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This Day in Goodlove History, April 5
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
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April 587 B.C.: Ezekiel received another prophecy from the Lord against Egypt in April 587 B.C. Ezekiel 30:20-26.[1]
April 571 B.C.: Egypt Will be Babylon’s Reward. These prophecies of Ezekiel are dated to April 571 B.C.Ezekiel 29:17-30:19.[2]
563 B.C.:

561 B.C.: Evil-Merodach released Jehoiachin from prison around 561 B.C.2 Kings 25:27-30 [4]
560 BCE: King Jerhoisachin of Judah is freed by Nebuchadressar:s short lived successor, Evilmerodach.[5]
559-530 BCE: In chronological terms, the canonical book of Ezra marks the last chapter in the biblical saga that tells the history of the children of Israel, beginning with the return of the Judahite exiles from Babylon to Jerusalem and the building of the Second Temple. The book begins just as 2 Chronicles ends, with the dramatic declaration of Cyrus the Great (c. 559-530 BCE), ruler of the Persian Empire, which at its high point stretched from Central Asia in the east to Egypt and Asia Minor in the west. Having conquered the world and defeated the Babylonians, Cyrus proclaims the return of the Judahite exiles to Jerusalem. Ezra asserts at the outset that these developments are all the workings of the Lord and the fulfillment of prophecies that promised a return to Judah, now Yehud, a Persian province. The return would be marked by the building of a temple in Jerusalem:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout his entire kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying. Thus saith Cyrus king of Persia, that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing, saying, Thus said Cyrus king of Persia, The Lord God of heaven hath given me all the kingdoms of the earth; and he hath charged me to build him an house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. (Ezra 1:1-2)[6]
550 BCE: Judeans in Israel and the Diaspora consolidate their traditions. In addition to revising the Deuteronomistic history, scribes compile and edit prophetic books while others put the priestly material of the Torah into unified literary form. A history of Israel and its covenant, from the creation of the world through the exile of Judah, is composed out of these and other narrative and legal materials. The first five books, known as the Torah of Moses, place a core of God‘s laws in the center, providing a revealed constitution to the restoration community and Jewish centers outside Judah, too.[7]
550 BCE: Two thin silver strips are inscribed with versions of the priestly benediction attested in Numbers 6. The strips are rolled up and are probably worn around the neck as amulets by members of a wealthy Jerusalem family living at what is now called Ketef Hinnom. The inscriptions are the earliest extant documents containing part of the Torah.[8]
550 BCE to 750 CE

550 to 549 B.C.
Daniel Dreams of four Beasts. In Belshazzar’s first year as king of Babylon (550 to 549 B.C.), Daniel had a vision of the end times. Daniel 7:1-28.[10]
548-547 B.C.
Daniel had a vision of a ram and a goat in Belshazzar’s third year as king (548-547 B.C.) Daniel 8:1-27.[11]
545 BCE: Some Judean exiles have lost faith in the God of their ancestors, YHWH who allowed their homeland to be ravaged. An anonymous prophet, known as the Second Isaiah, eloquently argues that YHWHG had planned the exile as punishment and has now planned restoration as the sole creator of the world YHWH has the power to manipulate all history. (Isaiah 40-48.)[12]
The Jews in the time of Cyrus and Cambyses (540—522)
To judge from the biblical references, the Persians could have had no more zealous supporters than the Jews. The Second Isaiah waxed eloquent over Cyrus: “He is my shepherd and shall fulfill my purpose fully” (xliv 28a); “Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have grasped . . . . “ (Xlv 1). For the religious enthusiasts he was the anointed (messiah) of Yahweh sent as deliverer for his people. The conquests of Cyrus were due to Yahweh, though he did not know him (Isa xlv 4); his successes were all part of Yahweh’s plan, which was more than mere deliverance. The people of Judah under Cyrus’ command (guided by Yahweh) were to rebuild Jerusalem with its temple (Isa xliv 28b; II Chron xxxvi 23; Ezra i 2, 3). There is no overt adverse judgment against the Persians in the exile or postexilic prophets or in the work of the Chronicler.
According to documents preserved by the Chronicler (II Chron xxxvi 22—23; Ezra i 1—4, vi 2—5), Cyrus in the first year of his reign issued a decree permitting the reconstruction of the house of God at Jerusalem and returning the temple vessels taken by Nebuchadnezzar. The decree, in its transmitted form, says nothing about the rebuilding of the city. There can be no doubt as to the authenticity of Cyrus’ decree or of its basic provisions, because they were in harmony with the policy of the great king.
Despite the difficulties, privations, and dangers involved, a goodly number of Jews did return between 538 B.c. and the accession of Darius (in 522). It is equally certain that many remained in Babylon and were not interested in returning, probably because they were prosperous. Those who remained are reminiscent of the great banking houses of Murashu and sons and of Egibi, the positions attained by others in the service of both Babylonians and Persians, and the difficulty experienced by Ezra later in persuading Levites to accompany him to Jerusalem (Ezra viii 15 if.). Fired by the preaching of the Second Isaiah and no doubt possessed of the nationalistic and religious hopes that had been kept alive by enthusiasts inspired by the dreams and promises of Ezekiel, they were willing to undertake the task. The officials involved in carrying out the royal edict were Sheshbazzar (Sin-ab-usur), a scion of the royal family and a son of Jehoiachin, and Joshua, the high priest. Sheshbazzar was soon replaced by Zerubbabel, his nephew and a grandson of the king. Actual progress of the returned community is difficult to assess, though it cannot have been auspicious, as may be seen from conditions of land and people depicted in the prophecies of Haggai and Zechariah. Rehabilitation required more than a royal decree; it required even more than material support for the religious enterprises. The very first contingent must have met with serious opposition on the part of the Samaritans who had gradually taken over the territory around Jerusalem and claimed hegemony over it, though it had not been officially assigned to them by the Babylonian conquerors. Nor had outsiders been settled there, as was the case with Samaria after the Assyrian conquest. The Samaritans and other peoples of the land, including the poorer classes of Jews who had escaped deportation, had, to all intents and purposes, slowly filled a power vacuum. Then there was the problem of sustenance, particularly if the group was sizable. If we knew the precise situation underlying the lists in Ezra ii and Nehemiah vii, we might be able to evaluate better how many Jews returned in the time of Sheshbazzar and Zerubbabel.19
Evidence seems to indicate that the people who returned were poor and not very well organized, though doubtless invested with religious zeal. They appear to have rebuilt the altar first (Ezra iii 2, 3) so as to carry on at least a modicum of worship, such as the celebration of the regular festivals and the daily sacrifices (Ezra iii 4—6a). Then they made preparations to carry out the main provision of the Cyrus decree—the rebuilding of the temple. Timber was brought in from Lebanon, supplies collected for the workmen and skilled craftsmen appointed. The actual work began (Ezra iii 8) in the second year of the return—laying the foundation of the temple with proper ceremony.2° Then they hit an obstacle: they were opposed by the people from Samaria, because they refused to give them permission to participate in the construction of the temple and its worship. It would not have been denial of permission to participate in the reconstruction that occasioned offense but the exclusion of the people of the land from worship on the grounds that they were regarded as unclean and their worship unacceptable to the golah. For the latter to have permitted participation in worship of the people of the land—a technical term for the ruling classes— would have meant a compromise of their faith; their stand naturally produced friction with those excluded. Indecision in rebuilding the temple could very well have been due, at least in part, to that friction (cf. Ezra iii 3, iv 4, 5; Hag ii 4; Zech viii 10), though the usual reason given is that the populace was occupied with building homes, crop failure, or general indifference.[13]
539 B.C.
539BCE: The Second Isaiah has told his fellow Judean exiles that YHWH has been granting victories to Cyrus so that he will overthrow Babylon and restore them to their homeland. The exiled Judeans have more than paid for their past sins, so “Mother Zion,” now forgiven by her “husband” YHWH, will welcome home her once wayward “children.” The people of Israel may then fulfill their mission to be a “light unto the nations” (Isaiah 49:6). [14]
Daniel interpreted the writing on the wall on the eve of the Persian takeover of Babylon in 539 B.C. Daniel 5:1-31.[15]
539 BCE: Babylonian rule over Judea lasted only a scant half century before the Persian emperor Cyrus vanquished Babylon in 539 BCE, and the distant territory came under his rule. It was at this time that the Judeans began being referred to as Jews, and Judea became known as Yehud ( the Aramaic name of the new province in the Persian Empire.)[1] [16]
539 B.C. Cyrus the Great captures Babylon and brings to an end the last Mesopotamian dynasty to rule in Babylonia: Cyrus was a Persian who belonged to the royal dynasty of the Achaemenids, centered in Parsua (modern Fars, in Iran). He and his successors created the largest, most efficiently organized empire in the ancient world. The Achaemenid Empire ultimately absorbed all of Iran, Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, Anatolia, and parts of India, Central Asia, and the Arabian Peninsula. The unification of these vast areas altered the administrative picture of the Near East on a broad scale. The Achemenids constructed an extensive network of roads, devised a general system of coinage, and built new cities.
Persians fostered local heritage and kept local cultural, religious, and linguistic traditions intact. Southern Mesopotamia flourished. Babylon remained the economic center of the empire and was the winter residence of the Achaemenid royal court.[17]
539BCE: Cyrus, king of the Persians, enters Babylon and gives back to the original cities sacred objects carried off to Babylon. [1][18] A member of the Judean royal family, Sheshbazzar, is assigned to repatriated the temple vessels. [2][19]
539 BCE: The Persians issued an edict (as inscribed on the Cyrus cylinder) allowing deportees to return to their homeland. Later Ezra was sent there and empowered to rebuild the Temple, and enforce a form of religion, which became Judaism, as according to the nook he had in his hand, many textual scholars suspect that Ezra was the individual who redacted together the differing accounts and sources of the Torah into a single text (the Torah). [20]
539-537 B.C.: Following a decree by the Persian king Cyrus, who had conquered Babylonia, some Jews returned to Israel. An estimated 50,000 embarked on their first return, led by Zerubbabel, a descendant of the House of David. The first thing the people did was to reestablish the Temple of the Lord, as recorded in the book of Ezra the Scribe and Nehemiah. They undertook a massive reconstruction and fortification of the city walls and the rfurther development of the temple of the Lord, as recorded in the Book of Nehemiah. The establishment of this second temple was ultimately enlarged and beautified by Herod the Great, 500 years later. [21]
The repatriation of the Jews, Ezra’s inspired leadership, the building of the second temple, the refortification of Jerusalem’s walls, and the establishment of the Knesset HaGedolah (Great Assembly), which was the supremem religious and judicial body of trhe Jewish people, marked the beginning of the Second Commonwealth (Second Temple Period). Within the confines of the Persian Empire, Judah was a nation centered in Jerusalem, whose leadership was no longer under a king, but entrusted to the High Priest and the Council of Elders.[22]
539-332 BCE: We know that in the Persian era (539-332 B.C.E.) about one-tenth of the returnees from Babylon were priests (parallel lists in Ezra 2 and Neh. 7 record 4,289 priests and 42,360 others). and that later on this percentage decreased as a result of the growth in the Jewish population. Since no one could become a priest without being born into a priestly family, their numbers depended solely on procreation. [23]
539 to 141 B.C.

