Tuesday, May 24, 2011

This Day in Goodlove History, May 24

• This Day in Goodlove History, May 24

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove

• jefferygoodlove@aol.com

• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with -George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspx

• This project is now a daily blog at:

• http://thisdayingoodlovehistory.blogspot.com/

• Goodlove Family History Project Website:

• http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/o/o/Jeffery-Goodlove/

• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/ for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website http://www.templejudah.org/ and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A point of clarification. If anybody wants to get to the Torah site, they do not have to go thru Temple Judah. They can use http://DownhomeDavarTorah.blogspot.com and that will take them right to it.

The details for the GOODLOVE FAMILY REUNION were mailed Apr 9, 2011. If you haven't received the information and want to attend, please e-mail 11Goodlovereunion@gmail.com to add your name to the mailing list. RSVP's are needed by May 10.

Goodlove Family Reunion

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pinicon Ridge Park, Central City, Iowa

4729 Horseshoe Falls Road, Central City, Iowa 52214



The plans at the 2007 reunion were to wait 5 years to meet again. But hey, we are all aging a bit, so why wait: Because it was so hot with the August date, we are trying June this year. We hope that you and your family will be able to come. This is the same location as 2007 and with the same details. The mailing lists are hard to keep current, so I’m sure I have missed a lot of people. Please ask your relatives if they have the information, and pass this on to any relative who needs it.

Horseshoe Falls Lodge 8 AM to 8 PM. We will set up and clean up (although help is nice).

Please sign the Guest Book. Come early, stay all day, or just for a while.

Food- Hy-Vee will cater chicken & Ham plus coffee/iced tea/lemonade. Please bring a vegetable, appetizer, salad, bread or dessert in the amount you would for any family dinner. For those coming from a distance, there are grocery stores in Marion for food and picnic supplies.

Dinner at Noon. Supper at 5 PM. Please provide your own place settings.

Games-Mary & Joe Goodlove are planning activities for young & ‘not so young’. Play or watch. The Park also has canoes and paddle boats (see website for more information).

Lodging- The park does have campsites and a few cabins. Reservations 319-892-6450 or on-line. There are many motels/hotels in Marion/Cedar Rapids area.

The updated Family tree will be displayed for you to add or modify as needed.

Family albums, scrapbooks or family information. Please bring anything you would like to share. There will be tables for display. If you have any unidentified Goodlove family photos, please bring those too. Maybe someone will bhe able to help.

Your RSVP is important for appropriate food/beverage amounts. Please send both accepts & regrets to Linda Pedersen by May 10.

Something new: To help offset reunion costs (lodge rental/food/postage), please consider a donation of at leat $5 for each person attending. You may send your donation with your RSVP or leave it ‘in the hat’ June 12.

Hope to hear from you soon and see you June 12.


Linda Pedersen

902 Heiler Court

Eldridge, IA 52748


563-285-8189 (home)

563-340-1024 (cell)




In a message dated 5/18/2011 11:56:00 A.M. Central Daylight Time, apbowd@intellex.com writes:

Dear Jeff - Just now I was reading the account of Dorothy's Home Going.

Would you have any addressof the family to whom

I could snd a card ?

Thanks so much for all the details concerning Dorothy

As Ever Al Bowdish

Al, I will call my mom today and ask. You can go to www.cedarmemorial.com and write in the guestbook also. Jeff

In a message dated 5/18/2011 8:51:18 A.M. Central Daylight Time, action@honestreporting.com writes:

VIDEO: Jerusalem - The Media Myth of Two Cities

How the media report on Jerusalem has a tremendous impact on public policy. The Palestinian Authority is claiming that Jerusalem -- including the Old City -- will be "restored" to Arab control as capital of their new state.

Jerusalem: The Media Myth of Two Cities


In a message dated 5/18/2011 3:29:46 P.M. Central Daylight Time, JPT@donationnet.net writes:

Dear Jeff,

I am leaving for Washington, D.C., to represent you as your ambassador. I have requested a meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu, and plan to meet with many other leaders from both Israel and America while in the capital. There is no doubt that this is the most important meeting concerning Israel's fate since the miraculous rebirth of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948. The reason: President Obama is putting massive pressure on Israel to accept his plan to divide Jerusalem and give up most of Judea and Samaria, or else.

Prime Minister Netanyahu is risking everything by taking on President Obama and accepting an invitation to speak to a joint session of Congress. He will try to make his case in hopes that Bible-believing, evangelical legislators and others will stand with Israel.

Already 110 nations have recognized a Palestinian state, including Italy in just the past few days. The plan is for official state recognition in September at the United Nations. The only person who can stop this—in the natural—is President Obama with a Security Council veto, which he does not plan to do.

There is no doubt in my mind that he will do everything conceivable to pressure the prime minister, even up to an attempt to overthrow the Netanyahu government if the Prime Minister does not cave to his demands. The only ministry, to my knowledge, that has taken on this crisis is the Jerusalem Prayer Team.

We have produced a major special to sound the alarm and encourage believers to stand with Israel, and are, by faith, increasing the airtime to send this special across the nation this week.

Barukh..ha -mevarekh et ammo Yisrael ba-shalom

Blessed be He who blesses His people with Peace.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Dr. Michael Evans

In a message dated 5/18/2011 8:19:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, newsletter@fvjn.org writes:

Swedish Days

This year, Geneva’s Swedish Days festival will be June 21-26. Read all about it at: www.genevachamber.com/swedishdays.html.

