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This Day in Goodlove History, April 3
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspxy
April 3, 30 (33) A.D.
Jesus was crucified on Friday, April 3, 30 (33) A.D. He died around three o’clock in the afternoon. Mark 15:22-41.[1]
“He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, (April 3, 33 A.D.) those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, (April 5) as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”[2]
Holy week, 2007
This Sunday, for the first time in the 25 years I have participated in the performance of the Passion at church, I suddenly realized how anti-Semitic the writing is.
John 18:19:42 and Mathew 27:11-27
• This is what is called the Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ according to John and Mathew. At our church we use 2 cantors one being me and the chorus. We have done it this way more or less for twenty five years that I have been there. Mathew is on Maundy Thursday and Johns is on good Friday. This year it came to me that John and Mathews passage intended to portray the Jews to be at fault for the death of Jesus. For 2000 years these passages have been used as an excuse to punish the Jews for this supposed crime. Absolving Pilate from the guilt was possibly connected in part to the early missionaries of Christianity in Rome and the roman empire and not trying to antagonize those they were trying to convert.
Caiphas the high priest referred to in the passions was selected for the post in 18 ce by a roman prefect by the name Gratus. He was paid by Rome. In 36 CE both Caiaphas and Pilate were dismissed by Syrian governor Vitellius. Following his removal from office, Pilate was ordered to Rome to face complaints of cruelty. He was exiled to Vienne, France.
The Romans had replaced the High Priest at the temple with one of their own. In the Passion, that fact is never mentioned.
This omission has lead Christians to believe that it was the Jews, not the Romans, who were guilty in the killing of Jesus.
“The picture of the Jews as responsible for the death of Jesus fuels the imagination of Christian writers from early on and from late antiquity, Medieval times and well into the modern era, it poisons the minds of ordinary people who see in their Jewish neighbors so many centuries afterwards the killers of Jesus in first century Jerusalem.”[3]
33 A.D.: In the year 33 A.D. Jerusalem was crowded with pilgrims who had come from every part of the world to celebrate the Feast of Passover. Excitement ran high. A rebellion in the provinces had just been quelled. Rumors of another rebellion were rife. People were talking about a new messiah who had arrived in the city on the colt of an ass, in the manner Jewish legend prophesied. To the Romans this talk about a messiah spelled trouble…The procurator of Judea, Pontius Pilate, left his mistress in Caesarea, the administrative capital, to come to Jerusalem. He brought his legionnaires with him…
“Christ condemned to death by Pontius Pilate under the Emperor Tiberius” (Tacitus, Annals).[1]
Tiberius; AKA “The Son of God”.[4]

The only physical evidence that survives from Pilate apart from a few coins is an inscription from Caesarea recording a temple built by Pilate to his living god, the Emperor Tiberius. [5]
“Pilate is tended to be seen as weak character in actual fact though Pilate was really quite different. What we know about him from outside sources shows a competent, strong governor, not at all the weak character of the gospels.”[6]
Josephus on Jesus and Pilate:
“Now, there was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was [the] Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day.”[7]
The Passion according to Mathew
Now Jesus stood before the Governor and the governor asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?”
Jesus said, “you say so”.
But when he was accused by the chief priests and elders, he did not answer.
…Now the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds to ask for Barabbas and to have Jesus killed. The governor again said to them, “Which of the two do you want me to release for you? And they said Barabbas. Pilate said to them, “Then what should I do with Jesus, who is called the Messiah? All of them said, “Let him be crucified”.
Then he asked “Why, what evil has he done?” But they shouted all the more, “Let him be crucified”. So when Pilate saw that he could do nothing but rather that a riot was beginning. He took some water and washed his hands before the crowd saying “I am innocent of this man’s blood, see to it yourselves.”
….there is something wrong with the text. He washes his hands of his sins. What is he doing? That’s not Roman, that’s Jewish…It’s a Jewish custom. You’re not washing your hands, your washing your soul. He couldn’t have done it. Someone messed with the text.[8]
The Biblical book of Deuteronomy 21:6 instructs Jewish leaders to wash their hands in order to cleanse themselves of responsibility for a murder that they could not prevent. [9]
The mob demanding crucifixion maybe another embellishment added by the authors of the gospel. Are the Gospels shifting the blame from Pilate, to the Jews?[10]
• Then the people as a whole answered…
• "His blood be on us, and on our children."