While Cyrus the Persian allowed the Judaeans to return to their homeland in 538 BC, most chose to remain in Babylon. A large number of Jews in Egypt became mercenaries in Upper Egypt on an island called the Elephantine. All of these Jews retained their religion, identity, and social customs; both under the Persians and the Greeks, they were allowed to run their lives under their own laws. Some converted to other religions; still others combined the Yahweh cult with local cults; but the majority clung to the Hebraic religion and its new-found core document, the Torah.[25]
538 BCE: The Edict of Cyrus is proclaimed, allowing the exiles to return to the Promised Land.[1[26]] Most of them, however, elected to stay behind: henceforth only a minority would live there. The Bible tells us that 42,360 Jews left Babylon and Tel Aviv and began the trek home, where they imposed their new Judaism on their bewildered bretheren who had remained behind. [2] [27]
538 BCE: The Lemba are a tiny tribe of about fifty thousand, consisting of a pocket population in Soweto and the remainder dispersed across northern South Africa, the south of Zimbabwe, and in Mozambique. They speak a variety of Bantu languages. Today most are Christian. But according to their oral legend, they are Israelites deported by King Nebuchadnezzar from Judea to southern Arabia, a land they call Sena. The Lemba cite passages in Ezra 2:35 and Nehemiah 7:38, where it says almost 3,930 “sons of Senaah” return from exile in 538 BCE at the behest of the Persian king Cyrus to rebuild the Temple the Babylonians had destroyed. The Lemba believe that those banished Hebrews who chose to remain in Sena eventually traveled from the “northern city” and “across the ocean” to the East Aftican coast. From there, they moved inland.[28]
One of the Lemba clans…, the Buba, carried the Cohen haplotype at percentages as high as Ashkenazi Jewish Cohanim. More than half of the Buba clan, 53%, had the priestly signature marker. Here was genetic evidence that the Lemba were of Semitic ancestry and most likely descendants of priestly Jews.[29]
According to Lemba tradition, the Buba are descendants of a man named Buba who led the original tribal members out of Judea. They are the Lemba priests for ritual purposes and the senior clan. “’Buba’ means ‘Judea,’ says Ephraim Selamolela, a rich Buba from the northern region of South Africa who goes by the name Sela, which means “rock” in Hebrew. “ We’re the same as the other Lemba. But our noses and skin [color] are different. The Buba also didn’t intermarry much. [30]
Mark G. Thomas, Tudor Parfitt, D. A. Weiss, Karl L. Skorecki, J. F. Wilson, M. le Roux, Neil Bradman, David B. Goldstein. "Y Chromosomes Traveling South: the Cohen Modal Haplotype and the Origins of the Lemba--the 'Black Jews of Southern Africa'." American Journal of Human Genetics 66:2 (February 2000): 674-686. (Mirror) The "Kohen modal haplotype" is found among a significant number of members of the Lemba tribe of Africa, which claims descent from Jews but is also descended from Black Africans (Bantus). The priestly Buba clan has the Kohen haplotype in a higher percentage than Ashkenazi priests do. Furthermore, the non-Buba Lemba have the highest percentage of the Kohen haplotype outside of the priestly caste, among populations tested to date - higher than Ashkenazim and Sephardim added together! (FamilyTreeDNA.com estimates that only about 3 percent of Jews who do not know whether they are Levites or Cohens have the Cohen gene). 9 percent of the Lembas have the Cohen gene. Excerpts from the abstract:
"A previous study using Y-chromosome markers suggested both a Bantu and a Semitic contribution to the Lemba gene pool, a suggestion that is not inconsistent with Lemba oral tradition... To provide a more detailed picture of the Lemba paternal genetic heritage, we analyzed 399 Y chromosomes for six microsatellites and six biallelic markers in six populations (Lemba, Bantu, Yemeni-Hadramaut, Yemeni-Sena, Sephardic Jews, and Ashkenazic Jews). The high resolution afforded by the markers shows that Lemba Y chromosomes are clearly divided into Semitic and Bantu clades. Interestingly, one of the Lemba clans carries, at a very high frequency, a particular Y-chromosome type termed the 'Cohen modal haplotype,' which is known to be characteristic of the paternally inherited Jewish priesthood and is thought, more generally, to be a potential signature haplotype of Judaic origin."
James R. Ross. Fragile Branches: Travels Through the Jewish Diaspora. New York: Riverhead Books, 2000. Excerpts from Ross's book:
"The Lemba in southern Africa, who practice circumcision and do not eat pork, also claim their origins in Ancient Israel thousands of years ago. Anthropologists have concluded that the Lemba appropriated these practices when white missionaries taught them about the Hebrew Bible. Geneticists have found, however, that many Lemba men carry DNA sequences that are nearly unique to cohanim, Jewish priests believed to descend from Moses' brother, Aaron. The sequence is almost as common among the priestly clan of the Lemba as it is among Ashkenazi Jews who are believed to be cohanim." (excerpt from page 22)
Johnjoe McFadden. "Written in the genes." The Guardian (March 31, 2003). Excerpt:
"The Lemba are a tribe of Bantu-speaking black Africans who believe they are descended from Jews. ... Thompson's laboratory discovered that in their Y-chromosomes was a genetic marker found only among Jews. The Lemba tradition that a high priest named Buba led them out of Judaea may indeed be based on a real event. ... The Jewish gene in the Lemba tribe is found in only about 10% of the men, yet the whole tribe practices Jewish traditions."
Dorothy C. Wertz. "Jewish ancestry for an African tribe: From Yemen to Zimbabwe." GeneLetter 1(10) (November 1, 2000).
Jon Entine. "Is good performance in sports determined by colour?." The Sunday Standard (Nairobi, Kenya, October 1, 2000). Excerpt:
"...the Lemba tribe of southern Africa was recently shown to be genetically linked through the Y-chromosome to the Jewish population of Mesopotamia some 2,000 years ago. In key genetic ways, they are quite distant from many other Africans."
Jon Entine. Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We're Afraid to Talk About It. New York: Public Affairs, 2000. Excerpt from page 109:
"The Lemba have clan names like Sadiqui and Hamisi that are clearly Semitic and have an enigmatic identity that traces their origins to an ancient Jewish community in what is now Yemen. Although scholars had long dismissed their claims as having been adopted from tales spun by missionaries, research now confirms that the black-skinned Lemba are genetic cousins of white Sephardic Jews. A team of geneticists has determined that many Lemba carry in their male chromosome a set of DNA sequences that is distinctive of the Jewish priests believe to be the descendants of Aaron, one of the twelve original Jewish tribes."
Mark Schoofs. "Fossils in the Blood: Scientists Find Ancient DNA in Living Africans." The Village Voice (April 4-10, 2000). Excerpts:
"For instance, Jenkins and Soodyall have studied the Lemba, a group of so-called Black Jews who claim to be a lost tribe of Israel, and found that many of them have genetic markers similar to those of Semitic people."
Laurie Zoloth. "Yearning for the Long Lost Home: The Lemba and the Jewish Narrative of Genetic Return." Developing World Bioethics 3:2 (December 2003): 127-132. Abstract:
"This commentary examines the relationship between genetics and Jewish identity. It focuses especially on the use of Y-chromosome testing to map the genealogies of the Lemba in southern Africa."
Josephine Johnston. "Case Study: The Lemba." Developing World Bioethics 3:2 (December 2003): 109-111. Abstract:
"The attempts of scholars and scientists to unravel the mystery of the ancestral origins of the Lemba are summarised, focusing on Tudor Parfitt's book, Journey to the Vanished City, and a study by an international group of genetic and social scientists. The impact of this research on identity questions is raised."
Janine Lazarus, with Wendy Elliman and Julie Gruenbaum Fax. "At Israel's Doorstep in Africa." Hadassah Magazine 82:5 (January 2001). Excerpts:
"Tests have shown that the Lemba possess the 'Kohen gene,' extremely rare among non-Jews, in a proportion similar to that of Jews... [T]here are now efforts - from the Lemba and from Jewish outreach groups - to expose them to Judaism... As much as they needed someone like Parfitt to study them, they may also need someone to champion their integration. That person may be Rufina Bernadetti Silva Mausenbaum, a descendant of Portuguese Crypto-Jews who made her way back to the Jewish fold. Living in Johannesburg, she is a representative of Kulanu, an America-based Jewish outreach organization..."
John Murphy. "Jewish? Africans knew it all along." The Baltimore Sun (September 25, 2003). Excerpts:
"For years the outside world dismissed the Lemba's claims as sheer fantasy. That changed in 1999, when geneticists from the United States, Great Britain and Israel discovered some backing for the claims. The researchers found that Lemba men carried a DNA signature on their Y chromosome that is believed unique to the relatively small number of Jews known as the Cohanim, who trace their ancestry to the priests of the ancient Jewish Temple and, ultimately, to Aaron, brother of Moses. ... After the discovery, Kulanu and other Jewish organizations ventured to Lemba villages to understand the Lemba's history and practices and introduce the Lemba to mainstream Jewish beliefs and practices. Some Lemba began learning Hebrew and visited Israel; some renounced Christian beliefs. Others recast their traditional Lemba ceremonies as counterparts to traditional Jewish holidays... Still, the community as a whole appears to be at a crossroads. Some Lemba consider themselves Jewish while continuing to embrace Christian services and African rituals. ... Still, he [Tudor Parfitt] cautions, the question of whether the Lemba are Jewish has not been answered conclusively: 'DNA itself doesn't make anybody Jewish. All it can do is say something about their ancestry.' ... 'It doesn't constitute proof,' Rabbi Norman Bernhard, former president of the Southern African Rabbinical Association and a recognized authority on Jewish-Lemba relations, says of the genetic evidence. 'It raises a possibility, even a probability.'"
