Wednesday, October 5, 2011

This Day in Goodlove History, October 5

This Day in Goodlove History, October 5

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove


• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• This project is now a daily blog at:


• Goodlove Family History Project Website:


• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Birthdays on this date; Dale R. Tenbraak, Bessie B. Goodlove, Ervin Corrie.

Weddings on this date; Agnes L. Rutledge and Jacob S. Lewis

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In a message dated 9/29/2010 2:24:16 P.M. Central Daylight Time, From Pogo

PM Netanyahu’s Speech at the UN General Assembly

Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Nearly 62 years ago, the United Nations recognized the right of the Jews, an ancient people 3,500 years-old, to a state of their own in their ancestral homeland.

I stand here today as the Prime Minister of Israel, the Jewish state, and I speak to you on behalf of my country and my people.

The United Nations was founded after the carnage of World War II and the horrors of the Holocaust. It was charged with preventing the recurrence of such horrendous events.

Nothing has undermined that central mission more than the systematic assault on the truth. Yesterday the President of Iran stood at this very podium, spewing his latest anti-Semitic rants. Just a few days earlier, he again claimed that the Holocaust is a lie.

Last month, I went to a villa in a suburb of Berlin called Wannsee. There, on January 20, 1942 , after a hearty meal, senior Nazi officials met and decided how to exterminate the Jewish people. The detailed minutes of that meeting have been preserved by successive German governments. Here is a copy of those minutes, in which the Nazis issued precise instructions on how to carry out the extermination of the Jews. Is this a lie?

A day before I was in Wannsee, I was given in Berlin the original construction plans for the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. Those plans are signed by Hitler's deputy, Heinrich Himmler himself. Here is a copy of the plans for Auschwitz-Birkenau, where one million Jews were murdered. Is this too a lie?

This June, President Obama visited the Buchenwald concentration camp. Did President Obama pay tribute to a lie?

And what of the Auschwitz survivors whose arms still bear the tattooed numbers branded on them by the Nazis? Are those tattoos a lie? One-third of all Jews perished in the conflagration. Nearly every Jewish family was affected, including my own. My wife's grandparents, her father's two sisters and three brothers, and all the aunts, uncles and cousins were all murdered by the Nazis. Is that also a lie?

Yesterday, the man who calls the Holocaust a lie spoke from this podium. To those who refused to come here and to those who left this room in protest, I commend you. You stood up for moral clarity and you brought honor to your countries.

But to those who gave this Holocaust-denier a hearing, I say on behalf of my people, the Jewish people, and decent people everywhere: Have you no shame? Have you no decency?

A mere six decades after the Holocaust, you give legitimacy to a man who denies that the murder of six million Jews took place and pledges to wipe out the Jewish state.

What a disgrace! What a mockery of the charter of the United Nations! Perhaps some of you think that this man and his odious regime threaten only the Jews. You're wrong.

History has shown us time and again that what starts with attacks on the Jews eventually ends up engulfing many others.

This Iranian regime is fueled by an extreme fundamentalism that burst onto the world scene three decades ago after lying dormant for centuries. In the past thirty years, this fanaticism has swept the globe with a murderous violence and cold-blooded impartiality in its choice of victims. It has callously slaughtered Moslems and Christians, Jews and Hindus, and many others. Though it is comprised of different offshoots, the adherents of this unforgiving creed seek to return humanity to medieval times.

Wherever they can, they impose a backward regimented society where women, minorities, gays or anyone not deemed to be a true believer is brutally subjugated. The struggle against this fanaticism does not pit faith against faith nor civilization against civilization.

It pits civilization against barbarism, the 21st century against the 9th century, those who sanctify life against those who glorify death.

The primitivism of the 9th century ought to be no match for the progress of the 21st century. The allure of freedom, the power of technology, the reach of communications should surely win the day. Ultimately, the past cannot triumph over the future. And the future offers all nations magnificent bounties of hope. The pace of progress is growing exponentially.

It took us centuries to get from the printing press to the telephone, decades to get from the telephone to the personal computer, and only a few years to get from the personal computer to the internet.

