Wednesday, April 13, 2011

This Day in Goodlove History, April 13

This Day in Goodlove History, April 13

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove


• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with -George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• This project is now a daily blog at:


• Goodlove Family History Project Website:


• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A point of clarification. If anybody wants to get to the Torah site, they do not have to go thru Temple Judah. They can use and that will take them right to it.

The Goodlove Reunion 2011 will be held Sunday, June 12 at Horseshoe Falls Lodge at Pinicon Ridge Park, Central City, Iowa. This is the same lodge we used for the previous reunions. Contact Linda at

Birthdays on this date; Laura H. Vance, Nancy Truax, Clark A. Smith, Sarah McKinnon, Jena L. Lorence, Catherine Lefevre, John H. Kruse, Jean L. Goodlove, Mark E. Godsell, Louisa Godlove, Gladys Godlove, Marion K. Allen

I Get Email!

In a message dated 3/31/2011 12:40:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

President Obama Issues Stunning Statement

Dear Jeff,

After the terrorist bombing in Jerusalem last week, the White House released a truly stunning statement from President Obama. Although he condemned the attack, he also included remarks regarding the Palestinians who were killed when Israel bombed the site from which missiles were being launched from Gaza. The statement reads in part:

I offer my deepest condolences for those injured or killed. There is never any possible justification for terrorism. The United States calls on the groups responsible to end these attacks at once, and we underscore that Israel, like all nations, has a right to self-defense. We also express our deepest condolences for the deaths of Palestinian civilians in Gaza yesterday. We stress the importance of calm and urge all parties to do everything in their power to prevent further violence and civilian casualties.

This is moral equivalence at its worst. There is no comparison between innocent lives taken by deliberate action and the loss of life caused by cowardly criminals who hide among civilian populations to deter retribution. For the President to use the same language for these two very different situations and then to call on "all parties" to try to prevent violence is folly. All parties are not causing violence—the terrorists who are committed to mass murder of the Jews are. Calling for restraint on both sides represents either a fundamental misunderstanding of the situation or a deliberate blindness to it.

It is deeply troubling to see the President of the United States—a nation which has long been blessed and defended by God for our support of Israel—taking such a position toward the ongoing conflict in the Middle East. The Palestinian terrorists and radical Islamists want nothing less than Israel's complete and utter destruction. They desire neither land nor peace; they desire death and destruction, believing it a necessary step to Muslim world domination.

Dr. Michael Evans

In a message dated 3/31/2011 5:40:05 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

UN Tells Israel to Surrender Immediately

Dear Jeff,

At a press conference on Tuesday, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon stated that the world body expects Israel to immediately surrender to demands from the Palestinians for control of the Bible lands of Judea, Samaria, and East Jerusalem—the "West Bank." Ban called Israel's position "morally and politically unsustainable" and said that it "must end."

Meanwhile the Palestinians continue to move forward with their plan to unilaterally declare themselves an independent state. They are expecting to receive support from the United Nations, completely apart from any negotiation with Israel and without making any concessions or promises of peace.

I am hearing from people inside Israel that my friend Prime Minister Netanyahu is being urged to insist that the United Nations recognize the fact that the Jews have as much or more claim to those lands as the Palestinians do. One political leader said off the record that if the Palestinians proceed with their plan, Israel should officially annex the parts of the West Bank with the largest Jewish populations—the so-called "settlements." Whatever the final outcome, events are moving rapidly toward the crisis point.

Dr. Michael Evans

In a message dated 3/31/2011 9:54:57 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Japanese Tsunami Relief Efforts

The Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago has opened an emergency mailbox to send humanitarian aid to the victims of the earthquake and tsunamis that have devastated Japan and now impact nations across the Pacific.

100% of collected donations will go directly to support non-sectarian needs on the ground--the Jewish Federation will absorb any administrative costs. Those who wish to donate to this relief effort can do so through the JUF website at

Elgin Holocaust Performance

The Elgin Cultural Arts Commission is proud to present a staged reading of a new drama in its Page To Stage series.

Broken Glass by Christopher Bibby

The story takes place in Berlin in 1938 in the days surrounding Kristallnacht. The longstanding friendship between Martin Hottl, a Catholic cobbler, and Jozef Pac'zynski, a Jewish shopkeeper, is put to the ultimate test in these dangerous times.