Dean H. Hamer. The God Gene: How Faith is Hardwired into our Genes (Doubleday, 2004). Excerpt from page 192:
"There is one [non-Jewish] group, however, for whom DNA analysis has provided a direct link to the Jews of biblical times. These are the Lemba, a southern African tribe who inhabit present-day South Africa and Zimbabwe. ... The Lemba believe they are descended from an ancient group of Jews who were led out of Israel by a prophet named Buba."
A. B. Spurdle and T. Jenkins. "The Origins of the Lemba 'Black Jews' of Southern Africa: Evidence from p12F2 and Other Y-Chromosome Markers." American Journal of Human Genetics 59 (1996): 1126-1133[31]
Lemba people
The Lemba or 'wa-Remba' are a southern African ethnic group to be found in Zimbabwe and South Africa with some little known branches in Mozambique and Malawi. According to Parfitt they are thought to number 70,000.[1] Many of them claim a partial common descent to the Jewish people.[2]
Although they are speakers of Bantu languages related to those spoken by their geographic neighbours, they have specific religious practices and beliefs similar to those in Judaism, which were transmitted orally.[3]
Today, many Lemba are Christians (including Messianic Jews) or Muslims, and they maintain several Jewish practices. Recent genetic analyses have established a partially Middle-Eastern origin for a portion of the Lemba population.[4][5]
The name "Lemba" may originate in chilemba, a Swahili word for turbans worn by East Africans or lembi a Bantu word meaning "non-African" or "respected foreigner".[6] Magdel le Roux points out that the name VaRemba may be translated as "the people who refuse" - probably in the context of "not eating with others" (according to one of her interviewees).[3]
Judaic or Arab links
Many Lemba beliefs and practices can be linked to Judaism. According to Rudo Mathivha,[2] this includes the following:
•They call God Nwali.
•They observe Shabbat.
•They praise Nwali for looking after the Lemba, considering themselves part of the chosen people.
•They teach their children to honor their mothers and fathers.
•They refrain from eating pork and other foods forbidden by the Torah and Qur'an, and forbid combinations of permitted foods.
•Their form of animal slaughter, which makes meats fit for their consumption, is a form of shechita.
•They practise male circumcision; (furthermore, according to Junod,[7] surrounding tribes regarded them as the masters and originators of that art).
•They place a Star of David on their tombstones.
•Lembas are discouraged from marrying non-Lembas, as other Jews are discouraged from marrying other non-Jews.
According to Magdel le Roux,[8] the Lembas have a ritual of sacrifice which they call the "Pesah", which seems similar in many ways to the Jewish Pesach or Passover.
Circumcision, not marrying non-Lembas, their dietary practices and a suggested relationship between many Lemba clan-names and known Arabic Semitic words; e.g., Sadiki, Hasane, Hamisi, Haji, Bakeri, Sharifo and Saidi led W. D. Hammond-Tooke to the conclusion that they were in part, Arabs.[9]
Lemba traditions and culture
According to some Lemba claims, they had ancestors who were men Near Eastern Jews who left Judea about 2,500 years ago and settled in a place called Senna in the Arabian peninsula and later still, migrating into North East Africa.[10] According to the findings of British researcher Tudor Parfitt, the location of Senna was more than likely in Yemen, specifically, in the village of Sanāw within the easternmost portion of the Wadi Hadhramaut.[11] The city had a vibrant Jewish population since ancient times, but it has dwindled to a few hundred people since the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948.[12]
According to their oral tradition, the male ancestors of the Lemba eventually came to Southeast Africa to obtain gold[9][13]
After entering Africa, the tribe allegedly[who?] split into two groups, one staying in Ethiopia and the other traveling farther south, along the east coast. The Lemba claim this second group settled in Tanzania and Kenya, building what was referred to as "Sena II". Others supposedly settled in Malawi, where their descendants reside today. Some settled in Mozambique, eventually migrating to South Africa and Zimbabwe, where they say they constructed or at least helped construct the great enclosure[10] (see below). However, most academics agree that for the most part the construction of the enclosure at Great Zimbabwe is attributable to the ancestors of the Shona.[14]
The Lemba prefer their children to marry other Lembas, with marriage to non-Lembas discouraged. The restrictions on intermarriage with non-Lemba make it particularly difficult for a man non-Lemba to become a member. A female who marries a Lemba man must learn the Lemba religion, dietary rules and other customs. The female may not bring any cooking equipment from her previous home, as it may have been tainted by inappropriate use (see Kashrut). Initially, the female may have to shave her head. The man's (husband)children must also be brought up as Lembas. Lemba men who marry non-Lemba females are expelled from the community unless the females agree to live according to Lemba traditions. Normative Judaism only recognizes matrilineal descent; however, patrilineal descent was the norm among the Israelites who lived prior to its adoption.
Lemba tradition tells of a sacred object, the ngoma lungundu or "drum that thunders", that was brought with them from Sena, Yemen. Tudor Parfitt, Professor of Oriental and African Studies at the University of London, has theorised that it was the Ark of the Covenant, lost from Jerusalem after the destruction by the Babylonian king, Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC.[15] In a Channel 4 programme, Parfitt announced he had traced a missing copy of the Ark to a museum in Harare, Zimbabwe. However radiocarbon dating showed the artefact to be only 600 years old. Parfitt then felt it was probably a replica made while the Lemba were in Yemen, after the original Ark of the Covenant had been destroyed.[16] In February 2010, the Lemba ngoma lungundu, rediscovered a few years earlier and believed by some Lemba to be an almost 700-year-old replica of the original Ark of the Covenant, went on display in a museum in Harare, Zimbabwe.[17]
In the Zoutpansberg region in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the Lemba were so esteemed for their mining and metalwork skills that surrounding tribes regarded them as an almost alien but nevertheless welcome community.[9][13] In the 1920s their medical knowledge earned them great respect.[18][19]
DNA testing
The Lemba have become world famous because of genetic testing that has demonstrated the possible authenticity of some of their oral traditions.[20] A genetic study in 1996 suggested that more than 50% of the Lemba Y-chromosomes are Semitic in origin.[4] A subsequent study in 2000 reported more specifically that a substantial number of Lemba men carry a particular haplotype of the Y-chromosome known as the Cohen modal haplotype (CMH), as well as, a haplogrup of Y-DNA Haplogroup J found amongst some Jews, but also in other populations across the Middle East and Arabia.[21][22] Studies have also suggested that there is no Semitic female contribution to the Lemba gene pool.[23]
Among Jews the marker is also most prevalent among Jewish Kohanim, or priests. As recounted in Lemba oral tradition, the Buba clan "had a leadership role in bringing the Lemba out of Israel" and eventually into Southern Africa.[24]
More recently, Mendez et al. (2011) observed that a moderately high frequency of the studied Lemba samples carried Y-DNA Haplogroup T, which is considered to be of Near Eastern origin. The Lemba T carriers belonged exclusively to T1b*, which is rare and was not sampled in indigenous Jews of the Near East or North Africa, but shares a similar estimate expansion time with the T1* Somalis. T1b* has been observed at low frequencies in the Bulgarian and Ashkenazi Jews as well as in a few Levantine populations.[25]
Construction of Great Zimbabwe
As evidence of a prehistoric link between the Lemba and Zimbabwe, Gayre[26] cites the following claims:
1.Models of circumcised male organs were found at Great Zimbabwe; (the Lembas introduced that practice into southern Africa);[7]
2.The Lemba bury their dead in an extended rather than a crouched position – i.e., in the same style as in certain Zimbabwean graves, where gold jewellery confirmed their association with the ancient civilization;
3.The old Lemba language was a dialect of Karanga – which is spoken today in the Masvingo area of Zimbabwe; (thus, the Lemba female ancestry must have contained a large MaKaranga element).
Most scholars however, generally agree that Great Zimbabwe was built by the Shona people as part of the 13th century kingdom of Zimbabwe, and successor to the earlier Kingdom of Mapungubwe, also known for its stone ruins.[27]
Halakhic status as Jews
Halakhic Jewish status (Jewish status according to Jewish law) in modern Rabbinic Judaism is determined by an unbroken matrilineal line of descent or by conversion to Judaism. Jews who adhere to Orthodox or Conservative Rabbinism therefore believe that Jewish status by birth is passed by a Jewish female to her children (if she herself is a Jew by birth or by conversion to Judaism) regardless of the Jewish status of the father. It is therefore very unlikely that Orthodox or Conservative Judaism would recognize the Lemba as 'Halakhically Jewish'. The Reform branch of Judaism on the other hand recognizes patrilineage [28] and does acknowledge unusual descent outside of the European and indigenous Middle Eastern spheres.
South African Jews have long been aware of the Lemba, but have never regarded them as anything more than an "intriguing curiosity."[6]
The case for the Lemba being accepted as Jews is generally rejected, but has been advocated by several rabbis and Jewish associations who view them as one of the "Lost Tribes of Israel". The Lemba Cultural Association has approached the South African Jewish Board of Deputies asking for the Lemba to be recognized as Jews by the Jewish community. The Association complained that "we like many non-European Jews are simply the victims of racism at the hands of the European Jewish establishment worldwide" and threatened to start a campaign to "protest and ultimately destroy 'Jewish apartheid'".[6]
According to Gideon Shimona in his book, Community and conscience: the Jews in apartheid South Africa[6]:
In terms of halakha the Lemba are not at all comparable with the Falasha. As a group they have no conceivable status in Judaism.
Rabbi Bernhard stated the only way for a member of the Lemba tribe to be recognized as a Jew is to undergo the formal Halakhic conversion process, after which they "would be welcomed with open arms."[6][32]
After the Exile
(538-332 BC)
When Cyrus the Persian conquered Mesopotamia and the whole of the Middle East, he did so for religious reasons. Unlike any conqueror before him, Cyrus set out to conquer the entire world. Before Cyrus and the Persians, conquest was largely a strategic affair; you guaranteed your territorial safety by conquering potential enemies. But Cyrus wanted the whole world and he wanted it for religious reasons. Barely a century before, the Persians were a rag-tag group of tribes living north of Mesopotamia. They were Indo-European—they spoke a language from the Indo-European family, which includes Greek, German, and English. To the Mesopotamians, they were little better than animals and so went largely ignored. But in the middle of the seventh century BC, a prophet, Zarathustra, appeared among them and preached a new religion. This religion would become Zoroastrianism (in Greek, Zarathustra is called "Zoroaster"). The Zoroastrians believed that the universe was dualistic, that it was made up of two distinct parts. One was good and light and the other evil and dark. Cosmic history was simply the epic battle between these two divine forces; at the end of time, a climactic battle would decide once and for all which of the two would dominate the universe. Human beings, in everything they do, participated in this struggle; all the gods and all the religions were part of this epic, almost eternal battle.
