Monday, January 6, 2014

This Day in Goodlove History, January 6, 2014

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Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, and John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, Abraham Lincoln

The Goodlove Family History Website:

The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• • Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.

Birthdays on January 10…

Eliza Bacon

Nicole E. Bindi

Joseph Cabell Jr

Charles C. GODLOVE



Morris Goodlove

Henrietta M. Hodgson Smith

Zelda Kirchner Sackett

Fannie V. McAtee Goodlove

Lota L. Mckee

Eileen J. McLeod Goodlove

Eric A. Nunemaker

Philip Smith

January 6 or 10, 200: Clement, tells us that the Basilidians celebrated the Epiphany, and with it, probably, the Nativity, on 15 or 11 Tybi (10 or 6 January). At any rate this double commemoration became popular, partly because the apparition to the shepherds was considered as one manifestation of Christ's glory, and was added to the greater manifestations celebrated on 6 January; partly because at the baptism-manifestation many codices (e.g. Codex Bezæ) wrongly give the Divine words as sou ei ho houios mou ho agapetos, ego semeron gegenneka se (Thou art my beloved Son, this day have I begotten thee) in lieu of en soi eudokesa (in thee I am well pleased), read in Luke 3:22. Abraham Ecchelensis (Labbe, II, 402) quotes the Constitutions of the Alexandrian Church for a dies Nativitatis et Epiphaniæ in Nicæan times; Epiphanius (Hær., li, ed. Dindorf, 1860, II, 483) quotes an extraordinary semi-Gnostic ceremony at Alexandria in which, on the night of 5-6 January, a cross-stamped Korê was carried in procession round a crypt, to the chant, "Today at this hour Korê gave birth to the Eternal";[1]

January 6, 386: The Presentation was celebrated forty days after. But this calculation starts from January 6, and the feast lasted during the octave of that date. (Peregr. Sylv., ed. Geyer, pp. 75 sq.) Again (p. 101) she mentions as high festivals Easter and Epiphany alone. [2]

387 AD: The influential church leader of Constantinople, John Chrysostom (345-407) at Antioch writes in 387 eight homilies ‘Adversus Judaeos’ (lit: Against the Judaizers). The major source of Chrysostom’s anti-Jewish statements, together with other Christian writers, was the New Testament.[3]


I know that a great number of the faithful have for the Jews a certain respect and hold their ceremonies in reverence. This provokes me to eradicate completerly such a disastrous opinion. I have already brought forward that the synagogoue is worth no more than the theater. Here is what the prophet says, and the prophets are more to ber respected than the Jews [sic]: “But because you have a harlot’s brow, you refused to blush” (Jer. 3:3). But the place where the harlot is prostitueted is the brothel. The synagogue therefore is not only a theater, it is a place of prostituion. , den of thieves and a hiding place of wild animals,…not simpy of animals, but of impure beasts. We read: “ I abandon my house, cast off my heritage” (Jer. 12:7). Now if God has abandoned them, what hope of salvation have they left? They say that they too worship God; but this is not so. None of the Jews, not one of them, is a worshiper of God. It was the Soin of God who told them: “If you knew the Father, you would know me also, but you know either me nor my Father” (cf. John 8:19). Since thay have disowned the Father, crucified the Son, and rejected the Spir4it’s help, who would dare to assert that the synagogue is not a home of demons! God is not worshiped there; it is simply a house of idolatry… The Jews live for their bellies, they crave for the goods of this world. In shamelessness and greed they surpass even pigs and goats… The Jews are possessed by demons, they are handed over to impure spirits…Instead of greeting them and addressing them as much as a word, you should turn away from them as fropm the pest and a plague of the human race.[4]

388 CE: Jews were forbidden from possessing Christian slaves, an attempt to curtail the common practice of taking non-Jewish wives or concubines. The law, which prevented Judaism from competing for converts, ironically promoted Jewish genealogical “purity,” because by the custom of the times, wives automatically became Jews, as did slaves when enfranchised. The enforced separation of Jews and Christians was formalized in 388, when the empire passed a law making intermarriage with Jews a capital offense. Many Jews, increasingly seen as social outcasts, assimilated or converted. From this point forward, Christianity and Judaism would evolve along distinctly different biological as well as religious and cultural tracks.[5]

388 CE: A Christian mob incited by the local bishop plunders and burns down a synagogue in Callinicum. Theodosius I orders punishment for those responsible, and rebuilding the synagogue at the Christian expense. Ambrose of Milan insists in his letter that the whole case be dropped. He interrupts the liturgy in the emperor’s presence with an ultimatum that he would not continue until the case was dropped. Theodosius complies. [6]

January 6, late Fourth Century: In Cyprus, at the end of the fourth century, Epiphanius asserts against the Alogi (Hær., li, 16, 24 in P.G., XLI, 919, 931) that Christ was born on 6 January and baptized on November 8. Ephraem Syrus (whose hymns belong to Epiphany, not to Christmas) proves that Mesopotamia still put the birth feast thirteen days after the winter solstice; i.e. 6 January.[7]

400 CE: Abaye and Rabah-Amoraim of the Babylonian Talmud.

Over a period of several hundred years Jewish scholars who had memorized and studied the Torah and Mishnah would create a new text to explain the relationship between the oral law and the Torah. This enormous commentry on the law was called the Tlamud, froma Hebgrew word that meahs “learning.” Two Jewish communities created Talmuds independently: one in Babylon, the other to the north of Jerusalem. [8]

The Torah, Mishnah, and Talmud created an authoritative written body of Jewsh law and custom (halachah). As a result, even during the Diaspora (the dispersal of the Jewish community) all Jews could look to the halachah for guidance. This ensured that Judaism would remain the same no matter where it was practiced, as all rabbis could draw on the same written sources to teach their congregationsl.[9]

Thus the development of Rabbinic Judaism gave lasting strength to the Jewish faith, saving Judaism from being lost to history like many other ancient religions.[10]

Around 400 C.E.: Around 400 C.E. a tribe of Arabs decided to settle down near the site of the ancient Kaaba shrine. This tribe, the Quraysh, established a city that would eventually be called Makka (Mecca).[11]

Abt. 400 AD

The Hopewells and the Adena cultures appear to have coexisted for about 800 years until about 400 AD. Some accounts claim the Adena Culture continued perhaps 100 years or more after the Hopewells mysteriously vanished, but by the end of the sixth century, both cultures had disappeared, leaving behind only tantalizing remnatnts of their tenure buried in the amazing mounds they had created. [12]

Adena Mound. This mound is found near the Scioto River in Ohio and is maintained within a small park.