Where can you get kosher hot dogs, veggie burgers, frozen bananas and frozen fruit bars, the best deal on bottled water, and yes, frozen kosher pickle pops?

You got it: The FVJN booth at Swedish Days.

All we need is YOU! We will be set up in our usual spot, on the corner of Third and Campbell streets in downtown Geneva, just south of FVJN.

Shifts will be as follows:

· 10 a.m. - 1 p.m. (includes set-up)

· 1 - 4 p.m.; 4 - 7 p.m.

· 7 - 9 p.m. (includes take-down)

At least 2 to 3 people – adults and yes, children - are needed for each shift.

Visit www.fvjn.org and click on the Swedish Days link to see what shifts are open. Then, e-mail Mike Yackley as soon as possible, and let him know when you can volunteer: mikey@fvjn.org.

This is the largest annual fundraising event for FVJN, and your help is needed to make it a success!

Curious about the pickle pops? Check out: www.bobspicklepops.com.

The western suburb walk is on June 5th and begins at synagogue Etz Chaim in Lombard. For more information or to register or volunteer, call 312- 444-2905, visit the website at http://www.juf.org/walk/, or email IsraelSolidarity@juf.org.

American Jewish Artist Club Show

The American Jewish Artist Club, a prestigious and world class group of talented artists in Chicago, will be exhibiting a very special show open to the public at the Swedish American Museum, 5211 North Clark Street, Chicago, from June 19 - September 11. Randie Hope LeVan, an FVJN member, is to be a juried member and has three paintings accepted into the Exhibition. Yea Randie!!

This Day…

May 24, 1136: The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles, based on literature of the times, state that Hugues de Payens visited England's Henry I and the king received him with much honor, and gave him rich presents. However, as a Templar, he was obligated to sign over the title, to his possessions, to the Knights Templar cause. In 1128, Hugh de Payens met with King David I of Scotland, soon after the Council of Troyes. King David granted Hugues and his knights the lands of Ballantradoch, by the Firth of Forth. William the Lion promoted and encouraged the knights and they received lands around the Lothians and Aberdeen. They had deeds to property in Ayr and western Scotland. A large contingent of Templars were found at Bannockburn in 1314. Afterwards they (Templars) were also prominant in Lorne and Argyll.

From the time of Robert the Bruce, each successive Bruce and Stewart heir was reputed to be Knights Templar from birth. One must remember that this was part and parcel of many genealogical claims made in the past.

Hugh was said to have had three sons: Edmund de Payen, Theobald de Payen, and Thomas de Payen. Theobald of Payen/Payn (Paiene) was the Abbott of Saint Columba-de-Saens in 1139 and most likely left no issue. When Hugh was married still is not clear, however, he was married long enough, before his wife died to give her three (3) children. Details of this family are very difficult to document in the early days. Some French sources do not mention Catherine St. Clair, but another wife.

Hugh de Payen died on May 24, 1136. His successor as Grand Master was Robert de Craon. [1]

May 24, 1218: The Fifth Crusade leaves Acre for Egypt. The driving forces behind the crusade were two Popes who broke new ground in the mistreatment of the Jews – Innocent III and his successor, Honorius III. One of their most infamous innovations was the creation of “the Jew Badge,” which usually took the form of circle or square of saffron yellow cloth. The Crusade itself was a debacle and the forces of Islam continued to hold onto Jerusalem. Given a choice, at this time, for the Jews this outcome was the lesser of two evils.[2]

May 24, 1241(5001): The community of Frankfort-on-Main was attacked after Jews tried to prevent a child from being baptized. As a result, a number of townspeople were killed. Seeing no option the Jews set fire to their houses. The fire spread to the rest of the community destroying nearly half the city. One hundred and eighty Jews died while twenty-four agreed to be baptized.[3]


24 cart-loads of hand-written Talmudic manuscripts burned publicly in the streets of Paris.[4] [5]

1242: James I of Aragon orders Jews to listen to conversion sermons and to attend churches. Friars are given power to enter synagogues uninvited.[6]

May 24, 1293 (5053): Rabbi Meir of Rothenberg passed away. Born circa 1225, he was the last of the Tosophists and the leading Rabbi in Germany. Convinced that there was no future in Germany, he agreed to lead a large contingent of families to Eretz-Israel. While waiting for the other families, he was seized by the Bishop of Bas. The Emperor ordered him held in prison as a lesson to any of "his Jews" who would try to leave Germany and thus cause him financial loss. He refused to be ransomed, saying that it would serve as an impetus for further extortion. He died in a prison near Colmar, and his body was held there until it was ransomed some years later.[7]

May 24, 1406

May 24, 1406 the mayor and council of Kenzingen are asking for Master Heinrich for deferment regarding a suit at the court of Rottweil.[8]

May 24, 1738: On a day now celebrated annually by Methodists as Aldersgate Day, John Wesley is converted, essentially launching the Methodist movement. According to Building New Bridges in Hope the official statement of the United Methodist Church on Christian-Jewish relations, “Christians and Jews are bound to God though biblical covenants that are eternally valid… that God has continued, and continues today, to work through Judaism and the Jewish people.[9]


WILLIAM CRAWFORD, my 5th Great Grandfather

* Learned surveying from Washington at age 16.[10]