Cyrus believed that the final battle was approaching, and that Persia would bring about the triumph of good. To this end, he sought to conquer all peoples and create the stage for the final triumph of good. He was the greatest conqueror that had ever been seen; at his death, his empire was exponentially larger than any other empire that had ever existed. His son, Cambyses, conquered Egypt; the Persians, it seemed at the time, were on their way to world domination.
Although Zoroastrianism involved two gods—one good and one evil—all other gods were ranged on one side or the other of this equation. Cyrus believed Yahweh was one of the good gods, and he claimed that Yahweh visited him one night. In that vision, Yahweh commanded him to re-establish Yahweh worship in Jerusalem and to rebuild the temple. Cyrus ordered the temple rebuilt. But what good is a temple without worshippers? To this end, he ordered that the Jews in Babylon return to Jerusalem. In fact, Cyrus sent many people back to the native lands in order to worship the local gods there, so the situation with the Jews was not unique. Not all of the Jews went home; a large portion stayed in Babylon and some had converted to Babylonian religions.
The Rebuilding of the Temple
The salient feature to keep in mind, however, is that Cyrus sent the Jews home for religious purposes only. Judah was re-established only so Yahweh could be worshipped, and the Jews were sent to Judah for the express purpose of worshiping Yahweh. Before the Exile, Judah and Israel were merely kingdoms; now Judah was a theological state . The shining symbol of this new state dedicated to Yahweh was the temple of Solomon, which had been burned to the ground by Nebuchadnezzar in 586 BC. Under the direction of Zerubabbel and later Ezra, the temple is rebuilt and the walls of the city rebuilt by Nehemiah. The rebuilding of the temple was difficult; very few Jews actually returned home, so the effort was monumental.
During the Exile, the Jews set about "purifying" their religion; they attempted to return their laws and cultic practices to their Mosaic originals. This new-found concern with cultic purity and the Mosaic laws, combined with the re-establishment of Judah as a theological state, produced a different society. Hebrew society was almost solely concerned with religious matters in the Persian period; foreign religions were not tolerated as they had been before. Non-Jews were persecuted, and foreign religious expelled. During the Persian period and later, Judah was the state where Yahweh and only Yahweh was worshipped. Both the Persians and the Greeks respected this exclusivity, but the Romans would greatly offend the Jews when they introduced foreign gods.
The Jews had learned many things from the Persians and actively included Persian elements in their religion. It's important to note that this occurred side by side with the effort to purify the religion! Most of these elements were popular elements rather than official beliefs; they would persist only in Christianity which arose among the people rather than the educated and priestly classes. Among these were
a.) adoption of a dualistic universe. In early Hebrew belief, the universe was dominated only by Yahweh. All history was the result of two forces: Yahweh and human will. Perhaps in an effort to make sense of the Exile, the Hebrews gradually adopted the Persian idea that the universe is composed of two diametrically opposed forces, one good, and the other evil. So, after the Babylonian exile, the Hebrews, in their popular religion, talk about an evil force opposed to Yahweh, which becomes the "devil" in Christianity. (Satan in the Hebrew story, Job , is actually a member of Yahweh's circle; he seems to be some kind of itinerant prosecuting attorney.)
b.) belief in a dualistic afterlife. Before the Exile, the Hebrews believed that the soul after death went to a house of dust which they called "Sheol," to abide for a brief time before fading completely from existence. This belief was identical to all other Semitic versions of the afterlife. Therefore, Hebraism was primarily a this-world religion before the Exile. The Persians, though, believed that the souls of the good would reunite with the principle of good in eternal bliss; the souls of the evil would reunite with the principle evil to suffer until the final defeat of evil. In popular religion, the Hebrews adopted this view of the afterlife. This view of the afterlife powerfully explains suffering in this life, such as the Exile; cosmic justice is apparent only at one's death rather than during one's life. Again, it is only in the popular Jewish religions, such as the Essenes and the Christians, where this view becomes orthodox.
For another two hundred years, Persia dominated all of the Middle East and Egypt, and came within a hair's breadth of conquering Greece. During all this time Palestine was a tribute state of Persia. However, in the late fourth century BC, another man got the idea of conquering the world and set about doing it with ruthless efficiency. He was a Greek: Alexander of Macedon. When he conquered Persia in 332 BC, Palestine became a Greek state, and the children of Yavan would mix once again with the children of Shem.[33]
Spring 537 BCE: Cyrus the Great allows the building of the second temple.[1][34] The foundation for the Second Temple is laid.[2] [35]
536 B.C.
Daniel dates his vision of a man to Cyrus’s third year as king, around 536 B.C. Daniel 10:1-11:35.[36]
536 B.C.
Opposition to work on the Temple Arises. Foreign opposition to the work on the temple may have begun in 536 B.C. the same year the work began. The opposition lasted until 520 B.C.Ezra 4:1-5.[37]
530 BCE: The returnees from Babylon try not to intermingle with Judans who were not exiled, who were thought to have corrupted the covenant tradition.[38]
530 BCE: The administration of communal and judicial affairs among the Judean exiles is performed by a council or tribunal of “elders,” in conformity with general Persian practice. [39]
525 BCE: Like his Assyrian and Babylonian predecessors, Cyrus left a monument. Tehg Cyrus Cylinder proclaims that the Persian emperor was “king of the world, great king, legitimate king, king of Babylon, king of Sumer and Akkad, king of the four rims [of the earth].” Restoring the Judahite exiles to Jerusalem did not contracict Persian imperial policies concerning conquered peoples. The Persians encouraged a great degree of cultural autonomy and deliberately cultivated local loyal elites. Furthermore, it is likely that , after Cambyses’ invasion of Egypt in 525 BCE, a loyal and quit province in Palestine ruled by a Jewish elite tied to the POersian court was desperately needed by the court.[40]
525 BCE: The small community of returnees from Babylon faces hardships due to difficult conditions and hostility from the Samarians who were not exiled. Rebuilding the temple is hindered.[41]
April 5, 33 A.D.: “He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, (April 3, 33 A.D.) those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, (April 5) as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”[42]
April 5: Friday (Sabbath) April 5/Nisan 15
Passover Day.
Jesus in tomb.[43]
Jesus rose from the dead on Sunday morning, April 5, 30 (33) A.D. Mark 16:1-8.[44]
Jesus appeared for 40 days after his resurrection.
Appearance 1: Mary Magdalene.


Appearance 2: Emmaus
Appearance 3: Upper Room.
Appearance 4: Doubting Thomas.
Appearance 5: Sea of Galilee.
Appearance 6: Ascension.[47]
30 A.D. to 59 A.D.
Luke Summarizes Jesus’ last days on earth. The events recorded in Acts span roughly thirty years, beginning with a summary of Jeusu’ post-resurrection appearances in 30 A.D. and ending with Paul’s house arrest in Rome in 59 AD. Acts 1:1-11.[48]
At the end of the 40 day period of teaching, the Acts of the Apostles relates, Jesus told his closest disciples to spread his message to all humankind. He promised them the assistance of the Holy Spirit, which God would send to inspire their ministry. He then ascended into heaven, and his apostles went out to spread the message of salvation. The people who accepted Jesus as their savior came to be called Christians, a word derived from Christos, the Greek term for “Messiah.”[49]
According to Acts, after Jesus’ ascension the apostles returned to Jerusalem, and were together in one place when the Holy Spirit descended upon them. Under the leadership of Peter, to whom Jesus had given a leading place among the apostles, they began to speak to others about Jesus Christ. First they spoke in the Temple, preaching to the Jews and performing miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit.[50]
James took leadership of Jesus’ followers at his death in 30 A.D. and ruled from the city of David in Jerusalem for the next three decades. It should come as no surprise that his main enemies were the same as those who had had his brother executed, namely the Sadducean high priestly families that were in charge of the Temple.[51]
Jewish leaders were not happy that Jesus’ followers had maintained their beliefs, which they considered to be blasphemous and heretical. The Sanhedrin ordered that the apostles be arrested, but Acts records that they were miraculously freed from prison. [52]
In one case, however, a Christian named Stephen was placed on trial before the Sanhedrin. When Stephen stated that Jesus was the Son of God, the angry Jews took him outside the Temple and murdered him.[53]
This event set off a great wave of persecution against the Christians, forcing many to flee from Jerusalem. Leading this persecution was devout Pharisee names Saul of Tarsus, who had been involved in the murder of Stephen. But while Saul was on the way to Damascus to attack the Christians there, he was struck blind and heard Jesus tell him to stop persecuting his followers.[54]
Saul soon accepted Jesus’s teachings. With his sight recovered and now known by the name Paul, he became one of the most important teachers and missionaries of early Christianity. [55]
31 CE:
31: Sejanus, Roman head of Praetorian Guard was murdered in the periodic intrigue that wracked Roman government at the imperial level. Born in 20 BCE, Sejanus was in the business of violently dispatching then enemies of the Emperor Tiberias. Sejanus had a reputation as anti-Semite and his patron Tiberius was no friend of the Jews. [56]

Ending November 15, 2009 518
[57] Pulpit at Trinity Church Boston MA, Designed by Charles Coolidge, executed by John Evans, 1916
35 A.D.
One widespread tradition claims that Joseph of Arimathea brought the Gospel to Britain in A.D. 35, or about the twenty first year of Tiberius, and died in England.[58]
