Sunday, May 29, 2011

This Day in Goodlove History, May 29

• This Day in Goodlove History, May 29

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove


• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with -George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• This project is now a daily blog at:


• Goodlove Family History Project Website:


• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

A point of clarification. If anybody wants to get to the Torah site, they do not have to go thru Temple Judah. They can use and that will take them right to it.

The details for the GOODLOVE FAMILY REUNION were mailed Apr 9, 2011. If you haven't received the information and want to attend, please e-mail to add your name to the mailing list. RSVP's are needed by May 10.

Goodlove Family Reunion

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Pinicon Ridge Park, Central City, Iowa

4729 Horseshoe Falls Road, Central City, Iowa 52214


The plans at the 2007 reunion were to wait 5 years to meet again. But hey, we are all aging a bit, so why wait: Because it was so hot with the August date, we are trying June this year. We hope that you and your family will be able to come. This is the same location as 2007 and with the same details. The mailing lists are hard to keep current, so I’m sure I have missed a lot of people. Please ask your relatives if they have the information, and pass this on to any relative who needs it.

Horseshoe Falls Lodge 8 AM to 8 PM. We will set up and clean up (although help is nice).

Please sign the Guest Book. Come early, stay all day, or just for a while.

Food- Hy-Vee will cater chicken & Ham plus coffee/iced tea/lemonade. Please bring a vegetable, appetizer, salad, bread or dessert in the amount you would for any family dinner. For those coming from a distance, there are grocery stores in Marion for food and picnic supplies.

Dinner at Noon. Supper at 5 PM. Please provide your own place settings.

Games-Mary & Joe Goodlove are planning activities for young & ‘not so young’. Play or watch. The Park also has canoes and paddle boats (see website for more information).

Lodging- The park does have campsites and a few cabins. Reservations 319-892-6450 or on-line. There are many motels/hotels in Marion/Cedar Rapids area.

The updated Family tree will be displayed for you to add or modify as needed.

Family albums, scrapbooks or family information. Please bring anything you would like to share. There will be tables for display. If you have any unidentified Goodlove family photos, please bring those too. Maybe someone will bhe able to help.

Your RSVP is important for appropriate food/beverage amounts. Please send both accepts & regrets to Linda Pedersen by May 10.

Something new: To help offset reunion costs (lodge rental/food/postage), please consider a donation of at leat $5 for each person attending. You may send your donation with your RSVP or leave it ‘in the hat’ June 12.

Hope to hear from you soon and see you June 12.


Linda Pedersen

902 Heiler Court

Eldridge, IA 52748


563-285-8189 (home)

563-340-1024 (cell)


From the Editor,

This year more than ever I have been criticized for my writings of Jewish ancestry, history, and current events. It has been said that all this Jewish stuff has no place in the Goodlove family history. I think that people still can’t accept our DNA evidence that we are of Jewish Ancestry.

My question is this, Why is is not acceptable for me to write about our Jewish ancestry, while it is acceptable for me to write about our ancestors who bought and sold slaves, were members of the KKK, killed innocent native American innocent and children, stole land from the Native Americans and were involved in a myriad of unacceptable activities? Why is it uncomfortable for people to read about the Holocaust but not uncomfortable for people to read about their ancestors who owned slaves?

Perhaps it is because we worry about what other people think of us and to have Jewish ancestry just doesn’t fit into our current image that we want others to see. But in reality people don’t care about whether you have Jewish ancestry or not. They probably think more about your family owning slaves, and killing native Americans.

This Memorial Day weekend take time to pay respect to those who paid the price for the freedom that you have today. Democracy is fragile and while we enjoy our freedom know that only a few hundred years ago I would have burned for what I write today.

Pray for those who are still in harm’s way around the world and for those whose lives were cut short fighting for liberty. Jeff Goodlove

I Get Email!

In a message dated 5/26/2011 5:49:32 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Dear Jeff,

Mike Evans and Benjamin Netanyahu

I've been in Washington D.C. for the past few days to defend Israel and give you a "behind the scenes" look at what's going on and to tell you the truth no one else will. It is no coincidence that after his speech to AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee), President Obama left Sunday for Europe to attend the G8 summit in Deauville, France. The leaders there will be focusing on how the world's top economies can help countries in the Middle East and North Africa that are going through democratic transition.

Mr. Obama is also very well aware that these same countries in the EU have the power to hurt the economy of Israel through the use of tariffs and trade if Israel refuses to play ball. The Quartet, made up of the EU, the U.S., the UN, and Russia, issued a statement last Friday lauding Obama's template which includes a call for negotiations to be held based on the 1967 borders and mutually agreed land swaps.

