Sunday, April 14, 2013

This Day in Goodlove History, April 14

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This Day in Goodlove History, April 14

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Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.

The Goodlove Family History Website:

The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

April 14, 69: Vitellius defeated Emperor Otho in the Battle of Bedriacum and seized the throne and becomes the third Emperor in what is known as the Year of the Four Emperors. Vitellius’ rise to power made the Roman populace very uneasy because it seemed as if the Empire was tottering on the brink of a destructive Civil War. Following the death of Nero in 68, four men served as Emperor during 69 including. First came Galba, who was followed by Galba who was followed by Vitellius who was followed by Vespasian, the general who had been sent to Judea to put an end to the Jewish Revolt. Vespasian was the first of the Flavian Emperors. When Vespasian replaced Vitellius it was with the understanding that he and his son Titus would bring stability to the Empire. Jerusalem was destroyed as a demonstration of the Flavian’s ability to end civil strife in the Empire and bring a return to the Pax Rommana. [Editor’s Note: According to this, the leaders who had seized control in Jerusalem completely failed to understand the new reality of Roman power, even as they had confused their victory of Roman Cohorts as being the same as victory over a Roman Legion. If they had spent more time considering the realities of the situation and less time killing their Jewish “enemies” they might have been able to negotiate some kind of settlement that would have avoided the destruction of the Temple and the massive deportation of the Jewish population that marked the beginning of the Diaspora.][1]

April 14, 73(3833): According to the Jewish historian Josephus, 967 Jewish zealots committed mass suicide within the fortress of Masada on this last night before the walls were breached by the attacking Roman Tenth Legion. (Two women and five children survived by hiding in a cistern, and were later released unharmed by the Romans. Technically it was not a mass suicide. According to the story a group of the leaders killed most the population who had agreed to die this way rather than become prisoners of the Romans. The leaders committed suicide. [2] Ten men were chosen by lot to kill everyone, then one killed the nine and only one killed himself. The ten lots, written on broken pottery shards, were discovered by archaeologists when Masada was excavated in the 1960s and1970s.[3] This way of dealing with the Romans contrast with Yochanan Ben Zakai who negotiated with the Romans. He ended up saving many scholars and establishing the Academy at Yavneh. While the Legend of Masada has taken on a life of its own, the cold reality is that if the rest of the Jewish population had followed their example, the Jews of Israel would have disappeared.[4][5]

April 14, 1205: Bulgarians under Tsar Kaloyan of Bulgaria, soundly defeated the Crusaders under Baldwin I at the Battle of Adrianople. The victory cemented the rule of Kaloyan and his family. This would prove to be beneficial for Jews since Kaloyan’s nephew opened the kingdom to Jewish traders from Italy. This also would have proved beneficial to Jewish community already living in Bulgaria which probably dated back to the second century of the common era.[6]

April 14, 1341: In the Piedmont Region, Italian-Angevine troops sack the city of Saluzzo. Although Jews have been living in the Piedmont since the middle ages, the first synagogue was not built until the 16th century. A synagogue was built in Saluzzo in the early 18th century.[7][8]

1342: Eobhan or Ewen Chief of the MacKinnon clan; After the death of John, Lord of the Isles, circa 1350, MacKinnon took part in the rebellion against the heir to the Lordship, and was hanged for his trouble.[9] Priests were generally uneducated with little interest in their parishioners. Immorality was common among them. A priest could easily purchase from diocesan authority qa licese to keep a concubine. Erasmus speaks of priests “who by fraud or intimidation have been thrust into a life of celibacy in which they are allowed to fornicate but not to marry, so that if they openly keep a concubine they are Christian priests, but if they take a wife they are burned. Money could buy almost any kind of dispensation, one of the more popular being to legitimize children born illegitimately, the majority of whom were children of priests and prelates. Out of the 614 grants of legitimacy in the year 1342-43, 484 were to members of the clergy. The pardoners, commissioned by the Church, sold absolution for any sin from gluttony to homicide, canceled any vow of chastity, remitted any penance for money, most of which they pocketed. Their mission was to peddle salvation, but in reality they took advantage of the people’s need and credulity. [10] Death of Pope Benedict XII – Pope Clement VI elected, Louis of Bavaria son of Louis IV marries Margaret of Tirol (the Ugly Duchess) and acquires Tirol and Carinthia, Death of Pope Benedict XII – Clement VI Pope to 1352, April 25, Pope Benedict XII dies, May 7, Pope Clement VI appointed (Pierre Roger Limoges - French Pope). [11]

