Tuesday, April 8, 2014

This Day in Goodlove History, April 8, 2014

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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com

Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, and Abraham Lincoln.

The Goodlove Family History Website:


The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address! http://wwwfamilytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspx

• • Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

Frank M. Apple (husband of the 3rd cousin)

Heidi B. Bargahiser (7th cousin)

James S. Connell (half 2nd cousin 5x removed)

John E. Lindsey (husband of the 3rd great grandniece of the wife of the 3rd great grandniece)

Daisy E. Lloyd Smith (wife of the 8th cousin 3x removed)

Benjamin Martin (husband of the 2nd cousin 7x removed)

Henry Mendell (father in law of the half 2nd cousin 5x removed)

Timothy A. Montgomery (3rd cousin)

Margaret H. Schaffer Godlove

Woodrow H. Winch (1st cousin 2x removed)

April 8, 217: Assassination of Roman Emperor Caracalla. Some Romans may Caracalla who was officially known as Antonius, as a disgrace to his office. Caracalla extended the right of citizenship to all of those living in the empire as a way of raising additional taxes. Under the “law of unintended consequences” this improved the status of the Jews. While Caracalla showed no special affection for his Jewish subjects, he did not single them out for any special disabilities or punishments except for one matter of taxation. This was an improvement over life under some of his predecessors and many of his successors. When it came to taxes, Caracalla took as much as he could. Since the time of Julius Caesar, the Jews of Palestine had been exempt from paying certain taxes during the Sabbatical Year. The taxes were paid in produce which was used to feed the army. Caracalla put an end to the exemption. Caracalla was fighting the Parthians in 216 which was a Sabbatical Year. Rabbi Janni, a contemporary of Judah haNasi, ruled that it was permissible for the Jews of Palestine to grow crops during the Sabbatical Year so that they could pay these taxes. He made it clear that this was a special exemption and in no way was intended as an abrogation of the Sabbatical Year.[1]

AD 218 – 222 Elagabalus, emperor of Rome - brings Syrian sun worship to Rome

He replaced Jupiter, head of the Roman pantheon, with a new god, Deus Sol Invictus, which in Latin means "the Sun, Undefeated God". Elagabalus forced leading members of Rome's government to participate in religious rites celebrating Sol Invictus, which he personally led.

Elagabalus Sol Invictus was a Roman sun god, introduced in Rome, during the Severan dynasty, by the Roman emperor Elagabalus (also called "Heliogabalus"), who was the hereditary high priest of the god, Baal ("lord") of Emesa (in ancient Syria), or El-Gabal, latinised as Elagabalus.When Elagabalus became emperor, he brought his deity Elagabalus Sol Invictus to Rome.[10] [2][3]

219 ABBA ARIKA (RAV) (175-247) (Babylon)

The word "Rav" means master. He was a student of Judah HaNasi and after his death, he opened the Torah academy at Sura, which became one of the pillars of Babylonian Jewry. At its peak, over 1,200 students studied there. The beginning of the third century saw a rise in Jewish activities and a decline in the supremacy of Israel. The decline was due to the constant despoiling of Israel by the weakened Roman army and the rise of another ruler in Palmyra (ancient city of central Syria), who heavily taxed the inhabitants of Israel, reducing them to poverty. This directly affected support for schools of learning, which soon migrated to quieter, more tolerant, and more affluent shores. Rav was noted for improving moral and intellectual positions through his responsa (ordinances), including a ban on marriage without courtship and forbidding fathers to betroth a daughter without her consent. These responsa came in the form of questions. They became a popular way of maintaining contact with dispersed communities and, in various contexts, they still continue today. [4]

220 A.D.

It is generally believed that Christianity was introduced into Britain before the end of the second century. Tertullian in about A.D. 220 speaks of places in Britain not reached by the Romans, but yet subject to Christ.[5]

Second and Third Century A.D.: By the second and third centuries, Christianity was beginning to attract sizable numbers of converts from what some viewed as a sclerotic Judaism, riddled with cults and compromised by a divided rabbinical leadership. [6]