The Adena Culture/Shrum Indian Mound. McKinley Avenue—about a half-mile southeast of the intersection with Trabue Road in Columbus, OH. Photos by compiler with Joyce Chandler. Enlarged marker and enlarged plaque.

Marker "The Adena Culture. Native Americans of the Adena culture were some of Ohio's first known settlers. They lived in the upper and middle Ohio Valley during the late Archaic and Early Woodland periods, roughly 1000 B.C.-100 A.D. The Adena people were hunters, gatherers, traders, and farmers. They carved effigy figures, made ceramic pots, built extensive houses, and developed significant burial mounds. These mounds were made of earth, stone, remains of deceased members, and token objects, and were built on uplands near major waterways such as the mound here near the Scioto River. The Ohio Historical Society."

Plaque "Shrum Indian Mound. One of the last remaining earthen mounds in this area of Ohio. Built by Native American people of the Adena Culture (800 BC-100 AD). The Land was deeded to the Ohio Historical Society in 1928 by the Shrum family. Dedicated August 9, 2008 by the Ohio Society National Society Colonial Dames XVII century.".
The photo on the left enlarged

The photo on the left enlarged is taken from the perimeter of the park and gives an accurate picture of the shape of the mound. The picture on the right enlarged is taken from the same side (the rear) and shows a person atop the mound in order to provide "scale" to the photo. A second highway marker at the site is devoted to James E. Campbell, a former governor of Ohio (1890-1892) and was president of the Ohio Archeological and Historical Society (1913-1924).
Adena People. Ancient people in southwestern PA who left two large burial mounds in Washington County. Artifacts (skeletal remains, clay bowls, copper utensils, etc.) indicate habitation some two or three thousand years ago. Mounds in the region vary from the large mound at Moundsville, WVA to smaller mounds found in McKees Rocks, one atop Grant’s Hill (downtown Pittsburgh), and two burial mounds at Monongahela, PA.

The Mounds. Memorial Park in Monongahela, Washington County. Drive uphill on 4th Street to Mound Street—angle left and continue to Park on the left. Photo by compiler with Joyce Chandler. Enlarged Photo.

"Site of two Indian Burial Mounds built between 2,000 and 3,000 years ago by the Adena people. Late 19th century excavations found skeletons, pottery, copper implements, and other antiquities.

"Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission...1954."

These mound builders are believed to be directly related to the other mound builders along the Ohio River and then up the Mississippi to Cahokia, IL (across the river from present-day St. Louis). During the period between 1000 BC and 400 AD, the Adena/Hopewell peoples built the "serpent" mounds near Locust Grove, OH paralleling Ohio Brush Creek. The "serpent" contains no human remains, and—if uncoiled would stretch to more than a quarter-mile (the longest "serpent" mound in the world). The "serpent" effigy was also used by the Maya, Greeks, Chinese, Hindus, and others.

The “digs” in Allegheny County[13] were performed by the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in the late 1890s and predated the more sensitive attitude towards disturbing Indian burial grounds. Persons involved in the unearthing of skeletal remains tell of finding bones of persons who would have measured six-foot seven inches, or more. That these people were tall in stature is no surprise as the Native Americans were, as a rule, several inches taller than the European immigrants. When Lewis & Clark made their noted expedition, they found the Osage Indians in Missouri to average being six-feet tall—with chiefs up to six-feet seven inches.[14]



400 A.D. to 1100 A.D.: Late Woodland: Greater dependency on cultivated food. Larger permanent villages. Effigy mounds.[16]


Abaye and Rabah-Amoraim of the Babylonian Talmud.[17]

St. Jerome

405 A.D.

Jerome (Eusebius Hieronymus) (c.345-419) translates the Latin Vulgate from Hebrew and Greek originals. His guiding practice in general was that in practice that a good translation should express the meaning, not necessarily the actual words, of the original. Jerome’s method of translation has substantially influenced future translators of Scripture.He did not strive for literary excellence. What mattered most was the content, not the literary form. Until the seventh centrurey, the Roman Church used both the Old-Latin version and Jerome’s. But by gradual process Jerome’s version emerged as the standard text. Jerome called his work Translatio Nova, the New Translation, but by the thirteenth century it became known as the “Vulgate”.[20]

405 A.D.: St. Patrick was among thousands taken by boat back to Ireland from Britain by raiders.[21]

408 A.D. Alerec stood on the doorsteps of Rome looking for power, plunder, and food. Alerec’s men surrounded Rome and took over their supply lines and blocked all shipments of grain coming into the city. Gradually Rome began to die from within.[22]

August 24, 410 A.D.: The Roman Empire falls. Rome is invaded. They are the Visigoths. For the first time in 800 years the Eternal city is under siege. For three days Rome is ravaged. Archetectual marvels that stood for centuries are burned to the ground. At the head of the charge is Alerec who once fought on the Romans behalf along its Northern frontier. When he was passed over for a promotion Alerec turned from friend to foe. [23] Rome falls to Germanic tribes called Visigoths. [1] The Visigoths under Alaric begin to pillage Rome for three days. According to tradition, the treasures of the Temples taken by the Romans in 70 now fell into his hands. The Visigoths would move and by the start of the 8th century they had converted to Christianity and established a kingdom on the Iberian peninsula which was “hostile” to its Jewish inhabitants. In 711, Berbers would defeat the Visigoths marking the start of what would be the Golden Ave in Spain for the Jewish people.[24] Alerec died of fever shortly after his historic sacking of Rome. [25]

With Constantine diverting resources to Constantinople, Christianized and Greek-speaking Byzantium thrived, while the western empire fell into steady decline. Rome collapsed in the fifth century as barbarian Huns, Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Franks, and Burgundians carved up the Italian provinces into minor fiefdoms.[26]

January 6, 548: This was the last year the Church in Jerusalem observed the birth of Jesus on this date. (Celebrating Christmas on December 25th began in the late 300s in the Western Church.)[27]

550-700 C.E.: The Babylonian Talmud was clear: “Thy son by an Israelite woman is called thy son, and thy son by a heathen is not called thy son but her son” (Kiddushin 68b). From that point on (circa 550-700 C.E.), the custom was followed by all major branches of Judaism until the late twentieth century, when Jewish aReform, Reconstructionist, Humanist, and Renewal movements in North America relaxed or abolished the use of matrilineal descent as a criterion for Jewishness.

The notion of matrilineal descent is clearly not biblical if we use only the Hebrew Bible as a basis for information. Abraham, Judah, Joseph, Moses, and David all took foreign women as wives. And although it’s hard to figure out how he managed it, Solomon married seven hundred Gentiles and took another three hundred concubines (1 Kings 11). As Shaye J. D. Cohen observes, nowhere is there any indicaqtion that these marriages were invalid, that the children produced by them werwse not Jewish, or that the women were expected to convert to Judaism.[28]

550-1400 A.D.


The Coptic inscription along the top of the lintel names Jesus Christ in the center flanked by the names of the angels Michael, Gabriel, Raphel, Uriel, Yael, and Aphiel. [29]

550-1400 AD


Ceramic bowl, Serra area. [30]

530-1400 A.D.

Coptic inscribed Stele. [31]

• Christian oil lamp.

Prophet Muhammad sets out toward Mecca with the army that will capture it bloodlessly. [33] The Quraysh violated the nonaggression treaty, and in January 630 Muhammad led a 10,000 –man army to Mecca. When the Muslims arrived, they found the Meccans dispirited, and the sity was surrendered without a fight. Muhammad treated the defeated Meccans with mercy, which was more than he could have expected had the outcome been reversed. One of his first actions, though, was to enter the Kaaba and destroy the hundreds of idols located within. From this pont forward the sacred building was to be dedicated to Allah alone. The destruction of the idols showed the people of Mecca how truly powerless their gods had been, and they were grateful for Muhammad’s leniency. Soon most of the Meccans had become Muslims.[34] At first Mohammed “had hoped to find is main supporters among the Jewish tribes” of Arabia. This can be seen in his early adoption of certain laws regarding fasting and facing Jerusalem during prayer. When the Jews refused to accept him as the final line of prophets that had included Abraham and Moses, he turned against the Jews “in a cruel war of extermination.” Mohammed would die two years after the conquest of Mecca but his legacy lives on to this very day.[35]

January 6, 1099: Henry V, Holy Roman Emperor

Henry V

Henry V edit.jpg

Archbishop Ruthard of Mainz and Henry V

Holy Roman Emperor




Henry IV


Lothair III

King of Germany
(Formally King of the Romans)




Henry IV


Lothair III

King of Italy




Conrad II


Conrad III


Matilda of England
m. 1114; dec. 1125


Salian dynasty


Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor


Bertha of Savoy


(1086-08-11)August 11, 1086
Goslar, Saxony


May 23, 1125(1125-05-23) (aged 38)
Utrecht, Friesland


Speyer Cathedral


Roman Catholicism

Henry V (August 11, 1086[1] – May 23, 1125) was King of Germany (from 1099 to 1125) and Holy Roman Emperor (from 1111 to 1125), the fourth and last ruler of the Salian dynasty. Henry's reign coincided with the final phase of the great Investiture Controversy, which had pitted pope against emperor. By the settlement of the Concordat of Worms, he surrendered to the demands of the second generation of Gregorian reformers.


Assumption of power

Henry's parents were Henry IV, Holy Roman Emperor, and Bertha of Savoy. His maternal grandparents were Otto of Savoy and Adelaide of Susa. On January 6, 1099, his father had him crowned King of Germany at Aachen in place of his older brother, the rebel Conrad.[2] Henry took an oath to take no part in the business of the Empire during his father's lifetime, but he was induced by his father's enemies to revolt in 1104, securing a dispensation from the oath by Pope Paschal II,[3] and some of the princes did homage to him at Mainz in January 1105. Despite the initial setbacks of the rebels, Henry IV was forced to abdicate and died soon after.[4] Order was soon restored in Germany, the citizens of Cologne were punished with a fine, and an expedition against Robert II, Count of Flanders, brought this rebel to his knees.[5]

January 6, 1192, despite the weather and everything Saladin threw at them Richard and his army reached the ruined town of Beit Nuba. Jerusalem was now within their grasp. Richard realizes an attack would mean annilation. He turns back. [36]

January 6, 1449: In an unusual move, Constantine XI is crowned Byzantine Emperor at Mistra instead of at Constantinople. His reign would be a short one. He would lose his throne in 1453 when Constantinople fell to the Ottomans under Mehmed II. Constantine was the last Emperor and the last Christian ruler of what was left of the Roman Empire. The Moslem Ottoman Empire would prove to be a haven for Jews fleeing from persecution in Christian Europe. Also, Mehmed worked to insure that a significant portion of the population of Istanbul (the new name for Constantinople) would be Jewish.[37]

January 6, 1481: In Spain, during the Inquisition, the priests inaugurated the fist auto-da-fe.[38]

January 6, 1540: On New Year's Day (January 1) 1540, the King Henry VIII met Anne of Cleves at Rochester, and was chagrined to find that she was not the beauty Holbein had depicted in his portrait of her. The wedding ceremony took place on January 6 at Greenwich, but the marriage was not consummated.[7][39]

January 6, 1540: – Henry VIII marries Anne of Cleves. [40]

Anne of Cleves

Anne of Cleves, by Hans Holbein the Younger.jpg

Portrait by Hans Holbein the Younger, c. 1539. Oil and Tempera on Parchment mounted on canvas, Musée du Louvre, Paris.

Queen consort of England


January 6, 1540 – July 9, 1540


Henry VIII of England


House of La Marck (by birth)
House of Tudor (by marriage)


John III, Duke of Cleves


Maria of Jülich-Berg


(1515-09-22)September 22, 1515
Düsseldorf, Duchy of Berg,
Holy Roman Empire


July 16, 1557(1557-07-16) (aged 41)
Chelsea Manor, England



Roman Catholic, then Anglican and finally again Roman Catholic

Anne of Cleves (German: Anna; September 22, 1515[1] – 16 July 1557) was Queen of England from January 6, 1540 to July 9, 1540 as the fourth wife of King Henry VIII. The marriage was never consummated, and she was not crowned queen consort. Following the annulment of their marriage, Anne was given a generous settlement by the King, and thereafter referred to as the King's Beloved Sister. She lived to see the coronation of Mary I of England, outliving the rest of Henry's wives.[41]

January 6 or 16, 1556: – Charles V resigns the kingdom of Spain Emperor Karel appoints his son Philip II, king of Spain[42]. He also abdicates as Holy Roman Emperor in favour of his brother Ferdinand I, who had been declared Emperor Elect in 1531. [43] He only reserves to himself the imperial dignity. [44]

January 6, 1567: The Earl of Bedford departs for Berwick ; and, on the same day, Joseph Lutyni, one of the household of Mary, leaves Edinburgh on his way to France. [45]

January 6, 1587: The ambassadors of James VI have an audience of Elizabeth, and make various proposals to her to save the life of Mary ; but they could not succeed.

The same day. Destrappes, who had gone to join M. de Bellièvre at Dover, is arrested at Rochester, by the queen's orders, conveyed to London, and committed to the Tower, under the pretence of having been accessary to a plot against the life of Elizabeth. [46]

January 6, 1580: John Smith was baptised on January 6, 1580 at Willoughby[4] near Alford, Lincolnshire, where his parents rented a farm from Lord Willoughby. He claimed descent from the ancient Smith family of Cuerdley[5] Lancashire and was educated at King Edward VI Grammar School, Louth, from 1592–1595.[6][47]

January 6, 1605 – March 27, 1625: Charles I, King of Scots The Duke of York[48]

January 6, 1693: Mehmed IV, the Ottoman Sultan passed away. During his reign, Moses Beberi was appointed ambassador to Sweden. After his death in 1674 his son Yehuda was appointed to the position ambassador. When the Jews of the Ukraine were looking for a place of refuge during the Cossack Uprising Mehmet IV, allowed them to settle on the banks of the Danube in Morea, Kavala, Istanbul and Salonica. The second event happens in 1666. Rabbi Sabetay Sevi declares himself messiah and causes turmoil. Mehmed was also the sultan who had to deal with Sabbati Zevi, the famous false messiah.[49]

January 6, 1695: Philip Smith (b. January 6, 1695 / d. 1743).[50]

January 6, 1706: Birthdate of Benjamin Franklin, printer, publisher, scientist, statesmen and a man who was far greater than his parts. “Franklin knew the Hebrew scriptures (what we call the Bible) very well. He had even suggested that the Great Seal of America depict Moses standing on the shore of the Red Sea, while Pharaoh drowns in his chariot in its midst. The motto at the bottom of the seal would have read: ‘Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.’ You see Franklin was among those Founding Fathers who saw in the American Revolution a replaying of the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt. King George III was the Pharaoh. George Washington was Moses. The Atlantic Ocean was the Red Sea. And, it was as if God were saying to King George: ‘Let my American people go!’ It is also important to point out that when the Jewish community in Philadelphia built their synagogue, which they named “Mikveh Israel,” Franklin contributed to the building fund himself. On July 4, 1788, Franklin was too sick and weak to get out of bed, but the Independence Day parade in Philadelphia marched right under his window. And, as Franklin himself had directed, ‘the clergy of different Christian denominations, with the rabbi of the Jews, walked arm in arm. And when he was carried to his grave two years later, his casket was accompanied by all the clergymen of the city, every one of them, of every faith.”[51]

Sunday January 6, 1754:

George Washington, on his way back to Virginia meets with "17 horses loaded with Materials and Stores for a Fort at the Forks of the Ohio..."(George Washington). [52]

If it is assumed that the road on the Mercer map (Figure 0097) did go to the general area of

present-day Confluence, it can be interpreted more easily to represent the known route of the

Ohio Company road that Braddock later followed. The journal Washington kept during his trip

to Fort Leboeuf with Gist tells of a January 6, 1754 encounter with men headed toward the

present-day Pittsburgh area:

We arrived at Mr. Gist‘s, at Monongahela, the 2d of January,(January 2) where I bought a horse and

saddle. The 6th, we met seventeen horses, loaded with materials and stores for a fort at the fork of the Ohio, and the day after, some families going out to settle. This day, we

arrived at Will‘s Creek…[53]

January 6, 1759: (GW) marries Martha Dandridge Custis, widow of Daniel Parke Custis. Washington assumes parental care of her children, Martha ("Patsy") and John Parke ("Jacky").[54]

January 6, 1762: Joseph CABELL, Jr.
•Born: January 6, 1762, Amherst County, Virginia, USA
•Marriage (1): Pocahontas Rebecca BOLLING in 1783 in Bollingbrook House, Petersburg, Virginia, USA
•Marriage (2): Anne E. BOLLING
•Died: August 31, 1831, Henderson Co., KY aged 69

bullet User ID: P00051729.


bullet General Notes:

Joseph Cabell, Jr., was born January 6, 1762; was first taught by tutors; was at Hampden Sidney in 1778 and 1779; and at William and Mary College from May 4, 1779, to 1781. Although his name does not appear in Mr. Grigsby's list, he was certainly a member of the Phi Beta Kappa Society. His son, Gen. Benjamin Cabell, said that the college boys formed a company, of which Joseph, Jr., was a member, and that this company was attached to the regiment of Col. Joseph Cabell, the elder, at Yorktown. [55]

January 6, 1773

Tuesday rode to Mr. White’s. Appointed to preach tomorrow at Stewart’s crossings.[56]

January 6, 1778: The early courts of Westmoreland County appear by their records to have been regularly held from April 6, 1773, to the second Tuesday of April, 1776. Observe that this last date was but a short time before the meeting of the Provincial Conference at Carpenter’s Hall, Philadelphia, resulting in the great Declaration of Independence by the American colonies. At this session there were orders made relating to township lines, roads, and recognizances in criminal cases; and then there was an interregnum, and there are no records-of any court held for Westmoreland County afterward until January 6, 1778. But the court for Yohogania County continued right along in a varied and extensive business, as will appear from the transcript of its records now publishing. [57]

January 6, 1781: Battle of Jersey.[58]

January 6, 1789: Archibald Crawford, born March 9, 1772 in Culpeper Co. VA., was first found in Upper Howard Creek, Clark Co. KY in 1796. He was also on a reconstructed 1800 census schedule compiled from lists of taxpayers for the state of Kentucky in Clark County. Also shown living in Clark Co. was Austin Crawford, and Valentine Crawford. Archibald married Margaret (Peggy) Brown December 8, 1801 in Clark Co. KY, Margaret was born January 6, 1789. In 1820 he was shown in the Estill Co. KY census with four males, five females and five slaves. Archibald built a home near the Middle Fork of the Kentucky River. In 1850 Breathitt Co KY Archibald at the age of 78 years old is shown as a widow. In his household there are children who probably are his grandchildren. They are Anderson, Abner, and Margaret Bowman, and Evilin and Nancy Spicer. Living several households down is Samuel and Rachel Plummer with daughter, America, age 5 months old. America (Annie) Plummer grew up and married James S. Crawford. James was the grandson of Archibald Crawford. In the 1860 Breathitt Co. KY census Archibald was living with his son, Clabourn Crawford. Archibald died March 27, 1866 in Breathit Co. KY. In 1870 Lee Co. was form out of Breathitt, Owsly, Estill, and Wolf Counties and in the 1870 census this Crawford family was found living in Lee Co. KY.
From Early Pioneers On The Three Forks Of The Kentucky River, written by Miles Crawford: Archibald was a tall thin man nearly 6 and a half foot tall. He wore homespun woolen jeans and linen shirts all year round. In his younger days he wore a long red beard and handlebar mustache. He carried a long scar on his right cheek and neck from an arrow he received when he was shot by they Wyandott Indians in the
Battle of Tippecanoe with the Shawnee and Wyandott Indians in 1811 near the city of Lafayette, Indiana.
Archibald continued to serve with General Harrison in the Northwest Territory and was at the Battle of the Thames in Oct. 1813. He was mustered out in February 1814, and returned to Millers Creek, Estill Co. Archibald came from Clark County to the mouth of Bear Creek about 1812. He built a long two room log house and raised thirteen children. He brought thirty slaves with him. Archibald had been in the War of
1812 as a Sergeant in the Calvary and was granted 20,000 acres landbounty warrant. One ancestor said he had so much land that he "didn't know where the boundaries were." It is know from tax lists and old deeds that the boundaries were all the land between the waters of Bear Creek, Upper and Lower Twin Creek. The 1800-1840 Estill and Breathitt Co. Tax list 20,000 acres of timber land. Most of the land was inherited by his thirteen children and heirs down through the generations. Some has been sold to other people, descendants of Archibald's original slaves still live on part of the original tract. They took the name of Crawford and retain it to the present.
Archibald was a shoe cobbler of sorts, he made shoes from hides he had tanned and put the soles on with dogwood pegs. About everywhere he traveled he always took along his two Jameson (large Kerr type hunting dog) dogs. At age 78 years, Archibald decides he wanted his funeral preached while he was still living, word spread for several miles around about the event. He invited all that could get into the family room of the house, he pulled a coffin made from black walnut whipsawed lumber from under a huge four
poster bed. The coffin was filled with seed corn and asked them to plant it in memory of the event. Rev. John D. Spencer, a hard-shelled Baptist, preached the funeral. Archibald told the crowd that his large four poster bed meant more to him than anything else. He had handmade the bed as a wedding present for his young wife in 1801, she was barely 12 years old when they married, and all of their 13 children were born in that bed and when his time had come he wanted to die in it. Archibald died 16 years later.
The funeral was attended by James Green Trimble who wrote an account of the event and published in the book, "Remembrances Of Breathitt County" published by The Jackson Times, Jackson, Breathitt County, Kentucky.

i. ELIZABETH8 CRAWFORD, b. January 23, 1802, Clark County, Kentucky; d. 1889; m. JAMES D. COPE.
ii. CLAIBORNE CRAWFORD, b. April 16, 1805, Miller's Creek, Clark County, Kentucky; d. August 09, 1895.
iii. LOUVINA CRAWFORD, b. May 22, 1807, Miller's Creek, Clark County, Kentucky; m. JOHN COPE, November 25, 1827.
iv. ORANGE "ARCIE" CRAWFORD, b. May 22, 1807, Miller's Creek, Clark County, Kentucky; d. 1838, Owsley County, Kentucky.
v. CYNTHIA CRAWFORD, b. October 11, 1810, Miller's Creek, Clark County, Kentucky; d. 1860.
vi. VALENTINE CRAWFORD, b. December 23, 1811, Estell County, Kentucky; d. 1859, Breathitt County, Kentucky.
vii. OLIVER CRAWFORD, b. June 28, 1814; d. January 11, 1899, Bear Creek, Estill County, Kentucky.

Oliver purchased 1,000 acres of the John Carmens survey on Miller's Creek, Estell Co., KY. He also
owned 1,100 acres of land on Holly Creek, Wolfe Co., KY.

viii. OWEN CRAWFORD, b. October 19, 1816, Bear Creek, Estill County, Kentucky.