"The members of the Quartet are in full agreement about the urgent need to resolve the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians," read the statement released by the group. "To that effect, the Quartet expresses its strong support for the vision of Israeli/Palestinian peace outlined by U.S. President Barack Obama."

The Europeans see this as crucial because they are the one bloc of countries most in play at the UN. They would lend moral and political authority to a non-binding General Assembly resolution declaring statehood if they supported it. The road to Jerusalem does indeed run through Belgium, but it also runs through Vienna, where OPEC will meet on June 8 to review oil production allocations.

A nightmare scenario is unfolding; however, that may further strain the world's economy. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Iran's fanatical president, has anointed himself "oil minister." That would be but a passing blip on OPEC's radar screen if it were not for the fact that Iran holds the rotating presidency of OPEC at this crucial moment. Ahmadinejad will thus arrive in Vienna with all the pomp and ceremony he can create "setting the stage for a highly politicized gathering of the cartel," according to the Financial Times.

The outcome could well be higher oil prices for Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the other members of OPEC. Hand-wringing at the rise of the cost of a barrel of oil aside, the members of the cartel would have a perfect scapegoat—the ever mercurial Mr. Ahmadinejad. Sadly, many world leaders would shake their heads in helplessness and acquiesce to another form of blackmail.

Mr. Obama's appeasement card will force the Israelis to once again pay the price for Arab rage and European spinelessness by the shedding of Jewish blood. In his speech to AIPAC on Sunday, the president said, "It is the right and responsibility of the Israeli government to make the hard choices that are necessary to protect a Jewish and democratic state for which so many generations have sacrificed."

For Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the Jewish people, the "hard choice" may not be in bowing to President Obama's pressure, but in withstanding it, and doing what is right for the people of Israel. Choosing to sail on alone in a sea of hatred and revulsion would perhaps be the hardest choice of all. It would take courage, fortitude, wisdom, and leadership unknown to those who blithely excel in telling Israel what to do.

Barukh..ha -mevarekh et ammo Yisrael ba-shalom Blessed be He who blesses His people with Peace.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,

Dr. Michael Evans

In a message dated 5/27/2011 12:21:01 P.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

Online commentary: Terror threat remains in Israel
by Shahar Arieli,

Shahar Arieli is deputy consul general of Israel to the midwest.

Americans, Israelis and much of the rest of the world welcomed the demise of Osama bin Laden, as a resounding victory for justice, freedom and the common values of all democracies.

However, there are those who mourn his death.

“We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior… may he take his rightful place together with the Martyrs and the Righteous” declared Ismail Haniyeh, leader of the Palestinian terrorist group, Hamas.

The threat of terrorism is not over. In fact, in the Middle East we see terrorism evolving into a new, more sophisticated form in which terrorist organizations are taking their presence to the next level – the political playing field.

Terrorist groups like the Palestinian Hamas and the Lebanese Hezbollah, are striving to become significant political players while continuing to use “Jihad” - violence and terrorism in order to promote radicalism, fundamentalism and hate.

We can see this course of action being played out with the agreement to create a unity government that was signed between the two Palestinian rivaling factions Hamas and Fatah. Through this agreement, Hamas is trying to gain international legitimacy and at the same time continue to be engaged in terrorism by deliberately targeting Israeli innocent civilians.

And sadly, it works. We are already starting to hear naïve voices calling for Israel to negotiate with this new Palestinian unity government which, in fact, is nothing but a mask for Hamas terrorists. Hamas would control this government while remaining committed to the destruction of the state of Israel. This objective is stipulated in the Hamas charter which remains, of course, unchanged.

Such is the case in Lebanon where the terror group, Hezbollah, evolved into a strong political party. Hezbollah now holds the keys to the Lebanese government while at the same time it maintains its powerful terror-military infrastructure.

This infrastructure is in fact, stronger than the army of Lebanon and that allows Hezbollah to be the de facto ruler of the country. Like it or not, under the Iranian-sponsored Hezbollah, Lebanon is turning into an outpost of a radical, fundamentalist Iranian regime which strives to export the radical, fundamentalist values of the Iranian revolution all over the Middle East and beyond.

This course of action brings terrorism to a higher, much more dangerous level – that is, if it succeeds to manipulate the international community into believing that these terrorists should be treated as legitimate political movements and as such, can continue to get away with their terrorist activity.

You cannot be considered a legitimate political party if you are engaged in terrorism. Terrorism and legitimacy are a contraction in terms and cannot co-exist. The international community should not fall into this trap.

Israel is an outpost of democracy and Western values in the Middle East. Unfortunately, we are the first to experience and to suffer from this “second phase” of terrorism. But if the international community will not become aware of these political –terrorist maneuvers, we fear that Israel won’t be the last.