Was marked by the death of Judah HaNasi. Known as the age of the Tannaim, this age commenced with Hillel the Elder around the beginning of the Common Era. The actual compilation of the Talmud began in 135 in the aftermath of the Bar Kochba revolt, and in response to the fear that the Oral Law may be forgotten. The Mishna itself is a compilation of Oral Law which serves as a second teaching of the Bible. According to rabbinic sources, this Oral Law was given to Moshe at Mt. Sinai and passed down from generation to generation. It is divided into six "orders": Zeraim (Seeds), Mo'ed (Festivals), Nashim (Women), Nezikim (Damages), Kedushim (Holy Matters) and Taharot (Purity). There are a total of 63 tractates. It was compiled in concise Hebrew and was intended to be memorized. The Mishna and the later Talmud (Gemara) served and still serves as a code for regulation of all Jewish life. [7]

220 - 470 AGE OF AMORAIM

Expounders of the Mishna (also called the Talmud or the Gemara). The Talmud is comprised of both the Mishna and the commentary of the Amoraim. This commentary includes both Halacha (law) and Agadah or Hagaddah (legends). The latter was designed for spiritual and moral education and consists of parables, fables, folklore and historical anecdotes. Academies were established and served as the focal point of Jewish life, while preparing for religious survival in the Diaspora. The commentary of the Amoraim was written in Aramaic, the common language of the area. [8]


Alexander Severus

222 - 235 ALEXANDER SEVERUS (Roman Empire) http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/images/camera.gif

Reigned as emperor. His respect for Judaism enabled Judah II (President of the Sanhedrin - the Jewish Supreme Court located in Eretz Israel), to obtain a revival of Jewish rights, including permission to visit Jerusalem. [9]


Ardashir I defeats the last Parthiian king in 224 and establishes the Sasanian dynasty. Ardashir ruled one of the three great empires that controlled the then civilized world. To the east of the Sasanians was China, to the west the Romano-Byzantine empire. These three powers were linked by a vigorous trade along the Silk route. The Sasanians were able to profit from their strategic central position not only to exat taxes on this trade, but also frequently to control it. As material goods flowed east and west, so did artists and less tangible items like religious and ideas. Wealth combined with an efficient administration fostered a social welfare system that included state hospitals, schools, colleges, irrigation projects, and lavish town planning programs. [1] http://christianparty.net/jewsexpelled.htm



Founded by Ardusher I (Artaxerxes)(r.224-241). Despite occasional outbursts of Zoroaster fanaticism and persecution, Jews were welcomed by Ardusher and Jewish schools of learning were encouraged. This open atmosphere helped create the great centers of Torah study. [11]

230 A.D: Volcano, Taupo Caldera

Taupo Volcano


230 AD

Hatepe eruption[12]

240 A.D.: Volcano, Ksudach

Kamchatka Peninsula


240 AD[13]

April 8, 1139: Roger II of Sicily is excommunicated. Roger may have had his problems with Innocent II, but for a monarch of his time, the Jews benefited from his rule. Roger allowed the Jews to be tried under their own legal system; the same privilege that he had extended to his Greek and Saracen subjects. One of his close advisors was known to be sympathetic to the Jews going so far as to visit their synagogues and to donate money for the support of the community. Finally, Roger brought a significant contingent of Greek Jews to Palermo, the capital of Sicily, who were supposed to tend silk-worms in an attempt to develop the silk trade.[14]

1140: Death of Jehuda Halevy the Jewish poet and philosopher in Spain, Vladislav II of Bohemia rules, Council of Sens condemns heresies of Abelard, Women of Weinsberg save men from slaughter by carrying them from the fortress, Sefer ha-Kusari of Spanish rabbi Judan ben Samuel ha-Levi argues that religious thought is superior to reason, Abbey Church of St. Denis near Paris becomes first Gothic building. [15]



Part of the Barony remained with him. His son, John, and he were "in a charter of Arnold, Abbot of Kelso, in 1140, is said to have used the name Crawford for the first time as a surname."


