Friday, December 19, 2014

This Day in Goodlove History, December 19, 2014

11,945 names…11,945 stories…11,945 memories…
This Day in Goodlove History, December 19, 2014

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Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Theodore Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, and Abraham Lincoln.

The Goodlove Family History Website:

The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• • Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004

December 19, 497 BC: As a god of agricultural bounty, Saturn embodied prosperity and wealth in general. The name of his consort Ops, whose festival Opalia was celebrated December 19, meant "Wealth, Resources." The Temple of Saturn, the ruins of which still stand, housed the state treasury (aerarium Saturni), and was the administrative headquarters of the quaestors, the public officials whose duties included oversight of the mint. It was among the oldest cult sites in Rome, and had been the location of "a very ancient" altar (ara) even before the building of the first temple in 497 BC.[60][1]

496 B.C.

Jeremiah and Ezekiel- Major prophets.[2]

495 BCE:

The earliest of the 100 Aramaic papyruses and 350 Aramaic ostraca found at Elephantine is executed. Nearly all these documents reflect the legal and political activities of the 5th-century Jewish colony, which largely follows common Aramaic practice. In contrast to later rabbinic law, for example, women engage in business and initiate divorce actions. These Jews live among Gentiles and evidence no use of Hebrew. Among their literary texts is an Aramaic version of the proverbs of the Assyrian courtier, Ahiqar.[3]

490C. The Battle of Marathon.[4]

490 BCE: Judah’s numbers grow as more exiles return from Babylon. It would seem the high priest administers Persian rule, accusing local Jews of sedition to insure Persian support.[5]

490-470 BC: Joiakim, High Priest of Israel, son of Joshua, ca. 490-470 BC.[6] Joiakim (high priest)

The mystery surrounding the identity of Joiakim is rather convoluted. Biblical texts seem to conflict with one another, as we will detail. In a similar fashion the history of Josephus (Antiq. 11:121) mentions Joiakim, or 'Joacim' but does not include many details regarding his identity or role.

Biblical Citations
-1 Esdras 3:9; 5:5 (Joiakim is referred to as the son of Zerubbabel) The Esdras genealogy of Zerubbabel's sons is considered to be highly confused. [1] [2]
-1 Chronicles 3:19 (Does not mention Joiakim as son of Zerubbabel, and there is no reference to Joiakim's role as a priest of the David line)[3]
-Judith 4:6-7; 4:8; 4:14; 15:8 (Recognizes Joiakim as a High Priest that hold religious and military authority)[2]
-Because there is no evidence that a high priest would exercise such a wide range of powers, some scholars believe that Joiakim may be a pseudonym for a person from either the Hasmonean period, the time of Trajan or Hadrian, or as a "representative figure of the priesthood in general."[4]
-Nehemiah 12:10, 26 However, "this list is artificial and problematic, but its existence reflects the importance of priests and Levites in this period." [1] (Identifies Joiakim as a High Priest, the son of Jeshua)[3]
-Susanna 1:1,4,6,28,29,63 (The book of Susanna states that Joiakim was the husband of Susanna, a very rich man living in Babylon and the most honored Jew of them all, however according the New Oxford Annotated Bible it appears that this Joiakim is not connected to other Joaikim's in the Bible (confirmed by Josephus))[2]

-Joiakim may have aided in he rebuilding of the temple, if he was a son of Joshua.[5]
-Joiakim is also labeled as a contemporary of Esdras[6]
-Joiakim and Esdras may even have worked alongside on another, filling the Priestly role; Joiakim is called the "High Priest" while Esdras is referred to as the "Principal Priest of the People".[7]
-Due to the prominent role of Esdras, as evidenced in Ant. 11:120-11:158, theories have been suggested that Esdras actually replaced Joiakim as High Priest.
-Josephus used unknown sources to conclude the following, "And it was his [Ezra's] fate, after being honoured by the people, to die an old man to be buried with great magnificence in Jerusalem. About the same time also died the high priest Joakeimos, whom his son Eliashib succeeded in the high priesthood[8]
-The combination of 1 Esdras and the way Josephus interpreted certain biblical passages, lead him to believe Joiakim and Ezra were contemporaries.
-Josephus also took liberties to fill in the gaps between Ezra 6 and 7,"in which one jumps from the reign of Darius I (522-486 BCE) to that of Artaxerses I (465-424 BCE) by relating the Ezra story to the days of the intervening monarch Xerxes. For this maneuver, he found support in Nehemiah 12, which seems to make Ezra the contemporary of the second high priest Joiakim who very likely served during Xerxes' reign."[7]

486 BCE: Xerxes is probably the King Ahasueras (Persian, Khshayarsha) remembered in the biblical story of Esther.[8]

486-465 B.C.

Queen Vashtl is deposed. The events in Ester took place during the reign of Xerxes (486-465 B.C.). Ester 1:1-4:17.[9]



486 to 465 B.C.

From Darius to Artaxerxes I (485—425)

The early part of this period for Judah is obscure. The last years of the reign of Darius were especially marked by unrest; Egypt re­belled. Some unrest may have been created in Judah, though it probably was stirred up by the local enemies of the Jews (Ezra iv 6) rather than by the Jews themselves. Such seems to have been the case especially at the beginning of a new regime. A Jewish revolt of major proportions in 485 B.c. does not appear probable. Rather, despite every encouragement from the Persian authorities, mat­ters do not seem to have improved after the completion of the tem­ple. Much of the trouble was due, in all probability, to the lack of dynamic leadership in the community after the disappearance of Zerubbabel. The relationship of the returnees to the people of the land—both the Jews who remained after 586 and the Samaritans— was never quite clear until the coming of Nehemiah. The territory occupied by the returned Jews was at best small—the area of Jeru­salem and its environs as far as Mizpah and Jericho toward the north and east, and Keilah, Beth-zur, and Tekoa toward the south; the valleys toward the west remained in other hands. Lack of clear-cut title to the land must have been discouraging, making for a half-hearted life and provoking just enough concern to eke out the barest existence for the majority of people. The upper classes manip­ulated their way to much better situations, especially after the voices of Haggai and Zechariah had been quieted. [12]

The book of Ezra covers a time period of eighty years, beginning with Cyrus’s proclamation in 538 B.C. and ending with Ezra’s arrival in Jerusalem in 458 B.C. Ezra 1:1-4. [13]

486-424 BCE

10 ton Colossal Bulls head, reign of Xerxes and Artaxerxes, 486-424 B.C. Persepolus, 100 column hall, Iran.[14]

Photographer Sherri Maxson at the Oriental Museum at the University of Chicago, 12/20/2008.

480 B.C.

Judgment on Israel’s Enemies. Zachariah’s final prophecies are undated, but they are thought to have been given as late as 480 B.C. Zechariah 9:1-17.[15]

December 19, 324: Licinius abdicates his position as Emperor leaving Constatine I, “the first Christian Emperor” in control of the Roman Empire much to the detriment of the Jewish people.[16]

324 C.E.: By the early 100s CE, several Christians mentioned a particular Bethlehem cave as the spot where Jesus was born. When Constantine’s mother, Helena, came to the region in 324 CE looking for holy sites, she built a church over the cave.[17]

324-640 CE: Under Bysantine rule (324-640CE), Christianity is introduced in Israel and many anti-Jewish laws are enacted.[18]

December 19, 1154: Coronation of Henry II, King of England. With the restoration of order under Henry II, conditions of the Jews improved markedly. Within five years of his accession Jews are found at London, Oxford, Cambridge, Norwich, Thetford, Bungay, Canterbury, Winchester, Newport, Stafford, Windsor, and Reading. Yet they were not permitted to bury their dead elsewhere than in London, a restriction which was not removed till 1177. Their spread throughout the country enabled the king to draw upon them as occasion demanded; he repaid them by demand notes on the sheriffs of the counties, who accounted for payments thus made in the half-yearly accounts on the pipe rolls (see Aaron of Lincoln). Richard "Strongbow" de Clare's conquest of Ireland in 1170 was financed by Josce, a Jew of Gloucester; and the king accordingly fined Josce for having lent money to those under his displeasure. As a rule, however, Henry II does not appear to have limited in any way the financial activity of Jews. The favourable position of the English Jews was shown, among other things, by the visit of Abraham ibn Ezra in 1158, by that of Isaac of Chernigov in 1181, and by …[19]


1155: Carmelite order founded, Pope Hadrian bestows Ireland on Henry II, Arnold of Brescia hanged (see 1144), Henry II abolishes fiscal earldoms and restores royal demesne, Genghis Khan born, Henry II chooses Tomas a Becket as chancellor, Adrian IV grants Henry II right to rule Ireland, Appoints Thomas a Becket Chancellor, gets papal approval to invade Ireland, Charter of Lorris (France) spells out freedoms, Earliest record of fire insurance in Iceland. [21]

1156: War of Japanese clans Taira and Minamoto, Austria made a duchy with special privileges, Frederick Barbarossa marries Beatrice, heiress of Upper Burgundy, possible quake in Syria, Japan - Heian period ends in civil war, Civil wars ravage Japan until 1185, Japanese Hogen and Heiji insurrections - Taira samurai clan dominates at court. [22]

1157: Eric of Sweden conquers Finland and imposes Christianity, Kurenberg becomes the first German famous minnesinger, possible quake in Syria, Title of “Holy Roman Emperor” formally adopted by Frederick Barbarossa, Death of Alfonso VII King of Castile Spain. [23]

1158: Frederick Barbarossa makes Vladislav II King of Bohemia, Construction of cathedral in Oxford, Munich becomes center of salt trade, Alfonso VIII King of Castile to 1214, First European university founded at Bologna, Italy, University of Bologna founded. [24]

1159 Jews expelled from Silesia, resettled to Poland.[25] Jews from North Eastern Germany go to central Poland and Krakow in 1159. [2][26] Death of Pope Hadrian IV – great Pope Alexander III elected, Alexander III becomes Pope to 1181 as English pope Adrian IV dies, Henry II Levies scutage – payment in cash instead of military service. [27]

December 19, 1187:Pope Clement III (Paulino Scolari) appointed[28] Clement III elected Pope. Clement III was no friend of the Jews. In the aftermath of the First Crusaders violent march through the Rhine, Henry IV, the Holy Roman Emperor sought to allow Jews who had been forced to convert to return to Judaism. Pope Clement III opposed Henry on this insisting that the Jews, no matter how they had come to the Church, could not leave it. To his credit, Henry ignored the Pope. He went so far as to find those who had killed his Jewish subjects and bring them to justice. From the Jewish point of view, Henry was the exception to the norm among European Princes and Prelates. We should remember him for this and not for shivering in the winter as he did penance before an arrogant prince of the Church.[29]


December 19, 1333 or January 28, 1334[120]

July 1, 1348

Was betrothed to Pedro of Castile but died of the plague en route to Castile before the marriage could take place. Pedro's two daughters from his 2nd marriage would later marry Joan's younger brothers John and Edmund.

December 19, 1154: Henry II

King of England (more...)


October 25, 1154 – July 6, 1189


December 19, 1154




Richard I

Junior king

Henry the Young King


Eleanor of Aquitaine


•Geoffrey, Archbishop of York
•William IX, Count of Poitiers
•Henry the Young King
•Richard I, King of England
•Geoffrey II, Duke of Brittany
•Matilda, Duchess of Saxony
•Eleanor, Queen of CastileL
•Joan, Queen of Sicily, Countess of Toulouse
•John, King of England
•William Longespée, 3rd Earl of Salisbury


House of Plantagenet


Geoffrey V, Count of Anjou


Matilda of England


December 19, 1370: Pope Urban V passed away. Urban issued a bull entitled “Sicuti judaeis non debet” that forbade the molestation of Jews and condemned the forced baptism of Jews.[31]

December 19, 1568: The Queen of Scotland, informed of the calumnies propagated against her by the agents of Murray and by Murray himself, sends to the commissioners, on the 19th December, a protest against these false accusations, and at the same time against her abdication. [32]

December 19, 1640: Lord Keeper Finch was impeached December 19, and he consequently fled to the Hague with Charles's permission. [33]

December 19, 1663:


December 19, 1663

July 15, 1665 (aged 1)

Not legitimised.


December 19, 1732

Benjamin Franklin’s Poor Richard’s Almanac is published, in Philadelphia.[35] He publishes under the name of Richard Saunders. A rival, The American Almanack had already been published for some twenty years. Some of his sayings were “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy wealthy and wise.” Eat to live, and not live to eat.” “A penny saved is a penny earned.” Franklin sold 10,000 almanacs a year. He franchised his printing business and was very successful. [36]


The small village of Werneck is situated along the Wern river. Here you can find a castle built in 1733-34 by the architect Balthasar Neumann.

December 19, 1750: "Andrew Vance lived near Zane's Iron Works, Va., but he died in Lancaster Co., Pa. and is buried there in the Donegal Churchyard.

"The will of Andrew Vance, date December 19, 1750, probated April 2, 1754, Frederick Co., Va. Will Book 2, page 114:



December 19, 1752, Frederick Co., Virginia Will Book 2, Page 114.
Andrew Vance devises as follows: To his three sons, Samuel, Andrew & Alexander Vance all his lands; A part to his wife Jane Vance; to his son John Vance, 5 shillings, no more, no less; wife the home and five acres till her death then to his three sons. Signed the mark of Andrew Vance, in the presence of Thomas Builer, John Cook and William Huston. [38]

December 19, 1766

The English Parliament suspends the New York Legislature for voting against the Quartering Act.[39]


1767 - Daniel McKinnon II of Clark Co., Ohio born April 19th, according to records of several descendants.[40]

I suggest that Daniel McKinnon’s parents were companions of William Crawford when he moved his family across the Alleghenies to Steward’s Crossing in 1766, based on Daniel’s birth date of 1767 and Crawford’s affidavit confirming the 1766 move of his family.[41]

I would like to obtain information which places Daniel’s parents

in Orange County, Virginia, and confirmation of the birth date of Daniel McKinnon; and also the relationship of McKinnon to William Crawford and Lawrence and Richard Harrison. Since Daniel McKinnon was 45 years younger than William Crawford, I am suggesting that Daniel’s father may have been the “close connection to Col. Crawford.” [42]

c. Evidence that Daniel McKinnon and William Crawford were associated appeared in the Logan County, Ohio, History on page 86 (Ref#6.1) “Mr. McKinnon was a close connection of Col. Crawford’s and moved to Kentucky where he lived a short time, and then came to what is now Clarke Co...”[43]


In 1767 (Lawrence Harrison) bought 267 acres including Fort Necessity in right George Washington.

A Chronological Listing of Events In the Lives of. Andrew Harrison, Sr. of Essex County, Virginia. Andrew Harrison, Jr. of Essex and Orange Counties,...[44]


“Lawrence Harrison, in right of George Washington, located’ 267 acres in Augusta County, Virginia, embracing Fort Necessity, in 1767.” [45]

The Crawford-Washington Deal

It appears to me very clearly that these settlers knew they were trespassing into Indian territory that had not been gained yet by treaty with the Indians. [46]The influence that George Washington had on these settlers was expressed in a book (Ref#34) entitled “West Virginia - A Bicentennial History.” On page 14 it explained that The deal that Washington offered Crawford in 1767 was representative of what became a familiar and mutually advantageous relationship.”

To Crawford, Washington had written “Any person who neglects the present opportunity of hunting out good lands, and in some measure marking and distinguishing them for his own, in order to keep others from settling them, will never regain it.”

Washington proposed that Crawford search out desirable lands while Washington took care of securing the titles and underwrote the cost of surveying and patenting. Washington said also “You (Crawford) shall then have such a reasonable proportion of the whole as we may fix upon at our first meeting....” and the article went on that “This was an arrangement that would be seen again and again in West Virginia”.

William Crawford knew George Washington quite well and no doubt put his trust and life on the line in business as well as in military endeavors for Washington.[47]

1767 Daughter Nancy born to Ann Connell. Letter from George Washington to Crawford to survey land in defiance of proclamation.[48]


. By 1767 John Stephenson was a batteau man at the Fort Pitt trading post of Baynton, Wharton and Morgan.[49][50] A partner of the Philadelphia company, Samuel Wharton, had been a member of the Ohio Company, with John Mercer of Virginia.[51] [52]


Townshend Actsw passed; non-importtation boycott begins.[53]

December 19, 1778: Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (December 19, 1778 – October 19, 1851).

1793 - December 19 - An act for opening navigation in the South Fork and Stoner's Fork of Licking was approved by the General Assembly. Benjamin Harrison, John Wall and Isaac Riddle were appointed Commissioners to receive subscriptions in money, labor and property to raise a fund for clearing and opening navigation of the South Fork, from the mouth thereof to the junction of Hinkston and Stoner. [54]

1793 – December 19 - Benjamin Harrison was appointed Brigadier General of the 4th Brigade, 2nd Division, Kentucky Militia, commanding the 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th Regiments from Scott, Bourbon and Mason Counties. [55]

* * *


1794 – Little Turkey, was finally recognized by all Cherokee as Principal Chief of the Cherokee Nation. At this time, the Cherokee National Council was formally established as the legislative body of the nation. However, the two most populous groups, the Upper Towns (who favored acculturation and remaining in the East) and the Lower Towns (who favored maintaining older customs, though they also were highly acculturated, and emigrating to the West), remain estranged from each other with each having their own regional council; in addition, the towns of the Overhill area had their own council at Chota. The Hill and the Valley Towns in North Carolina remain largely isolated, and, with the town of Etowah in what later becomes North Georgia, the most conservative.[56]


Although political prohibitions were lifted, other restrictions on Jewish equality remained. In 1794, Pennsylvania outlawed business activities on Sunday. The intent of the law was to honor the Christian Sabbath, but the effect on Jews was discriminatory. The law, in effect, limited observant Jews to working only five days per week, while Christans worked six. While Christians were free to open shops on the Jewish Sabbath, Jews were forbidden from opening their shops on the Christian Sabbath.[57]

December 19, 1798: Lady Mary Fitz-Clarence4 b. December 19, 1798, d. July 13, 1864[58]

Lady Mary Fox

December 19, 1798

July 13, 1864

Married Charles Richard Fox, no issue.