This Day…

May 29, 363: A good day for the Romans and bad day for the Jews. Roman Emperor Julian defeats the Sassanid army in the Battle of Ctesiphon, under the walls of the Sassanid capital, but is impossible to conquer it. But Julian is killed at the end of the battle, some claiming that he was assassinated by a Christian Arab. Julian was the nephew and successor of Constantine. Julian repealed his Uncle’s pro-Christian promulgations allowing the old pagan cults to reappear. This earned him the title Julian the Apostate. Julian also repealed the special taxes that had been levied on the Jews. He announced that the Jews would be allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple. Jews actually built a synagogue near the Temple Mount in anticipation of the rebuilding of the Temple. Unfortunately, the favorable treatment of the Jews died with Julian’s demise. Rome returned to path of Constantine and the Jews returned to the road of exile and expulsion.[1]

364-378 A.D. The task of finding water for Constantinople came to a new Roman ruler named Valens 328-378 who ruled from 364-378. He carried out an audacious plan to create an aqueduct that was the largest in the world. It would transport spring water a staggering four hundred miles. It was longer than all other Roman earlier aqueducts combined. Byzantine Mason’s adorned their bridges with religious carvings. Unlike the Romans, the Byzantines selected Christian, not Pagan, symbols. [2]

May 29, 1096: The Jews of Bacharach, Germany, were massacred by the Crusaders.[3]

May 29, 1108: The forces of the Muslim Almoravids under Tamim ibn-Yusuf defeated the Christian forces of Castile and León under Alfonso VI at the Battle of Uclésv. The battle was a disaster for the Christians who lost 30,000 men including seven high-ranking nobles and the heir-apparent, Sancho Alfónsez. The Muslims were not able to capitalize on the victory and conquer the city of Toledo. The Christians of Toledo “celebrated” their deliverance by murderously attacking the Jews and burning their homes and synagogues. Alfonso died before he could punish the murderers. Following his death, the people of Carrion followed the example of their co-religionists in Toledo and attacked the Jews in an orgy of murderous pillaging.[4]

1111: “In the beginning of his reign, Alfonso VII (1111) curtailed the rights and /liberties that his father granted the Jews. He ordered that neither a Jew nor a convert may exercise legal authority over Christians, and his held the Jews responsible for the collection of the royal taxes. [5]

May 29, 1167: A Roman army supporting Pope Alexander III is defeated at the Battle of Monte Porzio by the forces of the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick Barbarossa and the local princes of Tusculum and Albano. Jehiel Anav reportedly “supervised the finances of Pope Alexander.” Jeheil Anva would appear to be one in the same with Jehiel ben Jekutheil Anav who is believed to be the author of Tanya Rabbati which discusses Shabbat and the Jewish Holidays. He was related to the Italian born scholar and linguist Nathan ben Jehiel. Frederick Barbarossa would be one of the three kings to lead the Third Crusades. Unlike other Crusaders, the German Barbarossa was protective of his Jewish subjects causing “a Jewish chronicler, Ephraim be-Jacob of Bonna to write ‘Frederick defended us with all his might and enabled us to live among our enemies, so that no harmed the Jews.’”[6]

May 29, 1453

The Muslim ruler, Mec Mec II conquered Constantinople.[7] Tuesday, May 29, the city of Constantine had become Muslim, and the Church of St. Sophia, for almost a thousand years the largest, most celebrated church in Christendom, after proper “purification,” was transformed into a mosque. All its Christian symbols were removed, and its mosaics were whitewashed into oblivion for five hundred years.[8]

May 29, 1554: After an appeal by Jews in Catholic countries, Pope Julius III agreed only to allow the burring of the Talmud but not "harmless rabbinical writings."[9]

1555 Jews expelled from Pesaro.[10]


Henry VIII was the father of three children by three children by three different wives. His first wife Catherine of Aragon was the mother of Mary, while his second wife, Anne Boleyn, was the mother of Elizabeth. Finally, Henry’s third wife, Jane Seymour, gave him the son who would be heir to the throne. When Henry VIII died in 1547, Edward became king at the age of nine. Protestantism again flourished during Edward VI’s brief six year reign, and the open Bible came once again into favor. But when he died of tuberculosis at the age of 15, an intense, short period of turmoil ensued. Protestants and Roman Catholics vied to place their candidate on the vacated throne. Protestants ignored Henry VIII’s two daughters, Mary and Elizabeth, and chose to crown Lady Jane Grey, a niece of Henry, as the new queen. After reigning only nine days, she was arrested and beheaded by Catholic supporters of Mary who arose as an army and seized the throne for their chosen candidate.[11]

