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This Day in Goodlove History, April 20
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:
• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspxy
April 24, 1479 B.C.: 1479 BC – Thutmose III ascends to the throne of Egypt, although power effectively shifts to Hatshepsut (according to the Low Chronology of the 18th Dynasty). [1]
1479 to1425 BC[2]

Statue of Thutmosis III at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Thutmose III of Egypt, Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty (1479 BC–1425 BC)[3]
c. 1469 BC: In the Battle of Megiddo, Egypt defeats Canaan (Low Chronology). [4]
1468 BC: Thutmose III thrusts northward and lays siege to Megiddo, the fortified Canaanite town in the Jezreel plain.[5]
1467: Slavery under Cushan.[6]
c. 1460 BC: The Kassites overrun Babylonia and found a dynasty there that lasts for 576 years and nine months. [7]
April 24, 70 A.D.: During the Jewish rebellion against Rome, Roman legions break through Jerusalem’s middle wall, but are driven back by the Jewish defenders.[8]
Spring 70 A.D.: Jerusalem was surrounded by four Roman legions, the Fifteenth that Titus had brought up from Egypt, and the Fifth, Tenth, and Twelfth that Vewspasian had mustered from Syria. Including auxiliary troops the Roman forces numbered over 50,000. The city was cut off from supplies and by the spring of A.D. 70 severe famine had set in. Josephus reports that some even resorted to cannibalism, and chaos reigned inside the besieged city. Those who sought to escape were captured and crucified. According to Josephus, who had now joined Vespasian campted on the Mount of Olives before the city, as many as five hundred per day were captured and crucified in order to terrorize those inside and force surrender. Vespasian’;s troops had stripped the land all around Jerusalem of trees in order to get enough wood for all the crosses. The Zealots that controlled the local population trapped inside refused all offers. [9]
April 24, 1192: In April 1192, the kingship was put to the vote. To Richard's consternation, the barons of the Kingdom of Jerusalem unanimously elected Conrad as King. Richard sold Guy the lordship of Cyprus (where he continued to use a king's title) to compensate him and deter him from returning to Poitou, where his family had long had a reputation for rebelliousness. Richard's nephew Henry II of Champagne brought the news of the election result to Tyre on 24 April, then returned to Acre.[10]
Richard I “The Lionheart” Is the 23rd great granduncle and Henry II of Champagne is the ½ 1st cousin 24x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 24, 1288: A Christian body was placed in the house of the richest Jew of Troyes, France. The resulting tribunal condemned fourteen of the city's wealthiest men and women to be burned at the stake. This was part of a blood libel which the Dominicans and Franciscans used to “provoke a massacre of the local Jews.[11]
April 24, 1342: Pope Benedict XII passed away. In 1337 Benedict’s effort to protect the Jews when Christian mobs in Germany Bavaria, Bohemia, Moravia and Austria attacked them because of false accusations of “host desecration,” proved futile. Benedict’s intervention on behalf of the Jews marks him as unusual. [12]
April 24, 1558 – Mary, Queen of Scots, marries the Dauphin of France, François, at Notre Dame de Paris. [13]
Mary Queen of Scots is the 6th cousin 16 times removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 24, 1570 - Battles between Spanish troops & followers of sultan Suleiman[14]
April 24, 1769: “Captain William Crawford, exercised, to a limited extent, his vocation of surveyor, and in that capacity made numerous unofficial, surveys for George Washington, and for his brothers Samuel and. John Augustine Washington. He also made surveys for Lund Washington, and others, even before the lands were bought ‘from the Indians. The, object of these surveys was to secure Virginia rights. Captain Crawford took up, for himself, several valuable tracts in the vicinity of Stewart’s Crossing[15]. None of these, we believe were in his own name. The home tract, at the crossing, was in the name of his son John. ‘.‘Others were in the names of Benjamin Harrison, Lawrence Harrison, Jr.,’ William Harrison, and Battle (sic) Harrison. He owned other lands, which he purchased from the Indians, or from the original settlers “f
The progenitor of this Harrison family was Lawrence Harrison, who owned the tract of land adjoining that of the Crawford’s. This is now owned by Daniel Rogers and James Blackstone. Lawrence Harrison ‘s daughter, Catherine Harrison, was the wife of the Honorable Isaac Meason, (the elder), of Mount Braddock.”
At Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in the Land Grants Office, there is a record of a Patent, June 13, 1769, for 300 acres granted to Lawrence Harrison, adjoining the lands of Colonel William Crawford. A copy of this follows:
This was one of the richest townships along the Monongahela River’. There were doubtless settlers there as early 1761, who were driven out by the Indians, Later some returned, among whom were William Jacobs, who owned land at the mouth of ‘the Redstone Creek. In 1769, he sold his property to Lawrence Harrison and Prior Theobald.
William Jacobs applied for a survey on April 24, 1769. Having sold the tract to Lawrence Harrison arid Prior Theobald, he executed a deed to them dated June 2, 1769. ‘ ,
Lawrence Harrison transferred his right to Theobald, July 10, 1769, and on April 5, 1776, Theobald deeded it to Jesse Martin, who, in 1777, sold it to William Jackson.” [16]
April 24, 1775
Winch, Jason, Roxbury.Sergeant, Capt. Joseph Morse's co., Col. John Paterson's regt.; muster roll dated Aug. 1, 1775; engaged April 24, 1775; service, 3 mos. 14 days; also, company return [probably Oct., 1775].[17]
April 24, 1800: The Library of Congress is founded in Washington, D.C.[18]
April 24, 1802: The United States promises to remove the Creeks and Cherokees from Georgia in the Compact of 1802.[19]
April 24, 1819:
PAGES 1, 2
Adams, William
Goodlove, Elizabeth
1819 Apr. 24
April 24, 1825: Henrietta Mildred Hodgson (January 6, 1805 – November 19, 1891) was an English lady with both royal and presidential genealogical connections.
Through her Virginia ancestry, Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants are related to George Washington, the common ancestor of both being Augustine Warner, Jr.
Life and family
Born January 6, 1805, Henrietta Mildred was the daughter of the Very Rev. Robert Hodgson (1776–1844), Dean of Carlisle from 1820 until his death; and of Mary Tucker, born in 1778, a daughter of Colonel Martin Tucker. Her parents had married in 1804. Her grandfather was another Robert Hodgson (born 1740), of Congleton in Cheshire.[1][2]
On March 18, 1824 at St George's, Hanover Square, Westminster, she married Oswald Smith ( July 1794 – June 18, 1863) of St Marylebone and Blendon Hall in Kent. The parish register gives one of the few clues to her date of birth, as she is noted as "a minor".[3][4]
The Smiths had the following children: Isabella Mary (born April 24, 1825, d. 1907) m. 1847 Cadogan Hodgson Cadogan (of Brinkburn Priory), Oswald Augustus (b. October 21, 1826, d. 1902) m. 1856 Rose Sophia Vansittart, Eric Carrington (b. May 25, 1828, d. 1906) m. 1849 Mary Maberly, Laura Charlotte (b. August 2, 1829) m. 1848 Col. Evan Maberly, Beilby (b. August 12, 1830, d. 1831), Frances Dora (July 29, 1832, d. 1922) m. 1853 Claude Bowes-Lyon 13th Earl of Strathmore, Marion Henrietta (b. February 25, 1835, d. 1897) m.1854 Lt-Col Henry Dorrien Streatfeild (of Chiddingstone Castle).[5][6]
In 1853 the Smiths' daughter Frances married Claude Bowes-Lyon, later Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. She thus became the great-grandmother of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who was later Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, the mother of Queen Elizabeth II.
Henrietta Mildred was the grand-daughter of Mildred Porteus, who married the older Robert Hodgson, who was herself the grand-daughter of Robert and Mildred Porteus, until 1720 of Virginia, who in that year moved to Yorkshire. The earlier Mildred Porteus was the daughter of John and Mary Smith, Mary being a daughter of Augustine Warner, Jr. and a sister of Mildred Warner, who married Lawrence Washington (1659–1698) and was the grandmother of the first US President, George Washington.[7]
Henrietta Mildred Smith died November 19, 1891. At her death, her memorial in All Saints Church, Sanderstead, states:
B. JANuary 6, 1805 D. NOVember 19, 1891
PROV. XXXV V. 28.'