Eobhan /MacFingon MacKinnon is the 17th great grandfather of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

April 1476: The “Cortes” or Spanish National Congress vacated a law that forbade the jailing of Jews and Muslims for debts owed to Christians. More insidious, the body passed a regulation requiring Jews and Muslims to wear an insignia of their persuasion on their clothing. Henceforth, Jews and Muslims were barred from holding office in local communities. [12]

1477: Volcano, Bárðarbunga, Northeastern Iceland; 1477; VEI 6; 10 cubic kilometres (2.4 cu mi) of tephra[5] [13]Japan Onin war ends Ashikaga shogunate’s authority, death of Charles the Bald of Burgundy - Maximilian son of Emperor Frederick III marries Mary of Burgundy – heiress of Charles the Bold – Hapsburgs acquire the Netherlands, Coxton prints Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, Botticelli paints “Primavera” Michael Pacher paints the altar at St. Wolfgang Austria, Viet Stoss carves altar at St. Mary’s at Krakow Poland, Edward IV bans cricket game, French under Louis XI and Swiss defeat Charles the Bold at Battle of Nancy, Spanish inquisition renewed, Charles the Bold killed at Lorraine in Battle of Nancy against Swiss, Maximilian son of Frederick III marries Mary – daughter of Charles the Bold, Charles the Bold dies, Mary of Burgundy rules, aided by husband Maximilian of Hapsburg, Death of Charles the Bold of Burgundy / Netherlands, Onin war ends Ashikaga shogunate's authority[14].

Edward IV is the 5th cousin 17x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

1477: According to Bartolomé de las Casas, two dead bodies that looked like those of Indians were found on the Portuguese Flores Island in the Azores. He said he found that fact in Columbus' notes, and it was one reason why Columbus presumed that India was on the other side of the ocean.[29] In Ferdinand Columbus' biography of his father Christopher, he says that in 1477 his father saw in Galway, Ireland two dead bodies which had washed ashore in their boat. The bodies and boat were of exotic appearance, and have been suggested to have been Inuit who had drifted off course.[30][15]

1478 : In 1478 Jews were expelled from Passau, Bavaria.[16] In 1478, the pope authorized the creation of an Inquisition like that which, in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, had suppressed a variety of heresies in southern France and which had functioned during the fourteenth century in Spain.[1][17] With relations between Old and New Christians deteriorating and Muslim influence still high, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella established the Inquisition to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms. Pope Sixtus IV gave official consent later that year, with authorization to “purify” the people, by “torture” if necessary. [2][18] The strands of future Spanish history were coming together in the years 1478 and 1479. The hermandad would soon be joined with an Inquisition and, together, employed as an instrument of terror and obedience. The ever-strengthening persecution of Jews was a harbinger of a final solution.[19] Rule of Renaissance patron Lorenzo de Medici – Start of Spanish Inquisition – roots, Grand Prince Ivan III (Ivan the Great) of Moscoq subdues Novgorod, Giuliano de’ Medici murdered at Florence Cathedral, Isabella of Castile begins Inquisition against converted Jews and heretics, Pazzi Conspiracy - Pazzi family and Archbishop of Pisa stab Giuliano and Lorenzo De Medici in the church on Easter Sunday. Giuliano dies and Lorenzo was stabbed. Result was lynching of Pazzi family and archbishop, Spanish Inquisition established in Spain under consent of Sixtus IV to punish Jews who claimed conversion, Ivan III conquers Novgorod and combines it with duchy of Moscow, Hungary gains Moravia and Silesia, Turks conquer Albania, Pope Sixtus IV turns control of Inquisition to Spain, Spanish Inquisition started, Lorenzo de' Medici rules Florence, Edward falls out with brother George. George found murdered, Botticelli paints, Foundation of Spanish Inquisition, Sir Thomas More born, Rule of Renaissance patron Lorenzo de Medici – Start of Spanish Inquisition – roots, Pazzi Conspiracy – Giuliano and Lorenzo de Mecidi stabbed in Church on Easter Sunday – Pazzi family eventually lynched as Lorenzy lives. [20].