December 19, 1806: At a public sale the land was struck off to the highest bidder - Richard Jones Waters for 420.00. Witnesses to the deed - George Ruddell, J. Culbertson. Acknowledged December 19, (1806?) by George Wilson, Sheriff. [60]

December 19, 1809: John C. Calhoun

John C. Calhoun in 1849

7th Vice President of the United States

In office
March 4, 1825 – December 28, 1832


John Quincy Adams
Andrew Jackson

Preceded by

Daniel Tompkins

Succeeded by

Martin Van Buren

16th United States Secretary of State

In office
April 1, 1844 – March 10, 1845


John Tyler

Preceded by

Abel Upshur

Succeeded by

James Buchanan

10th United States Secretary of War

In office
October 8, 1817 – March 4, 1825


James Monroe

Preceded by

William Crawford

Succeeded by

James Barbour

United States Senator
from South Carolina

In office
November 26, 1845 – March 31, 1850

Preceded by

Daniel Huger

Succeeded by

Franklin Elmore

In office
December 29, 1832 – March 4, 1843

Preceded by

Robert Hayne

Succeeded by

Daniel Huger

Member of the U.S. House of Representatives
from South Carolina's 6th district

In office
March 4, 1811 – November 3, 1817

Preceded by

Joseph Calhoun

Succeeded by

Eldred Simkins

Member of the South Carolina House of Representatives from Abbeville District

In office
November 28, 1808 – December 19, 1809[61]

December 19, 1829: Johann Gutleben married Anna Maria BRAESCH, daughter of Mathias BRAESCH and Anna Maria LAMEY, on December 3, 1818. Anna was born in 1766 and died on December 19, 1829 at age 63.

The child from this marriage was:

3 M i. John GUTLEBEN was born on July 13, 1801 in Muhlbach,Munster,Colmar,Upper Rhine,Alsace and died on April 18, 1862 at age 60.

John married Barbe HUCK (d. December 20, 1865) on March 24, 1822. [62]

December 19, 1829 – The State of Georgia passes an act appropriating the lands of the Cherokee Nation within the territorial limits claimed by Georgia, and extending the laws of that state to all persons living within its boundaries. The State of Alabama does likewise. The Georgia act stipulated that all laws of the Cherokee Nation were null and void, prohibited the election of any officers, and declared that no Cherokee can testify in court against any white person.[63]

December 19, 1831

Monday, December 19, 1831.
New Salem, IL.

Lincoln and Charles Maltby witness deed for John M. Camron to David Whary. Camron deeds Lot 12 on the ______ side of Main Street in first New Salem survey.Deed Book E, 309.


December 19, 1839: SAMUEL CLARK CRAWFORD, b. September 17, 1837; d. December 19, 1839.[65]

December 19, 1881: Mary Jane Duncan. Born on December 19, 1881 in Mitchell County, Kansas. Mary Jane died in Hennessey, Oklahoma on August 20, 1933; she was 51. Buried in Hennessey, Oklahoma, Oak Grove Cemetery.

On November 16, 1896 when Mary Jane was 14, she married Patrick O’HERN, in Kingfisher County, Oklahoma.[66]

December 19, 1890

Tchaikovsky's Queen of Spades has its première at the Mariinsky Theatre in St Petersburg. [67]

December 19, 1910: Charles Smith12 [Gabriel D. Smith11 , Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. August 19, 1833 in Franklin co. GA / d. November 12, 1907 in Carroll Co. G A) married Sarah Jane Barrow (b. October 29, 1829 in Upson Co. GA / d. December 19, 1910) on November 14, 1852 in Carroll Co. GA.[68]

December 1928: Zodiac mosaics in ancient synagogues

Walter Zanger • 08/24/2012

AN INCREDIBLE FIND. In December 1928, a work crew from kibbutz Beth Alpha was digging a drainage channel when mosaic pieces began to appear in their shovel loads.

Ein Harod is a spring that rises in the valley of Jezreel at the foot of Mt. Gilboa. Gideon gathered his men there to sort out the good soldiers from the bad ones (Judges 7). From the pool, the spring makes its weary and meandering way east down the valley for some 18 km, passing through Beth-Shean to empty into the Jordan River.

A thousand years of neglect had resulted in a valley full of silted and blocked-up waterways creating a marshy and swampy landscape as the spring of Harod—and half a dozen other springs that empty into it—filled the land with water faster than the natural outlets—now blocked—could drain it.

That was the scene that greeted the first modern settlers of the valley of Jezreel. And it was obvious that their first task, if they hoped to farm this land, was to drain the swamps. Thus it happened that at the end of December 1928 a work crew from kibbutz Beth Alpha (founded 6 years earlier) was digging yet another drainage canal when someone’s shovel started picking up pieces of mosaic. [69]

[December 1936]

[. . .] On the Monday evening before Christmas we had an event at The Shack that really was one of the finest of the whole Christmas season. Mr. Parsons, one of the case workers decided it would be a grand idea to have a Christmas dinner for the sinle old men on Relief. So a large number of various groups began working on the idea. The men began coming at noon - and by night there was a Shack Full of them . . . . . . My what a wonderful time they did have. The Richard Restaurant had cooked some huge pans of meat which were brought out. Mrs. Dodds gave me some money to buy dishes - which we used. And with the red candles, Xmas tree and the gifts of home made cookies, red bandanna handkerchiefs - socks, and tobacco, apples - etc - which every one received, you can imagine what an occasion it was. Incidentally it was the first time Father [Joseph] Flynn had ever been inside The Shack. He is the catholic priest from [St. John's Chapel in] Morgantown who has started strong catholic work at Liberty in the last few years and who is so opposed to protestantism and our work at The Shack.[. . .]