A number of Harrison’s settled in Virginia in the early Seventeen Century. The connections between them are difficult to establish. In this sketch, an effort’ has been made to trace the family connection] of those Harrison’s who are known to have first settled in~ the region the Rappahannock River, and who later removed from there, making several stops in other places in Virginia, and finally reaching that part of Pennsylvania., which was, at the time they settled there, still considered part of the “Old Dominion’. ‘This section of then unknown territory, was called the Virginia County of Augusta, or West Augusta, and since it was here, that the Harrison family, who were the ancestors of the Torrences, decided I settle, it may be of interest to give a brief history of its formation. The Virginia County: of West Augusta was erected in November 3, 1738, and embraced all of the western and northern parts of that colony including an immense tract which is now Pennsylvania, west of the meridian of the western boundary of Maryland. ,

Virginia claimed jurisdiction, for thirty-eight years, after its formation, over all the present county of Fayette, except a strip on its eastern side, and all the territory between the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers.

A number of Harrison’s settled in Virginia in the early Seventeen Century. The connections between them are difficult to establish.

In this sketch, an effort’ has been made to trace the family connection of those Harrison’s who are known to have first settled in the region the Rappahannock River, and who later removed from there, making several stops in other places in Virginia, and finally reaching that part of Pennsylvania which was, at the time they settled there, still considered part of the “Old Dominion’.‘.

This section of then unknown territory, was called the Virginia County of Augusta, or West Augusta, and since it was here, that the Harrison family, who were the ancestors of the Torrences, decided to settle, it may be of interest to give a brief history of its formation. The Virginia County: of West Augusta was erected in November 1738, and embraced all of the western and northern parts of that colony including an immense tract which is now Pennsylvania, west of the meridian of the western boundary of Maryland. ,

Virginia claimed jurisdiction, for thirty-eight years~ after its formation, over all the present county of Fayette, except a strip on its eastern side, and all the territory between the Monongahela and the Ohio Rivers.[11]

1738: Jews expelled from Wurtemburg.[12]

1738: Pope Clement XII issued his famous Bull, “In Eminenti”. Clement reacted to the threat against his throne by excommunicating all Masons, banning all intercourse with them, and commanding that they be suppressed and punished. [13]


Frederick VA formed 1738-43 from Orange.[14]

Friday May 24, 1754

The regiment arrives at the Great Meadows and sets up camp within an angle formed by two streams, (Great Meadow Run and Indian Run). It took almost 4 weeks to cut the road over the mountains from Wills Creek. By the modern highway, it takes us an hour to drive this distance.[15]

May 24, 1754

On the 24th when the column was a few miles southeast of the Meadow, two Indian runners came in from the Ohio with a message from the Half-King saying that “the French army” was already on the march from Fort du Quesne to meet the advancing force of Washington, and also notifying him that Tanacharison and the other chiefs would soon be with him to hold council, Washington had requested in the dispatch sent to him from Wills’ Creek.

On the same afternoon that the troops arrived at the Great Meadows, a trader came in saying that he had come from Gist’s, where the evening before he had seen two Frenchmen; he also knew that a strong French force was in the vicinity of Stewart’s Crossings on the Youghioghany. This report confirmed the news received from the Half-King, and thereupon Washington decided to remain for atime at the Meadows, and avail himself of the advantage offered by the position. There were here, as he said in his notes, “two natural intrenchments,” which he caused to be strengthened some extent artificially, and within these slight defenses he placed apart of the troops with the wagons. Probably he never afterwards used so unmilitary an adjective in describing the construction and surroundings of a fortification.[16]

May 24, 1780

The 24th. In the afternoon some sixty loyal inhabitants arrived from the mountains demanding officers, arms, and ammunition to serve the King and take revenge on their neighbors, who had oppressed them very much up to now. They asserted that a great number of their comrades had already gone over to Lord Cornwallis.—I do not trust these people, for what can such a handful of men undertake? I believe they are carrying out a deception to obtain arms and ammunition and to use them against us. It is said that Major Ferguson has volunteered to lead these people. [17]

May 24, Colonel William Crawford arrived at Mingo Bottom. He was chosen commander by the volunteers, mostly men from east of the Monongahela River in Fayette County, except for one company from Ten Mile settlement in Washington and Franklin counties.[18]

Of the men who went upon the expedition, we have the rolls of sixteen of the eighteen detachments of companies. About two thirds of the troops were from Washington county, and with possibly the exception of one company, the rest were from Westmoreland county, under which we place the entire force.


William Crawford, captured and burned.


David Williamson.

Thomas Gaddis.

John McClelland, wounded,and afterwards tortured to death.

John Brinton, wounded.


Dr. John Knight, taken prisoner, but escaped; see account of his captivity, posted.


John Rose, had been aid-de-camp to Gen. William Irvine. See Butterfield, p. 129.

Brigade Major.

David Leet.


Jonathan Zane., John Slover; see account of his escape, poste, Thomas Nicholson.[19]


Joseph Bane., John Beeson. Of Uniontown.John Biggs, captured and burned.Charles Bilderbach.William Bruce.Timothy Downing, William Fife. John Hardin’ the Lieutenant of his company, of which there is no roll, was John Lucas; captured. John Hoagland. Andrew Hood.