April 14, 1484: The Cortes at Tarazona approved the formation of Inquisitional Tribunals at Valencia and Saragossa. The Inquisitors wasted no time in beginning their investigations for signs of Jewishness in the communities of the New Christians.[21]

April 14, 1570 - Polish Calvinists/Lutherians/Hernhutters unify against Jesuits[22]

April 14, 1762: On June 5, 1764 David Vance and wife Janet sold 288 acres in Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virgina) to Bryan Bruin. Apparently the deed was never recorded. However, on September 14, 1767 in Hampshire County, Virginia (now West Virginia) Bryan Bruin sold a large tract of land on Green Spring Run to John Mitchel. The tract consisted of seven parcels that Bryan Bruin had purchased from different people. One of those seven parcels had been purchased from David and Janet Vance. The deed stated described that parcel as: "288 acres which was granted to David Vance by Deed from the Proprietor of the Northern Neck bearing the date of April 14, 1762, and the said David Vance and Janet, his wife, conveyed to the said Bryan Bruin by Deeds of Lease and Release bearing date the days of June 4 and 5, 1764." [23]

April 14, 1774: A number of surveyors who rendezvoused at the mouth of New River, on the Kanawha, Thursday, April 14, 1774, to go down the latter river to the Ohio, there to locate and survey lands warranted to certain officers and soldiers in the Old French war under proclamation of the king of England, dated Oct. 7, 1763. The claimants to those lands were notified to meet the surveyors at the place and time mentioned. The intention was to locate the lands on the bottoms of the Ohio River.

Friday, April 14th1775

This morning, Rice another man begun to cut down a tree to make a Canoe. Have left it entirely to his management. Captn. Douglas and Captn.. Stephenson to the Steward’s Crossings to Major Crawford’s. Returned to V. Crawford’s in the evening. Agreed to go with Captn. Douglas to Fort Pitt tomorrow.[24]

April 14, 1775: The Society for the Relief of Free Negroes in Philadelphia becomes the first abolition society in America.[25]

April 14, 1775: Massachusetts Governor Gage is secretly ordered by the British to enforce the Coercive Acts and suppress "open rebellion" among colonists by using all necessary force. From this simple statement flowed all of the events that would lead to the battles of Lexington & Concord and the American Revolution. During the American Revolution the Jewish population was so small that it could only support five synagogues which were located in, Newport, New York, Philadelphia, Charleston, and Savannah. All five followed the Sephardic Minchag. Most of the Jews supported the Revolutionaries.[26]

April 14, 1789: The Secretary of the new Congress informs George Washington of his election as first President of the United States.[27]

April 14, 1791: Vol. 1 No. 99. Wm. & Joh. McCormick, 173 a. Fayette Co. Kentucky R. April 14, 1791. Bk. 1 p. 62. Cavieated May 7, 1793.[28]

William is the father in law of the 5th great grand aunt and John is the husband of the 5th great grand aunt of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

April 14, 1799: Napoleon called for establishing Jerusalem as city for the Jews. [29]

April 14, 1800: John Crawford’s records in the Ohio State Auditor’s office are as follows: April 14, 1800, No. 2680, 955 acres to Noble Grimes, Vol. 2, page 140.[30]

John Crawford is the 5th great grand uncle of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

April 14, 1801

Letter received from the commissioners of Westmoreland, requesting a meeting of the two boards, with Col. Isaac Meason, on the bank of Jacob’s Creek, on the next following Tuesday, to “consult and complete contract relative to James Finley, Esp., undertaking to erect an Iron Bridge over Jacob’s Creek, and it its agreed that John Fulton and Andrew Oliphant proceed to business.”[31]

James Finley had traveled with his family to the Ohio Frontier in the late 1790’s. In his later life he would become a leading figure on the countries religious landscape. But as a young man Finley, like thousands of other Americans struggled alone with his faith. “What’s the point in praying? If I am one of the elect, I will be saved in God’s good time. If I am one of the non-elect, praying will do me no good, because Christ did not die for them.” He had been brought up as a Presbyterian but now with the opportunity to choose came anxiety. People are starting to ask, “What religion should I have?”. Finley asks “Sometime my faith wavers in spite of all my efforts I cannot bolster enough and my conceince stings me with remorse. Perhaps my soul will be lost. This is the most intense emotion.” We are shifting away from the old Calvanist ideas, where God has made these choices. Whereby before you are even born God had decided whether you are going to heaven or hell. Now it is totally different, now we have the choice. In 1801 James Finley left Ohio, heading toward Kentucky. Thousands had been drawn to a religious gathering, in the town of Kane Ridge. He had heard about this meeting that was supposed to take placre, because it was publicized well in advance. He had been hearing that at these revivals that men would fall flat on the floor, and would start crying or weeping or that that they would be struck by the word and maybe fall to their knees. He told his two companions that they should go and check this out this phenomenon.

Revivals or camp meetings were springing up across the frontier. Hundreds sometimes thousands of ordinary people would gather, drawn by the message of new charismatic preachers seeking to save souls. There is a perception that this country while just a baby, is in morale danger. Ministers proclaimed that fewer people were going to church than had been before the revolution. America they feared had reached a spiritual crises. They have a sense of urgency in trying to get people to come to Christs because they are not just savng them, they are saving the nation.

Somehow we have lost our moral underpinnings. As Finley grew closer to Kane Ridse he grew nervous about what he was walking into.[32]

Catherine Gottleab died date unknown. She married Henry Keck on 1784, son of George Keck and Helenia Catherine Shaub.

More About Catherine Gottleab and Henry Keck:
Marriage: 1784

Children of Catherine Gottleab and Henry Keck are:
i.Ester Keck, b. January 31, 1799, d. date unknown.
ii.John Keck, b. May 04, 1801, d. date unknown.
iii.Henry Keck, b. April 14, 1804, d. date unknown.
iv.Samuel Keck, b. August 12, 1806, d. date unknown.
v.Peter Keck, b. September 10, 1808, d. date unknown.
vi.George Keck, b. June 09, 1810, d. date unknown.

vii. Elizabeth KECK, b. November 15, 1812, d. date unknown.[33]

April 14, 1821: Andrew Jackson left Nashville with Rachel Jackson and party for New Orleans aboard the Cumberland en route to Florida.[34]

April 14, 1834: The “Whig” party is established by opponents of Andrew Jackson.[35]

Andrew Jackson is the 2nd cousin 8x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

April 14, 1849: Hungary declares itself independent of Austria with Louis Kossuth as its leader. Kossuth was sympathetic to Jewish hopes for emancipation and the right to become full-fledged citizens of the newly independent Hungry. Based on Kossuth’s commitment to these values Jews contributed 80,000 florins to the cause. Thirty thousand Jews enlisted in Kossuth’s army, making them 11% of the force. Unfortunately, the Magyar leadership and the rural peasants did not share Kossuth’s values. Anti-Semitic outbreaks in the countryside combined with the efforts of these political leaders blocked attempts to grant the Jews full rights of citizenship. All this would become a mute point, since Kossuth and the independent Hungarian movement would be defeated by the imperial forces and Kossuth would be forced to flee for his life. Ironically, the returning Imperial government saved their harshest punishment for the Jews.[36]