This reading is presented in recognition of Holocaust Remembrance Day.

April 29 & 30, 2011, at 7:30 pm and May 1, 2011, at 1:00 pm

The Elgin Art Showcase

8th Floor of the Professional Building,

164 Division Street, Elgin, Illinois.

This event is free to the public.

Audiences will have an opportunity to speak to the playwright and actors at an informal reception after performances at Villa Verone, 13 Douglas Avenue, Elgin.

Passover Haggadah Story

As we prepare for the Passover holiday, consider taking a moment to read about a beautiful Haggadah that also served as a sign of the resistance of the Jewish spirit! “The Haggadah (which means ‘the telling’ in Hebrew) is an important element of the Jewish Passover holiday. Reading the book is a Jewish rite in order to learn how the Jews escaped to freedom from slavery in Egypt. Every Jewish household has a copy. Szyk’s edition draws parallels between repressive regimes of Nazi Germany and the ancient Egyptians. In his original artwork for the book, Szyk placed swastikas onto Egyptian figures but he was persuaded to remove them because of concerns that a religious text should not be tainted by racist images. The Haggadah features a story about four sons - one is wise, one is wicked, one is simple, and the last does not know to ask. Szyk’s wicked son is clearly Germanic complete with a little Hitler moustache. “

See the full story at:

Annual Walk with Israel

The annual Walk With Israel is coming up, on Sunday, June 5 (for the Western Suburbs)! For information, see:

This Day…

April 13, 1111: Henry V is crowned Holy Roman Emperor. Henry gained power by revolting against his father Henry IV. This was unfortunate for the Jews of Germany since Henry IV had been protective of his Jewish subjects as can be seen by his enforcement of laws forbidding the forcible baptism of Jews and allowing Jews who had been forcibly baptized to return to the faith of their fathers even if this ruling was contrary to Church doctrine. While no record exists that shows Henry V repealed the rulings his father’s loss of power was still a blow to the Jews because it was rare to find a monarch who was protective of his Jewish subjects.[1]


A papal bull formally chartered the Order of the Hospital in 1113 and put it under the direct authority of the papacy, making it independent from local control.[2]


Parallel to the Hospitalers, the Order of the Temple was established in 1119. [3] The Knights Templar starts with nine noblemen in 1119.[4]

April 13, 1204: During the Fourth Crusade the sack of Constantinople continues. The Fourth Crusade was initially called for by Innocent III, one of the more anti-Semitic Popes. European Jews did not suffer in the way they had during the first 3 crusades, in part because of the devastation they had already experienced. The Fourth Crusade degenerated into a fight among Christians as the Latin Crusaders made war against eastern Orthodox Christians.[5]

April 13, 1250: The Seventh Crusade, led by King Louis IX of France is defeated in Egypt. This marked the last of the Crusades. Considering the impact they had on the Jews, the end of the Crusades was a positive thing. This did not mark the end of the Crusading Spirit which would continue to rear its ugly head in events such as the expulsion from Spain two and half centuries later. Louis IX’s four decade long reign was a time of misery for the Jews. It was marked by the famous burning of twenty four carloads of Talmudic writings in Paris in 1242 and a similar such conflagration two years later.[6]

After AD 1250

The population of Cahokia begins to decline, perhaps due to the rise of other Mississippian communities. [7]

April 13, 1519: Birthdate of Catherine de' Medici who would become the wife of Henry II of France. When it came to choosing a doctor, Catherine opted to go for quality and used Jews even though Childen of Israel had been banned from living in France. Catherine first employed a Marrano named Luis Nunez. Later she began using Philotheus Montalto, a Portuguese doctor who had cured of her some un-named malady when he was passing through Paris.[8]

1521: Spain conqueres the Aztecs.[9]

Aztec sculpture of Chicomecoatl. Mexico, 1350-1521.[10]

Stone sculpture of a deity, probably Xochipilli, Aztec (1350-1521). Mexico.[11]

Aztec artwork, Spanish documents, and archaeology all tell us that sacrice was central to Aztec religion. From mild bloodletting to violent death, sacrifice offered thanks to the gods while maintaining the natural order of the world. Rulers also used the threat of sacrifice to intimidate peoples under their control including Aztec citizens. They also encouraged the

belief that it was an honor to sacrifice one’s life to help preserve the world and its order.[12]


Sherri Maxson translates the Aztec calendar at the Field Museum.

1521: King Henry VIII has a fever which is believed to be malaria. He is 6 ft. 3 in., waist 32 in. chest 39 in. The average height at the time was about 5 foot 6 in. [14]

April 13, 1556: Portuguese Marranos who had returned to Judaism were burned to death in Acona, Italy. A Jewish-led boycott of the port of Acona marked the first community-wide effort by "free" Jews, since the beginning of the Diaspora, to hit back at their enemies.[15]

1598: Henry IV of France issued the Edict of Nantes, granting full religious freedom to his subjects[16] including the Huguenots in Catholic France. The edict did not cover Moslems or Jews living in France, including “New Christians” who had fled to France because of the Inquisition.[17]

April 13, 1635

The site of the first public school was Boston Latin School. Reading the Bible was a basic element of the Puritan faith, “it being one chief projecto of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men fromn the knowledge of the Scdriptures.” Thus education , learning to read, was of primarty importance. So almost as soon as the colony’s survival was assured, the town voted that “our brother Philemon Pormont whall be intreated to become schoolmaster for the teaching and nourtering of children with us.” Among those who had studied in this first school building were Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams.[18]


The statue of Benjamin Franklin, Boston Latin Schools most famous dropout, stands in the nearby courtyard.[20]

April 13, 1743: Birthdate of Thomas Jefferson. “Thomas Jefferson is deservedly a hero to American Jewry. His was one of the few voices in the early republic fervently championing equal political rights for Jews. Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia is a classic American statement of religious toleration. Significantly, while Jefferson championed the rights of Jews and other religious minorities, he did not do so out of respect for Judaism but because he respected the right of every individual to hold whichever faith they wished…. Despite his reservations about the perceived “defects” in Judaism, Jefferson never wavered in his commitment to civil and religious freedom for Jews. Jefferson’s most notable achievement in establishing religious and civic toleration for American Jewry was his 1779 Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia. Adopted in 1785, the Bill proclaimed: “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess. . . their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise . . . affect their civil capacities.” Two years later, in 1787, the U. S. Constitution was adopted. Article VI contains the following, Jefferson-inspired phrase: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Despite his attitude toward Judaism as a religion, Jefferson’s advocacy of the rights of Jews –and those of other religious minorities – has become the law and custom of the land. Toleration of all religions, the absence of an official government religion, and the right to practice and express religious thought freely are the hallmarks of Jefferson’s legacy. Despite his private views of Judaism, he was indeed a most ‘righteous Gentile.’”[21]


MOUNT VERNON, April 13, 1773.

My LORD :—In obedience to your Lordship’s request, I do myself the honor to inform you, that, by letters this day received from Dr. Cooper of King’s College in New York, I find it will be about the first of next month before I shall set off for that place, and that it will perhaps be the mid­dle of June before I return. harvest then coming on, and seldom ending till after the middle of July, I could almost wish to see it accomplished ; but if the delay in doing it is attended with any kind of inconvenience to your Lordship, I will, at all events, be ready by the first of July to accom­pany you through any and every part of the western coun­try which you may think proper to visit.

I beg the fhvor of your Lordship to inform me, therefore, as nearly as you can, of the precise time you will do me the honor of calling here, that I may get ready accord­ingly, and give notice of it to Mr. Crawford (if your Lord­ship purposes to take the route of Pittsburgh,) whom I took the liberty of recommonding as a good woods-man, and well acquainted with the lands in that quarter, that lie may be disengaged when we get to his house, which is directly on that communication. I am persuaded that such a per­son will be found very necessary in an excursion of this sort, from his superior knowledge of the country, and of the inhabitants, who are thinly scattered over it. [24]

No person can he better acquainted with the equipago and simple conveniences necessary in an undertaking of this sort than your Lordship, and, therefore, it would be impertinent in me to mention them ; but if your Lordship should find it convenient to have anything provided in this part of the country, and will please to honor me with your commands, they shall be punctually obeyed. As, also, if your Lordship chooses to have an Indian engaged, I will write to Colonel Croghan, Deputy Indian Agent, who lives near Pittsburgh, to have one provided.

