Wednesday, March 2, 2011

This Day in Goodlove History, March 2

• This Day in Goodlove History, March 2

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove


• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with -George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• This project is now a daily blog at:


• Goodlove Family History Project Website:


• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A point of clarification. If anybody wants to get to the Torah site, they do not have to go thru Temple Judah. They can use and that will take them right to it.

Birthdays on this date; Joseph Wilman, Lois J. Williams, Eugene D. White, Nancy McKinnon, Carl W. Marugg, Eleanor Howard, Ronald Godlove, Elizabeth Aylesworth

Weddings on this date; Eliza Webster and Benjamin J. Godlove, Hilda E. Brown and Edwin P. Gilbert, Sarah C. Hennesse and Marcus L. Brittain,

This Day in Goodlove History get Geopolitical! Fasten your seatbelts.

I Get Email!

Greetings from InfoServ, the United Methodist information service!
Your message reached our offices at United Methodist Communications in Nashville, Tennessee, USA.

Hello and thank you for writing. The current United Methodist statements regarding Israel and Palestine are linked below.
Opposition to Israeli Settlements in Palestinian Land
We join with Palestinian Christians as well as our Jewish and Muslim brothers and sisters in feeling a deep sense of rootedness to the land that has special meaning for our three religious traditions. We celebrate the diversity of religious customs and traditions throughout the Middle East.

Jerusalem is sacred to all the children of Abraham: Jews, Muslims, and Christians. We have a vision of a shared Jerusalem as a city of peace and reconciliation, where indigenous Palestinians and Israelis can live as neighbors and, along with visitors and tourists, have access to holy sites and exercise freedom of religious expression. The peaceful resolution of Jerusalem’s status is crucial to the success of the whole process of making a just and lasting peace between Palestinians and Israelis.

We seek for all people in the region an end to military occupation, freedom from violence, and full respect for the human rights of all under international law.

WHEREAS, the prophet Isaiah cautioned against coveting the lands and homes of one’s neighbors: “Ah, you who join house to house, who add field to field, until there is room for no one but you, and you are left to live alone in the midst of the land!” (Isaiah 5:8); and

WHEREAS, the continuing confiscation of Palestinian land for construction of settlements and the building of a separation wall violates basic understanding of human rights, subverts the peace process, destroys the hope of both Israelis and Palestinians who are working for and longing for peace, and fosters a sense of desperation that can only lead to further violence; and

WHEREAS, continued and often intensified closures, curfews, dehumanizing check points, home demolitions, uprooted trees, bulldozed fields, and confiscation of Palestinian land and water by the government of Israel have devastated economic infrastructure and development in the West Bank and Gaza, have caused a massive deterioration of the living standards of all Palestinians . . . and an increasing sense of hopelessness and frustration; and

WHEREAS, targeted assassinations, suicide bombings, and attacks against civilians by both Israelis and Palestinians heighten the fear and suffering of all; and

WHEREAS, people in the United States, through their taxes, provide several billion dollars in economic and military assistance to the State of Israel each year, which allows for the building of bypass roads and settlements that are illegal according to the Fourth Geneva Convention;

WHEREAS, the church continues to work with ecumenical and interfaith bodies to advocate for Palestinian self-determination and an end to Israeli occupation; to affirm Israel’s right to exist within secure borders; to affirm the right of return for Palestinian refugees under international law; to call for region-wide disarmament; to urge Israelis and Palestinians to stop human rights violations and attacks on civilians, such as targeted assassinations and suicide bombings; and to urge the US government to initiate an arms embargo on the entire Middle East region;

Therefore, be it resolved, that The United Methodist Church opposes continued military occupation of the West Bank, Gaza, and East Jerusalem, the confiscation of Palestinian land and water resources, the destruction of Palestinian homes, the continued building of illegal Jewish settlements, and any vision of a “Greater Israel” that includes the occupied territories and the whole of Jerusalem and its surroundings.

Be it further resolved, that we urge the US government to end all military aid to the region, and second to redistribute the large amount of aid now given to Israel and Egypt; to support economic development efforts of nongovernmental organizations throughout the region, including religious institutions, human rights groups, labor unions, and professional groups within Palestinian communities.