36 A.D.
Around the year 36 A.D. Paul had a “conversion” experience in which he clamed to have “seen” the risen Jesus. He said he had received both a revelation and a commission, that Jesus was the heavenly exalted “Christ” and that he, Paul, was to preach the good news of salvation through faith in Jesus to the Gentile world. [59]


36 CE: In the year 36 C.E. both Caiaphas and Pilate were dismissed from office by Syrian governor, Vitellius, according to Jewish historian Josephus. Josephus described the high priests of the family of Annas as “heartless when they sit in judgment.” We may suppose that Vitellius deposed Caiaphas because, as an associate of Pilate, he was unpopular with the Jews, who had asked for the removal of Pilate, and because he had held office for long enough. [62]
Tiberius (14-37 A.D.) who succeeded Augustus, was the son of his second wife, Livbia, but by a previous husband, so there was no blood link between them. [63]
36-37 A.D.: Jonathan ben Ananus High Priest of Israel 36-37 under Herodians and Romans[64]
Early 37 CE: Jonathan, son of Ananus, was high priest for only a few weeks. On his second visit to Jerusalem Vitellius replaced Jonathan by his brother Theophilus. Why did Vitellius depose Jonathan after such a short tenure? The clear aim of all his dealings with the Jews on both his visists was to conciliate them after their unfortunate experience of Pilate’s rule, and in choosing a new High Priest he will surely have tried to make an acceptable appointment. [65]
37 A.D.: Josephus, the Jewish historian, was born in A.D. 37 of a priestly Jewish family. He was well educated, and followed the Pharisaic form of Judaism.[66]
Josephus (37 CE – c. 100 CE), in Antiquities of the Jews, refers to marriages between Jewish men and Gentile women without much commentary and seems to assume that the offspring is Jewish (or, according to one of his statements, "half-Jewish");[3] as is usual in prerabbinic texts, there is no mention of conversion on the part of the Gentile spouse. In contrast, Philo of Alexandria (20 BCE – 50 CE) calls the child of any Jewish intermarriage a nothos (bastard), regardless of which parent is not Jewish.[2] In the same vein, the Mishnah raises the possibility that the child of a Gentile father and a Jewish mother is a mamzer, though this is dismissed in the later stratum of the Talmud.[67]
April 5, 1566: Two hundred Netherlands noblemen, led by Hendrik van Brederode, force their way into the presence of Margaret of Parma and present the Petition of Compromise which denounces the Inquisition in the Netherlands. The Inquisition was suspended and a delegation was sent to Spain to petition Philip II.(Ed note: This should provide further explanation of the reasons for the rise of the Jewish community in the Netherlands and ultimately in the United States)[68]
April 5, 1585 - Clemens Crabbeels becomes bishop of Hertogenbosch[69]
April 5, 1614: Indian Chief Powhatan’s daughter Pocahontas marries Jamestown colony tobacco planter John Rolfe.[70] The marriage ensured peace between the Jamestown settlers and the Powhatan Indians for several years. Pocahontas and John Rolfe married with the blessing of Chief Powhatan and the governor of Virginia.
Their marriage brought a peace between the English colonists and the Powhatans, and in 1615 Pocahontas gave birth to their first child, Thomas. In 1616, the couple sailed to England. The so-called Indian Princess proved popular with the English gentry, and she was presented at the court of King James I. In March 1617, Pocahontas and Rolfe prepared to sail back to Virginia. However, the day before they were to leave, Pocahontas died, probably of smallpox, and was buried at the parish church of St. George in Gravesend, England.
John Rolfe returned to Virginia and was killed in an Indian massacre in 1622. After an education in England, their son Thomas Rolfe returned to Virginia and became a prominent citizen. John Smith returned to the New World in 1614 to explore the New England coast. On another voyage of exploration in 1614, he was captured by pirates but escaped after three months of captivity. He then returned to England, where he died in 1631.[71]
April 5, 1749: Elias Gutleben married Anna Barbara BRAESCH on April 5, 1749. Anna was born about 1728.[72]
April 5-6, 1762
George Ill by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King defender of the faith &c to Matthew Harrison and James Wood of the County of Frederick, Gentlemen Greeting:
Whereas William Crawford and Hannah by their deeds of Lease and Release bearing dates of the fifth and sixth days of April One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty Two Have sold and conveyed unto Thomas Cleyland the fee simple Estate of in and to a certain tract of land situate and lying and being in the said county of Frederick containing two hundred and forty acres and whereas the said Hannah cannot conveniently travel to the court of our said county to make acknowledgement of the same therefore we command you, that you do personally go to the said Hannah and receive her acknowledgment. Thereof privately and apart from the said William her husband whether she doth the same freely and voluntarily without his persuasions or threats and whether she is willing the same shall be recorded in our county Court of Frederick together with this commission annexed and when have received her acknowledgement as aforesaid that you distinctly and plainly certify us thereof in our said Court sending is writ and the said indentures.
Witness James Keith, Clerk of our said Court at the Court House of county, the 15th day of (August 15) August in the fourth year of our reign.
Jas. Keith.
By virtue of the within Commission to us directed we did personally go to the within named Hannah Crawford, wife of William Crawford who being examined privately and apart from the said William Crawford her husband did freely and voluntarily relinquish her right of dower to lands mentioned in the within (sic) to the within Thomas Cleyland and desired the said Deed with her acknowlegement to be recorded. Given under our hands and seals this fifth day of September (September 5) 1764.[73]
1James Wood
M. Harrison
At a Court held for Frederick County March th 1765 This Comission together with the Certificates of th Execution thereof thereon endorsed was Returned ito Court and Ordered to be Recorded. By the Court, James Keith, C. C.[74]
William Crawford and Hannah Vance Crawford are the 6th great grandparents of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 5th, 1768: At home with Mr. Crawford[75] George Washington is the grandnephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005[76]

April 5, 1769; Run the back line of Spencer and Washington’s patent and came home to dinner.[77]
April 5, 1771: . At Winchester all day. Dined with Lord Fairfax.
Although scheduled for 4 Mar., the officers’ meeting was actually held today. Besides GW and Dr. James Craik, only four officers or their representatives were present. After hearing GW’s report and learning that William Crawford had begun to survey along the Great Kanawha River, the meeting unanimously agreed that he should be instructed to finish his work there and then proceed as soon as possible to survey lands on the Tygart Valley River, a branch of the Monongahela.
George Washington is the grandnephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10x removed and William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
April 5, 1774: On this day in 1774, Benjamin Franklin writes an open letter to Great Britain's prime minister, Frederick, Lord North, from the Smyrna Coffee House in London. It was published in The Public Advertiser, a British newspaper, on April 15, 1774.
Franklin's tongue-in-cheek letter suggested that the British impose martial law upon the colonies and appoint a "King's Viceroy of all North America." Franklin satirically went on to suggest that such centralized power over "Yankee Doodles," who had "degenerated to such a Degree" from their British ancestors, "that one born in Britain is equal to twenty Americans," would allow the crown to collect its taxes, then sell their impoverished colonies and colonists to Spain.
Smyrna Coffee House on St. James Street in London had been a meeting place of Whigs, or political liberals, since the 17th century. For Franklin to sign a letter drafted at Smyrna's "A Friend of Military Government" was an obvious use of irony. The details of his purported plan for a military government, including the exclusive use of military courts in colonies known for their commitment to trial by jury, and "One Hundred to a Thousand Lashes in a frosty Morning" for offenders made Franklin s disdain for Lord North and his heavy-handed tactics clear.
In fact, Franklin's letter proved prophetic when Lord North imposed martial law on Massachusetts the next month with the passage of the Massachusetts Government Act. General Thomas Gage received the appointment to institute the military government as the colony's royal governor. Franklin had snidely suggested in his treatise, "that great Commander G-----l G----e" could take but a few men and "so intimidate the Americans that the General might march through the whole Continent of North America, and would have little else to do but to accept of the Submission of several Towns as he passed."
Franklin, of course, found his own suggestions laughable. North, however, seemed to find such a scheme practicable, and pursued it at the cost of many lives and, eventually, Britain's 13 colonies.[78]
April 5, 1775: Pope Pious VI issued the “Editto sopra gli ebrei,” a proclamation that reinstituted all former anti-Jewish legislation. The proclamation included forty-four clauses prohibiting the possession of Talmudic writings, erection of gravestones, forbidding Jews from passing the night outside the ghetto, under pain of death, and more. The regulations were in effect until the arrival of Napoleon army 25 years later.[79]
April 5, 1776: Lawrence Harrison transferred his right to Theobald, July 10, 1769, and on April 5, 1776, Theobald deeded it to Jesse Martin, who, in 1777, sold it to William Jackson.” [80] Lawrence Harrison is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 5, 1778: Lawrence Harrison, J’r.4 (Lawrence,L4ndrew,2 Andrew 1), “Lieutenant Lawrence Harrison, Virginia, 2nd Lieutenant, 13th Virginia, 5 April, 1778; [81] Lawrence Harrison Jr. is the 5th great granduncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
April 5, 1782
“Lieutenants and sub-lieutenants and field officers of the several counties west of Laurel Hill assembled at Fort Pitt, Friday, April 5, 1782, at the request of General Irvine, to concert measures for the defense of the frontiers. [There were] present for Westmoreland [county] Colonel [Edward] Cook, lieutenant; Colonel [Charles] Campbell, sub-lieutenant. For Washington [county], Colonel [George] Vallandigham, sub-lieutenant; Colonel [David] Williamson, Colonel [Thomas) Crooks, Maj. [James] Carmichael, James Edgar, Esq. For Ohio county, Colonel [David] Shepherd, lieutenant; Major [Samuel] McColloch.
“The aforenained persons unanimously agreed that the best mode of defending the frontier will he to keep flying bodies of men constantly on the frontier, marching to and from the difièrent places; three companies for Washington and two for Westmoreland. Forts Pitt and Mcintosh to be garrisoned by regular troops. Westmoreland county is to keep in actual service sixty-five men; these are to be formed into two companies, under the direction of a field officer. They are to be constantly ranging along the frontier, and not Occupy any stationary post, from the Allegheny river to the Laurel Hill. Washington county is to keep in actual service 160 militia, to range along the Ohio, from Montour’s Bottom to Wheeling; thence some distance along the southern line, under two field officers. I have not been able to draw any from the counties of Virginia, even for their own defense. The lieutenants say, in excuse, that they have not received any instructions for this purpose from government; that they are not able, etc. I have written the governor [of Virginia] on this subject.”[82]
April 5, 1799-Friday
Add The Frontiersmen, by Allan W. Eckert. OCR Transfer.
Simon Kenton, the famous Kentucky Indian fighter, had settled on the same Buck Creek in 1799 as Conrad did in 1819 according to Eckert’s Frontiersmen (Ref. 9.31). Kenton had escorted many families who were emigrating from Kentucky into Ohio; he had traveled the area several times on military campaigns against the Indians. According to Eckert, Kenton named the creek because of the plentiful deer supply; and that Kenton’s wife named the new town of Springfield because of the many springs in the area. The Kenton’s lived on the area now covered by Lake Lagonda which can be viewed from Caty’s gravesite (Ref 16).[83]
April 5, 1799— Friday
The Kenton party did not settle at the mouth of Buck Creek, Even though the big frontiersman had already claimed it. With the coming of spring the complexion of the land had changed from that bleak January scene. It was even nicer, but there was another site nearby that Simon had good reason to remember and it was here that he meant to settle.
The spot was located nearly five miles up the Mad River from the mouth of Buck Creek. Here poised a picturesque rolling hill in the midst of an expansive prairie less than a mile east of the river. It was bordered by fine groves of wild plum, cherry and crab as well as excellent hardwoods and—its most important aspect—in the center of the thousand-acre tract Simon claimed there gushed forth the cleared, coldest finest spring he had ever seen.12
The site wasn’t hard to find. Even had not the well-beaten Indian trail led directly there, memory alone would have sufficed for Simon. For it was here, after he had run the gauntlets at old Chillicothe and Piqua Town and was being matched to an uncertain fate at Mackachack that Bo-nah and his other Shawnee captors had camped for the night twenty-one years ago. As he had lain here bound and tortured with pain, still he had known that someday he would return—if he lived.
The party the frontiersman led here was a large one, Including not only himself, Elizabeth and five Kenton children, but also Elizabeth’s family, the Jarboes, Martha’s family, the Dowdens, the Elijah Berry family, the William Ward family, the John Humphries family and twelve Negro servants. It was a strange procession they made out of Cincinnati. No roads permitted wagon travel and so they followed the Indian trails on horseback, and from the deep pockets of huge saddlebags hung on each side of the horses peered the faces of wide-eyed little children.
They rode with care and alertness at Kenton’s Instructions. The Greenville Treaty had made this no longer Indian land, but Simon knew that in the Shawnee mind they were trespassers. He rode in front, rifle at ready and eyes constantly flickering from side to side and ahead as well as to the ground in front of them, watching for sign. His brothers-in-law, John and Archibald Dowden, flanked him on either side and slightly behind, themselves scanning horizon and ground for Indian sign as the frontiersman had trained them.
But though occasional glimpses of Indians were seen, the party was left in peace and on this day arrived at the site that was to be their Ohio home. For Simon Kenton, more than for any of the others, it was a moment of great personal triumph and he savored the taste of it. [84]
In 1799, a colony of five settlers, with their wives and children, left their friends in Kentucky and settled in this township, along the Urbana Pike, which was then a cleared path cut through the forest. Their names were Phillip Jarbow, William Ward, Simon Kenton (the great renowned Indian fighter), John Richards and William Moore. Ward settled in Section 32, on the place now occupied by Mr. Sultsbach, which is four miles north of Springfield. He brought his wife and fourteen children with him, but, his wife dying, he married again, and had four more children born to him by the second marriage. Kenton was also married, and settled on land on the road ad joining Ward on the north. During the first year of their settlement here, Kenton dug a canal, intending it for a mill-race, but, on account of the water supply being insufficient, the project was abandoned, and no mill built. HCCO
Possible Father of Elizabeth French Miller
And /or J.B. Miller. Or Nancy Miller
from KY, settled along Urbana Pike
William WARD
wife died, married again
14 by 1st wife + 4 by 2nd wife
from KY, settled along Urbana Pike
from KY, settled along Urbana Pike" renowned Indian Fighter"
William MOORE
from KY, settled along Urbana Pike

CHAMPAIGN, Oak Dale Cemetery, Rt.54, Urbana, Urbana Twp. *Simon Kenton's grave, Simon Kenton is mentioned on Col. William Ward's grave plaque also (gravestone, monument, statue, historical markers)
April 5, 1817: The Indian name of James Girty, who was the messenger employed on this occasion. James Girty was born in 1743 in Pennsylvania, captured at the age of thirteen, and carried with all his family to the Indian town at Kittanning. During Armstrong’s raid the Girty boys were removed from the vicinity, but were soon brought back and parcelled out among the tribes. While Simon went to the Seneca, and George to the Delawares, James was carried to the Shawnee towns and there resided for about three years. After the treaty of Easton (1759) he was returned to the settlements and lived in the vicinity of Fort Pitt, being employed as a laborer and occasionally getting an opportunity to interpret for traders. In March, 1778, he was employed by the commissioners then at Fort Pitt to carry a message to the Shawnee, in extenuation of the murder of their chief, and to persuade them to keep the peace. McKee and the escaping Loyalists found James Girty at Old Chillicothe, and easily persuaded him to join their party. He did not arrive at Detroit until August.
He was then taken into British pay, and made interpreter for the Shawnee. He led out his first party against the American settlements in Kentucky, in the autumn of 1778. Thence until the close of the Revolution he was in active service, reconnoitering (1779) toward Ouiatanon at the time of Clark’s expected expedition, and accompanying that of Bird to Kentucky (1780). In the summer of the latter year he was at the Shawnee towns when they were raided by Clark. In 1782 lie was among the forces that defeated Crawford, and in the Shawnee towns he informed against Slover. In the autumn of 1782, while his brothers were with Caldwell in Kentucky, James Girty was with the Indian party that besieged Wheeling. At the close of the Revolution he established a trading house at St. Mary’s on the Maumee, at a place later known as Girty’s Town. On the approach of Harmar (1790) he removed to Auglaize, and finally (1804) retreated before Wayne to Detroit, and then to Canada. There he had a grant of land (1807) in the township of Gosfield, whither he retired. Too infirm from rheumatism to take part in the War of 1812-15, he died at his farm, April 5, 1817.—[85]
April 5, 1832: Early in 1832, General Edmund P. Gaines arrived in the area with a sizeable force of U.S. soldiers and Illinois militiamen. Initially, Black Hawk withdrew his large band of warriors, women, and children to the west side of the Mississippi. On April 5, however, he led them back into the disputed territory, believing that other Indian forces and the British to the north would support him in a confrontation. The following day, a large army of soldiers caught up to Black Hawk and his followers near the Rock River of northern Illinois. When neither the British nor his Indian allies came to his support, Black Hawk attempted to surrender. Unfortunately, one of his truce bearers was killed in the confusion, and the Black Hawk War began. [86]
April 5, 1856: The death of John Goodlove occurred at Quincy, in Logan Co., in 1856, and he was buried in the cemetery at that place. His widow married D. H. McKinnon, then of Logan Co., Ohio.[87] John Goodlove is the 2nd great granduncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
Tues. April 5, 1864
In camp very warm read marion papers
Wrote letter home an order for bounty[88]
Sent H Winans[89] letter got orders to march in the morning
William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 5, 1864: Blunt, Andrew (Andy Blount)+ Quantrill Killed 1864
Wounded, April 16, 1862. In March, 1864 Blunt and 20 companions
forced Reverend Moses B. Arnold of Lafeyette County, MO to go with
them to the home of Judge Gray in Jackson County, MO, who was
forced at pistol point to marry Miss Barbara Jane Gray to James W.
Wilkinson. Caught April 5, 1864 by Kansas cavalry. He was left
unburied, considered not worthy of burial. [92] Riley Crawford also rode with Quantrill and is the 4th cousin 4x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 5, 1881: Carter Harrison Sr terms as Mayor of Chicago:
Carter Henry Harrison, Sr.
24th Mayor of Chicago
Party: Democrat
Carter Harrison III first became mayor of Chicago April 1, 1879 when he defeated Abner M. Wright (Republican) & Ernst Schmidt (Socialist Labor). His second term was begun April 5, 1881 by Defeating John M. Clark (Republican), Timothy O'Meara (Independent) & George Schilling (Socialist Labor) .[93]
April 5, 1892: NORA BARGER
Spouse: John Godlove
Married: 5 Apr 1892 – Grant Co., WV
Source: 1992 IGI[94]
April 5, 1895: Karoline Gottlieb, born Marx, April 5, 1895 in Freudental. Resided Berlichingen. Deportation: From Westergork, May 25, 1943, Sobibor. Date of death: May 28,1943, Sobibor.[95]
April 5, 1906
(Jordan’s Grove) Cora Goodlove commenced her school at Rose Hill, Monday; Mae Crew at Jordan’s Grove and Mrs. Ed Bowdish in the Bowdish district.[96] Cora Goodlove is the great grand aunt of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
April 5-7, 1906: In 1905 Wegener became an assistant at the Aeronautischen Observatorium Lindenberg near Beeskow. He worked there with his brother Kurt, two years his senior, who was likewise a scientist with an interest in meteorology and polar research. The two pioneered the use of weather balloons to track air masses. On a balloon ascent undertaken to carry out meteorological investigations and to test a celestial navigation method using a particular type of quadrant (“Libellenquadrant”), the Wegener brothers set a new record for a continuous balloon flight, remaining aloft 52.5 hours from April 5–7, 1906. [97]
April 5, 1899: Samuel Martin GUTLEBEN was born on May 19, 1877 in Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died on February 16, 1946 in Alameda,Alameda,CA at age 68. Samuel married Bertha HOFFMAN, daughter of William HOFFMAN and Catherine HOFF, on April 5, 1899. Bertha was born on April 20, 1878 in ,,IL and died on October 18, 1946 at age 68. [98]
April 5, 1941: Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union sign a Nonaggression Pact, attempting to halt the imminent German attack.[99]
April 5, 1943(29th of Adar II, 5703): Three hundred Jews from Soly and Smorgon, Byelorussia, were transported by rail westward to Vilna, Lithuania. En route, the captives shattered the railcars' wire-reinforced glass and attempted to flee, but were shot to death by guards. The survivors were later shot at Ponary, southwest of Vilna, by German and Lithuanian SS troops. About 4000 Jews from in and around Vilna were trucked to Ponary, slaughtered, and dumped into mass graves. Jews arriving at the Ponary station by rail from Oszmiana and Swieciany, Lithuania, resisted with revolvers, knives, and their bare hands; a few dozen escaped to Vilna and the rest were shot. During the massacre, a Lithuanian policeman was wounded by Jews and an SS sergeant was hospitalized after being stabbed in the back and in the head.[100]
April 5, 1943(29th of Adar II, 5703): The final trainload of Jews from Macedonia arrived at Treblinka. All aboard were gassed immediately.[101]
April 5, 1944: It was announced that every Jew in Hungary would be required to wear a yellow badge as of April 5.[102]
On April 5, 1951 Julius and Ethel Rosenberg were sentenced to death. [103]
April 5, 1973: Scamp operated locally around San Diego until March 29, 1973. At that time, she departed the West Coast for deployment to the Far East. She stayed at Pearl Harbor between April 5 and 10, then headed for Yokosuka, Japan. [104] James Edward Kirby served on thr Scamp and is the father in law of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 5, 1978: A U>S. firm reportedly signed a contract to construct a harbor at the Chah Bahar Naval Base in southeast Iran.[105]
April 5, 1979: Jimmy Carter address to the nation on energy.[106]
April 5, 2005: Re: please explain the godlove/didawick of Hardy County WV
Donna (View posts)
Posted: April 5, 2005 10:44PM GMT
Classification: Query
Jacob Godlove and Louisa Smart are part of my Smart family.