• This verse blames the Jews for the death of Jesus and has been used to justify their persecution for twenty centuries. [11]
• …Those who passed by derided him shaking their heads and saying “You that destroyest the temple and buildest it in three days, save yourself if you be the son of God, come down from the cross.
• In the same way the chief priests also along with the scribes and elders were mocking him saying “He saved others, himself he cannot save. If he be the King of Israel, Let Him come down from the cross and we will believe him. He trusted in God let Him deliver him now if he will have him for he said “I am the Son of God.”
• The Passion according to Mathew, as performed at the Church of Atonement, Chicago 3/16/2008
For nearly two thousand years this passage has been tragically misinterpreted as an excuse to punish Jews for their supposed guilt for the death of Jesus. There is no question that Matthew intends this as a dramatic and decisive moment. [12]
The reputed Jewish responsibility for opposition to Jesus is chronicled in less and less discriminate fashion. Yet already in Mark, usually considered the earliest Gospel, “the chief priests and the scribes” and “the whole council” conspire to kill Jesus, and “the multitude” demands his crucifixion.[13]
The question of the story of the Passion concerns the details. Are the details of the story accurate, or are they really parables, made by the early church, for their own purposes?[14]
The term “the Jews” as employed by Saint John is “a very dangerous symbolic term, and one cannot but wonder if it might be a root of anti-Semitism in the Christian subconcious.” [15]
Scholars believe it (Gospel of John) was the last to be written and that it was rewritten by several anonymous scholars.[16]
In the Synoptic Gospels, conflicts over Sabath healings involve only the authorities. (Mark, Luke, Mathew. In John, the cripple whom Jesus heals is reproached by “the Jews” (5:10).[17]
It is “the Jews” who are stirred to persecute Jesus, “the Jews” determine to kill him, “the Jews” seek to stone him, “the Jews” determine to kill him, “the Jews” seek to stone him, “the Jews” insisting that “they have no king but Caesar” and succeed in getting Pontius Pilate to hand Jesus over to be crucified, against Pilate’s desire to release Jesus. [18]
Reputedly, Jesus tells “the Jews” that they are not children of God but are, by deliberate choice, children of the devil. 8:42-47. [19]
By the time of Jesus’ death in about 30 CE, the Jews were passionate monotheists, so nobody expected the Messiah to be a divine figure; he would simply be an ordinary, if privileged, human being.[20]
April 3, 1755: Capt. Simon Kenton

By Dale K. Benington, August 4, 2010
1. Capt. Simon Kenton Marker
The grave of
Capt. Simon Kenton
1755 - 1836
Revolutionary War Soldier
Clark Illinois Regiment, Virginia State Troops
Brigadier General of the Ohio Militia - 1812
Inscription on Gravestone:
Gen. Simon Kenton
Who was born April 3rd,
1755, in Culpepper Co. Va.
& Died, April 29th, 1836
Aged 81 years & 26 days.
His Fellow Citizens of the west,
Will long remember him, as
the skillful Pioneer of early
times, the brave soldier, &
the honest Man.
Erected by Urbana Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, and the Champaign County Historical Society.
Location. 40° 6.037′ N, 83° 43.89′ W. Marker is in Urbana, Ohio, in Champaign County. Marker can be reached from Cemetery Lane east of Patrick Avenue (Ohio Route 54), on the left when traveling east. Click for map. This historical marker is located next to the grave of Simon Kenton, in Oakdale Cemetery. Marker is in this post office area: Urbana OH 43078, United States of America. [21]
April 3, 1768: Went to Pohick Church & returnd to Dinner. Mr. Crawford returnd in the Afternoon.[22] George Washington is the grandnephew of the wife of the 1st cousin 10x removed and William Crawford is the 6th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 3, 1769

Tuesday, October 11, 2005[23]
April 3, 1769: Alexander Vance held one of the 4 land warrants issued for Tyrone County (his was issued April 3,1769, but not surveyed till April 11,1788). John Vance, Moses' father settled on a tract of land in 1766. John Vance (d. 1772) "who's ancestors came from Scotland and Ireland, was a native of Virginia". He came to PA with his sister's husband Col. William Crawford. John was already married to his wife Margaret White before he left VA. John died young leaving his wife Margaret to raise their 6 children, David, William, Moses, Jane, Elizabeth, and Maria. "Among the records of property is one where, under date of January 10, 1781, Margaret Vance, widow of John Vance, reported the list of her registered slaves, - one female, named Priscilla, aged twenty-seven years, and two males, Harry and Daniel, aged respectively seven and three years.