Owen helped manage the family farm which produced 20,000 acres of crops and lumber and supervising the 30 slaves that worked this farm.

ix. MARGARET CRAWFORD, b. October 22, 1818; d. 1921.
x. WILLIAM HARRISON "HARRY" CRAWFORD, b. December 21, 1818, Bear Creek, Estill County, Kentucky; d. November 28, 1864.
xi. MARANDA CRAWFORD, b. April 23, 1821, Estell County, Kentucky; d. Abt. 1850; m. EDWARD SPICER, October 03, 1841, Perry County, Kentucky.
xii. SIMPSON CRAWFORD, SR., b. October 13, 1824, Bear Creek, Estill County, Kentucky; d. 1908, Palo Pinto County, Texas.
xiii. ALBERT G. CRAWFORD, b. February 16, 1826, Bear Creek, Estill County, Kentucky; d. Abt. 1910. [59]

January 6, 1805: Henrietta Mildred Hodgson: 6th cousin, 4x removed of Gerol Lee Goodlove

Henrietta Mildred Hodgson


(1805-01-06)January 6, 1805


November 19, 1891(1891-11-19) (aged 86)



Other names

Henrietta Mildred Smith (married name)

Known for

Great-great-grandmother of Elizabeth II


Oswald Smith


Robert Hodgson
Mary Tucker

•Henrietta Mildred Hodgson (January 6, 1805 – November 19, 1891) was an English lady with both royal and presidential genealogical connections.
•Through her Virginia ancestry, Queen Elizabeth II and her descendants are related to George Washington, the common ancestor of both being Augustine Warner, Jr.
•Life and family
•Born January 6, 1805, Henrietta Mildred was the daughter of the Very Rev. Robert Hodgson (1776–1844), Dean of Carlisle from 1820 until his death; and of Mary Tucker, born in 1778, a daughter of Colonel Martin Tucker. Her parents had married in 1804. Her grandfather was another Robert Hodgson (born 1740), of Congleton in Cheshire.[1][2]
•On March 18, 1824 at St George's, Hanover Square, Westminster, she married Oswald Smith (July 7, 1794 – June 18, 1863) of St Marylebone and Blendon Hall in Kent. The parish register gives one of the few clues to her date of birth, as she is noted as "a minor".[3][4]
•The Smiths had the following children: Isabella Mary (born 24 April 1825, d. 1907) m. 1847 Cadogan Hodgson Cadogan (of Brinkburn Priory), Oswald Augustus (b. 21 October 1826, d. 1902) m. 1856 Rose Sophia Vansittart, Eric Carrington (b. 25 May 1828, d. 1906) m. 1849 Mary Maberly, Laura Charlotte (b. 2 August 1829) m. 1848 Col. Evan Maberly, Beilby (b. 12 August 1830, d. 1831), Frances Dora (29 July 1832, d. 1922) m. 1853 Claude Bowes-Lyon 13th Earl of Strathmore, Marion Henrietta (b. 25 Feb 1835, d. 1897) m.1854 Lt-Col Henry Dorrien Streatfeild (of Chiddingstone Castle).[5][6]
•In 1853 the Smiths' daughter Frances married Claude Bowes-Lyon, later Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne. She thus became the great-grandmother of Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, who was later Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, the mother of Queen Elizabeth II.
•Henrietta Mildred was the grand-daughter of Mildred Porteus, who married the older Robert Hodgson, who was herself the grand-daughter of Robert and Mildred Porteus, until 1720 of Virginia, who in that year moved to Yorkshire. The earlier Mildred Porteus was the daughter of John and Mary Smith, Mary being a daughter of Augustine Warner, Jr. and a sister of Mildred Warner, who married Lawrence Washington (1659–1698) and was the grandmother of the first US President, George Washington.[7]
•Henrietta Mildred Smith died 19 November 1891. At her death, her memorial in All Saints Church, Sanderstead, states:
B. 6. JAN 1805 D. 19. NOV 1891

PROV. XXXV V. 28.'

January 6, 1823: Nicholas Biddle elected president of Second Bank of the United States. [60]

January 6, 1838: Twenty-three months were required for the legal procedure of this docutrent. This time spent in Ohio, after which time, (January 6, 1838) it was ready for the records in Virginia. On January 6, 1838, it was recorded at Parkersburg, Va. (now W. Va.)with the expiration of only nine days after it left the Court of Common Pleas of Joseph Darlington at West Union, county seat of Adams County, Ohio. One interesting point should not be overlooked in the list of heirs, wherein George Crawford is not mentioned as an heir, but only appointed as Power of Attorney, to represent the heirs of the late Col William Crawford and the late Lt. John Crawford. Referring to the letter of Richard Crawford, written and sent to his Uncle David Bradford, wherein Richard mentions the heirs of Lt. John Crawford and George Crawford is not included with this Crawford branch. Yet after the legal papers of the Power of Attorney had reached the Virginia Court at Parkersburg a change took place in the application and George Crawford’s name was placed at the top of the list of heirs. Once it was received in the Virginia Courts, Josias M. Steed became a legal participant and here George Crawford was declared (or declared himself) to be an heir, to share in this family’s wealth of bounty lands, provided by the war services of Lt. John Crawford and Col. William Crawford.

Notice may be taken to the fact that George Crawford had no legal testimony from his own County of Adams in the State of Ohio to represent him as a lawful heir to Cal. William Crawford and Lt. John Crawford. Neither were his children represented in these two instruments.

Whether the legal requirements of the foregoing document were accurately carried out, is not known, though measures were taken to bind and seal the contents and protect the applicants and the Crawford heirs.[61]

January 6, 1840

In 1999, after unsuccessful research effors in Anne Arundel county, research turned to the Hamilton County, (Cincinnati) Ohio area, where Eleanor is bureid, to re-establish available information with the goal of working back to Maryland. Considerable information was obtained from the Genealogy Section of the Cincinnati Public Library and local Cemeteries, most of which confirmed what had been known. One notable exception was Eleanor's date of death that according to tombstone records of Finneytown Cemetery was January 6, 1840.[62] [63]

Rev Ege also reproted Eleanor's date of death as January 5, 1845 rather than the January 6, 1840 that is listed in the tombstone inscription records for Fineytown Cemetery. [64] [65]

In 1842, the family (Julia Amelia Connell, daughter of James Swearingn and Eliza (Mendell) Connell) moved to Upper Sandusky, OHio, where her father, for a time, ran the Walker House, mentioned by Charles Dickens, as a place once visited during his tour of United States.