My info differs slightly from yours. Louisa born May 18, 1821, VA. Married December 8, 1842. I have 10 children for them but no names. Do you have children's names. Thanks.
April 5, 2005…Meadowcroft Rockshelter
Meadowcroft Rockshelter
U.S. National Register of Historic Places
U.S. National Historic Landmark
Washington County History & Landmarks Foundation Landmark

Meadowcroft Rockshelter is located in Pennsylvania

Jefferson Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, USA
Nearest city:
Avella, Pennsylvania
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/WMA_button2b.png/17px-WMA_button2b.png40°17′11″N 80°29′30″W / 40.28639°N 80.49167°W / 40.28639; -80.49167Coordinates: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/5/55/WMA_button2b.png/17px-WMA_button2b.png40°17′11″N 80°29′30″W / 40.28639°N 80.49167°W / 40.28639; -80.49167
0.2 acres (0.081 ha)
NRHP Reference#:
Significant dates
Added to NRHP:
November 21, 1978
Designated NHL:
April 5, 2005[2]
Meadowcroft Rockshelter is an archaeological site located near Avella in Washington County, in southwestern Pennsylvania, United States. The site, a rock shelter in a bluff overlooking Cross Creek (a tributary of the Ohio River), is located about 36 miles west-southwest of Pittsburgh. The site, including a museum and 18th-century village, is operated by the Heinz History Center. The artifacts from the site show the area has been continually inhabited for 16,000 years, since Paleo-Indian[107] times. The Rockshelter was named a National Historic Landmark in 2005. It is also recognized as a Pennsylvania Commonwealth Treasure and is an official project of Save America's Treasures.
•It is designated as a historic public landmark by the Washington County History & Landmarks Foundation.[3]
Meadowcroft was named for the nearby Meadowcroft Village historical park. Although sometimes referred to as "Meadowcroft Rock Shelter", the more accepted and popular term is "Meadowcroft Rockshelter".[citation needed]
Following construction of a new observation deck and enclosure, the Rockshelter had a reopening on May 10, 2008.
The rockshelter is a natural formation beneath an overhanging cliff of Morgantown-Connellsville sandstone, which is a thick Pennsylvanian-age sandstone brown in color. Meadowcroft is in the Allegheny Plateau, northwest of the Appalachian Basin.[4]
The site was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1978 and designated a National Historic Landmark in 2005.
Archaeological findings
Meadowcroft Rockshelter and other Native American points of interest, Southwestern Pennsylvania
Native Americans left the site during the American War for Independence. It was not re-discovered until many years later. The first artifacts at Meadowcroft were discovered by Albert Miller in 1955 by way of a groundhog burrow. Miller delayed reporting his findings for some time, until he contacted James M. Adovasio, now director of the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institute. The site was excavated from 1973 until 1978 by a University of Pittsburgh archaeological team led by Adovasio through the Mercyhurst Archaeological Institiute (MAI). Radiocarbon dating of the site indicated occupancy beginning 16,000 years ago and possibly as early as 19,000 years ago. The dates are still controversial, although some archaeologists familiar with evidence from the site agree that Meadowcroft was used in the pre-Clovis era and, as such, provides evidence for very early human habitation of the Americas. In fact, if the 19,000-years-ago dating is correct, Meadowcroft Rockshelter is the oldest known site of human habitation in North America, and thus provides a unique glimpse into the lives of prehistoric hunters and gatherers.
Meadowcroft Rockshelter has yielded Woodland, Archaic, and Paleoindian remains. Paleoindians were primarily hunters of big game animals which are now extinct. In total, animal remains representing 149 species were excavated. Evidence shows that natives gathered smaller game animals as well as plants, such as corn, squash, fruits, nuts and seeds. The site at Meadowcroft rock shelter has produced Pre-Clovis remains. The remains were found as deep as 11.5 feet underground. The site also has yielded many tools, including pottery, bifaces, bifacial fragments, lamellar blades, a lanceolate projectile point, and chipping debris. Recoveries of note also include fluted points, which are a marker of the Paleoindian period. This is further evidence that supports Adovasio's findings. The Meadowcroft Rockshelter site also included remains of flint from Ohio, jasper from eastern Pennsylvania and marine shells from the Atlantic coast. These findings suggest that the people inhabiting the area were mobile and involved in long distance trade. At least one basin-shaped hearth was reused over time. Additionally, the site has yielded the largest collection of flora and fauna materials ever recovered from a location in eastern North America.[5] The arid environment found at Meadowcroft Rockshelter provided the necessary and rare conditions which permitted excellent botanical preservation. The methods of excavation used at Meadowcroft are still seen as state-of-the-art. It is viewed as one of the most carefully excavated sites in North America.
Current site
Recent renovations to the rock shelter have been made so that visitors can see some of the tools and campfires made by the first Americans thousands of years ago. The Rockshelter is recognized as a Pennsylvania Commonwealth Treasure and is an official project of Save America's Treasures.
Improvements at Meadowcroft have taken place recently, including a newly paved road which makes getting to the site easier for visitors. A recreation of a 17th-century Native American village is under development to help visitors see how the people lived before Europeans arrived.[108]
[1] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1100.
[2] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1173.
[3] The Fine Arts Institute, 11/1/2011
[4] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1178.
[5] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 26.
[6] The Ten Lost Tribes, A World History, by Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, page 66.
[7] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 27.
[8] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 27.
[9] The Grand Canyon, September 5, 2011
[10] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1178.
[11] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1180.
[12] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 25.
[13] The Anchor Bible: Ezra-Nehemiah by Jacob M. Myers 1965. pgs. xxv-xxvii.
[14] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 27.
[15] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1181.
[16] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine, page 107.
[17] The Oriental Institute Museum , Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011
[18] [1] The Gifts of the Jews, How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, by Thomas Cahill; Page 273.
[19] [2] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish bHistory, by Judah Gribetz, page 28.
[20] En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israelite
[21] Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land, by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
[22] Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.
[23] Jerusalem, by Lee I Levine, page 359.
[24] The Oriental Institute Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011
[25] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/History/Diaspora.html
[26][1]The Gifts of the Jews, How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, by Thomas Cahill; Page 273.
[27] [2] A History of God, by Karen Armstron, page 62.
[28] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine, page 155.
[29] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine, page 161.
[30] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine, page 160.
[31] http://www.khazaria.com/genetics/abstracts-nonjews.html
[32] [edit] Notes
1. ^ Parfitt, Tudor and Trevisan-Semi, E. (2002) Judaising Movements: Studies in the Margins of Judaism. London: Routledge Curzon. Parfitt, Tudor (2000) Journey to the Vanished City: the Search for a Lost Tribe of Israel. New York: Ramdon House.
2. ^ a b Wuriga, Rabson (1999) "The Story of a Lemba Philosopher and His People" Kulanu 6(2): pp.1,11-12
3. ^ a b le Roux, Magdel (2003). The Lemba - A Lost Tribe of Israel in Southern Africa?. Pretoria: University of South Africa. pp. 209–224, 24, 37.
4. ^ a b The origins of the Lemba "Black Jews" of southern Africa: evidence from p12F2 and other Y-chromosome markers., PMC 1914832, PMID 8900243
5. ^ Kleiman, Yaakov (2004). DNA and Tradition - Hc: The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews. Devora Publishing. pp. 81. ISBN 1-930143-89-3.
6. ^ a b c d e Shimona, Gideon (2003). Community and conscience: the Jews in apartheid South Africa. United States of America: Brandeis University Press. p. 178. ISBN 1-58465-329-9. http://books.google.com.au/books?id=wRkpQAmnL8oC&pg=PA178&lpg=PA180&dq=lemba+halakhic#v=onepage&q=lemba%20halakhic&f=false. Retrieved 2010-03-13.
7. ^ a b Junod, H.A. (1927). The life of a South African tribe, vol. I: Social Life. London: Macmillan. pp. 72–73, 94.
8. ^ le Roux, Magdel (2003). The Lemba - A Lost Tribe of Israel in Southern Africa?. Pretoria: University of South Africa. pp. 174, 293.
9. ^ a b c Hammond Tooke, W.D. (1974 (originally 1937)). The Bantu-speaking peoples of southern Africa. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul. pp. 81–84, 115–116.
10. ^ a b The Story of the Lemba People
11. ^ Lost Tribes of Israel NOVA Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) February 22 2000
12. ^ "Tudor Parfitt's Remarkable Journey" NOVA Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) November 2000 accessed 26 February 2008
13. ^ a b van Warmelo, N.J. (1966). "Zur Sprache und Herkunft der Lemba". Hamburger Beiträge zur Afrika-Kunde (Deutsches Institut für Afrika-Forschung) 5: 273, 281–282.
14. ^ Great Zimbabwe (11th–15th century) Thematic Essay | Timeline of Art History | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
15. ^ A Lead on the Ark of the Covenant, Time, February 21, 2008
16. ^ Indiana Parfitt and the temple of ‘hmm’, The Herald April 14, 2008
17. ^ "Zimbabwe displays 'Ark of Covenant replica'", BBC News, February 18, 2010 accessed March 7, 2010
18. ^ Trevor, Tudor G. (December 1930). "Some observations on the relics of pre-European culture in Rhodesia and South Africa". J. Royal Anthropological Inst. of Great Britain and Ireland 60: 389–399.
19. ^ Jaques, A.A. (1931). "Notes on the Lemba Tribe of the Northern Transvaal". Anthropos XXVI: 245–251.
20. ^ Parfitt, Tudor and Egorova, Y. (2005) Genetics, Mass Media, and Identity: A Case Study of the Genetic Research on the Lemba and Bene Israel. London: Routledge.
21. ^ "Y Chromosomes Traveling South: The Cohen Modal Haplotype and the Origins of the Lemba — the "Black Jews of Southern Africa"", American Journal of Human Genetics 66 (2): 674, February 1, 2000, doi:10.1086/302749, PMC 1288118, PMID 10677325
22. '^ Schindler, Sol "The genetics of Jewish ancestry" which is a review of Abraham's Children: Race , Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People by Jon Entine The Washington Times [1]
23. ^ Hamilton, Carolyn (2002). Reconfiguring the Archive. Springer. p. 191. ISBN 978-1-4020-0743-9. http://books.google.co.uk/books?id=6vo5ValNVloC&pg=PA189&dq=skorecki+%22Y+chromosomes+of+Jewish+priests%22+aaron#v=onepage&q=skorecki%20%22Y%20chromosomes%20of%20Jewish%20priests%22%20aaron&f=false.