William Leet. Duncan McGihan. John Miller. James Munn. David Reed.Thomas Rankinb. Ezekiel Ross.

Captain Bane’s Company

James Bane. Captain.

William Bennett. Lieutenant.

Thomas Wenard. Privates.

William Wenard.

Moses Cooper.

Hezekia Hardisty, killed on the Expedition.

Jacob Merkel.

Basil Morris.

Nathan Evans

Samuel Hardisty.

John Morris.

Vechel Cleary.

George Tompauh [Tompoh].

Robert Jackson.

[Dennis] Daniel Stephens.

John Mitchell.

James Guffey, kuilled on the Expedition.

William Hall.

Francis Peake.

Zachariah Hayden.

Elllis Bane.

Nathaniel Bane.

Jones Lucher.

Francis Bedel.

James Paul, escaped.

Daniel Howell

William Johnson, killed on the Expedition.

Ephraim Bates.

Captain Biggs’ Company.

John Biggs, com. May 20, 1782; captured and burned.


Edward Stewart, captured and tomahawked.


William Crawford, Jr., nephew of Col. Crawford; quartered and burned.


Obadiah Wilson.


David Canon.

John Canon, of Canonsburg; returned.

Alexander Carson.

John Crawford, son of Col. Crawford, killed on the Expedition.

Thomas Heady, killed on the Expedition.

William Harrison, volunteer aid to Col. Crawford, andhis son-in-law, tomahawked.

David Harbaugh, killed on the Expedition.

Joseph Huston.

Joseph Jugel.

Joseph Hill.

Samuel McBride.

( ) McCaddon, killed on the Expedition.

James McCoy.

George McCoy.

James McLaughlin

James McMurray

Charles McRobbins.

Robert Miller.

James Nicholl.

William Nimmens; killed on the Expedition

John Orr.

Joshua Reed Samuel Reed

John Rodgers

John Sherrard, returned.

David Steele, returned.

May 24th 1782.—The whole party had crossed the Ohio, and elected Col: Wm Crawford at the old Mingo Town the Commander of their Volunteer expedition. Col. Williamson was chosen Second in Command—Col. Gattis third M’Clellan fourth, & Brenton fifth in Command—there were 465 Voters at the election.

the troops were exercised according to a plan proposed for our march. Viz:

the advance was commanded by Col. Williamson—The Rear by Col. Gattis. M’Clellan commanded the Right Wing of the Main Body & Brenton the left.

The strength of the different Companies was as follows:


[May 24, 1782—Friday]

Although the rendezvous of volunteer troops to march against the Sandusky Towns was scheduled for May 20 and many men had shown up that day, it had taken until today for everyone to arrive and for the army to form itself into an organized unit of close to 500 men. Everyone participating had brought his own horse, gun and supplies for a month. Even Col. Crawford had to buy a new, sturdier horse. That more men would continue to show up, even after the army began its 150-mile march, and follow the force in an effort to overtake and join it, was a foregone conclusion.[21]

The initial groups of mounted men arrived and rendezvoused on the left bank the east, or Virginia side of the Ohio River and crossed over the fording place individually and in small clusters to the expansive Mingo Bottom where the Indian trail led westward. The army that formed was not made up largely of border ruffian types. To the contrary, though none were in any kind of uniform and most wore long hunting shirts belted at the waist and soft-brimmed hats and some, such as Pvt. John Hays, looked almost Indian in their breechclouts and leggings, quite a significant number of the volunteers had ample experience as frontline veterans of the regulars who had served at the battles of Quebec, Germantown, Brandywine, Saratoga, Trenton, Monmouth, Princeton and Yorktown. Some had served in Clark’s campaign against Kaskaskia, Cahokia and Vincennes and others had suffered the terrible winter at Valley Forge under Washington. Quite a few had served as scouts and spies in the border patrols of the upper Ohio to protect the settlers and had helped defend the settlements when necessary.

A certain number of the militiamen, especially those of means, who as bona fide members of the militia were required to answer the call to accompany the expedition had, instead, hired standins to march and fight in their place—a practice entirely legal, provided one had the means for doing so and could locate an uncommitted individual avaricious enough to become stand-in for a fee. Among those who availed themselves of this practice were William Rowe, whose substitute was William Orr, and John McCaddon who hired Aaron Longstreet. Richard Elson sent his Negro slave, Sam, to fight in his stead. Elson was not the only one to take this permissible way out of risking his own life, even though it was generally looked upon askance. Most of the men, however, felt honor-bound to answer their militia call to duty without attempts at evasion because it was a matter of personal pride and integrity to do so.

A number of the notable border men were not on hand for the rendezvous. Among them were Capt. Samuel Brady and most of his Rangers. Realizing the necessity of continuing to protect the frontier in case bands of Indians should attempt to make raids while the majority of the men were gone on the expedition, Brady and his men were exempted from serving on the campaign, although Peter Parchment elected to go anyway. Other upper Ohio residents simply chose not to go, among them the Tomlinson boys and the Wetzels. Lewis Wetzel scoffed when asked if he was going along. “Me?” he snorted. “Reckon when it comes t’killin’ Injens, I’ll do it in my own way an’ in my own time.”