When children, Julia and Mary, were often permitted to gather unused food from the tables after the dining room had closed. They would play store and sell their wares through a window to the Indians, who were plentiful about Upper Sandusky, at that time. Though not highly lucrative, the enterprose gained popularity among the customers and the Connell girls felt rich with the pennies they collected.[66]

The horses were taken to water in a stream below the tavern. The girls often rode the horse on the watering trips. On one occasion, when Julia and Mary rode bareback on the same horse, the animal descended where the bank was quite steep and when its fron feet slipped into the water to firm ground, it lowered its head to drink and the girls slid forward down its long neck and into the stream. Athe time, many Wyandots were present and amused by the girl’s misfortune and they burst into laughter. The old Chief who know the firls, went into the water and pulled them out and set them back on the horse., As the girls rode away, slightly embarrassed, the Chief and the others were still laughing.[67]

January 6, 1861: Senator Simmon’ speech was delivered on January 6, 1861. In the course of his remarks he attempted to defend the Republican party fro the charge that it was responsible for the sectional crisis and said, among other things, that “The first personal liberty bill…was passed when both houses of the Massachusetts Legislature were Democratic, with a Democratic Governor approving of it; and the negro equality law passed the same month…And that same Governor who signed this personal liberty bill and the negro equality bill, was sent into the Senate for the best office in New England, nominated by Mr. Polk, and every Democratic Senator voted for him…” [68]

Wed. January 6, 1864

Went to Iowa city on stage slinger very cold left for davenport at 11:00 arrived at 2:40 took breakfast at the Penn house 4 ½ very sleepy[69]

January 6th, 1865

The 6th of January, 1865, the Twenty-fourth bade farewell to the Shenandoah Valley, and was thoroughly chilled by standing four hours in a freezing rain while the train was loaded. Dripping wet, the entire brigade of the 24th was crowded aboard the train cars. The fortunate were packed into the boxcars, but many had to suffer the elements in open flatcars or atop the boxcars. The regiment disembarked at Camp Carroll near Baltimore, Maryland.[70] The regiment was there quartered in stables, which the troops claimed had mjust been evacuated by horses because it only had a roof,[71] an insult which could have been nowhere else offered to troops who had proudly borne the colors of the Union at Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Vicksburg, Jackson, Sabine Cross Roads, Winchester, Fisher’s Hill, and Cedar Creek.[72]

Camp guards were posted, but peddler women soon swarmed along the guard line Rigbyu reported, “some of the western outlaws had the audacity to run by the guard and got to town.” The Iowans stole some of “Uncle Sam’s hay to make beds,” and throwing their tents over the horse stall, Ribby’s mess mates set up a small portable stove and slept comfortably. A fight developed during the night between some western and eastern regiments in which side arms, guns, and brickbats were used freely. Rigby reported that several men were wounded though not seriously, and the 24th had not been involved. The temperate private reportede the eastern regiments were generally drunk and riotous, but not so with the 24th. A commotion was raised when a sutler set up in camp, while the women peddlers were kept beyond the guards. An unsuccessful attempt was made to drive the sutler out by the temperance regiment’s eastern neighbors.[73]

January 6, 1865[74]

The Twenty-forth Iowa left Winchester and proceeded by rail to Baltimore, thence by steamship to Savannah, Ga., where it went into camp and remained for two months. It then moved to Morehead City N. C., and, from that point, to Goldboro and Raleigh, escorting transportation trains. After the surrender of the rebel General Johnston’s army, it returned to Savannah, moved thence to Augusta, Ga. with the Twenty-second and Twenty-eighth Iowa, crosses the river at Augusta and went into camp near the town of Hamburg, S. C., where it remained until the 6th of June, when, with the other Iowa regiments[75], it was ordered to return to Savannah.[76]

January 6, 1870: Back in Jackson County Sim Whitsett married Martha M. Hall on January 6, 1870. He joined the church of his parents in Lee’s Summit where he made his home. He and Martha had a daughter Mary who died in 1872 when she was about a year and a half old. Daughters Helen (born April 7, 1873) and Annie E. Whitsett followed. Martha died in 1878 and on February 26, 1880 Simeon remarried, to Margaret Angelina (Lena) Arnold in Cass County, Missouri. They had three children, Minnie, born in 1882, Mary, born in 1884 and John Lee, born in 1886. [77]

January 6, 1894: Indiana Hassie Powell (b. February 3, 1867 in GA / d. January 6, 1894[78])

January 6, 1895: The attitude of the Catholic Church in this country towards secret societies was formulated January 6, 1895, by the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Cincinnati, apparently with the sanction of the Holy See. This pronunciamento was directed primarily against the Odd Fellows, the Knight of Pythias, and the Sons of Temperance, but included all similar secret orders. They were condemned, first because they tned to lead Catholics to Freemasonry which is “under the absolute condemnation and excommunication of the Church” and indulges in a “Satanic warfare against everything Christian,” secondly, because they “weaken a Catholic’s regard for the doctrines of the Church” and “inculcate morality without the help of the Church,” and, thirdly, because Catholics who join these secret orders tend to become “cool in their loyalty to the Church.[79]

January 6, 1912 Wegener publicized his first thoughts about continental drift in a lecture at a session of the Geologischen Vereinigung at the Senckenberg-Museum, Frankfurt am Main and in three articles in the journal Petermanns Geographischen Mitteilungen.[5] [80]

January 6, 1916

Ed Andrews, Dell Andrews and Harold Goodlove were Cedar Rapids visitors Friday.[81]

January 6, 1916

Willis Goodlove has been quite ill with the grip for several days.[82]

January 6, 1916

Mr. William Goodlove, who last week had pneumonia, is getting better, but Mrs. Goodlove has been very sick this week.[83]