24. ^ "The Lemba, The Black Jews of Southern Africa" NOVA Public Broadcasting System (PBS) November 2000 accessed 26 February 2008
25. ^ F.L. Mendez et al., "Increased Resolution of Y Chromosome Haplogroup T Defines Relationships among Populations of the Near East, Europe,and Africa" BioOne Human Biology 83(1):39-53, (2011)
26. ^ Gayre, R. (1972). The origin of the Zimbabwean Civilization. Galaxie Press, Zimbabwe. http://www.rhodesia.nl/onbook.htm.
27. ^ http://www.africanholocaust.net/peopleofafrica.htm#shona
28. ^ http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/Judaism/patrilineal1.html
[edit] External links
•"Lost tribes of Israel (2000)" (PBS documentary on the Lemba and their origins)
•BBC News - Lost Jewish tribe 'found in Zimbabwe'
•The Lemba, their origins and the Ark - Extrageographic
[33] The Hebrews from Washington State University, ©Richard Hooker
[34] [1] National Geographic, December, 2008
[35] [2] The Gifts of the Jews, How a Tribe of Desert Nomads Changed the Way Everyone Thinks and Feels, by Thomas Cahill; Page 273.
[36] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1195
[37] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1204.
[38] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 28.
[39] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 28.
[40] The Ten Lost Tribes, A World History, by Zvi Ben-Dor Benite, page 66.
[41] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 28.
[42] Antiquities of the Jews, 18:3:64
[43] The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, The Jesus Dynasty, by James D. Tabor. Page 199.
[44] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1451.
[45] The Art Museum, Austin, Texas. February 11, 2012.
[46] Art Museum, Austin, TX. February 11, 2012
[47] Jesus: The Lost 40 Days, HIST, 4/20/11.
[48] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1457.
[49] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 48.
[50] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 49.
[51] The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, The Jesus Dynasty, by James D. Tabor, page 284.
[52] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 49.
[53] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 49.
[54] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 49.
[55] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 49.
[56] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[57] Photo by Jeff Goodlove
[58] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 25.
[59] The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, The Jesus Dynasty, by James D. Tabor. Page 261.
[60] Art Museum, Austin, Texas. February 11, 2012.
[61] Art Museum, Austin, Texas. February 11, 2012
[62]Trial of Jesus http://www.law.umkc.edu/faculty/progects/ftrials/jesus/jesuskeyfigures.html
Smallwood, “High Priests and Politics” page 22.
[63] The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, The Jesus Dynasty, by James D. Tabor. Page 293.
[64] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_High_Priests_of_Israel
[65] Smallwood, “High Priests and Politics” page 23, 32.
[66] The Works of Josephus, Translated by William Whiston, Cover.
[67] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matrilineality_in_Judaism
[68] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[69] http://www.historyorb.com/events/date/1585
[70] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[71] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history
[72] Descendants of Elias Gutleben, Alice email May 2010
[73] The Brothers Crawford, Allen W. Scholl, 1995
[74]The original transaction mentioned herein, may be fournd in Vol. 8, page 150, in the court house at Winchester, Va. The Witnesses were: Valentine Crawford, John Vance, David Shepherd, William Connell, Edward Dyall. (Current money of Virginia).
From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, page 45.
[75] Washington’s Journal.
[76] The Horn Papers, Early Westward Movement on the Monongahela and Upper Ohio 1765-1795 by W.F. Horn Published for a Committee of the Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania by the Hagstrom Company, New York, N.Y. 1945
Ref. 33.3 Conrad and Caty by Gary Goodlove 2003.
[77] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 108.
[78] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/benjamin-franklin-publishes-an-open-letter-to-lord-north
[79] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[80] Monongahela of Old, by James Veech, p. 119. Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg 324
[81] { Hammersley’s Army Register of U. S., Revolution to Present, p. 276.
Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg 329
[82] Washington-Irvine Correspondence by Butterfield
[83] Gerol “Gary” Goodlove, Conrad and Caty, 2003
[84] The Frontiersman by Allan W. Eckert pgs. 501-502
[85] ED. Draper Series, Volume III, Frontier Defense on the Upper Ohio, 1777-1778 pgs 244-245
[86] http://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/black-hawk-war-begins
[87] History of Logan County and Ohio, O.L. Basking & Co., Chicago, 1880. page 692.
[88] Reference to bounty land.
[89] Winans, Hiram W. Age 33. Residence Cedar Rapids, nativity Ohio. Enlisted Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered Dec. 30, 1863. Mustered out July 17, 1865, Savannah, Ga. http://iagenweb.org/civilwar/books/logn/mil508.htm
[91] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[92] http://penningtons.tripod.com/roster.htm
[93] The Harrison Genealogy Repository http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~harrisonrep
[94] http://suzid.tripod.com/barger/id104.html
[95] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[96] Winton Goodlove papers.
[97] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alfred_Wegener
[98] Descendents of Elias Gotleben, Email from Alice, May 2010.
[99] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[100] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[101] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[102] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[103] http://library.thinkquest.org/10826/rosenber.htm
[104] This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. The entry can be found here.Skipjack-class submarine:
[105] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 500.
[106] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 498.
[107][107] Anthropological Sequence. The period of first habitation may be called the "Lithic" stage (Stone Age). Within the period, we first find the "pre-projectile point stage," then the "paleo-Indian stage," and finally the "protoarchaic stage." These stages are often grouped together and referred to as the "paleo-Indian" stage. This "stage" or "period" includes the passage by Asiatic people across the Bering land-bridge up until the end of the Wisconsin glacial advance—that is, around 8,000 BC.
During this first period, the paleo-Indians were nomadic hunters who used rock overhangs and an occasional cave as shelter. They hunted large animals, such as mastodons, musk-ox, saber-toothed tigers, mountain lions, and early bison. They followed rivers and searched-out the feeding sites of the animals. The cultures were identified as the Plano, Clovis, Folsom, Sandia, and Old Cordilleran. Most sites for these groups have been found in the western and central regions of the present United States. This is the period of the Meadowcroft findings near Avella and it extends up to the beginning of specialized tools and farming. (See Meadowcroft.)
The next period is the "Archaic." It extends from about 8000 BC to 1500 BC. The Indians in this period began to form clans of maybe forty and practiced seasonal migration to take advantage of foraging opportunities and the migratory patterns of small game. They were avid fishermen. In the winters they would move up the hills to where larger game could be found. Also, more shelters could be found on the hillsides where they could protect themselves from the cold wind blowing in the flats along the rivers. They developed and/or improved on a variety of specialized tools, such as drills, axes, knives, spears, hammers, drills, and forms of mortar and pestle. They made baskets and cloth from reeds, bark, and other available plants. From a practical point of view, the biggest change in the "archaic" over the "paleo-Indian" periods was the end of the nomadic existence. People now moved short distances following the seasons. They began living in the same vicinity year after year. The continent was no longer inhabited by roving clans.
The third period is the "Transitional." Some anthropologists fold it into the "Woodland," but it perhaps deserves to stand on its own. From about 1500 BC to 1000 BC we find the Anasazi as cliff dwellers in the southwest. This is probably when maize (corn) was introduced. In the upper Mississippi and Ohio River valley we now have the Adena, or mound-building cultures. The Adena of our region left evidence of several varities of spear points and carved soapstone bowls. (See Adena.) The bowl enabled the cook to heat directly over a fire rather than dropping a hot rock into a pouch with water and food in it. To the Indians of our region, a vital innovation was the canoe. Prior to the canoe, transportation meant walking. Now they could move up and down the rivers and find preferred stones for spear points or more desireable fishing or hunting areas.
The "transitional" or Adena culture period moves almost seamlessly into the "Woodland Period." This period feeds off the Adena culture with its clay pottery tempered with limestone and thin spear points looking like they may have been fashioned for use as arrows to be shot with a bow. We move from the Adena culture to the Monongahela people of the upper Ohio River from around 600 to 1300 AD, or later.(See Monongahela.)
What happened to the Monongahela people? We don't know. We do know that the Susquehannocks lived in central PA. In the western part of the commonwealth we have evidence of traveling groups of Miami, Shawnee, Seneca, Mingo, and others moving in and out after the Monongahela people and prior to colonization. We refer to these groups as "Eastern Woodland Indians." Some frustration is met when studying the Indians of western PA. We do not understand the transition of the Adena or Monongahela peoples into another Indian grouping. Did they become Cherokees? Susquehannocks? or maybe Erie? Answering these questions would be an interesting doctoral study for some enterprising anthropology student.
The culture of the North American natives was upset with the coming of the Europeans at the end of the 15th century. Perhaps other visitors, such as Chinese, Vikings, or others came to the continent earlier, but they did not establish permanent residence. The Europeans after 1492 came and built harbors, villages, and brought a different civilization.
1. [108] ^ "National Register Information System". National Register of Historic Places. National Park Service. 2009-03-13. http://nrhp.focus.nps.gov/natreg/docs/All_Data.html.
2. ^ "Meadowcroft Rockshelter". National Historic Landmark summary listing. National Park Service. http://tps.cr.nps.gov/nhl/detail.cfm?ResourceId=1113831918&ResourceType=Site. Retrieved 2008-07-02.
3. ^ "Meadowcroft Rock Shelter". Landmark Registry - Public Landmark. Washington County History & Landmarks Foundation. 2008. http://www.washcolandmarks.com/landmark_registry_display.php. Retrieved 2010-11-08.
•4^ Meadowcroft Rockshelter, Mercyhurst Archeological Institute. Mercyhurst College. Erie, PA. Retrieved 2010-03-05.^
•5Heinz History Center: Rockshelter Artifacts, Heinz History Center. Pittsburgh, PA. Retrieved 2010-10-17.
•Minnesota State University emuseum
•James Adovasio and Jake Page, The First Americans: In Pursuit of Archaeology's Greatest Mystery, 2003, ISBN 0-375-75704-X.
•Meadowcroft Rockshelter and Museum of Rural Life
•"The Greatest Journey," James Shreeve, National Geographic, March 2006, p. 64. Shows dates 19,000 to 12,000 years ago; as well as Clovis (13,500 years ago) and Monte Verde 14,800 years ago.
•Heinz History Center
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