So, with the majority of the men assembled, the election of officers was begun. Two men were especially favored for the top command spot—Col. David Williamson and Col. William Crawford. Williamson was undeniably the popular choice for the command, but Gen. Irvine wanted no repetition of the rashness, poor leadership and insensitivity that Williamson had exhibited in the Moravian campaign. Thus, for the past several weeks Gen. Irvine, in a more or less clandestine manner, had brought to bear considerable influence among the more prominent men who would accompany the expedition, that when it came time to elect the officers for the campaign, William Crawford be named to the top command. By the time of the rendez­vous, Irvine had little lingering doubt that the selection for leadership would ultimately fall to the man of his own choice. Nevertheless Gen. Irvine’s letter of instructions for the design and comportment of the campaign was addressed To the Officer who will be appointed to command a detachment of Volunteer militia on an expedition against the Indian town at or near Sandusky, and it said, among the variety of details covered:

The object of your command is to destroy with fire and sword if practicable), then you will doubtless perform such other services in your power as will, in their consequences, have a tendency to answer this great end.

Knowing and respecting Crawford as a seasoned veteran officer of the Continental line, Irvine was prepared to give him written instructions in regard to the comportment of the troops and to leave no question this time as to whether the campaign had official authorization. Yet, despite his confidence in the man, Irvine also meant to have a close watch kept on Crawford and to be provided with a full and very accurate report of his activities and those of the army at the close of the campaign. To this end, Gen. Irvine magnanimously loaned his own aide, Maj. John Rose, to Crawford to act as Crawford’s aide-dc-camp. He also honored Crawford’s request to have his old friend, Dr. John Knight, as surgeon for the campaign.

Maj. Rose, 29, who was actually a Russian fugitive and soldier of fortune named Gustavus Heinrich de Rosenthal, was instructed by Gen. Irvine to record surreptitiously everything about the campaign. He elected to do so by the expedient of innocently keeping a comprehensive daily journal, which would later provide him a fitting resource for filing the full report that Gen. Irvine wished. Accompanying Rose was a Negro slave named Henry, who belonged to Gen. Irvine and worked for him at Fort Pitt as a vegetable gardener, tending the commander’s prized little plot of peas and asparagus. Irvine loaned Henry to Rose as valet and servant during the campaign. The prominent men who had been influenced by Gen. Irvine in turn swayed many of the men who had gathered at the rendezvous. As it was, the election was very close, and despite Irvine’s influence, Crawford was elected as colonel commanding by only five votes over Williamson; the latter was elected to the rank of major and named second-in-command.[22]

The force was to be divided into four battalions, each commanded by a field major. Williamson—though still addressed by most of the men by his militia rank of colonel—was one of those, along with Thomas Gaddis, John McClelland and John Brinton, the latter three named third, fourth and fifth in command of the army respectively. Crawford’s aide-de-camp, John Rose, was elected adjutant with rank of major, while Daniel Leet, a chunky man of medium height but weighing more than 200 pounds, was elected brigade major. The brigade surgeon was Dr. John Knight, who carried his array of surgical instruments in saddlebags. The three guides for the expedition were Jonathan Zane, John Slover and Thomas Nicholson.

Now came the matter of troop organization. The nearly 500 men on hand distributed themselves into 18 companies. There were a great many among the volunteers who had two or three or even more relatives in this army. Even Col. Crawford had three, including his son John; a namesake nephew, William Crawford, who was son of his brother, Valentine; and a son-in-law named William Harrison. All immediate family members—fathers and sons and brothers—as well as other kinsmen and even neighbors, by general agreement, were divided into separate units, the reasoning being that if any single company was hit hard by the enemy and suffered great loss, no single family would be wiped out or their home neighborhood left defenseless by the loss of all its able men. Each of the 18 companies thereupon voted again, and each elected a company commander with the rank of captain, plus a second and third in command ranked, respectively, as lieutenant and ensign. There was one exception to the process of separation of kinsmen: Capt. John Hardin, Sr., a bullheaded miller, elected as one of the company commanders, refused to let his family be separated from him, and so they all stayed together in a company of only 12 men. Because of his dictatorial nature among his employees at his mill and his notorious rashness on past expeditions, few of the other men assembled would agree to join Hardin’s company, certain he would lead them into the worst possible danger.

With the army now well formed, the commander issued orders for it to begin its march at ten o’clock on the morrow. [23]

Major John Rose.[24]

May 24th, 1772


OLD Mingo TOWN May 24th, 1782


Col. Crawford fully sensible of the honour conferred upon him by this day’s election, makes not the least doubt, but the strictest attention will be paid to such orders, as circumstances will render it necessary for him to issue. their choice implies confidence in his experience; confidence that he is equal to the task: It implies a sacred engagement to pay implicit obedience to every regulation imposed by him— the Comp. Officers being previously chosen yesterday, are to constitute the following commands with their Companies. viz: Biggs_Downie_Richey_Rose_M’ hen, the advance Commanded by Col. Williamson. Beason, Dean— Karr—Brnwn & Hogland, the Rear commanded by Cols.:

Gaddis. Williamson — Munn —Bilderbeck— Rankin, the right Wing under Major M’Olellan. Bean_Hood—Miller

—Leed, the left Wing under Major Brenton.

the Col. Command’ wishes that the different Comp. officers would divide the men in their companies, and every officer have his respective Men assigned him, who are all-ways to keep with him.