Priscilla and Harry afterwards became the property of the daughter, Jane Vance who was married to Benjamin Whalley. The son David (Vance) settled in Kentucky, and William (Vance) remained on the old place until middle life, when he died, never having married. Moses Vance also stayed upon the homestead, and when, in 1790, the land upon which his father's family had lived so long was warrented to Benjamin Whalley, two hundred and fifty acres of it was transferred to him and upon that he resided until his death.
Moses Vance's wife was Elizabeth, a daughter of Jacob Strickler, and they reared a family of seven sons and two daughters, John, Jacob, Samuel, Francis, William, Crawford, George, Margaret, and Eliza. John still lives on the old Gamer place, Jacob is in Lower Tyrone, and William's home is in Connellsville. Before leaving his native town, Tyrone, William held the office of justice of the peace for some years. George Vance removed to Illinois, and Samuel, Francis, Crawford, and Margaret are dead." [24]
April 3, 1769: In 1770, Thomas Gist, settled at Mount Braddock, and Captain William Crawford, afterwards burned at the stake by the Indians at Sandusky, Ohio, the former from Maryland, the latter from Virginia, were made justices of Qie peace and members of the courts of Cumberland County. Virginia had not yet extended the jurisdiction of her courts beyond the Alleghanies. Before this occurred, however, perhaps as early as 1767, settlements had begun to the west of the Monongahela, at the mouths of all the larger streams flowing into that river from the west, ready to move up those streams towards the head waters thereof; and, beginning as soon as the proprietary land office was opened on April 3, 1769, there was such a rush of pioneers into this region that in a year or two it may safely be said that there was no portion of what was afterwards erected into Washington County, then extending from the Ohio River at Pittsburg and the mouth of the Beaver, thence south to the southern boundary of Greene County, that was not to a more or less extent occupied by settlers.
The situation made necessary a new county, and on March 9, 1771, Bedford County was erected. By this time there is no doubt that all portions of the splendid country west of the Monongahela, and south and east of the Ohio River was well occupied by persons seeking permanent homes.[25]
Colonel Washington acquired a measure of title to the Fort Necessity plantinat Great Meadows on October 17, when he purchased the interest of William Brooks in a survey dated February 14, 1771, based on an earlier application to the land Office of Pennsylvania, June 13, 1769. He did not perfect this title until after the Revolution, when on February 28, 1782 he secured a patent for tract called “Mt Washington, situate on the east side of Laurel Hill where Braddock’s Road crosses the Great Meadows, formerly Bedford County, now in the county of Westmoreland, containing 234 ½ acres.” This patent is recorded in Fayette
Countyl Pennsylvania, in “Deed book 507,” page 458 and shows a consideration of ₤33 15s. 6d. He purchased the right fo William Athel on February 12, 1782, in an application filed by Athel on April 3, 1769, and had this title perfected by a patent from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, February 8, 1782. For a consideration of ₤48 3s. 5d., Pennsylvania granted to him called “Spring Run.” On the south side of Youghiogheny, on the waters of said river, formerly in Cumberland, now in Westmoreland County, containing three hundred thirty-one acres, one hundred forty-seven perches, and bounded bye lands of Thomas Jones John Patty, John Pearsall, and Washington’s other lands. These other lands were those which Washinton had personally applied for on April 3, 1769, when the land office was opened, and which the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania granted to him February 8, 1782, for a consideration of ₤48 7d., and described as the “Meadow,” situate on the south side of “Youghogeni” on the waters of said river, formerly in Cumberland County, now in Westmorelamnd County, bounded by John Darsall’s (Pearsall’s, William Athel’s, John Patty’s and John Bishop’s. The deeds for these two tracts are recorded in Fayette County in “Deed Book 180,” pages 294, 296, respectively.
George Washington owned the Great Meadows tract at the time of his death on December 14, 1799, and under the authority containede in his will, William A. Washington, George S. Washington, Samuel Washington, and George W. P. Custis, his executors, by Bushrod Washington and Lawrence Lewis, their attorneys, conveyed the Great Meadows to Andrew Parks of the town of Baltimore. By later conveyances this historic shrine has come under the control of the Pennsyvania Department of Forests and Waters, with the actual fort site deeded to the United States of America.[1] [1] [26]
April 3, 1771: Dined at Barry’s (on Shenandoah) and reached Greenway Court in the Afternoon where we stayed all Night.
Berry’s ferry was on the Shenandoah River about eight miles east of Greenway Court.[27]
To (John Murray), EARL of DUNMORE[28]
Mount Vernon, April 3, 1775.
My Lord: At second hand, I learnt from Captain Floyd, that the Surveys made by Mr. Crawford under the Proclamation of 1754[29] (expressly agreeable to an order of Council of the i5th of December, 1769), and for which your Lordships Patents under the Seal of the Colony, bath actually been obtained are now declared null and void.[30] The information appearing altogether incredible, I gave little attention to it, ‘till I say Mr. Wilper on friday last, who, in confirmation of the report added, that all the patentees (whom he had seen) under that Proclamation, were exceedingly distressed and at a loss, ix know what to think of it, or how to act in a case so uncommon this therefore has caused me to give your Lordship the trouble of a Letter on the occasion, convinced as I am, of your inclination to hear, and disposition to redress, any just cause of complaint, which may be submitted to your decision. In pursuit of this enquiry, my Lord, which becomes highly interesting to me, as well as others, to make, I shall beg leave to lay a short state of our case before your Lordship in order to show (if the information be true), for I confess I look’d upon it at first as move only of the Surveyors to hitch a little more money from us, the peculiar hardship of our situation if we are to encounter fresh difficulties in search of Lands which in my humble opinion has already involved us in expense and trouble, which ought to have been avoided.
I shall not presume, my Lord, to ask a patient hearing of the reasons which induced Mr. Dinwiddie to issue the Proclamation of 1754; the proclamation itself is sufficiently declaratory of them and, being an act of public notoriety, the utility of which was well known at the time of its promulgation, and as universally acknowledged to be just; I shall say nothing thereon; nor shall I undertake to prove how well men; at very small daily pay, were entitled to this testimony of his Majesty’s bounty; the experience your Lordship has lately had of a warfare in that country affords a recent instance of the hardship and difficulty which the first troops had in exploring a trackless way over those great ridges of mountains between Fort Cumberland and Pittsburgh, and making roads for the armies which afterwards followed, and in which they joined. But I will take the liberty humbly to represent, that instead of having extraordinary difficulties thrown in our way, we were in my opinion entitled, as well from the spirit, as the express words of the Proclamation, above mentioned, to the Lands free of all costs and trouble, for the truth of which, I should have no scruple in appealing to your Lordship’s candor, if you would take the trouble of reading the Proclamation, wherein (after setting forth the necessity of raising Troops) are these words; “For an encouragement to all who shall voluntarily enter into the said service. I do hereby notify and promise, by and with the advice and consent of his Majesty’s Council of this Colony, that over and above their pay 200,000 acres of His Majesty, the King of Great Britain’s Lands, on the east side of the River Ohio, within this Dominion (100,000 acres to be contiguous to the said Fort, and the other 1oo,ooo acres, to be on or Near the River Ohio) shall be laid off, and granted to such Persons who by their voluntary engagement and good behavior in the said service; shall deserve the same; and I further promise that the said Lands shall be divided amongst them immediately after the performance of the said service,” &c. Is it not to be inferred, my Lord, from the natural import of these words, that the Lands were to be laid off for, and divided amongst the grantees, without involving them in either trouble or expense? Nothing, in my humble opinion, is more self-evident. But they finding that the most valuable part of their Grant, (respecting the location) was actually preoccupied; that Emigrants were spreading fast over that country, and that the same difficulties might arise in other quarters and contests ensue; application was made for liberty to make our own surveys, and a District assigned for it, at least 200 miles from any settlement, unexplored by any County-Surveyor, unknown in whose districts it lay, if it lay in any, as the jurisdiction of no county had extended within the number of miles above mentioned; and but few men at that early day, hardy enough to undertake a work, in a wilderness where none but savages and wild beasts in. habited. I say, under these circumstances, application was made for a special surveyor, and an order of Council obtained in the following words:
“The Council also advised that Col. Washington should apply to the President and Masters of the College requesting them to nominate and appoint a person properly qualified to survey the said Land with all possible expedition, signifying to them that their compliance herein will be agreeable to this Board.”
In consequence of this order, and of Capt. Crawford’s qualification as a Surveyor, he was appointed to run out this 200,000 acres of Land; and having given Bond in the usual and accustomed form, to the College proceeded to the business, and making his returns to the Secretary’s office, Patents have been issued under your Lordships signature and the seal of the colony, ever since the first of December 1773. Would it not be exceedingly hard then, my Lord, under these circumstances, at his late day, after we had proceeded in all respects agreeably to the orders of Government and after many of us have been run :0 great and considerable expense, to declare that the Surveys Ire invalid? It appears in so uncommon a light to me, that I 3ardly know yet how to persuade myself into a belief of the reality of it, nor should I have given your Lordship any trouble on the subject at this time, but for the importunity of others, and from a desire (as I shall leave home the first of May) of knowing if the account be true, what steps the grantees, under the afore-mentioned Proclamation, are further to take.
I beg your Lordships excuse for the length and freedom of this epistle. I am persuaded you possess too much candour yourself to be offended at it in others, in relating of facts, especially, as I profess myself to be, with the utmost respect, etc.[31]
1802 - April 3 - Henri Peyroux, Commandant of New Madrid District, gave permission to Messrs. Benjamin Harrison, Benjamin Douglass and Benjamin Dosson (Dawson) to cultivate each one a farm of 200 arpents on the vacant lands on the River Pemiscon near Little Prairie while waiting for the titles and the survey. [32]
April 3, 1841: Louise C. LeClere, Born May 31, 1818 Died May 31, 1897

June 22, 2009 091
Mary Winch Goodlove takes a time out from the 2009 Tractorcade in Dubuque, Iowa to visit for the first time the French Cemetery where many LeClere’s are buried. She used to visit the LeClere farm for family outings when she was a young girl. Louise Catherine Laude, Mary’s GGGrandmother was born in Semondaus Doube, France. She married George Frederick LeClere in Oswego, Mexico County New York April 3, 1841. He was born in Dampieire, Outre France. Photo June 14, 2009 by Jeff Goodlove
April 3, 1852: He began the practice of his profession at Catawba, in 1840, and, after attending lectures at the Eclectic Medical Institute of Cincinnati, Ohio, he graduated in 1852. He was married December 27, 1842, to Miss Nancy J. Goodlove, daughter of C. Goodlove, she dying April 3, 1852, leaving two children Mary C. and Franklin C.[33]
Sun. April 3, 1864
Laid in camp ate out of co h
Went fishing caught nice fish
Rained a shower. Funeral in co G
Wrote two letters one home one to MH Davis[34]
Town as large as marion[35]
William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
April 3, 1865: For six months, Yankee troops had been working their way up the Tennessee and Cumberland rivers. Kentucky was firmly in Union hands, and now the Federals controlled much of Tennessee, including the capital at Nashville. Grant scored major victories at Forts Henry and Donelson in February, forcing Johnston to gather the scattered Rebel forces at Corinth in northern Mississippi. Grant brought his army, 42,000 strong, to rendezvous with General Don Carlos Buell and his 20,000 troops. Grant's objective was Corinth, a vital rail center that if captured would give the Union total control of the region. Twenty miles away, Johnston lurked at Corinth with 45,000 soldiers.
