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This Day in Goodlove History, March 29
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspxy
Birthdays: Kolleen K Carper Hosford, Laura L. Cunningham, Catherine Godlove Didawick
March 29, 1188: Emperor Frederick was convinced (both diplomatically and financially) by Moses bar Joseph Hakohen of Mayence to issue a decree declaring “that anyone who wounds a Jew shall have his arm cut off, he who slays a Jew shall die. This decree succeeded in preventing most of the excesses of the pervious crusades in the third crusade soon to follow.[1]
Summer 1188: In summer 1188, Saladin released Guy of Lusignan, the husband of Queen Sibylla of Jerusalem, from captivity. A year later, in 1189, Guy, accompanied by his brother Geoffrey, appeared at Tyre and demanded that Conrad hand over the keys to the city to him. Conrad refused this demand, and declared that Guy had forfeited his rights to be king of Jerusalem at the Battle of Hattin. He said that he was holding the city until the arrival of the kings from Europe. By this, he was invoking the terms of Baldwin IV's will, terms already broken by Guy and Sibylla: in the event of the death of his nephew Baldwin V it had been Baldwin's will that Baldwin V's "most rightful heirs" were to hold the regency until the succession could be settled by the King of England, the King of France, and the Holy Roman Emperor. Conrad would not allow Guy and Sibylla to enter the city, but did allow them to camp outside Tyre's walls with their retainers.[2]
1189: First silver florins minted at Florence, commercial treaty between Novgorod and German merchants, Henry Fitzailwin first Mayor of London, Last known Norse visit to North America. [3]
March 29, 1559: Polish King Sigismund II grants the Jews a charter despite opposition of the local authorities at Przemysl.[4]
March 29, 1629: Lawrence Smith (b. March 29, 1629 in Lancashire, England).[5]
More about Lawrence Smith
Lawrence was in charge of all the forts along the Tappahannock and Potomac Rivers. He was a lawyer of York and Gloucester in 1785. The Temple Farm where Cornwallis surrendered in 1681 was sold to Lawrence in 1686. – Source: Virginia Historical Magazine, Vol. 3, pg. 36 and William & Mary Magazine, Vol. 1, No.2, pg. 6 and William & Hennings Statutes VI, Pg. 327.
More about Mary Deadman
After Lawrence’s death, Mary remarried to a Rev. Grymes, who is believed to have been an ancestor to Gen. Robert E. Lee.
A. Children of Lawrence Smith and Mary Dedman
+ . i. Charles Smith (b. 1655 in Gloucester Co. VA / d. 1710)
+ . ii. Lawrence Smith (b. 1657)
+ . iii. John Smith (b. 1660)
+ . iv. Sarah Smith (b. 1 Jan 1661 / d. 1720)
+ . v. Augustine Smith (b. 16 Jun 1666 / d. 1736)
+ . vi. Elizabeth Smith (b. 1668)
+ . vii. William Smith (b. in old Rappahannock Co. VA) [6]
Lawrence Smith is the 9th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1632: The Treaty of Saint-Germain is signed, returning Quebec to French control after the English had seized it in 1629. The French gave up Canada to the British in 1763 at the end of the Seven Years War, known in America as The French and Indian War… Once the British were in control, Jews began to openly settle in the former French colony. [7]
March 29,1759 Daniel McKinnon placed the following advertisement in the Maryland Gazette:
" Whereas Ruth M'Kinnon formerly spouse to the subscriber, is forever hereafter justly separated
and discharged from me, because her having lately brought into my Family an adulterous Child,
which was begot about the beginning of June 1758, while I was absent in Britain; being born in
full Time and Health on the second of this Instant March: These are therefore to forewarn all
Persons of whatsoever Denomination, for the ftiture, from dealing with, or trusting her on my
account, for I do hereby solemnly protest, that I will not (according to Law) pay so much as a
Farthing of any Debt or Debts, which she may contract from the date hereof.
Daniel M'Kinnon"(47).
No information has been found as to what happened to Ruth McKinnon after the above publication.
Other researchers have established that Eleanor lived with Daniel McKinnon and the other children
during the following period(48). Since Eleanor apparently did not live with her mother and might not of
even known her, it might explain why the only parental reference for Eleanor Howard was the father.