Henrietta Mildred Hodgson is the 6th cousin 5x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 24, 1830: The Senate passes the Indian Removal Act by a 28–19 vote.[20]
April 24, 1838: William H. McKinnon mentioned as Justice of the Peace.[21]
William Harrison McKinnon is the 3rd great granduncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
Sun. April 24[22][23], 1864
Started at 10 am[24] Smith skirmished in rear
Heavy at sunrise drove rebs back
Front marched until 11 pm 15 mi camped
On rapide in cornfield
Formed 2 lines of battle today.[25]
William Harrison Goodlove is the 2nd great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.
April 24, 1865: Several eyewitnesses claim that there was a gentleman posted outside the Presidential box who allowed Booth to enter. Samuel Koontz on April 24, 1865, wrote in a letter that Booth went through the door of the box, told the man who was Lincoln’s servant at the door, that Lincoln had sent for him. [26]“On May 15, 1865, Captain Theodore McGowan, who had been seated on the south side of the Dress Circle testified during the Conspiracy Trial that “He [Booth} took a small pack of visiting cards from his pocket, selecting one and replacing the others, stood a second, perhaps, with it in his hand, and then showed it to the President’s messenger, who was sitting just below him. Whether the messenger took the card into the box, or , after looking at it, allowed him to go in, I do not know, but in a moment or two more, I saw him go through the door of the lobby leading to the box, and closed the door.[27] Two years later Dr. Charles Leale, who was also seated on the south side of the Dress Circle, wrote that “I saw a man speaking with another near the door [to the Presidential box] and endeavoring to enter which he at last succeeded in doing after which the door was closed.”[28] [29]
April 24, 1865: Grant arrived in Raleigh on April 24th to inform Sherman that the surrender he had negotiated with Johnston had been rejected by the Federal government.[30]

April 24, 1865: Last Order: Cavalry Corp
Gallant Comrades,
You have fought your fight. Your task is done. During four years of struggle for Liberty you have exhibited courage, fortitude and devotion. You are the victors of more than 200 sternly contested fields. You have participated in more than 1000 conflict of arms.
You are heroes, veterans, patriots. The bones of your comrades mark the battlefields of Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, and Mississippi. You have done all that human exertions could accomplish. In bidding you adieu I desire to tender my thanks for your gallantry in battle, your fortitude under suffering, and the devotion at all times to the holy cause you have done so much to maintain. I desire also to express my gratitude for the kind feeling you have seen fit to extend to myself and to invoke upon you the blessings of our heavenly father in the cause of freedom. Comrades in arms I bid you farewell.
Joseph Wheeler
Lieut. Gen. Commanding Cavalry Corp.
Army of Tennessee [32]
April 24, 1877: Anna Gottlieb, born April 24, 1877 in Eisenach. Resided Leipzig. Date of death: September 7, 1942, Leipzig. Suicide.[33]
April 24, 1880: Jacob "Jake" GUTLEBEN was born on April 24, 1880 in Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died in 1930 at age 50. Jacob married Ruth FOGARTY before 1910. [34]
April 24, 1898: Spanish American War began with the sinking of the USS Maine.[35]
April 24, 1915: The Armenian Genocide began when the Young Turks undertook the systematic annihilation of Armenian intellectuals and entrepreneurs within the city of Constantinople and later the entire Armenian population of the Ottoman Empire. The Jewish population of Palestine was aware of this slaughter. The leaders of its nascent military force, Hashomer, were especially cognizant of what had happened. They were determined that the Jews would not suffer a similar fate.[36]
Early Spring 1915: By 1915 many of the pledges that made up the $75,000 pledged to Lennox College in Hopkinton failed to materialize.Early in the spring of 1915, the president of Lenox College resigned, announcing that he had accepted a position to head Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri.[37] Faced with the loss of their president and aware of the financial woes of the college, all but two of Lenox’s eleven faculty members had resigned by early July to accept positions elsewhere. The local board of trustees had to scramble to hire a new president and faculty and persuade local people who had reneged on their pledges of financial support for the college to renew them. [38]
Spring 1915: Although Chalice advocated rural school consolidation, he realized that most people in the area took considerable pride in their country schools. They certainly did not view their schools as in a state of impending crisis. For those who wished to send their children on to high school, the Hopkinton high school was only a few miles away. Practically everyone had close friends or relatives there with whom their children could board throughout the week. The Hopkinton school district contracted with Lenox College to provide facilities and much of the instruction of its high school students. This addid luster to the prospect of attending high school in Hopkinton, at least for Prostestant families. Indeed, almost all the Buck Cre3ek Church members who had attended high school had gone to Lenox Academy (as the Hopkinton high school was called) and