promotion, but are not taken notice of in the foregoing arrangement, it is to be observed that no Conclusion must be drawn from this order in prejudice of such Gentlemen. When circumstances will permit the residue of the vacancies will be filled up, and the Rank of all the officers in that Line settled on just and reasonable principles; regard being had to their seniority, and the good of the service.[25]
March 22, 1777: At the Revolutionary Meeting held at Fort Pitt in May, 1775, Crawford was a leader. Commissioned Lieutenant Colonel of the 5th Virginia Regiment, Feb. 13, 1776, and Colonel of the 7th, Aug. 14, 1776, he served through the Battle of Long Island, the retreat through New Jersey, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Germantown, and the winter at Valley Forge. He resignedMarch 22, but Washington recommended him for command of one of the new Virginia regiments at Fort Pitt, and he commanded a brigade in Mclntosh's expedition to Ohio in 1778-1779. He continued with Brodhead at Fort Pitt and through the expeditions to Coshocton and against the Indian towns on the Allegheny. For a short time he commanded at Fort Pitt. After the war Colonel Crawford retired to his plantation on the Youghiogheny but undertook, at the request of General WilliamIrvine, the command of an expedition against the Indians at Sandusky. This ended disastrously, 172 June 5, 1782, and Colonel Crawford, with everal of his relatives and officers, was burned at the stake amid horrible tortures. See Dr. McKnight's Narrative, Penna. Archives, XIV, 2nd ser. 726ff. Full Sketches of Crawford's life are given in Butterfield, Washington-Crawford Letters, p. 11; Butterfield, An Historical ccount of the Expedition Against Sandusky Under Colonel William Crawford, 1782, 81-108; James Veech, The Monongahela of Old, 118-125; DAB, IV, 527; Franklin Ellis, History of Fayette County, 522-523; R. G. Thwaites and L. P. Kellogg, Dunmore's War, adison, Wis. (1905), 103. Baron Rosenthal, in his Journal, Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography, XVIII, 293, 300, gives a severe estimate of Crawford's character as a commander. His Revolutionary service is given in Heitman, 177
The little city of Cassel is one of the most attractive in North Germany to a passing stranger. Its galleries, its parks and gardens, and its great palaces are calculated to excite admiration and surprise. Here Napoleon III spent the months of his captivity amid scenes which might remind him of the magnificence of Versailles, which, indeed, those who planned the beautiful gardens had wished to imitate. For the grounds were mostly laid out and the buildings mainly constructed in the last century, when the court of France was the point towards which most princely eyes on the Continent were directed; and no court, perhaps, followed more assiduously or more closely, in outward show at least, in the path of the French court than that of the Landgraves of Hesse-Cassel. The expense of all these buildings and gardens was enormous, but there was generally money in the treasury. Yet the land was a poor land. The three or four hundred thousand inhabitants lived chiefly by the plough, but the Landgraves were in business. It was a profitable trade that they carried on, selling or letting out wares which were much in demand in that century, as in all centuries, for the Landgraves of Hesse-Cassel were dealers in men; thus it came to pass that Landgrave Frederick II and his subjects played a part in American history, and that "Hessian" became a household word, though not a title of honor, in the United States…[26]
Hessian privates who came to America shared these attitudes. They were recruited in a complex process that was designed mainly to serve the needs of the state. All male children in Hesse-Cassel registered for military service at the age of seven. At sixteen they appeared for examination by recruiting officers. Between the ages of sixteen and thirty they were required to register every year at Easter. Decisions on their military~ service were made by servants of the state. Hessians who were thought to be more valuable in their civil occupations were declared “indispensable personnel” (unabkömrniiche Mannsch~fl) and forbidden to join the army. Among them were skilled artisans, farmers with more than fifty acres, and anyone who made a major contribution to the Hessian economy.”
Most other young males were strongly urged to enlist, especially younger Sons of poor peasant families, who made up the rank and file of Hessian infantry regiments. Jagers, the Hessian equivalent of light infantry, tended to be sons of gamekeepers and foresters. Artillerists were sons of industrial workers in the cities. Recruits received many inducements for enlistment. The pay of a private soldier was higher than that of a servant or unskilled farm worker. The monthly wage was large enough to buy a cow or two pigs. Military families were exempted from some of the most onerous taxes and allowed various small liberties. Many recruits appear to have joined willingly, for they also shared a warrior ethic that was very strong in Hesse-Cassell. A Swiss scholar observed in 1781 that nearly all peasants had served in the army, and “everywhere they talk of war.”
Other young Hessians were judged to be “expendable people” (entbehrlich Leute) and were forced into the army. [27]

Willkommen in Werneck
Werneck, Hesse-Cassel (Franciscus Gottlob’s home?)
March 22, 1782
Parents Child Sponsors
21 Conrad Gottlieb wf Catharine Peter Mufly,
Anna Margaret b —— Mar 1781, Regina
Wannemacher bp 22 Mar 1782[29]
March 22, 1794: Congress passes a bill banning slave trade with other nations.[30]
March 22, 1797: Birthdate of Kaiser Wilhelm I German whose reign lasted from 1871 1888. The Prussian monarch became the first ruler over a united Germany. In 1869, the emancipation process for the Jews of Germany was completed. “All still existing limitations of the…civil rights which are rooted in differences of religious faith are hereby annulled.” Jews rose rapidly during his reign. Guided by Chancellor Bismarck, the German government actually became champion of the less fortunate Jews living to the East.[31]
March 22, 1816 – Treaty of Washington ceding last remaining territory in South Carolina to the state.[32]
Summer 1816
The “Year without a summer”, where snowfall and freezing conditions occurred during June saw 75% of the corn crop destroyed and prices skyrocketed. This was caused by the volcano Tambora, which erupted a year before, halfway around the world. Tambora ejected 100 times the amount of ash as Mount St. Helen’s in 1980.[33]
Sarah and Samuel lived in Guernsey, Perry, and Hocking Counties, Ohio, They were the
parents of seven children. [34]
March 22, 1846

Tues. March 22, 1864
On the march up byo bay[36] 14 miles
Was on picket whole co had good time
Byo narrow crooked and and deep
Land red clay level[37]
William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 22, 1869: Willis Ralph Goodlove (March 22, 1869-April 8, 1953) married Myrtle Isabelle Andrews, March 4, 1896. She died August 29, 1962, at age 86 years. Both are buried at Jordan’s Grove Cemetery (Bk. II, F-87). Their children were: Wallace Harold (Bk. II, F-88), Ethel Vinetta, Bessie Marie, Wilma Laura, Mary lone,William Paul, Gladys Lavona, and Kenneth Iva

Willis Goodlove (1)

1869 to 1953
Willis Goodlove (2)

Willis Goodlove?

Willis Goodlove
Willis Goodlove?
Willis Ralph Goodlove March 22 1869- March 8, 1953