January 6, 1929: In 1862, William enlisted in the service of the Union Army. During his term of service he kept a diary which is very interest­ing. After his discharge at Davenport, Iowa, he returned to his former home until he married Sarah Catherine Pyle, June 20, 1866, in Hastings, Minnesota. Sarah was born May 15, 1844, in Moorefield Township, Clark County, Ohio, daughter of John Ingraham Pyle and Catherine (Myers) Pyle. Sarah died Jan­uary 6, 1929 and is buried at Jordan’s Grove. Prior to her mar­riage, Sarah was a school teacher. To their union was born seven children: Nettie, Willis, Oscar, Cora, Earl, and Jessie, whose twin died at birth. [84]

January 6, 1936: Calvin married Christina Annie Stogner (b. June 11, 1867 in GA / d. January 6, 1936) on May 21, 1882 in GA.[85]

January 6, 1942: Molotov hands over information on mass graves. [86]
Morrison in the Pacific

On January 6, 1944, Morrison cleared Puget Sound for a heavy-weather shakedown run to San Diego. [87]

January 6, 1962 Columnist Drew Pearson makes a public prediction: “J. Edgar

Hoover doesn’t like taking a back seat, as he calls it, to a young kid like Bobby [Kennedy] . . . and he’ll be

eased out if there is not too much of a
furor.” [88]

January 6 to January 29, 1966: During the final weeks of Vatican II, there was read a Papal document, a Special Jubilee from January 6 to January 29, 1966; among other things it granted confessors power to absolve penitents from censure incurred for belonging to the Masonic Order or other forbidden societies.[89]



[3], Your People, My People by A. Roy Eckardt, page 17.

[4] Your People, My People by A. Roy Eckardt, page 17-18.

[5] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine. Page 127.



[8], Introducing Islam by Dr. Shams Inati, pg 42.

[9] Introducing Islam by Dr. Shams Inati, pg 42.

[10] Introducing Islam by Dr. Shams Inati, pg 42.

[11] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 64.

[12] That Dark and Bloody River by Allan W. Eckert, xviii

[13] Allegheny County. County formed out of Westmoreland and Washington Counties on September 24, 1788. Named for the Allegheny River—justifiably so, as it comprised most of PA northwest of the Allegheny River. County seat of Pittsburgh was laid-out in 1764. Population in 1790 Census was 10,309.


[15] Henshel’s Indian Museum, Elkhart Lake, WI July 23, 2011.

[16] Henshel’s Indian Museum, Elkhart Lake, WI July 23, 2011.

[17] Chain of Tradition-Kohanim through the Ages . DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004, pg 115.

[18] The Art Museum, Austin TX. February 11, 2012

[19] Art Museum, Austin, TX February 11, 2012.

[20] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 28-29.

[21] Saint Patrick: The Man, the Myth, 1997, HISTI.

[22] The Dark Ages, HISTI, 3/4/2007

[23] The Dark Ages, HISTI, 3/4/2007

[24] [1] Engineering an Empire, The Byzantines, HISTI, 2006.

[25] The Dark Ages, HISTI, 3/4/2007

[26] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine. Page 127.


[28] Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History, by David B. Goldstein page 77.

[29] University of Chicago. Photo by JG.

[30] Oriental Museum, University of Chicago. 12/1/2008 Photo by JG.

[31] Oriental Museum, University of Chicago, 12/20/2008

[32] Oriental Museum, University of Chicago, 12/20/2008 Photo by Jeff Goodlove


[34] Introducing Islam, Dr. Shams Inati, page 70.


[36] Warriors, Richard th Lionheart and Saladin, MIL 8/11/2009

[37] http //


[39] Wikipedia


[41] Wikipedia






[47] Wikipedia

[48] Wikipedia


[50] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe



[53] In Search of Turkey Foot Road, page 90-91.


[55] The McKenney-Hall Portrait Gallery of American Indians by James D. Horan page 324.

[56] Diary of David McClure, Doctor of Divinity 1748-1820 with notes by Franklin B. Dexter, M.A. 1899. pg.107.




[60] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824

[61] From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U.; Emahiser, 1969, pp. 246-247.

[62] (Hamilton County Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions, Rober Craig, Volume II, page 22-23) some five years different than Rev. Ege reported.

[63] (

[64] (Hamilton County Ohio Cemetery Inscriptions, Robert Craig, Vol. II, Pages 22-23, and Historical & Philosophical Society of Ohio, October 1953, Bulletin No 4. Pages 340-341.)


[66] From River Clyde, page 267.

[67] From River Clyde, page 267

[68] Cong. Globe, 36 Congress, 2 session, part 1 (January 16, 1861), p. 407.

[69] William Harrion oodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeff Goodlove

[70] A History of the 24th Iowa Infantry by Harvey H Kimball, August 1974, page 190.

[71] A History of the 24th Iowa Infantry by Harvey H Kimball, August 1974, page 190.

[72]History of the 24th Infantry.

[73] A History of the 24th Iowa Infantry by Harvey H Kimball, August 1974, page 190.

[74] Moved to Baltimore, Md., January 6-7.

UNION IOWA VOLUNTEERS, 24th Regiment, Iowa Infantry:

[75] The Iowa State Memorial is located on the South Loop, Union Avenue at milepost 15.3 of the park tour road. It was dedicated on November 15, 1906 and construction completed in 1912 at a cost of $100,000. The memorial was constructed of Vermont white granite. The Greek-Doric structure is semi-elipsed with six bronze relief panels which depict successive engagements in the Vicksburg Campaign. The sculptured works were made of bronze by H.H. Kitson. (Vicksburg National Military park. stm.htm

[76] Roster of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion, Vol. III 24th Regiment by Guy E. Logan.

http://www.usgennet. org/usa/ia/county/linn/civil war/24th/24 history p2.htm


[78] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe

[79] The Ku Klux Klan: A Study of the American Mind, by John Moffatt Mecklin, Ph. D, 1924, page 213-214.


[81] Winton Goodlove papers.

[82] Winton Goodlove papers.

[83] Winton Goodlove papers.

[84] Winton Goodlove:A History of Central City Ia and the Surrounding Area Book ll 1999

[85] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe





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