the duty of our Camp will be easiest done in companies. One Com? of the Command of every Field officer will mount Picquet every night to guard his Line. the Field officer to visit the guards at night in Rotation, the Whole to march to morrow morning by Companies, as they can get ready.— [25]

May 24th, 1782

C. is a man of Sixty and upwards. Blessed with a constitution that may be called robust for his age. Inured to fatigue from his childhood, and by repeated campaigns against the Indians acquainted with their manner of engaging—In his private Life, kind and exceedingly affectionate; in his military character, personally Brave, and patient of hardships—As a partizan, too cautious, & frightened at appearances; always calcu1ating the chances against. Consequently, By np means, calculated for its hazardous enterprizes—As a Commanding Officer, cool in danger, but not systematical. Like others in the same stations, he wanted to be all in all: by trusting everything to the performance of his own abilities only, everything was but half done, and Everybody was disgusted. At other times he had it in common with others of that class, to commit to the charge of a Sarjeant, [sic] what ought to be executed by a Field officer, & vice versa.—At a council: he speaks incoherent, proposes matters confusedly, and is incapable of persuading people into his opinion, or making use of their Weak sides for his purposes. He is somewhat capricious: yet easily & indiscriminately led by people, who have once gained an ascendency over him—Jealous of his military Knowledge, & Superiority, but a mere quack in the profession of a Soldier. No military Genius; & no man of Letters—

W. is brave as Ceasar and active: but divested of conduct. Fond of thrusting himself into danger, he leaves everythng else to chance—He has some obscure notions of military matters, suggested to him by mere Genius: but is quite ignorant how to dispose of men, or how to fight them to advantage. He knows too well how high he is in the opinion of the people in general, and among these he takes upon himself the airs of a man of consequence: However he is open to advice and instructions.—His Oratory is suited to the taste of the people his countrymen, and their Bigotted notions stand him in lieu of arguments. It is a pity but he had military opportunities of instruction, as his natural talents are not despicable, and his youthly heat might prove the bane of the Country—

U. is like the greatest part of Mankind, not possessed of any extraordinary qualifications—But withall, a good Officer Attentive to regularity on a march, and not wanting of personal bravery—Performs his duty with chearfuilness, and obeys Orders without murmuring.


B. Our Best Field Officer. He has imbibed very good notions of military matters, founded upon praxise [sic] in Indian Wars. He is schemy in an engagement—Quite brave enough, to lead his men into action—and not wanting of resources to extricate himself out of danger, and discern it before hand—

H. is a polished Cis-Allyhanian and bears a respected character as a Civilian: but is by no means formed, to face the dangers consequential to War. Depressed, and quite incapable of extricating himself out of a perillous situation by a grand effort. He does not try even to strugle against adversities. Our military operations were too much influenced by his timorous disposition. He is very clever and sensible, and would make an excellent duty Officer. He was without doubt the Best Man, we could have pitched upon, for his post, considering &c (cnteribus paribus).

L. is too easy and neglectfull for his post, though the only man, any ways acquainted with duty. He is allowed to have behaved with much Bravery; yet, I believe, unnecessarily so. Certainly a remark against his prudence—

Upon these Volunteer Expeditions every Man almost appears on Horseback; but he takes care to mount the very worst horse he has upon his farm. this horse he loads with at least as much provisions as he is well able to carry. No man calculates the distance ‘he is going, or how long he can possibly be absent. As he has provisions enough to maintain at least three Men on the Campaign, he does not stint himself to a certain allowance. Lol’ing all day unemployed upon his horse, his only amusement is chewing, particularly as all noise in talking, singing & whistling is prohibited.— But the horses whose strength is allready inadequate to the load of Bread bacon & Whiskey imposed on them, are besides all this obliged to carry a heavy rider up & down hill (for he never alights) & break a path through Weeds & thickets. No wonder, so many tire—no wonder, rapid marches can not be performed. this was the case with us. [26]


MING0 Bottom, Friday, May 24, 1782.

Sir:— The Mingo bottom is not a very long day’s journey from Fort Pitt. Notwithstanding, I did not arrive here until the next day, late in the afternoon. I found everybody cross­ing, with the utmost expedition, the Ohio; and I myself pushed over immediately after my arrival. My fears that the present expedition would miscarry have been dispelled this very mo­inent only. Colonels [David] Williamson and [William] Crawford did seem to have numerous and obstinate adherents. The latter carried the election this day but by five votes; and I cannot but give Colonel Williamson the utmost credit for his exhorting the whole to be unanimous after the election had been made known, and cheerfully submitted to he second in command. I think if it had been otherwise, Crawford would have pushed home and very likely we should have dis­persed; which would have been likewise the case if William­son had not behaved with so much prudence. One Colonel [Thomas] Gaddis is third in command; Colonel [John] Mc­Clelland, fourth; and Major [James] Brenton, fifth in cornmand.

My presence caused, seemingly, uneasiness. It was surmised I had been sent to take command. An open declaration of mine, at a meeting of the officers, that I did not intend to take upon me any command of any kind whatsoever but to act as an aid-de-camp to the commanding officer, seemed to pacify every­thing, and all goes on charmingly. We expect to set out early to-morrow morning and are only detained by the want of some ammunition which has been sent for yesterday to McIntosh. We march, as you know, in four columns, etc. Our number is actually 480[28] men,— young, active, and seemingly spirited. .1 have the most sanguine hopes of our undertaking and am very sorry Colonel [Jame~] Marshel [lieutenant of Washing­ton county] does not march with us, who was within three or four votes of being third commander. I think him very pop­ular, as much so as Colonel Williamson.