What seemed impossible a few years ago is already outdated, and we can scarcely fathom the changes that are yet to come. We will crack the genetic code. We will cure the incurable. We will lengthen our lives. We will find a cheap alternative to fossil fuels and clean up the planet.

I am proud that my country Israel is at the forefront of these advances - by leading innovations in science and technology, medicine and biology, agriculture and water, energy and the environment. These innovations the world over offer humanity a sunlit future of unimagined promise.

But if the most primitive fanaticism can acquire the most deadly weapons, the march of history could be reversed for a time. And like the belated victory over the Nazis, the forces of progress and freedom will prevail only after an horrific toll of blood and fortune has been exacted from mankind. That is why the greatest threat facing the world today is the marriage between religious fanaticism and the weapons of mass destruction.

The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?

Will it take action against the dictators who stole an election in broad daylight and gunned down Iranian protesters who died in the streets choking in their own blood? Will the international community thwart the world's most pernicious sponsors and practitioners of terrorism?

Above all, will the international community stop the terrorist regime of Iran from developing atomic weapons, thereby endangering the peace of the entire world?

The people of Iran are courageously standing up to this regime. People of goodwill around the world stand with them, as do the thousands who have been protesting outside this hall. Will the United Nations stand by their side?

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The jury is still out on the United Nations, and recent signs are not encouraging. Rather than condemning the terrorists and their Iranian patrons, some here have condemned their victims. That is exactly what a recent UN report on Gaza did, falsely equating the terrorists with those they targeted.

For eight long years, Hamas fired from Gaza thousands of missiles, mortars and rockets on nearby Israeli cities. Year after year, as these missiles were deliberately hurled at our civilians, not a single UN resolution was passed condemning those criminal attacks. We heard nothing - absolutely nothing - from the UN Human Rights Council, a misnamed institution if there ever was one.

In 2005, hoping to advance peace, Israel unilaterally withdrew from every inch of Gaza . It dismantled 21 settlements and uprooted over 8,000 Israelis. We didn't get peace. Instead we got an Iranian backed terror base fifty miles from Tel Aviv. Life in Israeli towns and cities next to Gaza became a nightmare. You see, the Hamas rocket attacks not only continued, they increased tenfold. Again, the UN was silent.

Finally, after eight years of this unremitting assault, Israel was finally forced to respond. But how should we have responded? Well, there is only one example in history of thousands of rockets being fired on a country's civilian population. It happened when the Nazis rocketed British cities during World War II. During that war, the allies leveled German cities, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties. Israel chose to respond differently. Faced with an enemy committing a double war crime of firing on civilians while hiding behind civilians - Israel sought to conduct surgical strikes against the rocket launchers.

That was no easy task because the terrorists were firing missiles from homes and schools, using mosques as weapons depots and ferreting explosives in ambulances. Israel , by contrast, tried to minimize casualties by urging Palestinian civilians to vacate the targeted areas.

We dropped countless flyers over their homes, sent thousands of text messages and called thousands of cell phones asking people to leave. Never has a country gone to such extraordinary lengths to remove the enemy's civilian population from harm's way.

Yet faced with such a clear case of aggressor and victim, who did the UN Human Rights Council decide to condemn? Israel . A democracy legitimately defending itself against terror is morally hanged, drawn and quartered, and given an unfair trial to boot.

By these twisted standards, the UN Human Rights Council would have dragged Roosevelt and Churchill to the dock as war criminals. What a perversion of truth. What a perversion of justice.

Delegates of the United Nations, Will you accept this farce?

Because if you do, the United Nations would revert to its darkest days, when the worst violators of human rights sat in judgment against the law-abiding democracies, when Zionism was equated with racism and when an automatic majority could declare that the earth is flat.

If this body does not reject this report, it would send a message to terrorists everywhere: Terror pays; if you launch your attacks from densely populated areas, you will win immunity. And in condemning Israel, this body would also deal a mortal blow to peace. Here's why.

When Israel left Gaza , many hoped that the missile attacks would stop. Others believed that at the very least, Israel would have international legitimacy to exercise its right of self-defense. What legitimacy? What self-defense?