By 1937, Behner had increasing doubts about the effectiveness of her work on Scotts Run, and she began to think of moving on to other projects. Friction with Lee Klaer and Reverend William Brooks of the First Presbyterian Church in Morgantown contributed to her discomfort. In the spring of 1937, Behner became engaged to David A. Christopher, the office manager for the West Virginia University Stadium Corporation. With plans to marry by the end of the year, Behner decided the time had come to end her missionary role. Having made herself a force to be reckoned with over the course of nine years, Behner's leave-taking was far from uneventful. [70]

December 1937: The special Jewish company was formed in the Palafox Battalion of the Polish Dombrowsky Brigade in December 1937. The company issued a Yiddish newspaper. The orders were written in Yiddish. It had a distinct Jewish banner, and the last stanza of the company's hymn proudly proclaimed " Jewish Botwin soldiers drove out the fascist plague!" The Botwin group was the only one in which Jews fought as a distinct group. Hence it became the major symbol of Jewish presence in Spain. In general, the International Brigades were utilized by the Popular Front as shock troops in the most dangerous places that drew the heaviest casualties. The Botwin Company was no exception - 120 of its men were thrown into an assault at the battle of Estramadura, in the defense of Madrid; only 18 survived. The company's courage earned it the "Medalla de Valor" from the Spanish government. Whatever motives brought volunteers of the International Brigades to Spain, with the Jews the ideological motive was dominant. Many of them may have been socialists or communists, but they clearly perceived that simultaneously they were fighting a sworn enemy of the Jewish people. The Jewish-Zionist angle was no less significant than the socialist-communist. It is no coincidence that the first casualty of the International Brigades was Leon Baum from Paris, and the last casualty was Haskel Honigstern, who was given a state funeral in Barcelona. The Spanish poet Jose Herrera wrote of him: "Haskel Honigstern, Polish worker of the Jewish race, son of an obscure land, killed in the light of my homeland."

December 1938: In December 1938, the German chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann sent a manuscript to the science journal Naturwissenschaften ("Natural Science") reporting they had detected the element barium after bombarding uranium with neutrons;[2] simultaneously, they communicated these results to Lise Meitner, who had in July of that year fled to the Netherlands and then went to Sweden.[3] Meitner, and her nephew Otto Robert Frisch, correctly interpreted these results as being nuclear fission.[4] Frisch confirmed this experimentally on January 13, 1939.[5][6][71]

December 19, 1939: The Nazi government officially gave Heydrich the responsibility for centralizing the implementation of his deportation plans. This was one of the basic steps in creating the organization that would lead to the slaughter of European Jewry. German efficiency and detailed planning was one of the hallmarks of the Final Solution.[72]

December 1941: Axis armies controlled vast areas in and around Europe: from Italy, Spain and North Africa in the south, east nearly to Moscow, north to the Baltic and west to the Atlantic and North Sea. England, already "stripped to the bone" battling German U-boats and bombers, increasingly depended on American shipping and support for her very survival.

In Asia, for decades tension had grown between the European colonial powers - England, Holland and France - the United States, and Japan: the western powers insisting on the right of unfettered access to China's markets, Japan determined to replace Western colonization with her own brand of "Asia for Asians", and the United States as committed to keeping China free and open, as to not propping up the European colonies.

By 1941, the Allied powers were in general agreement that the first priority must be defeating Germany. American war plans reflected the shift in emphasis from defending American and European possessions in the Pacific, to controlling shipping on the Atlantic and preparing for an invasion of Europe itself. Meanwhile, increasing diplomatic and economic pressure was applied to Japan, aimed at forcing her withdrawal from China, where her armies had been involved in a long series of "incidents" since 1931. Japan, however, would not budge. As the year wore on, President Roosevelt and his diplomats, resigned to inevitable armed conflict with Japan, now simply negotiated for time, estimating that by mid-1942 enough forces could be stationed in the Far East to deter Japan from making a grab for the resource-rich Dutch East Indies and Malaysia.

As part of this build-up, Enterprise shuttled Army Air Force P-39s and P-40s, as well as Navy planes, from West Coast ports to Pearl Harbor, and to outlying detachments on Wake and Guam further west.

During the last two weeks of December 1941, Enterprise and her group steamed west of Hawaii to cover those islands while two other carrier groups made a belated attempt to relieve Wake Island. [73]

December 1941 and March 1942, Takeo Yoshikawa was kept under watch in San Diego, California, United States. Between March and August, he was placed in a camp in Arizona, United States. He returned to Japan in August 1942 in a diplomat prisoner exchange.[74]

December 19, 1941

Adolph Hitler becomes commander in chief of the German Army.[75]

December 19, 1941: In North Africa, British forces begin a battle that will end in their capture of Cyrenaica.[76]

After December 1942: Enterprise never fought alone again. Japan's navy, though still formidable, had been greatly weakened by the battles of 1942, battles in which the Big E had often played a pivotal role. And Japan's naval air arm, decimated at Midway, the Eastern Solomons, and Santa Cruz, would never make good its losses. By the end of 1942, Japan had been fought to a stand-still.[77]

In December 1942, al-Husseini held a speech at the celebration of the opening of the Islamic Central Institute (Islamische Zentralinstitut) in Berlin, of which he served as honorary chair. In the speech, he harshly criticised those he considered as aggressors against Muslims, namely "Jews, Bolsheviks and Anglo-Saxons." At the time of the opening of the Islamic Central Institute, there were an estimated 3,000 Muslims in Germany, including 400 German converts. The Islamic Central Institute gave the Muslims in Germany institutional ties to the 'Third Reich'.[132][78]

December 1942: The most influential people in the Uranverein were Kurt Diebner, Abraham Esau, Walther Gerlach, and Erich Schumann; Schumann was one of the most powerful and influential physicists in Germany. Diebner, throughout the life of the nuclear energy project, had more control over nuclear fission research than did Walther Bothe, Klaus Clusius, Otto Hahn, Paul Harteck, or Werner Heisenberg. Abraham Esau was appointed as Hermann Göring’s plenipotentiary for nuclear physics research in December 1942; Walther Gerlach succeeded him in December 1943.[79]

SBD Dauntless aircraft flying over USS Enterprise (foreground) and USS Saratoga (background), off Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands, December 19, 1942


December 1943: Howard Snell would transfer to the Morrison in December 1943.

December 1943: Esau was replaced by Walther Gerlach. In the final analysis, placing the RFR under Göring’s administrative control had little effect on the German nuclear energy project.[25][26][27][28]

Over time, the HWA and then the RFR controlled the German nuclear energy project. The most influential people were Kurt Diebner, Abraham Esau, Walther Gerlach, and Erich Schumann. Schumann was one of the most powerful and influential physicists in Germany. Schumann was director of the Physics Department II at the Frederick William University (later, University of Berlin), which was commissioned and funded by the Oberkommando des Heeres (OKH, Army High Command) to conduct physics research projects. He was also head of the research department of the HWA, assistant secretary of the Science Department of the OKW, and Bevollmächtigter (plenipotentiary) for high explosives. Diebner, throughout the life of the nuclear energy project, had more control over nuclear fission research than did Walther Bothe, Klaus Clusius, Otto Hahn, Paul Harteck, or Werner Heisenberg.[29][30][81]


Howard Snell


12/43 - 5/45

hwrdsnll (AT)

Plank owner,Ship sunk may 1945


December 1944: Wernher von Braun (who would later send an American to the moon) awarded the Knights Cross by Hitler.[83]

December 1945:



Eastman, Sophonisba Harrison, December 1945


December 1949

When Israel’s War of Independence began, Jews controlled less than 7 percent of Palestine; after the Jewish victory, at the signing of an armistice in December 1949, they occupied about 80 percent of the land. More than 500,000 Palestinians were made refugees. The Zionist belief in the Jewish biblical inheritance was affirmed in Israel’s Declaration of Independence. “The Land of Israel…was the birthplace of the Jewish people,” it begins. “Here their spiritual, religious and political identity was shaped.” The document includes an unequivocal declaration of a right of return to a Jewish homeland: “This right is the natural right of the Jewish people to be masters of their own fate, like all other nations, in their own soverign State,” it declared. As Moshe Dayan, the great Israeli general and military chief of staff, would later say, the Third Temple, the State of Israel itself, was finally a reality.[85]

December 1954: Ferrie was involved with the Civil Air Patrol in several ways: He started as a Senior Member (an adult member) with the Fifth Cleveland Squadron at Hopkins Airport in 1947.[7] When he moved to New Orleans, he transferred to the New Orleans Cadet Squadron at Lakefront Airport. There he served as an instructor, and later as the Commander.[7] After a Ferrie-trained cadet pilot perished in a December 1954 crash, Ferrie's annual re-appointment was declined. He was asked to be a guest aerospace education instructor at a smaller squadron at Moisant Airport, and lectured there from June to September 1955. On July 27, 1955, 15-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald joined this squadron.[8][86]

December 19, 1961 While playing golf in Palm Beach with his devoted niece Ann

Gargan, seventy-three year old Joseph Kennedy suffers a massive stroke. He struggles home to

bed, and apparently discourages a call for the doctors. Rose Kennedy is so unconcerned about

his condition that she goes off to her own golf game. Joseph Kennedy slips into a coma and an

ambulance finally rushes him to the hospital around 2 P.M. RFK and JFK immediately fly to

Palm Beach on Air Force One. Joseph Kennedy is left essentially speechless from the stroke for the

rest of his life. All he can clearly say is “No,” which he often repeats in angry frustration. RK[87]

December 1962 J. Edgar Hoover, this month, orders increased surveillance of

Judith Exener, JFK’s former mistress.

Also this month, the Soviet Embassy in Washington, DC, receives a card in Russian,

signed “Marina and Lee Oswald,” which conveys New Year’s greetings and wishes for “health,

success and all the best” to the employees at the Embassy (an interesting personal touch, considering

that there is no evidence that either Lee or Marina have ever been to or have had any contact with anyone at

this Embassy, other than Lee’s letter asking about literature.) Marina is about to experience her first

Christmas in the US. LHO refuses to buy a Christmas tree, so Marina finds a small tree branch

instead and decorates it with nineteen cents’ worth of paper. Jeanne DeMohrenschildt feels

sorry for Marina and asks Declan and Katya Ford to invite to Oswalds to their Christmas party.

The party does not go well. Marina eats as if she has not eaten a square meal for several days,

and people notice. LHO spends most of his time with a Japanese girl who has come to the party

and ignores Marina the entire evening. Most of the other party guests are not impressed with the

Oswalds. The DeMohrenschildts, however, continue with the Oswalds on friendly terms.

Exile militant Felipe Vidal Santiago, who will be arrested on a 1964 sabotage mission

into Cuba, will tell his captors that in Washington, DC he meets this month with a

lawyer/lobbyist connected to a "Citizen's Committee to Free Cuba." This lawyer informs Vidal

Santiago of a conversation he has had with Republican Henry Cabot Lodge, soon to be US

ambassador to South Vietnam, who says he's heard from Kennedy aide Walt Rostow of "a plan

to open a dialogue with Cuba." "Vidal told us he was very surprised," General Fabian Escalante,

chief of Cuba's G-2 intelligence agency will eventually disclose. In fact Vidal, infuriated and

feeling betrayed, immediately alerts his exile cohorts, as well as a CIA contact, Colonel William

Bishop. "It was almost like a bomb, an intentional message against Kennedy." Vidal is also an

information conduit for General Edwin Walker, the ultra-right Texan paramilitary leader at

whom Oswald will allegedly take a shot in April 1963. And FBI files call Vidal a "very close

friend" of Miami mobster John Martino, who will eventually intimate to family and associates

that he had foreknowledge of the JFK assassination. Dick Russell[88]

December 19, 1962 JFK meets with the Cuban Revolutionary Council in the Oval

Office. This is the group that, theoretically sponsored the Bay of Pigs invasion. JFK explains why

he could not intervene militarily. JFK’s explanation moves the Council, despite their concealed

anger. [89]

December 1966: James Roosevelt resigned from UNESCO in December 1966, and retired to become an executive of the Investors Overseas Service (IOS) in Geneva, Switzerland.[1]

Roosevelt joined IOS despite the overseas firm's concurrent investigation by the SEC for numerous irregularities.[90]