Willis R. Goodlove

March 22, 1869
March 8, 1953
son of Wm. H. & Sarah C.?
Jordans Grove Cemetery
Central City
Linn County
Iowa, USA
Created by: Gail Wenhardt
Record added: Apr 03, 2011
Find A Grave Memorial# 67860859
Willis R. Goodlove
Added by: Gail Wenhardt
Willis R. Goodlove
Cemetery Photo
Added by: Jackie L. Wolfe
Willis Ralph Goodlove is the great grand uncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 22, 1908: On August 17, 1942 Convoy 20 left Drancy, France for Auschwitz with 581 children. On board was Paulette Gotlib born in Paris (12) February 19, 1936, age 6. Her brother Simone born June 18, 1939, age 4, was also on board. Their home was 35, r Francois Arago, Montreuil, France. Prior to deportation to Auschwitz they were held at Camp Pithiviers[40]. Pithiviers is of global historical interest as one of the locally infamous World War II concentration camps where children were separated from their parents while the adults were processed and deported to camps farther away, usually Auschwitz. [41] Also on board was Rachla Gotlib born March 22, 1908 from Chanciny, Poland. On board from Vienne Austria was Gertrude Gottlieb born July 6, 1901 and Michel Gottlieb born November 27, 1897.[42]
March 22, 1912: LaCurtis Coleman STEPHENSON. Born on November 2, 1846 in Dewitt, Carroll County, Missouri. LaCurtis Coleman died in Snyder, Chariton County, Missouri on July 14, 1910; he was 63. Buried in Stephenson Cemetery, Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri. Civil War, Co. B., 9th Missouri Infantry.
Mabel Hoover Family Group Sheet for Marcus Stephenson lists LaCurtis Stephenson’s birthdate as “27 November 1847” and death date as “28 Feb. 1910,” at Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri--REF
On September 22, 1881 when LaCurtis Coleman was 34, he married Teresa Lee MADDEN, daughter of William MADDEN & Mary Ann CLARK(E), in Chariton County, Missouri. Born on April 17, 1864 in Washington, Indiana. Teresa Lee died in Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri on July 8, 1949; she was 85. Buried on July 11, 1949 in Stephenson Cemetery, Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri.
They had the following children:
25 i. Lee Olie (1882-1964)
26 ii. Anna Coleman (1884-1960)
27 iii. Albert Elwell (1886-1972)
iv. Nora Belle. Born on September 24, 1887 in Chariton County, Missouri. Nora Belle died on September 4, 1922; she was 34. Buried in Stephenson Cemetery, Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri.
v. William Earl. Born on July 24, 1889 in Chariton County, Missouri. William Earl died in VA Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri on August 12, 1964; he was 75.
vi. Hazle Shirley. Born on January 10, 1895 in Chariton County, Missouri. Hazle Shirley died in Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri on March 22, 1912; she was 17. Buried in Stephenson Cemetery, Dean Lake, Chariton County, Missouri.
vii. Hugh. Born on September 10, 1898 in Chariton County, Missouri. Hugh died in France on September 29, 1919; he was 21. Buried in World War I.
viii. Charles G. Born on October 30, 1902 in Chariton County, Missouri. Charles G. died on April 4, 1994; he was 91. Buried in McCullough Cemetery.
ix. Ada Ruth. Born on October 22, 1905 in Chariton County, Missouri. Ada Ruth died in Wichita, Kansas on June 21, 1992; she was 86. [43]
March 22, 1939: Germany annexes Klaipeda (Memel), Lithuania.[44] The German army occupied Memel and the region around the Lithuanian town. By that time about 21,000 people had left the city, most of them Lithuanians as well as a small number of Jews, the majority of the latter having left beforehand. The Nazis confiscated private and public Jewish property valued at tens of millions Litas. Jews had lived in Memel since the 14th century.[45]
March 22, 1943: The first of four new crematoriums at Auschwitz was ready for use and began operation.[46]
March 22, 1943: Time magazine reported on speech by Henri Honoré Giraud in which the High Commissioner of North Africa disavowed the conditions of the German armistice and the subsequent decrees of Vichy ("promulgated without the participation of the French people, and directed against them"). He said that Vichy's anti-Jewish laws "no longer exist," promised to hold municipal elections in North Africa. He also revoked the Cremieux Decree of 1870, which granted French citizenship en bloc to Jews in Algeria, but excluded the Arabs. Henceforth, Moslems and Jews must complement each other economically, "the latter working in his shop, the former in the desert, without either having advantage over the other, France assuring both security and tranquility."[47]
March 22, 1944: In Poland, at the Koldzyczewo Work Camp Shlomo Kushnir succeeded in leading almost all the Jewish inmates who were still alive out of the camp after killing ten Nazi guards. Kushnir committed suicide when he was caught with twenty-five others. The others joined the partisans in the forests.[48]