The United Methodist Church requests that the government of the United States, working in cooperation with the United Nations and other nations, urge the state of Israel to:

1. cease the confiscation of Palestinian lands and water for any reason;

2. cease the building of new, or expansion of existing, settlements and/or bypass roads in the occupied territories including East Jerusalem;

3. lift the closures and curfews on all Palestinian towns by completely withdrawing Israeli military forces to the Green Line (the 1948 ceasefire line between Israel and the West Bank);

4. dismantle that segment of the Wall of Separation constructed since May 2002 that is not being built on the Green Line but on Palestinian land that is separating Palestinian farmers from their fields.

We also urge the Palestinian Authority and all Palestinian religious leaders to continue to publicly condemn violence against Israeli civilians and to use nonviolent acts of disobedience to resist the occupation and the illegal settlements.

We urge all United Methodists in the US to:

1. advocate with the US administration and Congress to implement the above steps;

2. encourage members of each congregation to study the Israeli-Palestinian conflict from all perspectives by inviting speakers to church events, reading books, using audiovisual resources in educational forums, and getting information from Web sites.

3. provide financial support to the Palestinian people through contributions to the General Board of Global Ministries;

4. support, and participate in, the work of international peace and human rights organizations to provide protection for Palestinians and Israelis seeking nonviolently to end the occupation; and

5. reach out to local synagogues, mosques, and Christian faith groups by engaging in interfaith and ecumenical dialogue on how to promote justice and peace in the Holy Land; and

That the General Board of Global Ministries, working together with the General Board of Church & Society and interfaith organizations, develop advocacy packets for use in local congregations to promote a just and lasting peace and human rights for all in the region.

READOPTED 2008 (# 6073)
Resolution #312, 2004 Book of Resolutions


Thanks United Methodist Peeps!

From the website There are always two sides to every story. Unfortunately the Methodist’s seem to be hearing the Palestinian side. Maybe they need to listen to the truth.

Flotilla Report: BBC Plumbs the Depths
January 24, 2011 15:31 by Simon Plosker

The Turkel Commisssion of inquiry into the events surrounding the May 31, 2010 Gaza flotilla has published its findings. Some of the main points include:

The maritime blockade of Gaza complies with international law.
Israel’s policies towards the Gaza Strip comply with international and humanitarian law.
The takeover of the Mavi Marmara was carried out in compliance with international law.
Israeli soldiers only took action in self-defense after being violently attacked by the ship’s passengers and their actions complied with international law.
The BBC’s coverage of the Turkel Report, however, graphically illustrates all that is wrong with its reporting of Israel.

Rather than address the actual findings of the report, which vindicated Israeli actions, the BBC immediately begins by attempting to discredit the report by focusing on Turkish criticisms. The screenshot above is indicative of the BBC’s anti-Israel bias:

The headline, which sets the tone for the story, is about Turkish criticism and not the findings of the report itself.
This focus continues in the opening paragraphs of the story, which also highlights a negative quote against Israel from the UN.
The choice of photo and the accompanying caption – the photo fails to demonstrate any direct link to the story contents while the caption highlights that “one activist was shot four times in the head”.
The article continues by extensively quoting Turkish PM Erdogan who states: “To my judgment there is no value, nor credibility to this report.”
As if to drive the point home, the BBC article continues with a well-placed and visible sub-heading ‘Banditry and piracy’

The BBC is notorious not only for what it includes in its reports, but also for the vital context that it omits. Referring to the makeup of the inquiry commission, the article simply states:

The panel of inquiry was headed by retired Supreme Court Justice Jacob Turkel, working alongside five Israeli members and two international observers.

Were the BBC interested in providing relevant context, it would have included the information that those two international observers were:

Lord David Trimble, the (joint) Nobel Peace Prize laureate of 1998 and a member of Britain’s House of Lords. He won the Nobel for his contribution to achieving peace in Northern Ireland. He served as professor of law at Queen’s University in Belfast. Upon being elected to Parliament in 1990, he left the teaching profession. Lord Trimble became leader of the Ulster Unionist Party and was First Minister of Northern Ireland from 1998 to 2002. He has published numerous articles and books on law.
Brigadier-General (Ret.) Ken Watkin who served for 33 years in the Canadian army. His last position was Judge Advocate General; in that capacity he served among other things as legal advisor for the Governor General of Canada, the Defense Minister, the Department of National Defense and also supervised the military justice system of the Canadian Forces. Watkin was a legal advisor on the military/civilian board of inquiry investigating Canada’s military actions in Somalia, as the government advisor on inquiries and investigations following the Rwanda genocide in 1994. He received the Maritime Commander’s Commendation and is a member of the Order of Military Merit. Brigadier-General Watkin has published many articles on law, including international humanitarian and civil rights law. He is expected to receive a professorship in international law at the US Army’s Naval War College.
The commission also included two international legal experts from outside Israel. Indeed, Trimble and Watkin publicly stated: “We have no doubt that the Commission is independent.” But since when did this stop the BBC from sowing the seeds of doubt? Instead, readers are treated to an accompanying box of “Analysis” from the BBC’s newest member of its Jerusalem bureau, Jon Donnison, who writes:

The problem Israel is going to face is that many of its critics will see it as a whitewash. This was an Israeli government-commissioned inquiry and people will say it simply wasn’t balanced.