December 1966: The alleged activities of Banister, Ferrie and Oswald reached New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison who, by late 1966, had become very interested in the New Orleans aspects of the assassination. In December 1966, Garrison interviewed Martin about these activities. Martin claimed that Banister, Ferrie and a group of anti-Castro Cuban exiles were involved in operations against Castro's Cuba that included gun running and burglarized armories.[25]

As Garrison continued his investigation, he became convinced that a group of right-wing activists, including Banister, Ferrie and Clay Shaw, were involved in a conspiracy with elements of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to kill Kennedy. Garrison would later claim that the motive for the assassination was anger over Kennedy's attempts to obtain a peace settlement in both Cuba and Vietnam.[26][27] Garrison also believed that Banister, Shaw, and Ferrie had conspired to set up Oswald as a patsy in the JFK assassination.[28]

December 19, 1970: CONNIE SUE CLOW m. DAVID FRANKLIN BOGNER, December 19, 1970, Joplin, Missouri. [91]

December 1976: More about Susie Parker
Susie married William Roe James (b. December 10, 1927 in GA / d. December 1976). She then married Everett Bennett, Sr.[92]

December 1980: In 1872 the Pennsylvania Railroad came to the area, and it, along with the B&O Railroad, gave the area an excellent transportation base. In early times, a major source of the area's income came from selling flour produced by the area's water-powered mills to the Alexandria and Baltimore markets. Electricity, replacing water power, soon followed and the area became a large textile milling center. Martinsburg continues to be the focus of the business area of Berkeley County. Many of Martinsburg's historic and architecturally important buildings were included in seven historic districts placed on the NationalRegister of Historic Places in December 1980. [93]

The organ of Notre-Dame Cathedral.

The position of titular organist ("head" or "chief" organist) at Notre-Dame is considered one of the most prestigious organist posts in France, along with the post of titular organist of Saint Sulpice in Paris, Cavaillé-Coll's largest instrument.

The organ has 7,374 pipes, with ca 900 classified as historical. It has 110 real stops, five 56-key manuals and a 32-key pedalboard. In December 1992, a two-year restoration of the organ was completed that fully computerized the organ under three LANs (Local Area Networks). The restoration also included a number of additions, notably two further horizontal reed stops en chamade in the Cavaille-Coll style. The Notre-Dame organ is therefore unique in France in having five fully independent reed stops en chamade.


Among the best-known organists at Notre-Dame de Paris was Louis Vierne, who held this position from 1900 to 1937. Under his tenure, the Cavaillé-Coll organ was modified in its tonal character, notably in 1902 and 1932. Léonce de Saint-Martin held the post between 1932 and 1954. Pierre Cochereau initiated further alterations (many of which were already planned by Louis Vierne), including the electrification of the action between 1959 and 1963. The original Cavaillé-Coll console, (which is now located near the organ loft), was replaced by a new console in Anglo-American style and the addition of further stops between 1965 and 1972, notably in the pedal division, the recomposition of the mixture stops, a 32' plenum in the Neo-Baroque style on the Solo manual, and finally the adding of three horizontal reed stops "en chamade" in the Iberian style.

After Cochereau's sudden death in 1984, four new titular organists were appointed at Notre-Dame in 1985: Jean-Pierre Leguay Olivier Latry, Yves Devernay (who died in 1990), and Philippe Lefebvre This was reminiscent of the 18th-century practice of the cathedral having four titular organists, each one playing for three months of the year. [94]



[2]Chain of Tradition-Kohanim through the Ages . DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004, pg 115.

[3] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 29.

[4] Great Turning Points in History, by Louis Snyder, page 1.

[5] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 29.


1. [7] ^ a b (New Oxford Annotated Bible)

2. ^ a b c (Biblical Apocrypha)

3. ^ a b The Bible

4. ^ Anchor Bible Dictionary

5. ^ (Ezra 3:9; Josephus Ant. 11:121)

6. ^ (Josephus Ant. 11:121)

7. ^ (Ant. 11:121)

8. ^ (Ant. 11.5,5)

[8] The Time Tables of Jewish History, A chronology of the Most Important People and Events in Jewish History, by Judah Gribetz, page 29.

[9] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1225.

[10] The Oriental Institute Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011.

[11] The Oriental Institute Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011.

[12] The Anchor Bible: Ezra-Nehemiah by Jacob M. Myers 1965. pgs. xxx-xxxi.

[13] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1185.

[14] Oriental Museum, University of Chicago, 12/20/2008. Photo by Jeff Goodlove

[15] The One Year Chronology Bible, NIV, page 1219.


• [17] The Historical Jesus for Dummies, by Catherine M. Muphy, page 308.


[19] this day in Jewish History







[26] [2] Tracing your Jewish DNA for Family History




[30] wikipedia



[33] wikipedia

[34] wikipedia

[35] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[36] Ben Franklin, 12/5/2004, H2.

[37] Appalachian Trails to the Ohio River by Carrie Eldridge


[39] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[40] Letter from JoAnn Naugle, 1985

[41] (Ref#33 page 522). Conrad and Caty, by Gary Goodlove

[42] (Ref32)

[43] Conrad and Caty, by Gary Goodlove

[44] URL:

[45] f* Winchester, Virginia. Frederick County Records, Deed Book, No. 7, p. 224.t Wiley’s history of Preston County, West Virginia, pp. 25-26. Torrence and Allied Families, Robert M. Torrence pg 323

[46] Ibid. The pages 58-74 (Ref#33) explain the problems which the states of Virginia and Pennsylvania had with these early settlers.

[47] Gerol “Gary” Goodlove Conrad and Caty, 2003

[48] The Brothers Crawford, Allen W. Scholl, 1995

[49] Baynton, Wharton and Morgan Papers, at Pennsylvania Archives

[50] Baynton, Wharton and Morgan. Philadelphia merchants establishing the first enterprise at Fort Pitt with an “east of the Alleghenies” home office. Built shingle-roofed building in Pittsburgh in 1766. Had traders down the Ohio River as far as Kentucky and Illinois buying furs from Indians. Suffered colonial PA’s most spectacular bankruptcy in 1767 when they went under with debts of £100,000.