[1] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[2] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[3] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[4] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[5] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[6] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[7] Proposed Descendants of William Smith
[9] http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/1556
[10] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[11] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history
[12] Ellis’s History of Fayette County, Pa., p. 61. Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pgs. 310-311
[13] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 108.
[14][14] The site selected for the new mill was about one-third of a mile down Dogue Run, on the opposite bank, from the old mill. There, as planned, the tidal waters of the navigable portion of the stream, Dogue Creek, would flow up to the tailrace, enabling flat-bottom boats to deliver grain to the mill’s door. The same boats would carry flour down to the mouth of the creek, where a brig or schooner would take the cargo aboard and transport it to the markets at Alexandria, Norfolk, or elsewhere. The foundations of the building, as laid off on this day, measured roughly 40 by 50 feet (Burson, “George Washington Grist Mill,” blueprint no. 2). When finished, the mill would be 22 stories high, equipped with a breast wheel 16 feet in diameter and two sets of millstones, one to be used exclusively for merchant work and the other for custom work, that is, grinding local farmers’ grain in return for one-eighth of the amount brought in, the legal toll at this time (Hening, 6:58). This custom business would be still another source of income provided by the new mill.
[15] Sources:
Title: Kentucky Family Archives, Vol. V
Publication: Kentucky Genealogical Society, 1974
Note: Family group sheets from contributors. Depends upon accuracy of sources.
Note: Tennessee State Library and Archives, Nashville, Tennessee
Call Number:
Media: Book
Page: p. 303
Text: Family group sheet contributed by Sue Nite Raguzin, 5008 Briarbrook, Dickinson, TX 77539.
Source: W.H. Miller, History and Genealogies of Harris, Miller, 1907.
[16] http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/l/o/m/Kimberly-P-Lombardi-NY/WEBSITE-0001/UHP-0362.html
[17] Lieut. Col, Francis Eppes. He was killed in the Battle of Long Island, N.Y.1
[18] Col. William Woodford. He had been promoted to brigadier general, Continental Army, on February 21; wounded at Brandywine, Pa., on September 11; taken prisonerat Charleston, S.C., in May, 1780; died in captivity on November 13 of that year.]
[19] Lieut. Col. John Markham. He was cashiered Oct. 26, 1777.
[20]52: Brig. Gen. George Weedon.]
[21]Lieut. Col. John Sayres. He was killed at Germantown, Pa.]
[22]Maj. William Crawford.]
[23]Lieut. Col. Abraham Bowman. He resigned in December.]
[24]Col. Thomas Fleming. He had died Jan. 30, 1777.]
[25] The George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799
The Writings of George Washington from the Original Manuscript Sources, 1745-1799. John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor.--vol. 07
[26] The Hessians by Edward Lowell
[27] Washington’s Crossing by David Hackett Fischer pgs. 59-60.
SCHLOSSER’S REFORMED CHURCH 1765-1846 Also called Union Reformed Church. Unionville North Whitehall twn., Lehigh Co. Part 8, Roll 136—137. Second item on film. Copied 1938.
[29] Pennsylvania German Marriages compiled by Donna R. Irish pg 328
[30] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[31] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[32] Timeline of Cherokee Removal.
[33] HISTI, Little Ice Age: Big Chill, 11-20-05
[34] Jim Funkhouser
[35] The Horn Papers, Early Westward Movement on the Monongahela and Upper Ohio 1765-1795 by W.F. Horn Published for a Committee of the Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania by the Hagstrom Company, New York, N.Y. 1945
[36] A word as to the country from Washington to Alexandrea. The road follows Bayou Beouf all the way. The country is naturally a forest but there is a strip of improved land on both sides of the Bayou nearly the whole way. Near Washington the soil seems poor & the farms do not look well but it improves toward Red River…
(William T. Rigby and the Red Oak Boys in Louisiana by Terrence J. Winschel)
[37] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove
[38] Linda Peterson Archives, June 12, 2011
[39] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Goodlove&GSbyrel=in&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GSsr=41&GRid=67860859&
[40] “Memorial des enfants deportes de France” de Serge Klarsfeld
[41] Wikipedia.org
[42] Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, 1942-1944 by Serge Klarsfeld, page unknown.
[43] www.frontierfolk.net/ramsha_research/families/Stephenson.rtf
[44] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page1761.
[45] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[46] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[47] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[48] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
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