The design of my journey to New York is to take my son-in-law, Mr. Custis, to King’s College. If your Lord­ship, therefore, has any letters or commands, either to that

place or Philadelphia, I shall think myself honored in being the bearer of them, as well as benefited by means of the introduction.

I am, with the greatest respect, your Lordship’s most obedient and most humble servant.[25]

Thursday, April 13th, 1775

Captn. Stephenson advises me to build our canoe here, provisions are cheaper than at Fort Pitt. Rice professes to be a Carpenter and understands the building of them, is acquainted here and will undertake to have one finished in a fortnight.[26]

George Washington To JOHN CANNON

Mount Vernon, April 13, 1787

Sir: I have recd. your letter of January 22, and as I wisl dispose of my Land near you (as well as the tract in Fay County) I will with pleasure mention my terms to you, ti you may make them known and give assurances of the ti Upon their being complied with. The Land in Washington County I will sell at 30/ Pensylvanja Currency pr. Acre (payable in Specie), one fourth down, and the other 3/4 in Annu payments with interest from the date of the Bonds, perhaps longer time may be granted for the 3/4 if the interest is pai Punctually. I had much rather sell the whole tract togethc than to have it divided into Lots, but if a divis~0~ would facil. tate the sale I have no objection provided the Lots do not inter fere with, nor injure the sale of each other and if they sell on with another so as to average the above price for the whole.

As it is my Primary object to sell all my lands in that part of the Country, I should not wish to have them leased for any long time, least it should obstruct the sale of them.

I am much obliged to you for your goodnes5 in offering to manage my Land for me in Fayette County; and as Majr. Free­man is about to leave that part of the Countiy I will accept of your kind offer. My terms for that tract are 40/ Pensa. Cur­rency pr. Acre the payments to be made as above, I have lately had an application for this tract from a Gentleman in Jersey, and am in daily expectation of his final answer to my terms, this however need not prevent the application of others as I am under no obligation to give the preference to anyone, but shall close with the first that comes to my terms. I recd. a letter from Mr. Smith in Feby. mentioning that unless I came upon terms with the defendts. it would be best to have the Sheriff execute writs of possession to my Agent before Harvest, that those who had put seed in the Ground might consider it as an obligation confered upon them, to be permitted to take off their Crops, whereas, if writs of possession were not executed, they would take them off of course as their right, but, I suppose, as they have become tenants the immediate necessity of this measure is superceded. I know nothing of any promise which Cob. Crawford made of leaving out any part of the land when he surveyed it, the patent was taken out agreeable to his return and cannot now be altered. However, if the Land is sold I will consider Mr. Hillis as a preferable purchaser of that piece which runs along his line so as to include his improvements, provided it does not affect the sale of the rest. With great esteem etc.

P. 5. Incbosed is the form of the writs of Possession as for­warded to me by Mr. Smith, if it should be necessary to execute them.[27]

April 13, 1830: Ancestor and President Andrew Jackson at a white house dinner, proposes a toast stating, “ Our Federal Union, it must be preserved!”[28] Prophetic words.

Wed. April 13, 1864 (William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove)

Wrote letter laid in camp moved out camp to the front throwed up breast work

Expected an attack but saw no rebs

Gun boat fleet came down the river[29]

“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” The History Channel

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel


“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” The History Channel

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel.

April 13, 1865: On April 13th, 1865, Raleigh and the Capitol began to experience the war firsthand as Gen. William T. Sherman’s army, led by Judson Kilpatrick’s Third Cavalry Division, marched into town, beginning the occupation of the city by the Federal Army.[31] (William Harrison Goodlove and the 24th Iowa were there guarding trains.)