Daniel McKinnon is next noted as moving to Queen Anne's County, MD (across the Chesapeake Bay
on what is called the Eastern Shore) where he was master of Queen Anne's County School from
February 11, 1760 to July 28, 1762(49). [8]
Daniel McKinnon is the 5th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1769; Rid with Col. Bassett into the Neck. Valentine Crawford went to Col. Fairfax’s.[9]
George Washington is the grandnephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10x removed and Valentine Crawford is the grand uncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1771: Upon the Arbitration all day with Col. Mason--Mr. Mundell & Mr. Ross.[10]
GW had called a meeting of the officers of the Virginia Regiment at Winchester on March 4 to report on the trip down the Ohio River that he had made the previous fall (Va. Gaz., P&D, January 31., February 7,., February 14, 1771).
Triplets: the ordinary of James and William Carr Lane at Newgate (no Centreville), Va.
March 29, 1780: In March of 1780, Captain Ben Harrison of the 9th Virginia was asked to carry the following letter(12) to General George Rogers Clark:
Pittsburgh March ye 29th (March 29)1780
Dear Sir:
This will be Handed you By Captn Harrison who was Formerly a Captain in my Reigt & For Reasons he has Resigned. But I Can assure you he is a Gentleman of Charactor & has Allways Supported The Charrector of a Good & Brave Officer & Wishes to join you and any thing you Can Serve him in I would thank you to Give him your Interest. I am Sensible you Will find him Worthy of your notice- The News of this Place I Refer you to The Bearer - I Should be happy to hear from you please to Except my wishes for your well fare-
Richd Campbell Lieut Colo 9 Virga Reigt
Colonel George Rogers Clark in the Elyonie Country pr Favour of Capt Benjamin Harrison.
Capt. Harrison did join Clark in 1780.(13) Two letters from Clark dated May and June, 1780 respectively refer to supplies to be sent to Capt. Harrison's men. Lt. Col. Campbell probably uses the term "Resigned" because General Clark's campaign was initiated by the state of Virginia and had nothing to do with the Continental Army.
In 1781 the Revolutionary War essentially ended with the surrender of the British Army under General Cornwallis at Yorktown, Virginia. At this time the number of troops in many American Units were reduced, Captain Benjamin Harrison was promoted to major at the time of his separation from the Continental Army in 1781. [11]
Benjamin Harrison is the 5th great grand uncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1814: An American force commanded by General Andrew Jackson defeats the Creek Indians at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend, Alabama, ending the Creek War.[12]
Andrew Jackson is the 2nd cousin 8x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1829: Birth: Catherine GODLOVE. [13]
March 29, 1830
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN.- I, Moses Crawford of Fairfield County, in the State Ohio, being sick and weak in body. But of sound and disposing mind, memory and understanding, considering the certainty of death, and the uncertainty of the time thereof, and being desirous to settle my worldly affairs and thereby be better prepared to leave this world when uit shall please God to call be hence, do therefore make and publish this Will and Testament, in the manner and form following “ That is to say, First and principally, I commit my soul into the hands of Almighty God, and by body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors, hereinafter named and after my debts and funeral charges are paid: I, first leave and bequeath to my wife to live on the place and to have her living on from the family while she remains a widow and if she see proper to marry and remove from the place, to have her bed and her part of the household furniture, and to draw her thirds from the profits of the place while she lives. Likewise, I bequeath and leave to my children, now living in the family while they live single with their mother while she lives a widow on the place with them, to have their living form the use of the place. To school John and to support him in the necessaries of life until he becomes of the age of twenty one years, also to Suffer him to raise a colt on the place for himself that he may have an equal portion with my two elder sons, Samuel and Moses at the same age: Likewise all now in the family to have and make use of as their own their Proportionable Part of the profits arising of the place from their Proportionable labor over and above the family use. I also bequeath that of Isabel, my youngest daughter see cause to altrer her way of living and take to herself, she is to have her bed and beding, a wheel, a cow, and two ewe sheep and as abilities will allow other necessaries for housekeeping in proportion to the rest. Likewise I bequeath to Elizabeth Plummer, the married daughter to have at my decease, a good coverlette and blanket together with three dollars in lieu of clothing which she did not get before. That likewise after my wife’s death and John becomes of age of twenty one years, the place and all the apperteunces thereto to be sold and the money be equally divided amongst my lawful heirs, who are my sons, Samuel, Moses and John; my daughter’s, Elizabeth Plummer and Isabel which remains single at home now living and Mary, Daniel Sharp’s wife who is now deceased; her children are to have their mother’s share.
If the Sale of Property should not take place till after my decease to sell at the discretion of my Executors to the amount of debts on the estate-
If the Sale of Property should not take place till after my decease to sell at the discretion of my Executors to the amount of debts on the estate-
And lastly, I do hereby constitute and appoint my son, Moses Crawford and Alexander McKonnald Srl., my Executors of this last Will ratifying and confirming this and none other to be my last Will and Testament.