John Baynton (b.1726, d.1773) was a member of the PA Assembly, provincial commissioner—supplied trade goods for the Indian treaty at Easton in 1758. Samuel Wharton (b.1732, d. 1800) expanded trade in agricultural goods and lumber from chiefly the Philadelphia area to customers in Quebec, Detroit, Fort Pitt, West Indies, Portugal, and London. The youngest member of the firm, George Morgan (b. 1743, d. 1810), brought inherited wealth and six years of experience to the firm (he was also the son-in-law of John Baynton). In 1765, George Morgan was sent to the Illinois country as the company's representative.

[51] Ref 31.6 Conrad and Caty, by Gary Goodlove 2003 ((Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett)

[52] 2- Wm. P. Palmer, Calendar of Va. State Papers, Vol. K pages 280, 281.

[53] The Complete Guide to Boston’s Freedom Trail by Charles Bahne, page 5.

[54] (Littell, v. 1, p. 193) Chronology of Benjamin Harrison compiled by Isobel Stebbins Giuvezan. Afton, Missouri, 1973

[55] (Clift 2, pp. ix, 15) Chronology of Benjamin Harrison compiled by Isobel Stebbins Giuvezan. Afton, Missouri, 1973

[56] Timetable of Cherokee Removal

[57] Jewish Life in Pennsylvania by Dianne Ashton, 1998 pg. 9.



[60] (New Madrid County Deed Bk. 2, p. 85) Chronology of Benjamin Harrison compiled by Isobel Stebbins Giuvezan. Afton, Missouri, 1973

[61] Wikipedia

[62] Descendants of Elias Gutleben, Alice email, May 2010.

[63] Timetable of Cherokee Removal


[65] Crawford Coat of Arms

[66] harrisonj


[68] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe

[69] 1 E.L. Sukenik, The Ancient Synagogue of Beth-Alpha, (Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 1932)

2 The incense shovel was a universally recognized Jewish symbol in the Byzantine era. It disappeared from the Jewish iconographic lexicon because the Jews stopped using incense when the Christians started.

3 The Aramaic inscription at the front door was damaged. It says that the mosaic was made “during the … year of the reign of the emperor Justinus”. The exact year is missing. The reference is probably to the emperor Justin I (adopted uncle and immediate predecessor of Justinian the Great) who ruled from 518-527 C.E. and whose coins were found on the site. It is of course possible that the building was older than the mosaic floor.

4 The earliest possible “candidate” was a major quake that hit the country on July 9, 551. It was the earthquake that finally destroyed Petra. More likely was an earthquake of lesser magnitude but located closer to the site which did great damage to the Jordan Valley in 659/660.

5 We have not entered into a discussion of the artistic merits of this work of art. It is the writer’s opinion that this work, with its naive and primitive style, has a child-like immediacy and freshness that makes it one of the masterpieces of world art.

6 Thus the new JPS Tanakh. The King James translation puts a colon after the word “earth”, while the New American Bible (Catholic) and the Revised Standard Version (Protestant) translations both use a semi-colon instead of period at this point.

7 From a Geniza manuscript of JT Avoda Zarah

8 In the Pseudo-Jonathan Targum to Lev. 26:1

9 From a Geniza fragment of Midrash Deut. Rabba) These quotations are cited by Michael Klein, “Palestinian Targum and Synagogue Mosaics,” Jerusalem, Immanuel 11 (1980)

10 The matter is discussed in BT Shabbat, 156a

11 At Beth Alpha the signs and the seasons both progress counter-clockwise, although they are misaligned. The Hammat Tiberias zodiac shows both signs and seasons also rotating counter-clockwise, and in correct alignment with each other. At Na’aran the seasons run counter-clockwise, as above, but the signs go clockwise!

12 That position was argued by Prof. Avi-Yonah, among many others, and by the excavator of Hammat Tiberias. See Moshe Dothan, Hammath Tiberias, (Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1983). Hammat Tiberias is the only mosaic we know where the signs and seasons are correctly aligned, which may have influenced the excavator’s judgment as to its purpose

13 The cataloging of all of these finds and the interpretation of what they might mean constitute the magnum opus of Erwin Goodenough (1893-1965), Professor of Religion at Yale and one of the greatest scholars of religion America ever produced. Goodenough’s 13 volume study, E.R. Goodenough, Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period, (New York: Pantheon, 1958), form the core text for the study of this subject, Everyone who has subsequently dealt with the subject is in his debt. The book has been re-issued in a 1-volume paperback, abridged and edited by Jacob Neusner (Princeton: Bollingen Series, 1988)






[75] On This Day in America by John Wagman.

[76] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1764







[83] Hitler’s Manager’s, Wernher von Braun: The Rocket Man, 10/15/2005


Series 8: Clippings, 1858-1952, bulk 1907-1948

This series consists of clippings of newspaper and magazine articles that either mention Harrison or were about subjects of particular interest to him. Clippings of articles primarily about Harrison's life rather than Harrison's connection to another person or matter are arranged in Series 1 (Biographical Materials). In some cases, Harrison clipped only a portion of the article, cutting it off part way through.

Several of the articles in this series are stories of graft, corruption, prostitution, gambling, and other illegal activities in Chicago, which Harrison apparently saved to favorably compare his record as mayor to that of some of his successors, such as William Hale Thompson and Edward J. Kelly. Others relate to Harrison's books, or to historic Chicago people, places, or events to which Harrison had some connection. A number of the clippings are about people whom Harrison or his father knew. This series also includes two copies of the Chicago Times from 1858 and 1861 which may have been saved by Harrison's father.

Some of the clippings are accompanied by Harrison's handwritten or typed notes providing his thoughts on the subject of the article, or explaining how the subject of the article related to him. These annotations generally range from one sentence to a couple of paragraphs in length.

See also clippings in five bound volumes, cataloged separately as Case + E5 H24608.

This series is arranged alphabetically by the primary subject of the clippings. Multiple items within a folder are then arranged chronologically.

[85] “Abraham’s Children” Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People by Jon Entine, pg 249.

[86] wikipedia





[91] Crawford Coat of Arms.

[92] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe.



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