The report of an attack from the enemy upon the Rapids [Louisville, Kentucky] seems a mere invention. The men said to come from there have not been seen by anybody.

Major [William] Pollock has furnished me and Dr. Knight forty-five pounds of bacon. I cannot persuade him to take any pay for it, but a mere receipt. I do not understand upon what principles they furnish these articles.

I must beg the favor of you to receive my half-boots from Patrick Leonard and one pair of shoes, as I am already almost barefooted. [29]

May 24, 1783

The following are the most noteworthy events that took place between the 24th of May and this morning: The captive troops of Lord Cornwallis’s army continued to arrive on Staten Island up till the 27th of May. Major Scheer is greatly worried about having had 240 deserters since his departure from Fredericktown, namely, 136 in the Erb Prinz Regiment and 104 in von Bose’s, The Anspachers had 512, and the British, because of their greater num­ber, had even more. These desertions are due only to the scattering of printed invitations and previous persuasion on the part of the inhabitants, who have resorted to every possible inducement.[30]

May 24, 1804: Litigation at New Madrid:James Ashworth vs. Thomas, slave of Benjamin Harrison, Sr. Prosecution for robbery. Verdict rendered against Thomas, May 24, 1804. [31]

May 24, 1820



Washington Co. Dist of Columbia for this 24th day of May 1820 before the subscriber, a Justice of the peace and for __________ County­

Benj. Wells who after being sworn on the holy evangelist of almighty does dispatch (say that he was acquainted with Col. Wm. Crawford, a minister of the Indians and that the said Crawford left lawful heir that is - John Crawford who is now dead -- Sarah

aid) Springer and E. McCormick, and your deponant further said that the aforesaid Sarah Springer and E. McCormick. children of the aforesaid Col. Crawford are the only surviving children and legitimate heirs at law of the aforesaid Wm. Crawford).

Benj. Wells

Sworn and to

this day you as first

above writes

Frances M. Varnium[32]


About 1820 a mill was also constructed for them for the grinding of their grain. This mill was in use many years hence and today it stands, well kept, as a memorial to the Wyandot tribe and the early days of the white people’s settlements.[33]

1820 OH Census Clark CO. Moorefield TWP 015 (Conrad Goodlove) We should look at this census to get a clearer picture of who is in Moorefield at this time. JG.

1 John’s relationship to Francis is suggested by the absence of other Godloves in the U. S. in this period and by his association with Francis’ children Adam Godlove and Catherine Younkin. John resided in Bearfield Township, Perry County, by 1820 and was joined there by Adam and Catherine. Adam and Catherine moved to Washington County, Iowa, in 1844 and John joined them after 1860. (Some descendants of Adam Godlove and Catherine Godlove Younkin claim John as the father of Adam and Catherine, a logical inference from the purported 1777 birth date for John and their proximity in Perry County and Washington County, but this is contradicted by the combination of evidence in the deeds by which Francis’ heirs disposed on his real estate and by the will of Barbara Godlove.) In addition, others of Francis’ children went to southeast Ohio: Sarah Cheshire to Hocking Co. (by 1850 the sons of Sarah had established residences near John in Perry Co.); Margaret Spaid and Joseph Godlove in Guernsey Co. (Joseph then went to Delaware Co., IN). [34]

Francis Godlove and Samuel Cheshire were neighbors. In the 1820 census, Francis Cuttloaf is on page 222A and Samuel Chesser is on page 223A. Sarah’s association with another likely daughter of Francis is found in her 1852 petition: two of the

witnesses for Sarah were Margaret (Godlove) Spaid and her son Harrison Spaid. [35]

• May 24, 1859: Johanna Gottlieb, Geb. Kahn, born May 24, 1859 in Ebernburg (Birthplace, last place of residence not known.). Resided Ebernburg. Deportation: 1940, Gurs. Gurs (Last known whereabouts.). Date of death,

• March 23, 1941. [36]

May 24, 1859: The deaths of people badly cared for, undernourished, and exposed to the elements during the rigorous winters of 1940, 1941 and 1942, were in fact deliberate assassinations. The Vichy government, “anti-France”, in the words of Dr. J. Weil, whose work on concentration camps is considered authoritative, has shown itself guilty of these crimes. What other name can be given, for example, to the mortality in the camp of Gurs? There were 15 deaths in October, 1940; 180 in November; 270 in December; 140 in January, 1941…

At Gurs on November 26, 1940, Julius Gottlieb, born December 24, 1852 from Ebernburg, died.

Also at Gurs on March 23, 1941 Johanna Gottlieb born May 24, 1859, from Ebernburg, died.[37]

May 24, 1861: Colonel Daniel Butterfield of the 12th New York Militia led his men across Washington’s Long Bridge before dawn. That made him the first Federal commander to set foot on Confederated soil during the hostilities. Throughout the North, the man remembered as the composer of “Taps” was hailed as a hero.[38]

Tues May 24, 1865

In camp all day

4th division got aboard the boats to go to

orleans a sprinkle of rain[39]

May 24, 1865: William McKinnon Goodlove (1st cousin, 3 times removed) and the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry,Grand Review May 24, 1865.[40]

May 24, 1901

Winston Leonard Spencer-Churchill (1874-1965) was initiated into the Studholme Lodge No. 1591 on May 24th, 1901. He came from a family of Freemasons.[41]

• May 24-June 3, 1944 : The Jews of Oradea are deported, mainly to Auschwitz.[42]

May 24, 2010

Good morning Jeff

I have found someone who can translate Russian Yiddish. I believe you have a text that needs translation and I've lost the link. If you still need it translated send it to me. He doesn't understand the Yiddish but I also have a friend who speaks Yiddish fluently. Let me know if you still need this.