May 29, 1658: The Massachusetts General Court bans the holding of Quaker meetings in the colony.[12]

May 29, 1686: Jews of New Amsterdam were allowed to openly practice their religion.[13]

In 1686, Andrew1 Harrison purchased from the junior John Prosser 130 acres of land on Golden Vale Creek, adjacent to John Haslewood. Consideration for the deed was 3,000 pounds of "good sound Arenoco Tobb. in Caske," and cancellation of a debt for an additional 20,000 pou[14]nds of tobacco.[15]


“In 1686, Ludlow’s land was sold to Major Lawrence Smith, of Gloucester County, Virginia. This gentleman was of great consequence in his day. The Temple farm, on which the surrender of Cornwallis was made in 1781, was sold

to Major Smith in 1686. He was recommended by the governor, to sit in the King's Council but died at about 43 years of age before taking his seat.[16]


He (Lawrence Smith) was surveyor for the counties of Gloucester and York in 1686,[17]


In Adam’s fall

We sinned all.

Thy life to mend

This Book attend.

The Cat doth play

And after slay.

A Dog will bite

The thief at night.

An Eagle’s flight

Is out of sight.

The idle Fool

Is whipped at school.

As runs the Glass,

Man’s life doth pass.

My Book and Heart

Shall never part.

Job feels the rod,

Yet blesses GOD.

Our KING the good,

No man of blood.

The Lion bold

The Lamb doth hold.

The moon gives light

In time of night.

Nightingales sing

In time of spring.

The Royal Oak it was the tree

That saved His Royal Majesty.

Peter denies

His Lord and cries.

Queen Ester comes in royal state

To save the JEWS from dismal fate.

Rachel doth mourn

For her first born.

Samuel anoints

Whom God appoints.

Time cuts down all

Both great and small.

Uriah’s beauteous wife

Made David seek his life.

Whales in the sea

God’s voice obey.

Xerxes the great did die,

And so must you and I.

Youth forward slips,

Death soonest nips.

Zacheus he

Did climb the tree

His Lord to see[18]


Major Lawrence Smith’s services were as follows: Member of House of Burgesses from Gloucester County, Virginia, 1688-1691.[19]

Wednesday May 29, 1754

The twenty-one French prisoners are sent back to Williamsburg along with news of this first victory for the Virginia Regiment. However, worried that the French might attack in retaliation to the previous day's skirmish, Washington and his men spend the next five days constructing a stockade in the middle of the valley. His theory is that anyone coming to attack his men will have to come into the open meadow of the valley and then can be shot.[20]

May 29, 1754

Lieutenant Colonel George Washington’s inexperience in military tactics had become increasingly clear in the days following the victory over Jumonville. His first hope had been that the triumph would have impressed the Indians to such extent that warriors would flock to his camp in large numbers to become part of his force, but what followed was a disappoint­ment.

Chief Monakaduto, it was true, showed up with his thirty warriors and promised to stand beside the young English commander, and even the Seneca squaw-chief known as Queen Alequippa came with her small following and vowed allegiance with him, but they were pitiful returns for such a single victory. Including the families they brought with them, the Indians numbered only one hundred fifty. Further, it meant that Washington, despite his own meager supplies, must now feed an additional hundred fifty people for the dubious advantage of having about forty warriors added to his force. No one knew better than Washington himself that now he was in trouble. With a hundred fifty inexperienced soldiers and this handful of Indians, he was facing a French force which numbered, at Fort Duquesn alone, over fourteen hundred soldiers and possibly seven hundred Indians.

The fortification built on the Great Meadows was a poor effort. It was completed in three days and yielded little real protection, but this did not keep Washington from confidently reporting that it could easily withstand the attack of an army of five hundred. He was just whistling in the dark.

His one great hope now was that Colonel Joshua Fry would soon arrive from Will’s Creek with the remainder of the Virginia Regiment. Im­mediately after the attack on Jumonville’s force, he had put the prisoners under strong guard and sent dispatches to Fry with urgent requests that he come soon, never doubting that he would, since Will’s Creek was only fifty-two miles away. But Joshua Fry had been thrown from his horse and suffered very serious internal injuries and his army was stalled in their camp at the Ohio Company’s trading post stronghold.