8. i. JOHN DE CRAWFORD. [16]

April 8, 1364: Increasingly, Edward III (1st cousin 21x removed) began to rely on his sons for the leadership of military operations. The king's second son, Lionel of Antwerp, (2nd cousin 20x removed) attempted to subdue by force the largely autonomous Anglo-Irish lords in Ireland. The venture failed, and the only lasting mark he left were the suppressive Statutes of Kilkenny in 1366.[61] In France, meanwhile, the decade following the Treaty of Brétigny was one of relative tranquillity, but on April 8, 1364 John II (Step 6th cousin 19x removed) died in captivity in England, after unsuccessfully trying to raise his own ransom at home.[62] He was followed by the vigorous Charles V, who enlisted the help of the capable Constable Bertrand du Guesclin.[63] In 1369, the French war started anew, and Edward's younger son John of Gaunt was given the responsibility of a military campaign. The effort failed, and with the Treaty of Bruges in 1375, the great English possessions in France were reduced to only the coastal towns of Calais, Bordeaux, and Bayonne.[64]

Military failure abroad, and the associated fiscal pressure of constant campaigns, led to political discontent at home. The problems came to a head in the parliament of 1376, the so-called Good Parliament. The parliament was called to grant taxation, but the House of Commons took the opportunity to address specific grievances. In particular, criticism was directed at some of the king's closest advisors. Chamberlain William Latimer and Steward of the Household John Neville were dismissed from their positions.[65] Edward's mistress, Alice Perrers, who was seen to hold far too much power over the ageing king, was banished from court.[66][67] Yet the real adversary of the Commons, supported by powerful men such as Wykeham and Edmund de Mortimer, Earl of March, was John of Gaunt. Both the king and the Black Prince were by this time incapacitated by illness, leaving Gaunt in virtual control of government.[68] Gaunt was forced to give in to the demands of parliament, but at its next convocation, in 1377, most of the achievements of the Good Parliament were reversed.[69]

Edward himself, however, did not have much to do with any of this; after around 1375 he played a limited role in the government of the realm.[17]

April 8, 1555: Pope Callixtus III (Alonso de Borgia) appointed First Spanish Pope.[18]

1456: First Gutenberg Bibles printed in Europe, Earthquake in Naples Italy, trial of Joan of Arc annulled, Turks conquer Athens, death of Janos Hunyady after repelling Turks at Belgrade, Francois Villon writes “Le Petit Testament” Paolo Uccello paints “The Battle of San Romano”, Cape Verde Islands discovered off W Africa, Turks capture Athens, Gutenberg prints Mazarin Bible - first in Europe, Crusaders defend Belgrade against Ottomans, Botticeli paints Primavera, Earthquake in Naples Italy. [19]

April 8, 1484: Local farmers of Arles, France, led by the town's monks attacked the Jewish section of the town. A number of people were killed and 50 men were forced to accept Christianity.[20]

No. 23. William CRAWFORD[21] TO JOHN PENN.[22]


SIR: — As some very extraordinary occurrences have lately happened in this county, it is necessary to write an account of them to you. That which I now give, is at the request and with the approbation of all the magistrates that are at present attending the court.[23] A few weeks ago Mr. Connolly went to Stanton and was sworn in as a justice of the peace for Augusta county, in which it is pretended that the country about Pittsburgh is included. He had, before this, brought with him, from Williamsburg, commissions of the peace for several gentlemen in this part of the province, but none of them, I believe, have been accepted. A number of new militia officers have been lately appointed by Lord Dun more; several musters of the militia have been held, and much confusion has been occasioned by them.