April 13, 1941: The governments of Japan and the USSR sign a neutrality pact. [32]

April 13, 1941: German forces occupy Belgrade.[33]

April 13, 1941: German troops enter Belgrade Yugoslavia. Another 75,000 more Jews would now fall under the German yoke. Jewish shops that day were ransacked by German troops and German citizens living in the Yugoslav capital city.[34]

April 13, 1943: Mass graves are discovered at Katyn, Poland, the site of a massacre of Polish officers by the Soviets.[35]

April 13, 1944: In Hungary, Jews of the annexed territories were being rounded up and concentrated in urban ghettos.[36]

April 13, 1945(30th of Nisan, 5705: On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, five thousand Jews being taken from Auschwitz and marched to Belsen were herded into a barn. The Germans set the barn on fire. While some escaped, many thousands more were burned to death. The Germans shot those who tried to escape during the fire.[37]

April 13, 2029: Apothis, an asteroid discovered headed towards earth in 2004, is scheduled to miss earth but possibly go through a keyhole, putting it on a collision course in 2036.[38]

2036: Currently there is a one in 45,000 chance that Apothis will contact earth.[39]



[2] Warriors of God, by James Reston Jr. page 12.

[3] Warriors of God, by James Reston Jr. page 12.

[4] The Templar Code, HISTI, 5/17/2008



[7] The Field Museum.


[9] True Caribbean Pirates, HISTI, 7/9/2010

[10] The Field Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove 12/27/2009

[11] The Field Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, 12/27/2009

[12] The Field Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, 12/27/2009

[13] The Field Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove 12/27/2009

[14] Inside the Body of Henry VIII, 4/13/2010, NTGEO.


[16] The Northern Light, Vol. No. 3 September 1979 page 4. “Persecuted by the Inquisition” by Louis L. Williams.


[18] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail by Charles Bahne, page 12.

[19] Photo by Jeff Goodlove

[20] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail by Charles Bahne, page 18.


[22] This letter is inserted in this connection although it does not be­long to the Washington-Crawford correspondence, it having an important hearing upon the one that follows. It has been previously published. See Sparks’ Washington, vot 11, pp. 373, 374.

[23] John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, one of the representative peers of Scotland, was, at that date, Governor of Virginia.

[24] Washington’s visit to the home of Crawford two years and a half previous, and his trip thence down the Ohio to the Great Kanawha and return in company with him, enabled him to speak with confidence as to his (Crawford’s) superior knowledge of the western country and its inhabitants.

[25] The Washington-Crawford Letters, C. W. Butterfield, 1877

[26] The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774-1777 pg. 64


[28] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[29]After the fight at Blair’s Landing the boats continued down the river until 1 A.M. on the 13th, when they tied up until shortly after daybreak. The voyage on the 13th was a hectic one too. The John Warner got aground and caused a lengthy delay. Then Brigadier General St. John R. Liddell’s artillery opened an annoying fire from the north bank, but Selfridge opened an annoying fire from the north bank, but Selfridge managed to drive Liddell off with the Osage’s great guns before any serious damage was done. Next a broken rudder forced the Clara Bell to take the Rob Roy in tow, while the Warner stubbornly resisted all efforts to get her afloat. Then T. Kilby Smith sent downstream all but three of his boats that were able to move under their own power or could be towed, while with the others he labored to drag the Warner into deeper water. Finally at daylight on the 14th he sent down all his boats, leaving the Warner to be protected by the Fort Hindman.

In the meantime at Grand Ecore there was increasing anxiety on the part of A. J. Smith and his officers as to the fate of Kirby Smith’s division. Firing had been heard from upstream in the direction of Campti, about twelve miles northwest of Grand Ecore. Were the fleet and transports being overpowered by the enemy? On the 13th Colonel Shaw went to A. J. Smith to secure permission to cross the Red and march to the aid of the beleaguered Federals. Using “strong, emphatic language as to General Banks’ lack of military ability,” Smith told Shaw that he had no authority to send him, and that he had been unable to get Bank’s permission to go. Shaw said he would like to go without permission, and as he received no contrary orders, he took his brigade and started out.(Scott, 32d Iowa, p. 243.)(Red River Campaign, Johnson, p. 213.

[30] History Channel, Civil War in the West.


[32] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1765.

[33] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1765.


[35] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1776



[38] Planet Storm, NTGEO, 4/19/2007

[39] Planet Storm, NTGEO, 4/19/2007

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