Then, on May 29, Fry had died of his injuries and this meant that George Washington — even though he did not yet know it was commander of the whole army. Christopher Gist gave the commander of the regulars, Captain Mackay, instructions to follow him and set out at once to join Washington and tell him this news. Mackay, justifiably irked that he must now be subordinate to a commander who was only twenty-two and without military experience, moved his men almost leisurely toward the Great Meadows.[21]

May 29th, 1778

A reference on May 29, 1778 by Regimental Quartermaster Zinn in the regimental journal of the von Donop Regiment may have resulted from a rumor of a move by the Convention prisoners. Under that date he wrote, “When the news arrived that the enemy was moving the captives of General Burgoyne’s army to Virginia, and that they were already underway in the near vicinity, the entire garrison, including our regiment, received march orders. We marched to Germantown and occupied that region in the hope of attacking the enemy. However, on the same day we marched back to Philadelphia.”

Actually the prisoners began their march from the Boston area on 9 November, and the HesseCassel Jaeger Corps Journal notes the Convention prisoners crossing the North River on 29 November. “Upon receipt of news that the prisoners from Burgoyne’s army were to be transported from New England to Virginia, and would cross the North River at King’s Ferry, the British Grenadiers, Light Infantry, and the Mirbach Regiment marched to Tarrytown, but arrived too late; the men being transferred having crossed the North River ten hours previously. The reason these troops are being sent to Virginia is supposedly because the New Englanders reibsed to continue giving them provisions.”[22]

May 29, 1779
Shawnee Chief Black Fish is allegedly killed in a raid on his village by Colonel John Bowman. (Ref 61 gives the date of the Bowman raid as May 29th, 1779 and Blackfish's death six weeks later, in mid-July).

May 29th, 1782

May 29th.—From the upper Moray. Town we took up our Line of march in four Columns agreeable to the first plan proposed and kept an easterly course to the mouth of a Creek which empties into Musk. Riv. the fording of the Creek was deep & muddy & we passed near it a dangerous Defile with the River on our right & a high Ridge on our Left. the passage very narrow. We marched from here N.W. through a Bottom for several miles, ascended the long Ridge ajimost N. & struck upon Bouquet’s Road to White Woman’s Creek, where he treated with the Indians W.B.S. We were led to this path by following a fresh indian track coming down.

In the middle of the afternoon we came to a fork of the Roads. We followed this path to our right running W. In these forks stood a painted Tree, on which an Indian of the Wolf Tribe marck’d [sic] 1 prisoner & 3 Scalps. Signs of an old indian encampment & several fresh tracks were visible. In the evening the mountains begun to look less high, fine Bottoms appeared more frequent and the tops of the Ridges seemed covered with a rich soil. We crossed this day different bad narrow Swamps.[23]



Orders May 29th 1782— Every Captain is to assign an alarm post to his company 20 or 30 yards within side of his fires; to which the company is to repair every morning before day Break—the horses are in future carefully to be kept in, by the Sentries. Col. W. Harrison is appointed Adjutant to the party & to be respected as such the whole to march immediately in 4 Columns. the playing of the fife the first time, will be a signal for load­ing: the second time to begin the line of march. [24]

Marshel to Irvine, May 29, 1782.)

A volunteer expedition is talked of against Sandusky, which, if well conducted, may be of great service to this country. If they behave well on this occasion, it may also, in some measure, atone for the barbarity they are charged with at Muskingum.[25] They have consulted me and shall have every countenance in my power, if their numbers, arrangements, etc., promise a prospect of success.

Another kind of expedition is also much talked of, which is to emigrate and set up a new state. This matter is carried so far as to advertise a day of general rendezvous (the 25th instant). A certain Mr. J[26]— is said to be at the head of this party. He has a form of constitution actually written by him-self for the new government. I am well informed he is now on the east side of the mountain trying to purchase or otherwise provide artillery and stores. A number of people, I really believe, have serious thoughts of this matter; but I am led to think they will not be able, at this time, to put their plan into execution.

Should they be so mad as to attempt it, I think they will either be cut to pieces or they will be obliged to take protection from and join the British. Perhaps some have this in view; though a great majority are, I think, well meaning people, who have at present no other views than to acquire large tracts of land.

As I thought a knowledge of these intentions might be useful to the executives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, the emigrants being now subjects of both states, I have written to tho I governor of Virginia on the subject also.[27]

Mr. J— has been in England since the commencement of the present war. Some people think he is too trifling to’be worthy of notice. Be this as it may, he has now many followers; and it is, I think, highly probable that more influence than he are privately at work. J—, it is said, was once in affluent circumstances — is now indigent was always open to corruption. I have no personal knowledge of the man; and have this character of him in too general terms to be able to assert it is genuine.