many of these had attended the Hopkinton high school was called) and many of these had attended Lenoxz College for several terms as well. For Catholic families, there was the new Catholic high school in Ryan (which many had helped pay for with their contributions), or they could continue the long standing tradition of sending their children to one of several excellent Catholic “colleges” in Dubuque. For Buck Creek area students, the poor condition of the roads prohibited commuting by automobile to Hopkinton. Since students needed to board wherever they went to high school, most reasoned thaqtq they might as well go to one of the best schools available. Rail service between Hopkinton and the larger cities and towns in eastern aIowa was very good. If a son or daughter had to be picked up on Friday afternoon in Hopkinton, it did not much matter whether they were met at the train station or at the door of the high school. If support for rural school consolidation was to be forthcoming, it would have to be nurtured and could not be rushed.[39]
In accepting the call to Buck Creek, Chalice’s first goal was to make the activites of the Buck Creek Church a central focus in the everyday lives of as many people in the area as possible. This accomplished, he thought the inevitability or rural school consolidation could be faced and the task completed in a manner that would complement and reinforce the church’s activies in building a cohesive and progressive rural community. He wanted the material, social, and cultural advantages of the city to be reconstituted inj the countryside and available to farm families rather than for farm families to have to relocate, however temporarily, to the town or city to obtain them. In this he had the full complicity of severl of the key patriarchs in the Buck Creek Church. Chalice, however, stopped short of openly agitatin for the formation of an open country consolidated school district. [40]
To do otherwise would surely have jeopardized his ministry at Buck Creek. Instead, he worked behind the scenes to encourage leaders in the Buck Creek Church to take up the cause. He believed that once the consolidated school was built near the church, then stores and other economic activities would agglomerate to create a village at the site. [41]
Chalice had been in Buck Creek for only ashort time when evwents in Delhi and Hopkinton made rural school consolidation an issue on which almost everyone in the locality staked out a debation position. By the spring of 1915, enthusiasm for rural school consolidation had reached manic proportions and seemed to be sweeping the county. Earlville appeared ready to form a consolidated district; an effort to form one centered on Delhi was well advanced; and even Hopkinton seemed ready to jump on the bandwagon.[42]
Spring 1915: “Circumstances” brought the early Zionist leader, Dr. Chaim Weizmann, a British scientist, into contact with the ex-prinme minister of Britain, Arthur James Balfour. His scientific gifts enabled him to render important services to the admiralty and the Ministry of Munitions. These gifts, including his invention of TNT, which helped win the war, brought him to the attention of Lloyd George, who became Minister of Munitions in the spring of 1915. All the while, Weizmann was spreading his message to all those who would give him an ear, of the need for a homeland in Palestine for the Jews. This included Balfour and Lloyd George.[43]
April 24, 1921: At the hearing before the county superintendent on April 25, 1921, ten men representing all of those signing the remonstrances against the formation of the district, except for those signing the fourth petition, testified. Each of thse was well respected and came from a family with a long history in the area. These included F. E. Williamson, the president of one of the two bgancks inb Hopkinton anhd the treasurer of the Hopkinton School District; Reuben Moulton, farmer and former director of the Union No. 3 subdistrict; W. P. Hogan, farmer, major landowner, and former school director from Union No. 5; W. J. Kehoe, farm owner operator and school director from Union No. 4; Frank G. Kehoe, farm owner operator and former school director from Union No. 6; W. H. Milroy, farm renter from Union No. 6; Cliff Dighton, farm renter from Union No 6; John Flanagan, Jr., farm renter from Union No. 6; Thomas Supple, farm owner-operator and former director from Hazel Green No. 6. Moulton had been a member of the Buck Creek Church but left it because of his opposition to the Klan. Other Moultons in the Buck Creek neighborhood were stunch supporters of consolidation. Dighton and Milroy were Methodists but attended church in Hopkinton, ostensibly because of Klan involvement in the Buck Creek Church. All the others, except for Williamson, a Presbyterian, were Catholics and members of either the Castle Grove or Ryan Parishes. After listening to their testimony, County Superintendent Ottilie perfunctorily and summarily overruled their objections and informed them that they had ten days to file an appeal of his decision to the county board of education.[44]
April 24, 1938: A decree calling for the registration of all Jewish property is promulgated in Germany.[45]
April 24: 1939: In apparent response to pressure from the British government the Greek government announced that a law prohibiting Greek vessels from carrying any more Jewish refugees unless their papers are strictly in order would be enforced. The move will strike a blow against the Greek economy since Greek ship owners and “brokers” had been able to make “exorbitant profits” from trafficking in Jewish misery.[46]