The same UN that cheered Israel as it left Gaza and promised to back our right of self-defense now accuses us -my people, my country - of war crimes? And for what? For acting responsibly in self-defense. What a travesty!

Israel justly defended itself against terror. This biased and unjust report is a clear-cut test for all governments. Will you stand with Israel or will you stand with the terrorists?

We must know the answer to that question now. Now and not later. Because if Israel is again asked to take more risks for peace, we must know today that you will stand with us tomorrow. Only if we have the convidence that we can defend ourselves can we take further risks for peace.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

All of Israel wants peace.

Any time an Arab leader genuinely wanted peace with us, we made peace. We made peace with Egypt led by Anwar Sadat. We made peace with Jordan led by King Hussein. And if the Palestinians truly want peace, I and my government, and the people of Israel , will make peace. But we want a genuine peace, a defensible peace, a permanent peace. In 1947, this body voted to establish two states for two peoples - a Jewish state and an Arab state. The Jews accepted that resolution. The Arabs rejected it.

We ask the Palestinians to finally do what they have refused to do for 62 years: Say yes to a Jewish state. Just as we are asked to recognize a nation-state for the Palestinian people, the Palestinians must be asked to recognize the nation state of the Jewish people. The Jewish people are not foreign conquerors in the Land of Israel . This is the land of our forefathers.

Inscribed on the walls outside this building is the great Biblical vision of peace: "Nation shall not lift up sword against nation. They shall learn war no more." These words were spoken by the Jewish prophet Isaiah 2,800 years ago as he walked in my country, in my city, in the hills of Judea and in the streets of Jerusalem .

We are not strangers to this land. It is our homeland. As deeply connected as we are to this land, we recognize that the Palestinians also live there and want a home of their own. We want to live side by side with them, two free peoples living in peace, prosperity and dignity.

But we must have security. The Palestinians should have all the powers to govern themselves except those handful of powers that could endanger Israel .

That is why a Palestinian state must be effectively demilitarized. We don't want another Gaza , another Iranian backed terror base abutting Jerusalem and perched on the hills a few kilometers from Tel Aviv.

We want peace.

I believe such a peace can be achieved. But only if we roll back the forces of terror, led by Iran , that seek to destroy peace, eiminate Israel and overthrow the world order. The question facing the international community is whether it is prepared to confront those forces or accommodate them.

Over seventy years ago, Winston Churchill lamented what he called the "confirmed unteachability of mankind," the unfortunate habit of civilized societies to sleep until danger nearly overtakes them.

Churchill bemoaned what he called the "want of foresight, the unwillingness to act when action will be simple and effective, the lack of clear thinking, the confusion of counsel until emergency comes, until self-preservation strikes its jarring gong."

I speak here today in the hope that Churchill's assessment of the "unteachability of mankind" is for once proven wrong.

I speak here today in the hope that we can learn from history -- that we can prevent danger in time.

In the spirit of the timeless words spoken to Joshua over 3,000 years ago, let us be strong and of good courage. Let us confront this peril, secure our future and, God willing, forge an enduring peace for generations to come.

This Day…

April or October 573 B.C.

The New Temple Area. The dating of Ezekiel’s following visions is ambiguous. His reference to the new year in verse 40:1 may date these visions to April or October 573 B.C. Ezekiel 40:1-27.[1]

• October 5, 1540: Jews again expelled from Bavaria. [1][2] Ludwig IX expelled the Jews from Lower Bavaria.[2][3] They were flung into prison until they paid the duke a ransom of 32,000 crowns and were then driven from the duchy.

George Washington’s Journal:

October 5, 1770: Set out in Company with Doctr. Craik for the Settlement on Redstone &ca. dind at Mr. Bryan Fairfax’s & lodged at Leesburg.

George Washington’s Journal:

October 5th, 1770.—Began a journey to the Ohio[4], in company with Dr. Craik, his servant and two of mine, with a led horse and baggage. Dined at Towiston’s and lodged at Leesburg, distant from Mount Vernon about forty-five miles. Here my portrnanteau horse failed.