I've started wondering about the Gottlieb portion of my family. But I don't know of any male descendents in the Gottlieb line of our family. I will check to see if my maternal grandmother had a brother and if so if there are any living males. Still love reading the blogs. Thanks so much.


Susan, The link to the Steven Spielberg library is www.archive.org/details/nationalyiddishbookcenter. Type in Gottlober and it will take you to the links to his books. Any part of those three would be great. I have not been able to find someone yet so I really appreciate anything that can be done. Thanks for checking to see about the possibility of male Gottliebs in your family. Jeff Goodlove


[1] http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/polcrt/KnightsTemplar1.html

[2] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[3] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[4] www.wikipedia.org

[5] DNA and Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews, Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004, pg. 91.

[6] www.wikipedia.org

[7] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[8] The Guleben Family of Physicians in Medieval Times, by Gerd Mentgen, page 6.

[9] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[10] Gerol “Gary” Goodlove, Conrad and Caty, 2003

[11] Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg 309

[12] http://christianparty.net/jewsexpelled.htm

[13] The Northern Light, Vol. No. 3 September 1979 page 4. “Persecuted by the Inquisition” by Louis L. Williams.

[14] Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett.

[15] http://www.nps.gov/archive/fone/1754.htm

[16] History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, with Biographical Sketches of many of its Pioneers and Prominent Men, Edited by Franklin Ellis Vol. 1 Philadelphia; L. H. Everts & Co. 1882

[17] Diary of the American War, A Hessian Journal by Captain Johann Ewald pgs.242-243

[18] The Brothers Crawford, Allen w. Scholl, 1995

[19] Traveled with Crawford and Washington on trip down the Ohio, 1770.

[20] Journal of a Volunteer Exposition to Sandusky, by Baron Rosenthal “John Rose.”

[21] The term army in reference to the force of men who marched against the Sandusky Towns is not strictly correct but is used for convenience. It was not truly an army as strict military terminology defines such a body but rather, like other volunteer forces of the frontier, a collection of men mustered and formed into units, each unit usually from a specific geographical area, and whose officers were chosen at the site of rendezvous through popular election among the volunteers. The makeup of the Crawford Army, as it came to be known, is shown here as compiled from lists published in Pennsylvania Archives, 2nd Series (Harrisburg, 1888) and Pennsylvania Archives, 6th Series (Harris­burg, 1906). The most accurate accounting of this force may be found in the article by Parker B. Brown entitled “Reconstructing Crawford’s Army of 1782” in The Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine, vol. 65, no. 1 (January1982). Brown states that by the evening of May 24 a total of 485 men had arrived at the rendezvous, but that by the time the army reached its destina­tion, the whole force apparently amounted to 583 men.

[22] David Williamson, after the election, is reported to have said that he “preferred Crawford should be chosen, as he is the oldest man.” Both men had the militia rank of colonel and, though Williamson was named as a major for this expedition, virtually everyone continued to refer to him as colonel. To avoid confusion, the rank of colonel will be used in reference to Williamson throughout this campaign.

[23] That Dark and Bloody River, Allan W. Eckert

[24] Dave Reinhart

[25] Journal of a volunteer Expedition Against Sandusky, Von Pilchau

[26] Journal of a volunteer Expedition Against Sandusky, by Baron Rosenthal, “John Rose”




[27] Rose, it will be remembered, was aid-cle-camp to Irvine.

[28] In Crawford’s letter just given the number is stated at 468 that had then got over the river, but Rose’s letter was, probably, written later in the day, when 12 more had succeeded in crossing.

[29] This letter gives much information concerning the organization of the e~­pedition against Sandusky not obtainable from other sources. It was written at the Mingo bottom, on the west side of the Ohio, in what is now Jefferson county, Ohio, not far below Steubenville, as was the previous letter by Col. Crawford.

[30] Revolution in America, Confidential letters and Journals 1776-1784 of Adjutants General Major Baurmeister of the Hessian Forces. Pg. 564

[31] (New Madrid Archives #1359) Chronology of Benjamin Harrison compiled by Isobel Stebbins Giuvezan. Afton, Missouri, 1973 http://www.shawhan.com/benharrison.html

[32] The Brothers Crawford, Allen W. Scholl, 1995

[33] From River Clyde by Emahiser, page 221.

[34] Jim Funkhouser

[35] JF

[36] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.

• [2] Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National socialist Oppression in Germany, 1933-1945. Gedenkbuch (Germany)* does not include many victims from area of former East Germany).

[37] Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, 1942-1944 by Serge Klarsfeld, page 612, 619.

[38] Civil War 2010 Calendar

[39] William Harrison Goodlove C ivil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove

[40] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove

[41] The Journal of the Masonic Society, Autumn 2010, Issue 10, page 29.

• [42] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1778.

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