Donnison might wish to consider the role of the media, particularly the BBC, in promoting this view. Donnison adds:

The findings of this report were in stark contrast to the views of 600 pro-Palestinian activists aboard those ships.

Donnison and the article fail to mention that the “600 pro-Palestinian activists” included a number of well-organized and violent members of the Turkish Islamist IHH organization who were fully prepared to assault Israeli soldiers boarding the Mavi Marmara. Despite the fact that the Israeli commission of inquiry was headed by a supreme court judge and included legal experts and independent observers, Donnison still presents the “views of 600 pro-Palestinian activists” as somehow the equal of the Turkel Report.

Why does the BBC actively cast doubt and aspersions on the credibility of an Israeli inquiry while treating “pro-Palestinian activists” with a moral equivalence, as if they do not have a vested interest and a high level of ideological belief that is pushing their hatred and criticism of Israel. Not to mention that a number of these so-called “activists” were members of the Turkish Islamist IHH organization who came fully prepared to assault IDF soldiers – another piece of context omitted from the BBC report.[1]

This Day…

March 2, 986: Louis V becomes King of the Franks. Louis was the last of the Carolingian, a dynasty under whom the Jews had done rather well, all things considered. Charlemagne was the most famous of the Carolingian rulers and he supported his Jewish subjects despite opposition from church leaders. Louis le Débonnaire who reigned from 814 to 833 was another of the Carolingians who gave special protection to his Jewish subjects. During the reign of Carolingians the Jews were active in commerce, medicine and agriculture, especially in the field of viticulture a fact of which we are reminded when we study about Rashi. The change in dynasties would not have an immediate effect on the Jews living in France. Life for them would not really changed until the first crusade in 1096.[2]

1000 C.E.

By the year 1,000 C.E., new communities had developed in North Africa and Spain and in northwestern Europe. At this time, world Jewry began to develop into two distinct exile communities, each based on its common geographical location, cultural influence and rabbinical leadership.[3]

1000 A.D. Polynasia. Elsewhere, China is inventing gunpowder. Polynesian’s were navigating the Ocean. They could have reached the United States.[4]

1,000 A.D. The Norse reach North America. Leaf Erickson travels from Greenland all the way to the new world. Leaf Erickson was the son of Erick The Red who started the first Norse settlement in Greenland. Leaf was intrigued when another Viking told him there was land west of Greenland. The settlement Leaf gets credit for founding was in New Foundland. It is dated to 1,000 A.D. It is undisputed proof that the Vikings made it to North America.[5]

March 2, 1349: In Erfurt, the capital of the German state of Thuringia, 1,000 Jews were killed in a single day of violence in a pogrom brought on by hysteria surrounding The Black Death which struck Europe in 1340. During this outbreak of what was probably bubonic plagues millions died in Europe removing approximately one third of the continent’s population. “Modern research has revealed that the plague was probably carried by boat from an Asian source, but at the time the affected communities had no idea why and how such a terrible affliction had come upon them so suddenly. In seeking an explanation, they needed a scapegoat and lighted upon the Jews living in their midst. In many villages, towns and cities, Jews were accused of causing the sickness by poisoning drinking water in wells and fountains.” [Editor’s note: for those tracking sweeping patterns of history, note that blaming Jews is not different or rational today than it was in what was supposedly the unenlightened Dark Ages.[6]

March 2, 1382: The Mailotin Riots began in Paris. These riots were similar to the tax riots held two years previously. Both times the Jews were considered accomplices in over-oppressive taxes. Sixteen Jews fell victim to this outbreak violence.[7]


Fragments of the Bible had been translated into English by scholars such as Caedmon int the seventh century, the Venerable Bede in the eighth century and King Alfred in the ninth century, but no complete English Bible appeared until Wycliffe’s in 1382.[8]

To achieve his goal of making the Scriptures widely available in the vernacular, Wycliffe gathered around him a small band of scholars, notably Nicholas of Hereford and John Purvey, who assisted himn in the work of translation. It is generally acknowledged that Wycliff did not do all the translating himself, although he was the inspiration and driving force behind the project. He and his associates wisely translated into the Middle English dialect, the most widely spoken dialect of the time in England, and byu so doing helped standardize and shape the future of our language. Wycliffe has been classed with Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Tyndale as one of the chief makers of the English language.

Wycliff’es Bible was not a translation fromn the original languages for two reasons: first, the manuscripts that later became available had not yet been discovered; furthermore, he was not a Greek and Hebrew scholar, as those languages were not commonly taught in England at the time. But Wycliffe and associates were good Latin scholars, and the source for their translation of the Scriptures was Jerome’s Latin Vulgate.

Almost 75 years would pass before the intyroduction of the printing press in Europe, hence all of Wycliff’s Bibles had to be handwritten. It took about ten months for a scribe to reproduce one copy of the Bible and the cost of a copy was between 30 and 40 English pounds, and enourmous sum of money in those days, considering the average yearly salary was only a fraction of that amount. In spite of the cost and the small number available, the Wycliff Bibles created a sensation among the common people of England. At last many of them dould hyear or read the Word of God for the first time in their own language.[9]

Not only did Wycliffe oversee the first complete translation of the English Bible, he and collegues trained “poor priests” Wycliffe called them, and sent them throughout England, dressed in modest russet cloth, their backpacks stuffed with tracts and portions of the new translation of Scripture[10]

March 2, 1759

All Hallow's Parish

Eleanor born March 2, 1759 illegitimate dau of Ruth McKinnon[11].[12]

The original records of All Hallows Parish on microfilm at the Maryland State Archives, were then searched to better understand the birth information concerning Eleanor McKinnon. Page 51 of these records shows in part;


Eleanor the A daughter of Ruth McKinnon, Born March 2, 1759.[14]

Elanor McKinnon is born March 2, 1759.[15]


Other researchers have established that Eleanor lived with Daniel McKinnon and the other children during the following period. [16]

Since Eleanor apparently did not live with her mother and might not of even known her, it might explain why the only parental reference for Eleanor Howard was the father.

Nothing in the above information concerning the McKinnon family would be inconsistent with the assumption that Eleanor McKinnon and Eleanor Howard were in fact the same person.[17]
Eleanor Howard: Who was she (really)?
It seems I am not the only person perplexed that such a well known family as the Howard's have no record of an Eleanor Howard. She appears to come out of nowhere to marry John Dodson.

According to the book: Dodson Genealogy 1600 - 1907 by Rev. Thompson P. Ege, A.M., her father was General Eager Howard. The problem is, no record of this individual or Eleanor Howard exists.

Looking at the Howards that did exist in the Maryland area, there are several possibilities. Both include the possibility that Rev. Edge was incorrect in the first name of the father of Eleanor Howard.

Cornelius Howard
The first likely candidate for Eleanor's father is Cornelius Howard, born 1706 in Baltimore, Maryland. He married Ruth Eager 14 Jan 1738. The pair had 9 known children ranging from 1739 to 1769.
Howard researcher's appear to agree on the dates of births of these children. There were several gaps, amounting to years, between their several of their children in which Eleanor could have been born. Since this family was known to use the name of "Eager", it could easily be that this is Eleanor's family. [18]

March 2, 1769, George Washington’s Journal: At home all day with the above company.[19] (Mr. Warner Washington who with his Lady and Miss Betsy Washington , Mr. Wm. Crawford (compilers 6th great grandfather)).

In March of 1776, Richard Stephenson, Jr. made his will and its settlement began about April of that year. Thus, we understand that he too, did not live long after his will was made. Our William Crawford (who had already moved across the Alleghenies) [20]

March 2, 1776: In advance of the Continental Army's occupation of Dorchester Heights, Massachusetts, General George Washington orders American artillery forces to begin bombarding Boston from their positions at Lechmere Point, northwest of the city center, on this day in 1776.

After two straight days of bombardment, American Brigadier General John Thomas slipped 2,000 troops, cannons and artillery into position just south of Boston at Dorchester Heights. The 56 cannon involved in the move were those taken at Ticonderoga, New York, by Lieutenant Colonel Benedict Arnold and Ethan Allen with his Green Mountain Boys, which had then been transported to Boston by Colonel of Artillery Henry Knox the previous winter.