In testimony whereof I, Moses Crawford have to this will consisting of the sheet of paper set my hand and seal at the bottom of the same.
Moses Crawford (SEAL)
Signed sealed and published and declared by Moses Crawford the above named testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence have subscribed our names thereto as witnesses.
Osias Moore
Aaron Moore
The State of Ohio, Fairfield County, SS.
At a special Session of the Court of Common Pleas, holden at Lancaster in and for the – County aforesaid on the 29th day of March A.D. 1830 the within last Will and Testament of Moses Crawford dec. was produced in Court. Aaron Moore and Ozais Moore the subscribing witnesses thereto being duly sworn saith that they were present and heard the decendent acknowledge the said Will to be his last Will and Testament. Thnatr he was at the time of sound mind and understanding. That they signed their names as witnesses thereto in the presence of the Testator on which is recorded and that the goods of the said Moses Crawford dec. be appraised by Charles Ricketts, Thomas Holmes and Elijah Spurgeon. It is further ordered that the said Executors therein give bond with John Moore and Mordica Fishpaw in the sum of $500.00* which is done accordingly and the Executors Qualified-
Attest Hugh Boyle, Clk[14]
Moses Crawford is the 1st Cousin 6x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove

March 29, 1842 (William Crawford, 6th greatgrandfather)
Sunday, April 09, 2006 (6)[15]
March 29, 1842
Pension Office
March 29, 1842
At your request I certify that William Crawford was a Colonel in the Virginia Continental Line and that he is the same officer who was killed in a conflict with the Indians on our Western Frontier. There is proof in this office that he Superintended the raising of the 13th Continental Regiment and commanded
it for a time.
Very Respectfully
your Obe’t. Servant.
J.L. Edwards
Hon. S. L. Hays
House of Representatives
Washington, D.C.[16]
Due to the Wyandot Indian establishment at Upper Sandusky, with Fort Findlay to the west (county seat of Hancock County), the crooked trails between these two points were traveled by the Indians. Their trading at Fort Findlay provided them with supplies and necessaries, the same as for the white settlers. Upper Sandusky was the last home of the Wyandot Indians in Ohio. This was until 1842 or 1843 when they bid farewell to their beloved Sandusky River and favorite hunting ground. They were removed to the western plains, somewhere in the State of Kansas.[17]
William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1860: VALENTINE "VOL"7 CRAWFORD (JOSEPH "JOSIAH"6, VALENTINE5, VALENTINE4, WILLIAM3, MAJOR GENERAL LAWRENCE2, HUGH1) was born November 15, 1775 in Albemarle County, Virginia, and died March 29, 1860 in Estell County, Kentucky. He married SUSANNAH RHEY (RAY) January 10, 1800 in Madison County, Kentucky, daughter of BENJAMIN RAY.
i. JEPTHA8 CRAWFORD, Stillborn.
ii. FRANCES CRAWFORD, b. 1801, Estell County, Kentucky; d. Abt. 1854, Estill County, Kentucky; m. ISAAC SPARKS, August 30, 1824, Estill County, Kentucky.
iii. ROBERT "RIPPER" LEE CRAWFORD, b. March 1803, Clark County, Kentucky; d. April 23, 1873, Estell County, Kentucky; m. MATILDA V. WATSON, September 25, 1852.
v. OLIVER CRAWFORD, b. May 17, 1805, Clark County, Kentucky; d. July 06, 1876, Estell County, Kentucky; m. DELINA PRUNTY ESTES, May 30, 1831, Madison County, Kentucky.
vi. SUSAN GENINGS CRAWFORD, b. 1807; m. AMOS MCMANAGLE, 1825, Estill County, Kentucky.
vii. JOSEPH CRAWFORD, JR., b. 1809, Madison County, Kentucky; d. 1891, Estell County, Kentucky; m. NANCY GRAY, May 21, 1829.
10. viii. JEPTHA M. CRAWFORD, b. December 28, 1812, Estell County, Kentucky; d. January 29, 1863, Jackson County, Missouri/ Blue Springs Cemetery.
11. ix. NANCY ANN CRAWFORD, b. 1816, Estell County, Kentucky.
12. x. MARSHALL N. CRAWFORD, b. 1817, Estill County, Kentucky; d. Collins County, Texas.
xi. WILLIAM CRAWFORD, b. 1820.
xii. ARMENIA D. CRAWFORD, b. February 11, 1820; m. JOHN N. MOBERLY, January 21, 1856, Estill County, Kentucky.