Johnston did not wait for Grant and Buell to combine their forces. He advanced on April 3, delayed by rains and muddy roads that also slowed Buell.
April 3, 1872: Mrs N. peace Grove vertriebt wines from the Holy Land (1872)

http://www.alemannia-judaica.de/images/Images%20247/Werneck_Israelit_03041872_small.jpg"Display in the magazine"The Israelite"by 3 April 1872:"Kosher wine for Passover from the Holy City of Jerusalem - they may be built and built.
Because the grape harvest in very Germany failed this year, some barrels were sent to Jerusalem wine for sale me, which are crisp on and drained bottled under the supervision of the members of our community the Rabbinate Court . Every single wrong is equipped with the seal of the local members of the Rabbinate Court . So that everyone puts the weight on it, the instructions to meet and four cups with good wine, and even from the fruits of the Holy Land can get same itself, I noticed the price per bottle only on 1 Gulden. Considering that the Passover time is short, everyone is asked, his orders free of charge soon as possible per address A.J.. Roos Jr. Amsterdam, Papenburgerstraat V, to 433. Also take Kaufmann, bookseller, Frankfurt am Main and Solomon levy, wine merchant, Peter Street 25, Hamburg orders contrary to the men's j. and Mrs N. peace Grove in Werneck, Bavaria).
(The undersigned testifies on request, that the Kosher certificate of rühmlichst known him Rabbi Mayer Auerbach - his light shine, head of the Rabbinate Court in the Holy City of Jerusalem - it may be built and built, fast, in our days - copy exists). "Dr. Lehmann." [36]
April 3, 1877: Martin GUTLEBEN was born on June 29, 1850. Martin married Marie UNKNOWN about 1906 in ,,NE. Marie was born about 1864 in Alsace,Lorraine,Germany. Martin next married Catharina Barbara FRITSCH on April 3, 1877 in Muhlbach,Munster,Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace. Catharina was born on October 31, 1850. Children from this marriage were:
M i. Johann Martin GUTLEBEN was born on May 25, 1879 in Muhlbach,Munster,Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died in 1900 in ,,NE at age 21.
Anna Catharina GUTLEBEN was born on May 30, 1880 in Muhlbach,Munster,Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace.
Anna married Ferdinand MEIERJURGEN on November 29, 1905 in NE. Ferdinand was born about 1880.[37]

Jesse James
April 3, 1882: James, Jess Woodson (Jesse) + Anderson Survived war
Joined in 1864 at age 17. Shot to death by Robert Ford in St.
Joseph, MO, April 3, 1882.

Riley or William Crawford
Riding with Jesse James during the Civil War was Riley Crawford, Quantrill’s youngest recruit joining at 14. Riley Crawford is the 4th cousin 4x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove
On April 3, 1883: Carter Harrison III (1825-1893) Fayette Co., KY; Chicago, IL. Carter Harrison III defeated Eugene Cary (Republican) and began his third term as mayor of Chicago. [40]
April 3, 1890: (Pleasant Valley) Will Goodlove will soon have his new yard fence completed, which will make a handsome showing.[41]
April 3, 1926: William Gabriel Warren (b. August 10, 1854 in GA / d. April 3, 1926 in GA).[42]
April 3, 1942: A total of 383 Jews from Munich are deported to Piaski, near Lublin.
April 3, 1942: Isaak Gottlieb, born September 10,1877 in Ebernburg
Resided Munchen. Deportation: From Munchen, April 3, 1942, Piaski (last known whereabouts). Missing. [43]
April 3-4, 1942: Five thousand Jews from Kolomyia are deported to Belzec, and 250 are killed in the Kolomyia ghetto itself.[44]
[1] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1446.
[2] Antiquities of the Jews, 18:3:64
[3] Dr. Sarah Pierce, University of South Hampton
The Real Pontius Pilate, History International 4/08/04
[4] [1]The world Before and After Jesus, Desire of the Everlasting Hills by Thomas Cahill, page 337.
[5] The Real Pontius Pilate, History
[6] Dr. Helen K. Bond, “The Real Pontias Pilate”, History International, 4/08/2004
[7] The Antiquities of the Jews Book 18.3.3
[8] The Naked Archaeologist, Pontius Pilate, 10/01/2008
[9] The Naked Archaeologist, Pontius Pilate, 10/01/2008
[10] The Naked Archaeologist, Pontius Pilate, 10/01/2008
[11] The Skeptics Annotated Bible
[12] Donald Senior, C.P. http://www.cptryon.org/xpipassio/passio/matt/5condc.html
[13] Your People, My People. The Meeting of Jews and Christians, A. Roy Eckardt, page 9.
[14] Tomb of Jesus, NTGEO, 3/31/2002
[15] Dominic M. Crossan, “Anti-Semitism and the Gospel,” Theological Studies, 26:2 (June, 1965), 199.
[16] The Naked Archaeologist, Hangin’ With Judas, 8/22/2008
[17] Your People, My People, The Meeting of Jews and Christians. By A. Roy Eckardt, page 10.
[18] Your People, My People, The Meeting of Jews and Christians. By A. Roy Eckardt, page 10.
[19] Your People, My People, The Meeting of Jews and Christians. By A. Roy Eckardt, page 10.
[20] A History of God by Karen Armstrong, page 80.
[21] http://www.hmdb.org/marker.asp?marker=38277
[22] George Washington Journal
[23] The Horn Papers, Early Westward Movement on the Monongahela and Upper Ohio 1765-1795 by W.F. Horn Published for a Committee of the Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania by the Hagstrom Company, New York, N.Y. 1945Ref. 33.3 Conrad and Caty by Gary Goodlove 2003.
[24] www.ancestry.com, http://www.bryanfamilyonline.com/strictree.html
[25] Thie County Court of West Augusta
[26] Diaries of George Washington, University Press of Virginia, 1978
[27] George Washington Journal
[28] Dunmore actively served as royal governor of the Coloney of Virginia from September 25, 1771 until his departure to New York in 1776, he continued to hold the position until 1783 when American independence was recognized and continued to draw his pay. Wikipedia.
[29] Dunmore’s proclamation (March 2!) against the claims of some “disorderly per Sons” to ownership of Virginia land under pretense of a purchase from the Indians.
[30] Dunmore answered (April i8) to the effect that the surveyor who surveyed th! land “did not qualify agreeable to the Act of Assembly directing the duty and quali fication of surveyors; if this is the Case the Patents will of Consequence be declarec Null and Void.” The qualifications of the surveyors are printed in Hening’s Statztte~ at Large, vol. 6, p. 33.
[31] The Writings of George Washington form the Original Manuscript Sournces, 1745-1799,
John C. Fitzpatrick, Editor, Volume 3.
[32] (New Madrid County Deed Bk. 1, p. 27, translated by Anton J. Pregaldin) Chronology of Benjamin Harrison compiled by Isobel Stebbins Giuvezan. Afton, Missouri, 1973 http://www.shawhan.com/benharrison.html
[33] http://www.heritagepursuit.com/Clark/ClarkPleasantbio.htm
(History of Clark County, OH
[34] Probably MA Davis. Mary Ann Goodlove, his sister, married Peter T. Davis in Ohio in 1852 and stayed instead of moving to Iowa with Conrad and Sarah.
William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[36] http://www.microsofttranslator.com/bv.aspx?from=de&to=en&a=http://www.alemannia-judaica.de/werneck_synagoge.htm
[37] Descendents of Elias Gutleben, Alice Email, May 2010.
[38] http://www.bing.com/images/search?q=jesse+james&FORM=HDRSC2#view=detail&id=11AC9B2A90FF1415A2B0EAC7102FFC20EEFC0206&selectedIndex=15
[39] http://canteymyerscollection.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view&id=382
[40] http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~harrisonrep/harrbios/carterharr3IL.htm
[41] Winton Goodlove papers.
[42] Proposed Descendants of William Smyth
[43][1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[2] Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National socialist Oppression in Germany, 1933-1945. Gedenkbuch (Germany)* does not include many victims from area of former East Germany).
[44] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1770.
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