By March 5, 1776, the Continental Army had artillery troops in position around Boston, including the elevated position at Dorchester Heights, overlooking the city. British General William Howe realized Boston was indefensible to the American positions and decided, on March 7, 1776, to leave the city. Ten days later, on March 17, 1776, the eight-year British occupation of Boston ended when British troops evacuated the city and sailed to the safety of Halifax, Nova Scotia.

The victory at Boston resulted in John Thomas' promotion to major general; soon after, he was assigned to replace General Richard Montgomery, who was killed in action as he and Benedict Arnold attempted to take Quebec. Thomas arrived at Quebec on May 1 and soon lost his own life. Although a physician by profession, he died of smallpox on June 2, as the Patriots retreated up the Richelieu River from their failed siege of the city.[21]

March 2, 1786


March 2, 1770

On March 2, in Boston, a British soldier, seeking a job, was told to “clean my shithouse.” Another riot broke out.[23]

March 2, 1807: Congress passes an act prohibiting the importation of slaves after January 1, 1808.[24]

Wed. March 2, 1864 (William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary)

Cleared off pleasant diarea stoped

Walked around some. Felt better

March 2, 1865: That winter Gen. Early dispersed the men of the 18th Cav to their home counties and in January-February 1865 the 18th did not act as a unified force. It was called together again when Sheridan moved up the Valley, but was unable to assemble before Early’s defeat at Waynesboro (March 2, 1865). The 18th performed scouting and picket duty in the central Valley in March. After Lee’s surrender in April, members of the 18th, individually and in small groups, surrendered at Winchester and Moorefield and received their paroles.[25]

The following Godlove ancestors were in the 18th Virginia Cavalry (Godlove’s also carry the Cohen DNA):

Alfred A. Brill s/o Mary Ann Godlove and Henry Brill

Captain, Co. D, 114th Virginia militia;

Private, Co. F, 33rd Regt Va. Infantry

Private, Co. K, 18 Virginia Cavalry

Lemuel E. Brill s/o Mary Ann Godlove and Henry Brill

3rd Sgt., Co D, 114th Regt. Va. Militia

Privateàto 3rd Corporal Co F 33rd Regt, Va. Infantry ;

Private, Co. D., 18th Regt. Va. 18th Regt, Va. Cavalry;

Hampton Jefferson Brill s/o Mary Ann Godlove and Henry Brill

Private, Co D, 114th Regt. Va. Militia

Private, Co F, 33rd Va. Infantry

Private, Co. D, 18th Virginia Cavalry


Abraham Didawick s/o Elizabeth Godlove and Henry Didawick

private, Co. I, 18th Virginia Cavalry

Benjamin F. Didawick s/o Elizabeth Godlove and Henry Didawick

Private, Co. I, 18th Virginia Cavalry

John H. Didawick s/o Elizabeth Godlove and Henry Didawick

no official record; Roger U. Delauter, 18th Virginia Cavalry, Lynchburg, Va.: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1986 says John is listed on a postwar roster

David Godlove s/o Francis Godlove

2nd corporal, Co. A, 14th Regt Va. Militia

private, Co. D, 1st Regt Va. Partisan Rangers

private, Co. I, 18th Va Cavalry

Isaac Godlove s/o Francis Godlove

private, Co. A, 14th Regt Va. Militia,

private, Co. I, 18th Va Cavalry

Joseph Godlove s/o Francis Godlove

1st lieutenant, Co. A, 14th Regt Va. Militia

2nd sergeant, Co. D, 1st Regt Va. Partisan Rangers

2nd sergeant, Co I., 18th Virginia Cavalry[26]

18th Virginia Cavalry: synopsis of activity, based on Roger U. Delauter, 18th Virginia Cavalry (Lynchburg, Va.: H. E. Howard, Inc., 1985.

March 2, 1916

The young people gave Martin Nielson a birthday party last week at the home of Sarah Whitcomb, with 22 young people present. Martin thanks them all, especially the True Blues. He says he never had a better time.[27]

March 2, 1939: Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli is elected Pope and takes the name Pius XII. As Secretary of State for the Vatican he had negotiated a concordat with Hitler. As Pope, he would remain silent about the Nazis and the Holocaust even when a Roman Catholic nun who converted to Judaism years ago was taken to the death camp because, under Hitler’s Race Laws, she was really a Jew.[28]

March 2, 1939: Eugenio Pacelli becomes Pope Pius XII.[29]

March 2, 1940: “The police imposed curfew regulations at Tel Aviv tonight after breaking up widespread demonstrations protesting against British restrictions on the sale of Arab lands to Jews.[30]

March 2, 1942: Five thousand Jews from Minsk are killed.[31] As Purim began, Jews from Minsk refused to cooperate in latest deportation. Germans and Ukrainians retaliated by searching houses, dragging children to sand pits and throwing them in alive, throwing candies in after them as they died. By the end of Purim 5,000 Jews were murdered in Minsk. Jews all over Europe were tortured, murdered or deported that day included those from Krosniewice, Baranowicze, Lvov and Zdunska Wola.[32]

March 2, 1943: Lucie Gottlieb nee Linich, (or Sinich) was born March 18, 1911 in Gelnhausen, Kassel, Hesse-Nassau, Germany, to Markus and Recha. She was married to Heinz. Prior to WWII she lived in Leipzig, Germany. Her permanent residence was Gelnhausen, Kassel, Hesse-Nassau, Germany. During the war her residence was Berlin, Germany. This Testimony was from her cousin, Elsie Weisman. Lucie perished in Poland. This information is also based on a Page of Testimony submitted by her brother.[16] Tempelhof, Boelchetr. 109; 32. , Wohnhaft Berlin, Deportation: from Berlin, March 2, 1943, Auschwitz, Poland. Place of death: Auschwitz, declared legally dead.[17][33]

Mississippi second only to Iowa in KKK groups per capita

On March 2, 2010, in racism, by Jerry Mitchell

Mississippi is second only to Iowa in the number of Ku Klux Klan groups per capita, according to a report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The rise in Klan membership in Mississippi coincides with what the center describes as an explosive growth over the past year in extremist organizations across the U.S. Anti-government groups saw a 244 percent increase.

Iowa, with a population of 3 million, has a dozen Klan groups. Mississippi, with a population of 2.9 million, has nine Klan groups, tied with Louisiana, which has 4.4 million.

Texas has the most with 26 groups, but it has a population more than eight times larger than Mississippi’s. Tennessee has 15 groups with a population of 6.2 million.

In addition to the Klan, the center identified Mississippi as having 10 white nationalist groups, six “patriot groups,” one racist skinhead group and one neo-Nazi group.

Back in the 1960s, Mississippi was a safe haven for the Klan, with some estimates putting membership at more than 10,000. The Klan became a powerful political force as well with their members voting as a bloc.

The Klan also became a violent force. The FBI blamed the White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan for at least 10 killings in Mississippi, including the 1964 killings of three civil rights workers, commonly known as the Mississippi Burning case.

By the late 1980s, the Klan had all but died in Mississippi. States such as Indiana, Pennsylvania and even California typically boasted more Klan groups than the Magnolia State.

Over the past decade, however, the Klan and other white supremacist groups have made a resurgence in Mississippi.




[3] DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews, by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004, pg. 89

[4] Who really discovered America, HIST, 6/22/2010.

[5] Who really discovered America, HIST, 6/22/2010.



[8] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 33.

[9] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 24.

[10] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 52

[11] The entry for Eleanor provides the mother, Ruth McKinnon, but fails to specify the father and when the entry is read in the context of the entries for Anne and Ruth clearly establish that the father was not Daniel McKinnon. Interestingly, Rev. Eg's description of Eleanor's pedigree never specifies a mother and only claims that she was the daughter of a male Howard. Additionally, nothing can be found in the available records directly linking Eleanor McKinnon with any father. (

[12] (Anne Arundel County Maryland Chruch Records, F. Edward Wright, Family Line Publications. Westminister, MD, Page 54)

[13] The insertion that Eleanor was illegitimate was clearly added after the original entry.

[14] The original records of All Hallows Parish on microfilm at the Maryland State Archives.

[15] (

[16] (Research notes of Miss JoAnn Naugle published by private letter.)

[17] (


[19] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 108.

[20] From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 73.


[22] The Horn Papers, Early Westward Movement on the Monongahela and Upper Ohio 1765-1795 by W.F. Horn Published for a Committee of the Greene County Historical Society, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania by the Hagstrom Company, New York, N.Y. 1945

Ref. 33.8 Conrad and Caty by Gary Goodlove 2003

[23] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail, by Charles Bahne, page 26.

[24] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[25] Jim Funkhouser email, June 16, 2010.

[26] Jim Funkhouser email, June 15, 2010

[27] Winton Goodlove papers.


[29] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page1761.


[31] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1770.


[33] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.

{2}Der judishchen Opfer des Nationalsozialismus

“Ihre Namen mogen nie vergessen werden!”

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