I am informed that the militia is composed of men without character and without fortune, and who would be equally averse to the regular administration of justice under the colony of Virginia as they are to t.hat under the province of Pennsylvania. The disturbances which they have produced at Pittsburgh, have been continually alarming to the inhabitants. Mr. Connolly is constantly surrounded with a body of armed men. He boasts the countenance of the Governor of Virginia, and forcibly obstructs the execution of legal process, whether from the court or from single magistrates. A deputy sheriff has come from Augusta county, and I am told has writs in his hands against [24]

Captain St. Clair and the sheriff for the arrest and confine­ment of Mr. Connolly. [25]

The sheriff was last week arrested at Pittsburgh for serving a writ on one of the inhabitants there, but was, after some time, discharged.[26] On Monday last, one of Connolly’s people grossly insulted Mr. McKay,[27] and was confined by him in order to be sent to jail ; the rest of the party hearing of it, immediately came to Mr. McKay’s house and proceeded to the most violent outrages. Mrs. McKay was wounded in the arm with a cutlass ; the magistrates, and those who came to their assistance, were treated with much abuse, and the prisoner was rescued.

Some days before the meeting of the court, a report was spread that the militia officers at the head of their several companies would come to Mr. Hanna’s,[28] use the Court ill, and interrupt the administration of justice. On Wednesday, while the Court was adjourned, they came to the courthouse and paraded before it; sentinels were placed at the door, and Mr. Connolly went into the house. One of the magistrates was hindered, by the militia, from going into it till permission wa.s first obtained from their commander. Mr. Connolly sent a message to the magistrates, informing them that he wanted to communicate something to them, and would wait on them for that purpose.

They received him in a private room, he read to them the inclosed paper,[29] together with a copy of a letter to you, which Lord Dunmore had transmitted to him, inclosed in a letter to himself, which was written in the same angry and undignified style. The magistrates gave the inclosed answer[30] to what he read; and he soon afterwards departed with his men. Their number was about one hundred and eighty or two hundred. On their return to Pittsburgh, some of them seized Mr. Elliott, of the Bullock Pen, and threatened to put him in the stocks for something which they deemed an affront offered to their commander. Since their return, a certain Edward Thompson and a young man who keeps store for Mr. Spear, have been arrested by them; and Mr. Connolly, who, in person, seized the young man, would not allow him time even to lock up the store. In other parts of the county, particularly those adjoining the river Monongahela, the magistrates have been frequently insulted in the most indecent and violent manner, and are apprehensive that, unless they are speedily and vigorously supported by the Government, it will become both fruitless and dangerous for them to proceed in the execution of their offices. They presume not to point out the measures proper for settling the present disturbances, but beg leave to recommend the fixing a temporary line with the utmost expedition, as one step, which, in all probability, will contribute very much toward producing that effect.

For further particulars concerning the situation of this country, I refer you to Colonel Wilson, who is kind enough to go on the present occasion to Philadelphia. I am, etc.[31]

W. Crawford

April 8, 1774: The Pennsylvania Court at Hanna's Town rose the next day, April 8th, and ^Eneas Mackay, Devereux Smith, and Andrew McFarlane, three of the justices residing at Pittsburgh, returned to their homes at that place.[32]


April 8, 1795: Marriage and mistresses



George in 1798, after a painting by Sir William Beechey.

The Prince of Wales's debts continued to climb, and his father refused to aid him unless he married his cousin Princess Caroline of Brunswick.[22] In 1795, the Prince of Wales acquiesced, and they were married on April 8, 1795 at the Chapel Royal, St James's Palace. The marriage, however, was disastrous; each party was unsuited to the other. The two were formally separated after the birth of their only child, Princess Charlotte, in 1796, and remained separated thereafter. The Prince of Wales remained attached to Maria Fitzherbert for the rest of his life, despite several periods of estrangement.[23]

George's mistresses included Mary Robinson, an actress who was bought off with a generous pension when she threatened to sell his letters to the newspapers;[24] Grace Elliott, the divorced wife of a physician;[25] and Frances Villiers, Countess of Jersey, who dominated his life for some years.[23] In later life, his mistresses were the Marchioness of Hertford and the Marchioness Conyngham, who were both married to aristocrats.[26]