13. xiii. LOURANA "LOU" CRAWFORD, b. February 08, 1824, Estell County, Kentucky; d. February 10, 1910, Crowell Foard County, Texas.
xiv. LAURINDA CRAWFORD, b. Abt. 1827; m. MERRILL BENTON, November 11, 1847, Estill County, Kentucky.
xv. HARDIN CRAWFORD, b. Abt. 1833.
xvi. SARILDA "QUILDA" CRAWFORD, b. 1824, Estell County, Kentucky; d. September 27, 1861, Estell County, Kentucky; m. ELIHU BENTON, January 05, 1856, Estill County, Kentucky. [18]
Valentine “Vol” Crawford is the 4th cousin 4x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
Tues. March 29, 1864
Marched 18 miles over pine hills
Camped on cane river[19] in sight of rebs
Brige burnt 10,000 cavalry
River as large as wapsie high banks
Formally the bed of red river[20][21]
William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
March 29, 1892: The Russian government published the edict that expelled 14,000 Jews from Moscow. Two thirds of Moscow’s Jewry were disposed and violently removed to the Pale of Settlement.[22]
March 29, 1936: The SS guard formations were renamed SS-Totenkopfverbände (SS-Death's Head Units). They provided guards for concentration camps.[23]
March 29, 1941
A Vichy decree creates the Commnissariat General aux Questions Juives (CGQJ), a government agency responsible for administering Jewish affairs in both the Vichy and the Occupied Zones. Zavier Vallat is named the first Commissioner for Jewish Affairs.[24]
March 29, 1942: SS Captain Dieter Wislicey wants $50,000 in cash as the price for stopping the deportations of Slovakian Jews to the death camps. He will get the money, but the deportations will continue.[25]
March 29, 1947: Clifton Daniel interviewed Jewish refugees at Caraolos, a British run displaced persons camp outside of Famagusta, Cyprus. “An appeal for the outside world to consider their plight was the first and only formal proposal addressed” to him by these immigrants. Currently, there are 11,000 Jews living in camps like this all across Cyprus. If the British stick to their policy of releasing 750 Jews a month to go to Palestine, it will take at least fourteen months to empty these camps. [26]
March 29, 1947: “A ship carrying 1,600 Jewish unauthorized refugees was intercepted tonight off the northern coast of Palestine by the Royal Navy.” The ship which was known as the Patria or Moledeth was taken to the harbor at Haifa.[27]
March 29, 1973: Scamp operated locally around San Diego until March 29, 1973. At that time, she departed the West Coast for deployment to the Far East. [28]
James Edward Kirby, the father in law of Jeffery Lee Goodlove served on the Scamp.
[1] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[2] Wikipedia
[3] mike@abcomputers.com
[4] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[5] Proposed Descendants of William Smyth
[6] Proposed Descendants of William Smyth
[7] This day in jewish history
[8] http://washburnhill.freehomepage.com/custom3.html
[9] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 108.
[10] The Diaries of George Washington. Vol.3. Donald Jackson, ed.; Dorothy Twohig, assoc. ed. The Papers of George Washington. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1978.
[11] The Harrison Genealogy Repository http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisonrep
[12] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[13] http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/d/i/d/Jan-C-Didawick-Berkeley-Springs/PDFGENE3.pdf
[14] From River Clyde by Emahiser page 211-213.
[15] Colonel William Crawford’s War Records, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U.l Emahiser, 1969. pg. 135.
[16] The Brothers Crawford, Scholl, 1995, pg31
[17]From River Clyde by Emahiser, page 221.
[18] http://penningtons.tripod.com/jepthagenealogy.htm
[19] Crossing the bayou on Tuesday at Henderson Hill, where Union forces had captured the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry and four guns of Edgar’s Texas Artillery on March 21, the Iowans camped on Cane River at Monett’s Ferry, having marched fourteen miles.
(Letter,William T. Rigby to April 2, 1864.)
(William T. Rigby and the Red Oak Boys in Louisiana by Terrence J. Winschel)
[20] Col. John Vance was the second son of Joseph Vance. He was colonel in command of the regiment that went to New Lisbon in 1812. He lived in this township all his life, and died Nov. 24, 1841, aged sixty two years, and was buried at Cross Creek. His son Joseph was colonel of an Ohio regiment under Gen. Banks in the Rebellion and was killed in the Red River campaign.
Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett page 1820.28
[21] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[24] French Children of the Holocaust, A Memorial, by Serge Klarsfeld, page 18.
[25] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[26] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[27] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[28] This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. The entry can be found here.Skipjack-class submarine:
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