April 24, 1939: Paul Harteck was director of the physical chemistry department at the University of Hamburg and an advisor to the Heereswaffenamt (HWA, Army Ordnance Office). On 24 April 1939, along with his teaching assistant Wilhelm Groth, Harteck made contact with the Reichskriegsministerium (RKM, Reich Ministry of War) to alert them to the potential of military applications of nuclear chain reactions.[47]
April 24, 1941: The Lublin ghetto is sealed.[48] The Lublin (Poland) Ghetto was established in March, 1941 and contained about 34,000 Jews. As of this date Jews could only leave if they had a special permit or were part of a labor group. The Lublin Ghetto was the first ghetto in the General Government to be liquidated, and the Nazis gained much experience, for future deportation actions. Jews from Lublin were the first victims of the newly constructed death camp at Belzec. Only 200-300 of formerly 40,000 Lublin Jews survived in hiding or were finally liberated in several concentration camps. About 1000 Jews survived the war in Soviet areas.[49]
April 24, 1942: Jews throughout Greater Germany were prohibited from taking public transport.[50]
April 24, 1943: Oliver Harvey, Anthony Eden’s Private Secretary described the British Foreign Minister’s attitude toward the Jews with an entry in his diary stating “Unfortunately AE is immovable on the subject of Palestine. He loves Arabs and hates Jews.” This entry explains why the British Foreign office did nothing to save the Jews of Europe from the Holocaust and gives some example of the type of society in which Churchill was forced to make his decisions.[51]
April 24, 1943: A twelve day joint Anglo-American conference designed to deal with the issue of refugees (and in reality Jewish refugees) comes to an end without taking any action to save the Jews of Europe including the opening of Palestine to settlement by Jewish refugees.[52]
April 24, 1944: Two escapees from Auschwitz, Rudolf Vrba and Alfred Wetzler reached Zilina, in northern Slovakia, where they worked with Jewish leaders on their report. The two men provided separate but consistent accounts. Factual assertions were checked against records whenever possible. The 32-page report was sent to the British and United States governments, the Vatican and the International Red Cross. Most important, it went to the leadership of Hungary's Jews, next on Hitler's list.[53]
April 24, 1945: When Soviet troops entered the German capital, they found 800 Jews alive at Berlin’s Jewish Hospital.[54]
April 24, 1950: King Abdullah of Jordan annexed all of the land west of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea seized by his troop. The state of Jordan was formed by the union of Jordanian-occupied Palestine and the Kingdom of Transjordan. In the view of some, the creation of the original state of Trans-Jordan by the British after World War I was an illegal act since amounted to a partition of the Palestine Mandate. That is why there are those that contend that if the Arabs want a state in Palestine, they already have it. It is called Jordan. The creation of Jordan in 1950 was another act of illegality. The land west of the Jordan River including the eastern part of Jerusalem had been seized by the Jordanian Army during the Israeli War for Independence. Since the Arabs held what is now called the West Bank, east Jerusalem and Gaza in 1950, you would have expected that the Arab State of Palestine would have been created. The demand for an Arab state of Palestine in these areas only began after June, 1967.[55]
April 24, 1980: Rescue mission fails.[56]
April 24, 1981: President Reagan lifts the grain embargo imposed on the Soviet Union.[57]
1.9-1.8 million years ago…Human Ancestor Fossils Hidden in Plain Sight in Lab Rock
LiveScience.comBy Wynne Parry, LiveScience Senior Writer | LiveScience.com – 20 hrs ago
•The recently discovered skeleton of an australopithecine boy sits on display at the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town, April 24, 2010. The fossil is one of two partial skeletons unearthed in a South African cave that belong to a previously unclassified species of pre-human dating back almost 2 million years and may shed new light on human evolution, scientists said on April 8, 2010. Fossils of the bones of a young male and an adult female suggest the newly documented species, called Australopithecus sediba, walked upright and shared many physical traits with the earliest known human Homo species. REUTERS/Mike HutchingsView Gallery
The recently discovered skeleton of an australopithecine boy sits on display at the Iziko South African Museum in Cape Town, April 24, 2010. The fossil is one of two partial skeletons unearthed in a South African …more cave that belong to a previously unclassified species of pre-human dating back almost 2 million years and may shed new light on human evolution, scientists said on April 8, 2010. Fossils of the bones of a young male and an adult female suggest the newly documented species, called Australopithecus sediba, walked upright and shared many physical traits with the earliest known human Homo species. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings less
•The tooth of a hominid, Australopithecus sediba, embedded in a rock that contains significant parts of a skeleton of this early human ancestor.