George may have fathered several illegitimate children. James Ord (born 1786)—who moved to the United States and became a Jesuit priest—was reportedly his son by Fitzherbert.[27] The King, late in life, told a friend that he had a son who was a naval officer in the West Indies, whose identity has been tentatively established as Captain Henry A. F. Hervey (1786–1824), reportedly George's child by the songwriter Lady Anne Lindsay (later Barnard), a daughter of the 5th Earl of Balcarres.[28] Other reported offspring include Major George Seymour Crole, the son of theatre manager's daughter Eliza Crole or Fox; William Hampshire, the son of publican's daughter Sarah Brown; and Charles "Beau" Candy, the son of a Frenchwoman with that surname.[29] Anthony Camp, Director of Research at the Society of Genealogists, has dismissed the claims that George IV was the father of Ord, Hervey, Hampshire and Candy as fictitious.[30]

The problem of the Prince of Wales's debts, which amounted to the extraordinary sum of £630,000 (equal to £49,820,000 today) in 1795,[31] was solved (at least temporarily) by Parliament. Being unwilling to make an outright grant to relieve these debts, it provided him an additional sum of £65,000 (equal to £5,140,000 today) per annum.[32] In 1803, a further £60,000 (equal to £4,486,000 today) was added, and the Prince of Wales's debts of 1795 were finally cleared in 1806, although the debts he had incurred since 1795 remained.[13][33]

In 1804 a dispute arose over the custody of Princess Charlotte, which led to her being placed in the care of the King, George III. It also led to a Parliamentary Commission of Enquiry into Princess Caroline's conduct after the Prince of Wales accused her of having an illegitimate son. The investigation cleared Caroline of the charge but still revealed her behaviour to be extraordinarily indiscreet.[34]


Main article: Regency era



The future King George IV circa 1809, oil on canvas by John Singleton Copley.

In late 1810, George III was once again overcome by his malady following the death of his youngest daughter, Princess Amelia. Parliament agreed to follow the precedent of 1788; without the King's consent, the Lord Chancellor affixed the Great Seal of the Realm to letters patent naming Lords Commissioners. The Lords Commissioners, in the name of the King, signified the granting of the Royal Assent to a bill that became the Regency Act of 1811. Parliament restricted some of the powers of the Prince Regent (as the Prince of Wales became known).[33]

April 8, 1801: Soldiers rioted and killed 128 Jews in Bucharest. [34]

April 8, 1809: James S Connell, b April 8, 18096 Charleston VA (now Wellsburg WV) d September 24, 18690 Charleston WV m October 22, 1826, Wellsburg, VA (now WV) Eliza Mendle, b March 29, 1811, Brooke County VA (now WV) dau of Henry and Sarah Reeves Mendle d March 29, 1899 Portsmouth, Ohio [35]

April 8-12, 1823: Andrew Jackson presided over special meeting of Grand Lodge of the State of Tennessee Masons at Nashville. [36]

April 8, 1837

State of Ohio, Adams County.

Personally appeared before me one of the Associate Judges of the County and State aforesaid James Rowland, Effa Ann Rowland, Richard M. Crawford & Elizabeth D. Crawford and acknowledge---the signing and sealing of the within Power of Attorney to be the act and deed for the purposes therein named. Given under my hand and seal this 8th day of April 1837.

D.C. Vance (Seal)

Associate Judge of A. C.[37]

April 8, 1856: William Vance, born 1776 (or November 30, 1775 in Washington Co PA), died April 8, 1856. William inherited Joseph's homestead at Cross Creek, was a captain in the war of 1812, a member of the PA legislature in 1815-1816. His first wife was Rachel, daughter of William Patterson. She was born June 3, 1778 in Washington Co PA and died January 9, 1817. She died in Washington Co PA. William and Rachel were married December 24, 1799. William and Rachel had nine children.[38]

March 26 to April 8, 1865: Battle of Spanish Fort, AL.[39]