April 14, 1857:The Princess Beatrice

April 14, 1857

October 26, 1944

married 1885, Prince Henry of Battenberg; had issue

Prince Albert's 42 grandchildren included four reigning monarchs: King George V of the United Kingdom; Wilhelm II, German Emperor; Ernest Louis, Grand Duke of Hesse; and Charles Edward, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha. Albert's many descendants include royalty and nobility throughout Europe. [37]

The Princess Beatrice is the 16th cousin 6x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

Gideon Smith11 [Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. October 8, 1787 in Wilkes Co. GA / d. April 14, 1858 in Dawson, GA) married Suzanne Martin (b. in SC / d. February 11, 1897 in Dawson, GA) on May 23, 1828 in Habersham Co. GA.

A. Children of Gideon Smith and Suzanne Martin:
+ . i. Emily H. Smith (b. July 31, 1819 in SC / d. abt. 1900 in Union Co GA)
. ii. Mary Smith (b. Elbert co GA)[38]

April 14, 1859: In Galatz, Rumania, Jews were accused of taking blood from a Christian child (for the baking of matzos) though not of killing him. Fifteen "culprits" were arrested. The next day a mob broke into the synagogue, killing some of the worshippers, destroying some fifty scrolls and demolishing the synagogue. The fifteen were soon released with no convictions, yet the government refused to allow the synagogue to be rebuilt for nearly twenty years.[39]

April 14, 1860: Mormons establish the first permanent settlement in Idaho.[40]

April 14, 1863: We reached Milliken's bend on the morning of the 14th of April, without
any misadventures. Here the troops all disembarked and went into camp. Preparations were immediately begun for marching. All surplus baggage was stored in an old barge—the only means at hand of disposing of it.[41]

Thurs. April 14, 1864:

Laid in camp many rumors about an attack

Got 25 cts in tobacco of capt

Gen Smith captured 200 rebs up river[42]

Drawn up in line of battle at daylight[43]

April 14, 1865: Dr. William McKinnon Goodlove (1st cousin, 3 times removed) and the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry advance on Raleigh April 10-14. Occupation of Raleigh April 14. [44]

Good Friday,[45] April 14, 1865, proved to be such an opportunity for Booth. However, several eyewitnesses claim that there was a gentleman posted outside the Presidential box who allowed Booth to enter. Samuel Koontz on April 24, 1865, wrote in a letter that Booth went through the door of the box, told the man who was Lincoln’s servant at the door, that Lincoln had sent for him. [46]“On May 15, 1865, Captain Theodore McGowan, who had been seated on the south side of the Dress Circle testified during the Conspiracy Trial that “He [Booth} took a small pack of visiting cards from his pocket, selecting one and replacing the others, stood a second, perhaps, with it in his hand, and then showed it to the President’s messenger, who was sitting just below him. Whether the messenger took the card into the box, or , after looking at it, allowed him to go in, I do not know, but in a moment or two more, I saw him go through the door of the lobby leading to the box, and closed the door.[47] Two years later Dr. Charles Leale, who was also seated on the south side of the Dress Circle, wrote that “I saw a man speaking with another near the door [to the Presidential box] and endeavoring to enter which he at last succeeded in doing after which the door was closed.”[48] [49]

April 14, 1894: Zebulon Baird Vance

Zebulon Baird Vance

37th and 43rd Governor of North Carolina

In office
January 1, 1877 – February 5, 1879

Preceded by

Curtis Hooks Brogden

Succeeded by

Thomas Jordan Jarvis

In office
September 8, 1862 – May 29, 1865

Preceded by

Henry Toole Clark

Succeeded by

William Woods Holden

United States Senator from North Carolina

In office
March 4, 1879 – April 14, 1894

Zebulon Baird Vance (May 13, 1830 – April 14, 1894) was a Confederate military officer in the American Civil War, the 37th and 43rd Governor of North Carolina, and U.S. Senator. A prodigious writer, Vance became one of the most influential Southern leaders of the Civil War and postbellum periods.

Zebulon Baird Vance is the 3rd cousin 6x removed of Jeffery Lee Goodlove.

April 14, 1907: On Convoy 57 was Wolf Gotliber, born April 14, 1907 in Mlatta. [50]

April 14, 1939: In what came to be known as "Black Sunday," one of the most devastating storms of the 1930s Dust Bowl era swept across the region on this day. High winds kicked up clouds of millions of tons of dirt and dust so dense and dark that some eyewitnesses believed the world was coming to an end.

The term "dust bowl" was reportedly coined by a reporter in the mid-1930s and referred to the plains of western Kansas, southeastern Colorado, the panhandles of Texas and Oklahoma, and northeastern New Mexico. By the early 1930s, the grassy plains of this region had been over-plowed by farmers and overgrazed by cattle and sheep. The resulting soil erosion, combined with an eight-year drought which began in 1931, created a dire situation for farmers and ranchers. Crops and businesses failed and an increasing number of dust storms made people and animals sick. Many residents fled the region in search of work in other states such as California (as chronicled in books including John Steinbeck s The Grapes of Wrath), and those who remained behind struggled to support themselves.

By the mid-1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt s administration introduced programs to help alleviate the farming crisis. Among these initiatives was the establishment of the Soil Conservation Service (SCS) in the Department of Agriculture. The SCS promoted improved farming and land management techniques and farmers were paid to utilize these safer practices. For many Dust Bowl farmers, this federal aid was their only source of income at the time.

The Dust Bowl era finally came to a close when the rains arrived and the drought ended in 1939. Although drought would continue to be an inevitable part of life in the region, improved farming techniques significantly reduced the problem of soil erosion and prevented a repeat of the 1930 s Dust Bowl devastation.[51]

April 14, 1941: The Ustashe, a Croatian far-right organization that pursued Nazi and fascist policies, is put in charge of the Independent State of Croatia by the Axis Powers. The Ustashe would be responsible for the murder of at least 30,000 Croatian Jews.[52]

April 14, 1941: Hungarian troops occupied portions of northern Yugoslavia. About 500 Jews and Serbs were shot.[53]

April 14, 1941: More anti-Jewish riots break out in Antwerp.[54]

April 14, 1944: The Okinawa landings commended the next day and for the next two weeks, Morrison drew a full range of gunfire support and other assignments. On April 14, she received a fighter-director team and, with little time out for logistics, was assigned to Radar Picket Stations #10 to the west, #7 to the south, #2 in the direction of Japan to the northeast to relieve Daly, damaged by a suicide plane on the 28th, and finally adjacent #1 on April 30.

My Uncle Howard Snell was on the Morrison at this time.

April 14, 1944: The first transport of Athenian Jews left Greece for Auschwitz.[55]

Morning, April 14, 1945: Japan’s Uranium processor was working. They saw that success was withing their grasp. Then disaster struck. The U.S. unleashed a series of devastating fire bomb attacks on the Japanese mainland dropped from hundreds of B=29 bombers. It hit Japanese cities with enough force to eclipse even the eventual atomic bombs. The Japanese Uranium processor was in the path of one such bombing attack. The crucial component in Uranium processing was gone. [56]

April 14, 1945: Soldiers of the United States Army reached Gardelegen Camp. They found smoldering logs strewn with the bodies of the recently cremated victims.[57]

April 14, 1960: A Polaris missile becomes the first to be fired from under water, in a test near San Clemente Island, California.[58]

April 14, 2010: A 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit China. At least 400 were killed and 10,000 injured.[59]

April 14, 2005: John Nova Lomax. "Who's Your Daddy? Track your true identity along a DNA trail left behind by your ancestors." Houston Press (April 14, 2005). Excerpts:

"Growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, Danny Villarreal had heard the stories from his grandparents. His ancestors, it was whispered, had come to Mexico from Spain under something of a cloud. Apparently, they were not purebred Castilian Spaniards, but members of a persecuted minority -- namely, Jews who had converted to Catholicism on pain of death at the hands of the Spanish Inquisition. ... FTDNA sent the test off to a genetics lab at the University of Arizona, and a few weeks later Villarreal got his results back. Although the company didn't find that he was related to anyone then in its database, it did have a few surprises for him. First, there was his haplogroup -- the genetic marker that goes back on his Y chromosome for tens of thousands of years. All humanity is divided into 18 of these, and Mexicans of European descent would likely be in either haplogroup R-1A or R-1B, the most common groups in Western Europe, or if they were primarily of Native American descent, Q or Q-3. Villarreal's was E-3B, which is a Semitic haplogroup that evolved in East Africa and then spread around the Mediterranean and is most common today in the Middle East and in North and East Africa. Then there were his closest genetic matches. All three of them were to Jews in places like Hungary, Belarus and Poland." [60]

April 14, 2008: Indiana Parfitt and the temple of ‘hmm’, The Herald April 14, 2008




[3] Fascinating Facts about the Holy Land by Clarence H. Wagner, Jr.




[7] For more see



[10] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 38.


[12] Dogs of God, Columbus, The Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors, by James Reston, Jr. page 52

[13] Timetable of worldwide Volcanic activity, Wikipedia.



[16] Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 4, page 345.

[17] [1] A time for Planting, The First Migration 1654-1823 by Eli Faber 1992 pg. 6.

[18] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People, page 178..

[19] Dogs of God, Columbus, the Inquisition, and the Defeat of the Moors, by James Reston, Jr. page 50.



[22] begins


[24] The Journal of Nicholas Cresswell, 1774-1777 pg. 64

[25] This Day in America by John Wagman

[26] This Day in Jewish History

[27] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[28] Index for Old Kentucky Surveys and Grants in Old State House, Fkt. KY. (Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett Page 454.50)

[29] This Day in Jewish History

[30] From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, p. 186.

[31] History of Fayette County, Pennsylvania, 1882 by Franklin Ellis, pg 250.

[32] God in America, How Religious Liberty Shaped America, PBS.


[34] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824

[35] On This Day in America by John Wagman

[36] This Day in Jewish History


[38] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe

[39] This Day in Jewish History

[40]On This Day in America by John Wagman.


[42] Rear Admiral Porter’s position in the Red River became increasingly critical as the water level stubbornly refused to rise, threatening to strand the gunboats. Porter wrote Welles: “I found the fleet at Grand Ecore somewhat in an unpleasant situation…. The rebels are cutting off the supply by diverting different sources of water into other channels, all of which would have been stopped had our Army arrived as far as Shreveport…Had we not heard of the retreat of the Army, I should still have gone on to the end.” (Civil War Naval Chronology 1861-1865 Compiled by Naval History Division, Navy Department, Washington: 1971. pg IV 42)

William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove


[45] April 1865, HISTI 4/14/2003

[46] Timothy S. Good, We saw Lincoln Shot:One Hundred Evewiotness Accounts, Jackson, MS: Univ. Press of Miss., 1995 p. 65-65.

[47] Conspiracy Trial Testimony , Major Theodore McGowan National Archioves, Washington, D.C. M-600.

[48] Dr. Charles Lewale letter, July 1867, Library of Congress, 39th Congress, 39th Congressional Record, 2nd Session, Washington, D.C.

[49] Http://

[50] Memorial to the Jews Deported from France, 1942-1944 by Serge Klarsfeld, page 438.




[54] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1765.


[56] Japans Atomic Bomb: 8/16/2005


[58] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[59] Jerusalem Prayer Team email, March 30, 2011


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