No considerable damage has been done by the savages since my arrival here last. The whole of killed and captured that I have any account of amounts only to six souls. I think they must be either preparing for a great stroke or.apprehensive of a visit from us.[28][29]

May 29, 1782

Marshel to Irvine

Washington County, May 29, 1782

Dear Sir: I have the honor to inform you that on Saturday last, about five hundred men[30] (including officers) set out for Sndusky, under the command of colonel [William] Crawford. A perfect harmony subsisted among officers and men, and all were in high spirits, no accident of any consequence happening either in crossing the river or during their stay at the Mingo bottom [on the west side of the Ohio].

I have not yet ascertained with exactness the number of men from the different counties, but I believe they are nearly as follows, namely; Westmoreland,[31] about one hundred and thirty; Ohio [county],[32] about twenty; and Washington,[33] three hundred and fifty. Mr. Rose, your aid-de-camp was very hearty when I left him. His services on this occasion have endeared you much to the people of this county, and given general satisfaction to the men on the expedition.

A report prevails in the coutry that Britain has acknowledged our independence. I could wish to be informed of the truth of this report. I have been asked by a Presbyterian minister and some of his people to request you t spare opne gallon of wine for the use of a sacrament. If it is in your power to supply them with this article, I make no doubt you will do it, as it cannot be obtained in any other place in this country. Mr. Douglass or the bearer will apply for it.[34][35]

May 29, 1786

John Crawford sold to Noble Grimes, on May 29, 1786, one negro wench named Lucy, for 32 pounds, 5 shillings, 6 pence.[36]

May 29, 1790: Rhode Island becomes the thirteenth state to ratify the Constitution[37] and is admitted as the 13th U.S. state. According to Rufus Learsi, at the outbreak of the American Revolution Rhode Island was one of only five the original thirteen colonies to have had an organized Jewish community. Newport reportedly had 1,200 Jewish habits, half the Jews living in all of the thirteen colonies at that time. Congregation Jeshuat Israel (Salvation of Israel) had erected its own synagogue and Rabbi Isaac Touro was so well known that he was visited by rabbis from Europe and Eretz Israel including Raphael Cahim Isaac Corregal from Hebron who formed a lasting friendship with Pastor Ezra Stiles, President of Yale. Newport may be best remembered for the famous letter that President Washington wrote to the Jews of Newport in 1790 in which he endorsed the full participation of the Jewish people in all aspects of American life. Unfortunately, the Newport Jewish community had already lost its dominant role. The British occupation during the American Revolution had marked the beginning of the end of the commercial primacy of Newport and many of the Jews who had fled during the occupation simply did not return. The loss of prominence of the Jewish community is highlighted by the fact that the state of Rhode Island did not get around to removing religious tests for office until 1842.[38]

May 29, 1811
Simon Kenton's daughter Elizabeth is born.[39]

May 29, 1848: Wisconsin joins the Union as the thirtieth state.[40]

Sun. May 29, 1864

Moved camp ½ mile down river

Loaded division teams on boats bound for carlton 8 boats burned at Orleans[41]

May 29, 1913

W. H. Goodlove is giving his house a second coat of paint this week.

• May 29, 1938: The First Anti-Jewish Law is promulgated in Hungary, restricting the Jewish role in the economy to 20 percent.[42]

May 29, 1942

German authorities in France publish regulations adopted the previous day requiring Jews in the Occupied Zone to wear a yellow star. The text of the ordinance:


Distinctive Insignia for Jews

1. It is forbidden for ajews of the age of six and older to appear in public without wearing the yellow star.

2. The Jewish star is a star with six points having the dimensions of the palm of a hand and black borders. It is of yellow cloth and displays, in black letters, the word “Jew.” It should be worn very visibly on the left side of the chest, firmly sewn to the garment.



Infractions of the present ordinance will be punished with imprisonment and fines or one of these penalties. Police measures, such as imprisonment in a camp for Jews, may be added to substituted for these penalties.


• Entry in Force

• The present ordinance will be effective June 7, 1942.

• The wearing of the yellow star was never imposed on Jews in the Unoccupied Zone, even after the Germans occupied all of France later in 1942.[43]

May 29, 1968: The United States nuclear submarine, Scorpion and its crew of 99 is reported missing in the Atlantic Ocean.[44]

May 29, 2010

Hi Jeff,

I have seen that picture...and I believe it is Robt. Lindsay. Here is his web site

He and I descend from the same David Jr. Lindsay. If you find the book...let me know the name so I can find it somewhere (if available). It's a shame we can't find a connection between our Lindsay / Moore line. I would assume that if they were buried in the same cemetery...there has to be a connection somewhere. Does the name Mary Fleming ring a bell?

Thank you for all data. Are there any Lindsay tombstone pics from the cemetery? Let me know...