October 3, 1773:


Thursday, October 5th, 1775

At V. Crawford’s. Performed the part of a Clergyman at he funeral of an infant. At the Grave the parents and friends Wept and drank Whiskey alternately. V. Crawford promised to hire me a horse to carry me over the mountain before I went to Fort Pitt, but I believe he never intends to perform.[6]

October 5, 1777


October 5, 1777

On the 5th of October the wounded were transported to Philadelphia.

The army shifted its camp this morning so that the right wing extended further beyond Germantown, while on this side there remained only the 4th English Brigade and the two Hessian regiments, which were ordered to move forward. The Battalion von Minnigerode also moved slightly forward on the left wing. The jägers remained in their old camp.[8]

October 5, 1795

William Crawford: Vol. 11, No. 2608. 1218 a. Mason (Apprentice Mason? JG), Main Fk. Licking. 10-5-1795, Bk. 4, p. 487. Same and Heirs, (September 2, 1798) 0n 9-2-1798. Bk. 8, p. 425-426. (note: preceding grant is John Dawson).[9]

October 5, 1813

Shawnee Indian Chief Tecumseh, allied with the British, is killed at the Battle of the Thames, in Ontario, Canada.[10]

• 1814: In Germany the emancipation of the Jews as decreed by Napoleon suffered severe setbacks during the era of reaction following the 1814 Congress of Vienna, in some cities, such as Frankfurt, Jews had to return to the ghetto; from a few others they were expelled. Anti-Jewish pamphlets mushroomed. [11]

October 5, 1814

• The Grand Jury at September term acct are allowed having Served three days each whose names are as follows (to wit)

• William Chapman

• John Step

• Thos Kenton

• Jacob Funderburgh

• Conrad Godlow

• Henry Drake

• Nicholas Pricket

• Daniel Garwood

• Robert Renick

• David Bay

• Thomas Howell- Constable

• William Moody

• Job Sharp

• William H. Fyffe

• Jock Thomas

• Jess Johnson[12]

The preceding document, found by Gary and Carol last year, is probably the most illuminating to date about Conrad Goodlove and the name presented here of Conrad Godlow. The original copy would maybe be more revealing as to whether the “w” was really a “ve” or not. My guess is that it is a “ve”. Penmanship aside, here is our Conrad, plain as day sitting on a Grand Jury in his home town. In speaking with my father yesterday, it would be interesting to have a few more DNA tests with some of the Godlove descendants to see if we are still on the right track. Francis and Conrad connect through an earlier court deposition, now Conrad Godlow appears in his home town court records in Ohio. JG

Wed. October 5, 1864

In camp wrote two letters one to MA Davis[13]

One to MR Hunter[14][15]

October 5, 1878: Daniel "Sugar Tramp" GUTLEBEN was born on October 5, 1878 in Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died on September 5, 1969 in ,Contra Costa,CA at age 90.

Daniel married Miriam Eunice CHURCH on September 19, 1905 in St Louis,Gratiot,Michigan. Miriam was born on September 7, 1876 in Elsie,Clinton, MI and died on May 14, 1961 in ,Contra Costa,CA at age 84. [16]

• October 5, 1938” Following a request by Heinrich Rothmund, head of the Swiss federal police, the German government recalls all Jewish passports and marks them with a large, colored “J” for Jude. This is to prevent German Jews from passing as christians and smuggling themselves into switzerland [17]

• October 5, 1940: Legislation for the confiscation of Jewish property is passed by the Romanian government.[18]

October 5, 1942
• The Nazis deported 1,000 Jews from Theresienstadt to Treblinka. Another 6,000 would be sent to the death camp at Treblinka by the end of the month.[13][19]

• October 5, 1942
• The Nazis murdered 3,000 Jews in Dubno after being rounded up and marched to outlying pits. Silently, without screaming or weeping, they all undressed, bid each other farewell, and then were summarily shot.[14][20]


October 5, 1988
Ronald Reagan


[1] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1160.

[2][1]A History of God by Karen Armstrong, page 264.