The tooth of a hominid, Australopithecus …
Two years ago, scientists announced they had discovered partial skeletons from a new species of human ancestor in a South African cave.
Now, more remains have turned up — in a large rock about 3.3 feet (1 meter) in diameter hiding in plain sight in a laboratory at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, the university announced today (June 12).
The rock was found almost three years ago, but the true value of what it contained didn't become apparent until early last month, according to the university.
The rock has been scanned in CT scanner, a device typically used for medical purposes.
"We have discovered parts of a jaw and critical aspects of the body, including what appear to be a complete femur (thigh bone), ribs, vertebrae and other important limb elements," Lee Berger, a paleoanthropologist at the university, said in a statement.
Berger lead the team that discovered this species of early human ancestor in the Malapa cave north of Johannesburg and named it Australopithecus sediba,
Plans are underway to allow the public to watch, either in person or via a live Internet video feed, as the fossils come out of the rock. A laboratory studio, designed in collaboration with the National Geographic Society, is expected to be built at the Maropeng Visitor Centre in the heart of the Cradle of Humanity World Heritage Site in South Africa, according to the announcement.
In 2010, Berger and his colleagues announced the discovery of a new species of human ancestor after finding two partial skeletons, an adult female and a juvenile male, estimated to be nearly 2 million years old. Given its combination of primitive and more modern human-like characteristics, he and colleagues have argued that this species, named Au. sebida, may be the ancestor to the genus Homo, to which modern humans, Homo sapiens, belong.
Other researchers have questioned this, and Au. sebida's position in the human family tree has remained uncertain.
"It's beautifully preserved and sometimes wonderfully completed," Donald Johanson, founding director of the Institute of Human Origins at Arizona State University said of the Au. sebida fossils removed from rock so far. "But at 1.8 or 1.9 million years old, it is really too late to evolve to be an ancestor to Homo."
This is because other fossils belonging to Homo have been also been dated to around this time, he explained.[58]
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_24
[2] The Oriental Institute Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011.
[3] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15th_century_BC
[4] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15th_century_BC
[5] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 7.
[6] The Works of Josephus, Translated by William Whiston, page 854.
[7] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/15th_century_BC
[8] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[9] The Hidden History of Jesus, His Royal Family, and the Birth of Christianity, The Jesus Dynasty, by James D. Tabor. Page 294-295.
[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conrad_of_Montferrat"
[11] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[12] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/April_24
[14] beginshttp://www.historyorb.com/events/date/1570
[15] Stewart's Crossing was on the Youghiogheny River below present-day Connellsville, Pa. The site was named for William Stewart, who settled there in 1753 (COOK, 15). Braddock's army had crossed the Youghiogheny at this ford in June 1755 on the way to Fort Duquesne. The area was included in the tract of land on the Youghiogheny surveyed and occupied by William Crawford in 1769. [15]
Sept. 11, 1769
[16] Monongahela of Old, by James Veech, p. 119. Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg 324
[17] About Massachusetts Soldiers and Sailors in the War of the Revolution, 17 Vols.Prepared by the Secretary of the Commonwealth, this is an indexed compilation of the records of the Massachusetts soldiers and sailors who served in the army or navy during the...
[18] ON This Day in America by John Wagman.
* [19] http://www.milestonedocuments.com/document_detail.php?id=49&more=timeline
[20] http://www.milestonedocuments.com/document_detail.php?id=49&more=timeline
[21] References in Old newspapers, gathered by Mrs. G. W. (Sylvia) Olson, address above, 22 Oct 1979.
Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett Page 112.48
[22] April 23 Moneti’s Bluff, LA to Cane River, LA-April 24 Cloutersville, LA
U.S.A. 350 Killed and Wounded
C.S.A. 400 Killed and Wounded
40 Missing or Captured
(Civil War Battles of 1864;) http://users.aol/dlharvey/1864bat.htm
[23] The following names appeared in the New York Times, Sunday, April 24, 1864, Vol XXI - No. 3926, as casualties during the Red River Campaign. The list did not say in which battle the individuals were casualties. Nor, in most cases, did it state whether they were wounded, killed, or captured. The article was about the battles of Mansfield and Pleasant Hill
Adams, J. , Sgt
Becker, Capt -K
Birdwell, James, Sgt
Brown, Lt - W
Burnhaud, George, Pvt
Button, William, Pvt
Carey, George W., Pvt
Carr, LtCol -W
Chambers, George M., Pvt
Collins, D. J., Pvt
Cramer, M., Pvt
Doherty, J. M., Pvt
Douane, Lt - M
Eaton, Thomas, Pvt
Emerson, Colonel - W&C
Ford, Martin, Pvt
Frances, Harrison, Pvt
Graham, John, Lt
Green, LtCol - W
Grimes, Barney, Pvt
Gorman, Lt, W
Hall, Lt - MW
Jones, Lt - W
Jones, James, Pvt
Kelly, Thomas, Cpl
King, Capt -W&C
Landier, John H., Pvt
Letton, August, Pvt
Lindsey, LtCol - K
McCulloch, Capt - W
McCulloch, Lt - M
McRae, D. Pvt
Maher, Thomas, Capt - K
Mahler, Capt - W
Mann, Maj - W
Markham, Capt - W
Meader, P. S., Lt
Meedower, Lt - W
Michael, Jules, Pvt
Miller, Lt - M
Morse, Capt - W
Morse, Capt, - W
Morse, Andres, Capt- W
Napier, Andrew, Lt - W
Philip, August, Pvt
Quinn, Peter, Sgt
Randall, Capt - W
Reed, May, M
Robinson, Harai, Col - W&C
Sanderson, Lt - MW
Schormwald, August, Pvt
Simpson, John M., Sgt
Smith, Eilas, Pvt
Stearn, Capt - M
Stevenson, Lt - M
Stone, C. S., Lt - M
Sullivan, Ed., Pvt
Thomas, D. T. H., Lt -W
Welch, Thomas, Sgt
Whitman, Royal E, Maj - W
Wyman, Lt- M
[24] A bridge was put down, over which the army of General Banks had passed by 10 A.M. The line of march was again taken up and the army arrived at Alexandra on the 25th.
(Roster of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion Vol. III, 24th Regiment-Infantry ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgienweb/ia/state/military/civilwar/book/cwbk 24.txt.
[25] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[26] Timothy S. Good, We saw Lincoln Shot:One Hundred Evewiotness Accounts, Jackson, MS: Univ. Press of Miss., 1995 p. 65-65.
[27] Conspiracy Trial Testimony , Major Theodore McGowan National Archioves, Washington, D.C. M-600.
[28] Dr. Charles Lewale letter, July 1867, Library of Congress, 39th Congress, 39th Congressional Record, 2nd Session, Washington, D.C.
[29] Http://www.nps.gov/archive/foth/linsecur.htm
[30] Civilwaralbum.com
[31] State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX. February 11, 1865 Photo by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[32] State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX. February 11, 1865
[33] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[34] Descendents of Elias Gotleben, Email from Alice, May 2010.
[35] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[36] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[37] There Goes the Neighborhoo, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 162.
[38] There Goes the Neighborhoo, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 162.
[39] There Goes the Neighborhoo, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 157-158.
[40] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 157-158.
[41] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 157-158..
[42] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 157-158.
[43] 365 Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land, by Clarence H. Wagner Jr.
[44] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 207.
[45] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page1760.
[46] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[48] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1765.
[49] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[50] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[51] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[52] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[53] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[54] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[56] Jimmy Carter, The Liberal Left and World Chaos by Mike Evans, page 499.
[57] On This Day in America by John Wagman.
[58] http://news.yahoo.com/human-ancestor-fossils-hidden-plain-sight-lab-rock-202649442.html
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