Rebecca, I was on the website you sent this morning and I thank you for passing this information on. There is quite a bit of common territory between our families, because between the families they were friends, acquaintances, soldiers, land owners, various business dealings not to mention they were in court together a few times as well. Still I can't find the family connection as of yet but next week I am going after the book I believe was written by Torrence, at the Newberry Library. I think it mentions a Crawford/Lindsay connection. Also, an individual that you should be in contact with who is a descendant of Thomas Moore is John Moreland and his email is…. I have ccd him on this email. He is interested in the preservation of the Lindsay/Moore cemetery as well and between all of the interested parties I hope that something can be done to bring this endeavor to reality as it relates to the well being of this cemetery. Please contact him at your liesure as he is interested in chatting with you about this. My parents did not take any pictures of Lindsay tombstones unfortunately but I will keep a look out. I hope you are well and look forward to hearing from you soon. Jeff Goodlove

I have according to my records that Benjamin McKinnon was born in Harrison County, KY. I hope this, while not the Fleming you are looking for, perhaps is of some help. Jeff

ID: I3117

Name: John B. (Benjamin) MCKINNON

Sex: M

Birth: ABT 1790

Death: ABT 1850 in Logan Co., Oh.,


! Compiled by Karen S. Garnett, 2500 Huston Ct., Morgan Hill,

Ca. 95037: "Little is known of Benjamin. But he was apparently

born ca 1790 therefore must have been a son of Daniel McKinnon,

Sr. and Nancy Harrison McKinnon. He appears to be present in

his parents household n 1820, and along with Uriah and Josiah

being 16-25 then. In 1830 he is perhaps still with his parents.

In 1840 he has his own household, apparently with his wife,

possibly his second, Maria Fleming who he mar. Apr. 19, 1838 in

Clark Co., Oh. He must have then moved with the family to Logan

Co. in 1839. There is an old newspaper account of a Sheriff's

sale of the property of Benjamin McKinnon. Might be worth

checking into, it is dated 3 Mar., 1838. The following is a

reconstruction of Benjamin's family: Benjamin mar., apparently

out of Clark Co. or before 1816 (as no record was found in Clark

Co.) for the first time. It is unclear when the first wife

died, but probably by 1830 since Banjamin seems to be living

with his parents and ch. His ch. by his first wife most likely

include: dau. b. ca 1810-15; dau., b ca 1815-1820; son b. ca

1815-1820; son Daniel, b. 1832 in Oh. This ch. doesn't really

seem to fit in anywhere, but he does appear in the household of

Benjamin in 1840 and in Maria's household in 1850, so he must be

a son of Benjamin's. We also have a Daniel F., b. 12 Oct., 1831

to Josiah. The date matches nicely, but it seems too confusing

to sort at present." Clark Co. Mar. Rec.: Apr., 1838 -- John B.

(Benjamin) McKinnon mar. Maria Fleming. Note: there are

duplicate entries here. Benjamin and Maria Fleming 10 Apr.,

1838, Vol. 162, p. 262. John Banjamin and Marie Fleming on 18

Apr., 1838, Vol. 19-272 ! Bellefontaine Republican, Oct. 14,

1902: "Mr. Daniel McKinnon . . . died lst Tues. at the home of

his dau. Mrs. John Welsh, at Paris, Ill. . . brother of William

and J. B. McKInnon, dec. . . before moving to Ill. made his home

in our city. . . " One unknown source states John had two sons,

one named Daniel --HGS

Note: !Norberto MoralesIII May, 1998

Note: Aug., 2001

Change Date: 24 AUG 2001

Father: Daniel MCKINNON b: 19 APR 1767 in St. John's Parrish, PG Co., Md.

Mother: Nancy HARRISON b: 30 DEC 1772 in Westmoreland, Pa.

Marriage 1 Spouse Unknown


Daniel MCKINNON b: 1832

Marriage 2 Maria FLEMING b: ABT 1810 in Va., USA

Married: 19 APR 1838


Olive MCKINNON b: ABT 1844

dau. MCKINNON b: ABT 1810/1815

dau. MCKINNON b: ABT 1815/1820

son MCKINNON b: ABT 1815/1820

Marriage 3 Ellen SPELLMAN b: 1860

Married: 19 APR 1838


Benjamin married second Maria Fleming, born c. 1810 in VA. They were married 19 April 1838. Maria may have been the daughter of Olive Fleming, born c. 1772 in VA. Olive was living in Moorefield Twp. (p. 263v, no. 1373 in 1850). Only one child is known:

1. Olive McKinnon, born c. 1844.

Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett Page 112.22


1840 Ohio, Logan County


Bloomfield Township, page 42.

Benjamin McKinnon

1 male 5-10

3. male 40-50 1 female3O-40

This Benjamin must be a son of Daniel McKinnon, Sr. Possibly he

who married Maria Fleming in 1838.

Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett, Page 112.26


1860 Ohio, Logan County

Pleasant Township, Logansyilbe, page 184, no. 1345 (enum: 6 Jul 60).

Marie McKinnon 55 $3000 $800 OH

Hannah Fleming 33 OH

Alex Fleming 33 farm hand OH

This must be the widow of John B. (Benjamin) McKinnon. She must

be living with relatives. Has daughter Olive died?

Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett Page 112.32



[2] Engineering an Empire, The Byzantines, HISTI, 2006.



[5] This Day in Jewish History


[7] Building in the Name of God. 6/9/2006 HI

[8] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 62.



[11] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 132.

[12] On This Day in America by John Wagman.


[14] William and Mary College Quarterly, voL 2, 1st series, p. 5.

Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg. 299

[15] . [James Edward Harrison, A comment of the family of ANDREW HARRISON who died in ESSEX COUNTY, VIRGINIA in 1718. (Oklahoma City, Oklahoma: privately printed, no date), 26.] A Chronological Listing of Events In the Lives of Andrew Harrison, Sr. of Essex County, Virginia, Andrew Harrison, Jr. of Essex and Orange Counties, Virginia, Lawrence Harrison, Sr. of Virginia and Pennsylvania Compiled from Secondary Sources Covering the time period of 1640 through 1772 by Daniel Robert Harrison, Milford, Ohio, November, 1998.

[16] Jeff Goodlove, Familytreemaker

[17] Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg. 301

[18] Paul L. Ford, ed., The New England Primer 1897

America-1603-1789 by Lawrence H. Leder, 1978, pg. 94.

[19]Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia, 1659-1693. Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence, pg 300.


[21] Wilderness Empire, by Allan W. Eckert pgs 243-244

[22] Enemy Views, Bruce Burgoyne pgs 254-255

[23] Journal of a Volunteer Expedition to Sandusky, Baron Rosenthal, “John Rose”.

[24] Journal of a volunteer Expedition Against Sandusky, Von Pilchau

[25] That any of~those favoring the scheme had intentions of taking protection from, and joining the British, is possible but very doubtful; that some engaged in the movement were stimulated by prospects of preferment, is probable; but that a great majority had, as Irvine expresses it, “no other views than to acquire large tracts of land,” or, perhaps, of obtaining cheap lands, is quite certain.

[26] Thomas Jefferson

[27] The expedition here spoken of is the one which marched against Sandusky under Col. Wm. Crawford. It has been supposei by some, owing to the loose wording of the paragraph, that the same men who took part in Will­iamson’s expedition were also those who afterward marched against San-dusky; but Williamson’s men, as we have seen, numbered only about one hundred who crossed the Ohio, and were exclusively of Washington county militia (ante, p.236, note 1); while the volunteers against Sandusky numbered four hundred and sixty-eight and were from Washington and Westmorelan& counties, Pennsylvania, and from Ohio county, Virginia. (See Appendix J,—:

[28] There is another copy, evidently the first draft of this letter, extant, in the handwriting of Irvine, which is differently arranged and somewhat differently worded from the above.

[29] Washington-Irving Correspondence, by Butterfield.

[30] The number which actually marched was four hundred and sixty-eight, but a few of these returned before reaching the Tuscarawas.

[31]Mostly from that part which afterward became Fayette county, Pennsylvania.

[32] Ohio county, Virginia, included, at this date, the whole of the territory now in West Virginia known as “the Pan-handle,” and a considerable area to the south of it.

[33] Washington county, Pennsylvania, in 1782, was bounded north by the Ohio river, east by the Monongahela, south and west by Virginia. All of Pennsylvania west of the Laurel Hill not included within those boundaries constituted Westmoreland county, at that date; but Fayette county was formed from the latter the next year.

[34] No doubt the wine was sent if the general had it to spare. He was exceedingly accommodating to the country people as well as to the citizens of Pittsburgh. His watchful care over the rights of the latter, when in the least intruded upon by the soldiery.

[35] Washington-Irvine Correspondence, by Butterfield, pages 289-290.

[36] Item 334, Book A, page 107. Before his departure, John sold items, both in real estate and tangible goods, including his negro help and his live stock. The records may be found in the Recorder of Deeds Office, in Fayette County, Pennsylvania. (Uniontown).

[37] ON This Day in America by John Wagman.


[39] The chronology of Xenia and Greene County Ohio.

[40] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[41] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary by Jeff Goodlove

• [42] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page1760.

[43] French Children of the Holocaust, A Memorial, by Serge Klarsfeld, page 31.

[44] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

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