[3] [2] This Day in Jewish History

[4] Several factors induced GW to undertake an arduous journey through western Pennsylvania and the Ohio country in the fall of 1770. Among the most pressing was the question of locating bounty lands on the Kanawha and Ohio rivers for the officers and soldiers of the Virginia Regiment (see main entry for 3oJuly 1770). (July 30)GW felt a special sense of urgency about this business because rumors had recently reached Virginia of a newly established land company in England whose proposed claims appeared to overlap those of the Virginia veterans (see Diaries, 2 :287—88). Furthermore, GW noted, “any considerable delay in the prosecution of our Plan would amount to an absolute defeat of the Grant inasmuch as Emigrants are daily Sealing the choice Spots of Land and waiting for the oppertunity. . . Of solliciting a legal Title under the advantages of Possession & Improvement—two powerful Plea’s in an Infant Country” (GW to Lord Botetourt, g Sept. 1770, Papers, Colonial Series, 8:378—80). The movement of settlers into the area also made action imperative. GW’s own land interests also induced him to make a firsthand investigation of conditions in western Pennsylvania. In Sept. 1767 GW had instructed William Crawford, his western land agent, to “look me out a Tract of about 1500, 2000, or more acres somewhere in your Neighbourhood. . . . Any Person .who neglects the present oppertunity of hunting ou(t) good Lands & in some measure Marking & distinguishing them for their own (in order to keep others from settling them) will never regain it.” Crawford proceeded to have a considerable tract of land surveyed for GW in the area of Chartier’s Creek. “When you come up,” he informed GW, “you will see the hole of your tract finisht” (GW to Crawford, 21 Sept. 1767, and Crawford to GW, 5 May 1770, [4]

[5] Annals of Southwestern Pennsylvania by Lewis Clark Walkinshaw, A. M. Volume ll, 1939 pg.

[6] The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774-1777 pg. 123

[7] Valley Forge Orderly Book of General George Weedon, 1777-1778 pg. 66

[8] Revolution in America, Confidential letters and Journals 1776-1784 of Adjutant General Major Baurmeister of the Hessian Forces. Pg 122

[9] Index for Old Kentucky Surveys and Grants in Old State House, Fkt. KY. (Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett. Page 454.50.)

[10] ON This Day in America by John Wagman.

[11] The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism From Ancient times to the Present Day by Walter Laqueur, page 76.

[12] Champaign Co. Com. Office, Original Book 1809-1819, Transcribed by J. A. Underwoold, Dec’d.

[13] Mary Ann Goodlove, born January 7, 1829, in Moorefield Twp. Clark County, Ohio.She died April 29, 1926 in Columbus Ohio. She was the daughter of Conrad Goodlove and Catherine “Katie” McKinnon. She married Peter T. Davis October 7, 1852. She is the sister of William Harrison Goodlove. (Conrad Goodlove Family Bible)

[14] Dr. Milton Reader Hunter, William Harrison Goodlove’s brother in law, born March 14, 1817, on his fathers farm, Catawba, Clark County, Ohio; died 1884 in Pleasant Tsp., Clark County Ohio. He was the son of Jonathan Hunter and Mary Shaw. He married Nancy Jane Goodlove, William Harrison Goodlove’s sister, December 27, 1842 in Clark Co. Ohio by Reverend Reuben Miller. She was born January 16, 1826, in Moorefield Twp. Clark Co. Ohio. She was the daughter of Conrad Goodlove and Catherine “Katie” McKinnon. He married (2) Sarah Skillman, November 6, 1860 in Pleasant Twp. Clark County, Ohio. She was the daughter of D. C. Skillman. (Asbury Cemetery Gravestone, Conrad Goodlove Family Bible, The Brothers Crawford, Vol I by Allen W. Scholl)

[15] William Harrison Goodlove Civil war Diary by Jeff Goodlove

[16] Descendents of Elias Gotleben, Email from Alice, May 2010.

• [17] This Day in Jewish History,.

• [18] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1764.

[19] This Day in Jewish History

[20] This Day in Jewish History

[21] Ronald Reagan at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC. Photo by Jeff Goodlove

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