April 8, 1862: Dr. William McKinnon Goodlove (1st cousin, 3 times removed) and the 57th Ohio Volunteer Infantry at Corinth Road April 8.. [40]

April 8, 1864: George Washington Custis Lee was Assigned to duty as brigadier general, April 8, 1864, by General E. Kirby Smith. [41]

Saturday, May 20, 2006 (13)[42]

Sunday, June 04, 2006 (6)

Map of Louisiana[43]

Fri. April 8[44][45][46][47], 1864

Marched 15 miles[48] 5 cos[49] of regular train

Gard[50] heavy skirmishing[51] all day

At 2 pm[52] hard battle[53] until dark[54]

Retreated with train all night[55] got to pleasant hill at sunrise[56]


March 26 to April 8, 1865: Battle of Spanish Fort, AL.[57]

April 8-9: 1865 Battle of Appomattoxs Courthouse, VA.[58]

April 8, 1901: Carter Harrison Jr terms as Mayor of Chicago: 3rd term: April 8, 1901 [59]

April 8, 1902: William “Big Bill” STEPHENSON. Born in 1802 in Cross Creek, Pennsylvania. William “Big Bill” died in Cross Creek, Pennsylvania on October 29, 1865; he was 63.

April 8, 1902: William “Big Bill” married Eliza BOYD, daughter of James BOYD & Mary BUCHANAN. Born in 1805. Eliza died on April 8, 1902; she was 97. They had the following children:

i. Alfred C.

ii. William.

iii. James Boyd. Born on January 20, 1829 in Cross Creek, Pennsylvania. James Boyd died in Cross Creek, Pennsylvania on March 15, 1892; he was 63.

iv. Sarah Agnes. Born on December 22, 1838. [60]

April 8, 1903: Elmer Grady Smith15 [Sarah King14, Lucinda Burt13, John Burt12, Mary Smith11, Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. 4 Aug 1900 in Cullman, AL / d. March 23, 1962) married Daisy Estelle Lloyd (b. April 8, 1903 in Cullman, AL / d. March 27, 1997 in Cullman Co. AL), the daughter of William Thomas Lloyd and Julia Ann Skinner. [61]

April 8, 1920: On April 8, 1920, the Manchester Press carried a piece quoting county superintendent W. A. Ottilie as saying that Delaware County, “one of the richest and most prosperous sections of the globe,” would have faced a critical shortage of teachers in its rural schools in the 1920-21 school year had the directors of the county’s rural school subdistricts not increased the minimum salaries paid to teachers. The article went on to explain that Ottilie had called a meeting of the officials of the rural independent districts and the school townships and secured from them a resolution fixing country school teacher salaries at a minimum of $90 per month for holders of first grade county certificates and $75 for second grade certificates. In most rural school districts and townships this required a rather substantial increase in the local school tax levy, and hence provided yet another incentive for rural school districts to consider consolidation. In Union Township, the school tax levy for 1920-21 was set at 35.0 mills, a 140 percent increase over the previous year. The 1920-21 tax levies were not announced until early July. Consolidation proponents argued that if taxes had to increase by 140 percent just to maintain “inferior country school,” then farmers might as well pay a little more and secure a better education for their children. [62]

Another event in the spring of 1920 helped create interest in the Buck Creek consolidation proposal among voters in the Hazel ‘Green No. 6 subdistrict. Just before the beginning of the spring term, the school in this sub district was destroyed by fire, forcing Hazel Green Township to provide transportation for these students to attend another school two miles farther west. There were some suspicions of arson raised by Catholic families in the area, but these could not be proved.[63]

April 8, 1920: When Grant arrived, the war had been over for almost a year and yet the farm economy continued to boom as agriculture in Europe struggled to get back on its feet. Because of high levels of production at prices guaranteed by the federal government, most farm families in the Buck Creek Parish continued to earn profits at a rate rivaling those of the war years. The most obvious evidence of this continuing prosperity was found in the prices landowners and speculators received from the sale of farmland. As the Hopkinton Leader put, