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This Day in Goodlove History, April 13
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspxy
April 13, 863: King Donald of Alpin b 811 Iona d April 13, 863 buried at Reilig Odhran Iona.[1]
King Donald of Alpin is the 33rd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 13, 1204: During the Fourth Crusade the sack of Constantinople continues. The Fourth Crusade was initially called for by Innocent III, one of the more anti-Semitic Popes. European Jews did not suffer in the way they had during the first 3 crusades, in part because of the devastation they had already experienced. The Fourth Crusade degenerated into a fight among Christians as the Latin Crusaders made war against eastern Orthodox Christians.[2]
April 13, 1250: The Seventh Crusade, led by King Louis IX of France is defeated in Egypt. This marked the last of the Crusades. Considering the impact they had on the Jews, the end of the Crusades was a positive thing. This did not mark the end of the Crusading Spirit which would continue to rear its ugly head in events such as the expulsion from Spain two and half centuries later. Louis IX’s four decade long reign was a time of misery for the Jews. It was marked by the famous burning of twenty four carloads of Talmudic writings in Paris in 1242 and a similar such conflagration two years later.[3]
April 13th, 1517 - Osmaanse army occupies Cairo[4]
April 13, 1519: Birthdate of Catherine de' Medici who would become the wife of Henry II of France. When it came to choosing a doctor, Catherine opted to go for quality and used Jews even though Childen of Israel had been banned from living in France. Catherine first employed a Marrano named Luis Nunez. Later she began using Philotheus Montalto, a Portuguese doctor who had cured of her some un-named malady when he was passing through Paris.[5]
April 13th, 1556 - Portuguese Marranos who revert back to Judaism burned by order of Pope[6] Portuguese Marranos who had returned to Judaism were burned to death in Acona, Italy. A Jewish-led boycott of the port of Acona marked the first community-wide effort by "free" Jews, since the beginning of the Diaspora, to hit back at their enemies.[7]
April 13th, 1598 - Edict of Nantes grants political rights to French Huguenots[8]
April 13, 1635
The site of the first public school was Boston Latin School. Reading the Bible was a basic element of the Puritan faith, “it being one chief projecto of that old deluder, Satan, to keep men fromn the knowledge of the Scdriptures.” Thus education , learning to read, was of primarty importance. So almost as soon as the colony’s survival was assured, the town voted that “our brother Philemon Pormont whall be intreated to become schoolmaster for the teaching and nourtering of children with us.” Among those who had studied in this first school building were Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, and Samuel Adams.[9]

The statue of Benjamin Franklin, Boston Latin Schools most famous dropout, stands in the nearby courtyard.[10]
April 13, 1743: Birthdate of Thomas Jefferson. “Thomas Jefferson is deservedly a hero to American Jewry. His was one of the few voices in the early republic fervently championing equal political rights for Jews. Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia is a classic American statement of religious toleration. Significantly, while Jefferson championed the rights of Jews and other religious minorities, he did not do so out of respect for Judaism but because he respected the right of every individual to hold whichever faith they wished…. Despite his reservations about the perceived “defects” in Judaism, Jefferson never wavered in his commitment to civil and religious freedom for Jews. Jefferson’s most notable achievement in establishing religious and civic toleration for American Jewry was his 1779 Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in Virginia. Adopted in 1785, the Bill proclaimed: “No man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place or ministry whatsoever, nor shall be enforced, restrained, molested or burdened in his body or goods, nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess. . . their opinions in matters of religion, and that the same shall in no wise . . . affect their civil capacities.” Two years later, in 1787, the U. S. Constitution was adopted. Article VI contains the following, Jefferson-inspired phrase: “No religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States.” Despite his attitude toward Judaism as a religion, Jefferson’s advocacy of the rights of Jews –and those of other religious minorities – has become the law and custom of the land. Toleration of all religions, the absence of an official government religion, and the right to practice and express religious thought freely are the hallmarks of Jefferson’s legacy. Despite his private views of Judaism, he was indeed a most ‘righteous Gentile.’”[11]
• Francis Cutliff born.
Date: Tue, 01 Jun 2004 20:24:58 -0700From: Rod Bias
Conrad and Francis Cutliff: "Walter Crockett of Wythe vs. Gordon Cloyd and others--O. S. 33; N. S. 11--Bill filed 9th July, 1798. James McCorkle and Wm. Christian, partners in 1775, gave their bond with Walter Crockett as sureties. McCorkleis dead, leaving heiresses Peggy Adams, wife of William Adams andRebecca Thompson, wife of Andrew Thompson. Copy of deed WilliamChristian and Anne to James McCorkle, dated 16th August, 1784, andproved in Montgomery County 25th August, 1784. Copy of will of JamesMcCorkle of Montgomery County, dated 5th February, 1794, proved inMontgomery May Court, 1794. Niece Margaret McCorkle, wife of William Adams. Nieces Martha and Rebecca McCorkle. Tract called Dunkard Bottom. Martha McCorkle, widow of brother William McCorkle.Martha and William were parents of three nieces above. Devise to RobertCurrin, Jr., son of Robert. Depositions in Winchester, 29th June, 1805.Michael Switzer 25 years old. Paul Kauffman 23 or 24 years old. MichaelHouseman aged 28. Conrad Cutliff aged 19 (Gotlieb?). Francis Cutliff aged 61."---------------
1744: Alexander Vance Sr. married Jane Martin in 1744. He was born in 1725, the s/o John Vance b. 1699, and Elizabeth "LNU" Vance. Jane Martin born 1726.[12]
1744: Fort Pleasant was built on lands of Isaac Van Meter who took up a claim near Old Fields, 1735, and settled there, 1744.[13] He and his other brother, Jacob Van Meter, and moved to Moorefield in 1744. By that time, several families had already settled in the area, including the families of James Howard, John and James Walker, Jonathan Coburn, and James Rutledge. Unfortunately, Jacob Van Meter was killed by Indians a few years after moving to Moorefield.[14]
In 1744, Virginia officials purchased the Iroquois title of ownership to West Virginia in the Treaty of Lancaster.[15]
1744; Jews expelled from Bohemia.[1][16]
1744; Jews expelled from Livonia.[2][17]
MOUNT VERNON, April 13, 1773.
My LORD :—In obedience to your Lordship’s request, I do myself the honor to inform you, that, by letters this day received from Dr. Cooper of King’s College in New York, I find it will be about the first of next month before I shall set off for that place, and that it will perhaps be the middle of June before I return. harvest then coming on, and seldom ending till after the middle of July, I could almost wish to see it accomplished ; but if the delay in doing it is attended with any kind of inconvenience to your Lordship, I will, at all events, be ready by the first of July to accompany you through any and every part of the western country which you may think proper to visit.
I beg the fhvor of your Lordship to inform me, therefore, as nearly as you can, of the precise time you will do me the honor of calling here, that I may get ready accordingly, and give notice of it to Mr. Crawford (if your Lordship purposes to take the route of Pittsburgh,) whom I took the liberty of recommonding as a good woods-man, and well acquainted with the lands in that quarter, that lie may be disengaged when we get to his house, which is directly on that communication. I am persuaded that such a person will be found very necessary in an excursion of this sort, from his superior knowledge of the country, and of the inhabitants, who are thinly scattered over it. [20]
No person can he better acquainted with the equipago and simple conveniences necessary in an undertaking of this sort than your Lordship, and, therefore, it would be impertinent in me to mention them ; but if your Lordship should find it convenient to have anything provided in this part of the country, and will please to honor me with your commands, they shall be punctually obeyed. As, also, if your Lordship chooses to have an Indian engaged, I will write to Colonel Croghan, Deputy Indian Agent, who lives near Pittsburgh, to have one provided.
The design of my journey to New York is to take my son-in-law, Mr. Custis, to King’s College. If your Lordship, therefore, has any letters or commands, either to that place or Philadelphia, I shall think myself honored in being the bearer of them, as well as benefited by means of the introduction.
I am, with the greatest respect, your Lordship’s most obedient and most humble servant.[21]
In a letter to the Earl of Dunmore, dated April 13, 1773, Washington, writing from Mt. Vernon, said: "I beg the
favor of your lordship to inform me as nearly as you can of the precise time you will do me the honor of calling here, that I may
get ready accordingly, and give notice of it to Mr. Crawford, * * * that he may be disengaged when we get to his house."22
While Washington could not go at that time for the reason given, Lord Dunmore made the journey during the summer,
spending considerable time at Crawford's place, and at Pittsburg.23 Thus Crawford was visited in his distant, humble home,
by the two most distinguished men then living in America.
George Washington is the grandnephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10 times removed and William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
Thursday, April 13th, 1775
Captn. Stephenson advises me to build our canoe here, provisions are cheaper than at Fort Pitt. Rice professes to be a Carpenter and understands the building of them, is acquainted here and will undertake to have one finished in a fortnight.[22]
Hugh Stephenson is the half 6th great granduncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
In a letter to the Earl of Dunmore, dated April 13, 1773, Washington, writing from Mt. Vernon, said: "I beg the favor of your lordship to inform me as nearly as you can of the precise time you will do me the honor of calling here, that I may get ready accordingly, and give notice of it to Mr. Crawford, that he may be disengaged when we get to his house."22
While Washington could not go at that time for the reason given, Lord Dunmore made the journey during the summer, spending considerable time at Crawford's place, and at Pittsburg.23 Thus Crawford was visited in his distant, humble home, by the two most distinguished men then living in America.
April 13, 1782: “In a late paper we gave an account that a woman and three children had been carried off by the savages from their habitation near Fort Pitt; and in our paper of the 9th[6th]inst. we mentioned an advantage being gained over those Indians. By a gentleman who arrived here [Philadelphia] on Saturday last [April 13th, 1782], from Washington county [Pennsylvania], we have the following particulars: That on the 17th UOth] of February last, the wife and three children of one Robert Wallace, an inhabitant on Raccoon creek (during his absence from home), were carried off by a party of Indians. Mr. Wallace, on his return home in the evening, finding his wife and children gone, his house broke up, the furniture destroyed, and his cattle shot and laying dead about the yard, immediately alarmed the neighbors, and a party was raised that night, who set out early the next morning; but unfortunately a snow fell, which prevented their following, and they were obliged to return. About this time [day unknown], a certain John Carpenter was taken prisoner from the waters of Buffalo creek in said county [Washington County], and another party had fired at a man, whom they mitsed, and he escaped from them. These different parties of Indians, striking the settlements so early in the season, greatly alarmed the people, and but too plainly evinced their [the Indians’] determination to harass the frontiers; and nothing could save them [the frontier people] but a quick and spirited exertion. They therefore came to a determination to extirpate the aggressors and, if possible, to recover the people that had been carried off.”[23]
April 13, 1830: President Jackson at a white house dinner, proposes a toast stating, “ Our Federal Union, it must be preserved!”[24]
Andrew Jackson is the 2nd cousin 8x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 13, 1853: Lavenia Stephenson: Born on April 13, 1853 in Missouri. Lavenia died in Missouri on July 1, 1867; she was 14. Buried in Stephenson Cemetery, Chariton County, Missouri. [25]

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel
Wed. April 13, 1864
Wrote letter laid in camp moved out camp to the front throwed up breast work
Expected an attack but saw no rebs
Gun boat fleet came down the river[26][27]

“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” The History Channel

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel

“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” The History Channel

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel.

On April 13th, 1865, Raleigh and the Capitol began to experience the war firsthand as Gen. William T. Sherman’s army, led by Judson Kilpatrick’s Third Cavalry Division, marched into town, beginning the occupation of the city by the Federal Army.[29] (William Harrison Goodlove and the 24th Iowa were there guarding trains.)
April 13, 1931: Jack Junior Lorence (John Anthony, Frank, Frantisek Lorence) was born February 4, 1927 in Cedar Rapids, Ia. He married Jean LaRose Goodlove October 15, 1949 in Center Point, Ia., daughter of Covert Goodlove and Berneita Kruse. She was born April 13, 1931 in Linn Cnty, IA. Jack Junior Lorence graduated 1944 from McKinley H.S. bet 1944-1946 was in the Navy. Jean Larose Goodlove was a school secretary at Linn Mar in Marion.
Jack and Jean (my aunt and uncle) were instrumental in the transcription of the original William Harrison Goodlove diary and visited many of the battle grounds that William Harrison Goodlove was at. This information of their visits should be in the edition of the diary.
Jack Lorence is the husband of the aunt, Jean Larose Goodlove is my aunt, Covert Goodlove and Berneita Kruse are my grandfather and grandmother.
April 13, 1941: German troops enter Belgrade Yugoslavia. Another 75,000 more Jews would now fall under the German yoke. Jewish shops that day were ransacked by German troops and German citizens living in the Yugoslav capital city.[30]
April 13, 1941: The governments of Japan and the USSR sign a neutrality pact.
April 13, 1942: Six days earlier, Enterprise's sister ship Hornet had sailed from San Francisco, also accompanied by a cruiser and destroyer screen. Ploughing westwards, Hornet carried a somewhat unusual cargo. Arrayed across her aft flight deck, in two parallel rows, sat 16 Mitchell B-25 bombers: Army Air Force medium bombers. By all appearances, the bombers were too large to possibly take off from a carrier deck.
Certainly, this is what the men in Enterprise's task force thought when Hornet and her escorts hove into view early April 13. Rumors spread about the force's mission: some thought the bombers were being delivered to a base in the Aleutians, while others speculated they were destined for a Russian airfield on the Kamchatka peninsula. The mystery was solved later in the day, when Vice Admiral William F. Halsey signaled that Task Force 16 - two carriers, four cruisers and eight destroyers, supported by two tankers and two submarines - was "bound for Tokyo."[31]
1. 0600 (Y) April 13, when a rendezvous was effected with Task Force Eighteen in Latitude 38° - 00' North, Longitude 180° 00'.
Task Force Eighteen consisting of HORNET, VINCENNES, NASHVILLE, GWIN, GRAYSON, MEREDITH, MONSSEN and CIMARRON became part of Task Force Sixteen. At this time information was disseminated to the Task Force that it would proceed to a point approximately 500 miles east of Tokyo where 16 Army bombers (B-25) carried on the flight deck of HORNET, would be launched for an attack on the Tokyo area. Course 265°T. and speed 16 knots were then set. Except when bad weather prevented, continuous inner and intermediate air patrols were maintained during daylight and dawn and dusk search flights were conducted daily to 200 miles, 60° on each bow. [32]
Uncle Howard Snell was on board the Enterprise for this mission, the “Doolittle Raid.”
April 13, 1943: Mass graves are discovered at Katyn, Poland, the site of a massacre of Polish officers by the Soviets.[33]
April 13, 1944: In Hungary, Jews of the annexed territories were being rounded up and concentrated in urban ghettos.[34]
April 13, 1945: British and American forces liberate the German extermination camps, Gelsen and Buchenwald[JLG1] . [35]
April 13, 1945(30th of Nisan, 5705: On Rosh Chodesh Iyar, five thousand Jews being taken from Auschwitz and marched to Belsen were herded into a barn. The Germans set the barn on fire. While some escaped, many thousands more were burned to death. The Germans shot those who tried to escape during the fire.[36]
May 7, 1953- April 13, 2001
Dennis James Goodlove

May 7, 1953
Apr. 13, 2001
West Lawn Memorial Gardens
Shawnee County
Kansas, USA
Plot: Garden of The Christus

Created by: Janice Dean LeMaster
Record added: Jul 20, 2009
Find A Grave Memorial# 39681920
Dennis James Goodlove
Added by: Janice Dean LeMaster
Dennis James Goodlove
Cemetery Photo
Added by: Nancy
Dennis James Goodlove is the 1st Cousin 1x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
• April 13, 2029: Apothis, an asteroid discovered headed towards earth in 2004, is scheduled to miss earth (a 1 in 37 chance to hit earth)[38] but possibly go through a keyhole, putting it on a collision course in 2036.[39] It is 300 meters wide. [40]
2036: Currently there is a one in 45,000 chance that Apothis will contact earth.[41]

2050: It is estimated that by 2050 a third of Australia’s farmland will be blighted by salt.[43]
2050: The world’s population will hit 9 billion.[44]

2100: By 2100 the coastal cities will know that they are doomed because of the rise of sea water caused by the melting of the arctic glaciers and ice. [45]
2100: Agronomists say current food production will have to double in order to meet the demands of a world population expected to reach 10 Billion by 2100.[46]
2200: By 2200 there will be an additional 15 to 20 feet of additional sea water. [48]
10,000 CE: Currently the Earth is tilted at 23.44 degrees from its orbital plane, roughly halfway between its extreme values. The tilt is in the decreasing phase of its cycle, and will reach its minimum value around the year 10,000 CE. This trend, by itself, tends to make winters warmer and summers colder with an overall cooling trend leading to an ice age, but the 20th century instrumental temperature record shows a sudden rise in global temperatures and a concurring glacial melt has led some to attribute recent changes to greenhouse gas emissions.[7][49]
Approximately 50,000

Earth Ice Over Last 700,000 Years
Over the past 750,000 years of Earth's history, Ice Ages have occurred at regular intervals, of approximately 100,000 years each.
Courtesy of Illinois State Museum[50]
50 million years from now…

18F050v4.jpg (127477 bytes)[51]
Earth 100 Million Years from Now:

150 million years from now…
19F150v4.jpg (127869 bytes)[53]
250 million years from now…
20F250v4.jpg (108748 bytes)[54]
[1] http://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f186/royalty-of-scotland-and-ireland-4932-2.html
[2] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[3] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[4] http://www.historyorb.com/events/january/22
[5] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[6] http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/1556
[7] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[8] http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/1585
[9] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail by Charles Bahne, page 12.
[10] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail by Charles Bahne, page 18.
[11] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[12] http://timothyv.tripod.com/index-338.html
[13] Road Trip to History, 9/8/2006.
[14] http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/wv/Hardy/harhistory.html
[15] http://www.polsci.wvu.edu/wv/Hardy/harhistory.html
[16] [1] http://christianparty.net/jewsexpelled.htm
[17] [2] http://christianparty.net/jewsexpelled.htm
[18] This letter is inserted in this connection although it does not belong to the Washington-Crawford correspondence, it having an important hearing upon the one that follows. It has been previously published. See Sparks’ Washington, vot 11, pp. 373, 374.
[19] John Murray, 4th Earl of Dunmore, one of the representative peers of Scotland, was, at that date, Governor of Virginia.
[20] Washington’s visit to the home of Crawford two years and a half previous, and his trip thence down the Ohio to the Great Kanawha and return in company with him, enabled him to speak with confidence as to his (Crawford’s) superior knowledge of the western country and its inhabitants.
[21] The Washington-Crawford Letters, C. W. Butterfield, 1877
[22] The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774-1777 pg. 64
[23] Washington-Irvine Correspondence, by Butterfield 1882
[24] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[25] www.frontierfolk.net/ramsha_research/families/Stephenson.rtf
[26]After the fight at Blair’s Landing the boats continued down the river until 1 A.M. on the 13th, when they tied up until shortly after daybreak. The voyage on the 13th was a hectic one too. The John Warner got aground and caused a lengthy delay. Then Brigadier General St. John R. Liddell’s artillery opened an annoying fire from the north bank, but Selfridge opened an annoying fire from the north bank, but Selfridge managed to drive Liddell off with the Osage’s great guns before any serious damage was done. Next a broken rudder forced the Clara Bell to take the Rob Roy in tow, while the Warner stubbornly resisted all efforts to get her afloat. Then T. Kilby Smith sent downstream all but three of his boats that were able to move under their own power or could be towed, while with the others he labored to drag the Warner into deeper water. Finally at daylight on the 14th he sent down all his boats, leaving the Warner to be protected by the Fort Hindman.
In the meantime at Grand Ecore there was increasing anxiety on the part of A. J. Smith and his officers as to the fate of Kirby Smith’s division. Firing had been heard from upstream in the direction of Campti, about twelve miles northwest of Grand Ecore. Were the fleet and transports being overpowered by the enemy? On the 13th Colonel Shaw went to A. J. Smith to secure permission to cross the Red and march to the aid of the beleaguered Federals. Using “strong, emphatic language as to General Banks’ lack of military ability,” Smith told Shaw that he had no authority to send him, and that he had been unable to get Bank’s permission to go. Shaw said he would like to go without permission, and as he received no contrary orders, he took his brigade and started out.(Scott, 32d Iowa, p. 243.)(Red River Campaign, Johnson, p. 213.
[27] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[28] History Channel, Civil War in the West.
[29] Civilwaralbum.com
[30] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[32] http://www.cv6.org/ship/logs/action19420418-88.htm
[33] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1776
[34] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[35] ON This Day in America by John Wagman.
[36] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[37][37] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Goodlove&GSbyrel=in&GSdyrel=in&GSob=n&GRid=39681920&
[38] Civilization lost, h2, 12/11/2011
[39] Planet Storm, NTGEO, 4/19/2007
[40] Civilization lost, h2, 12/11/2011
[41] Planet Storm, NTGEO, 4/19/2007
[42] Chicago Botanical Garden, Photo by Jeff Goodlove
[43] Seed Hunter, SMTH 3/15/2013
[44] Seed Hunter, SMTH 3/15/2013
[45] Earth Under Water, NTGEO, 6/16/2011
[46] Doomsday Preppers, NTGEO, 3/13/2012
[47] Earth Under Water, NTGEO, 6/16/2011
[48] Earth Under Water, NTGEO, 6/16/2011
[49] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milankovitch_cycles
[50] http://www.geocraft.com/WVFossils/ice_ages.html
[51] http://www.scotese.com/future.htm
[52] http://www.earthgrind.com/earth-100-million-years-in-future/
[53] http://www.scotese.com/future1.htm
[54] http://www.scotese.com/future2.htm
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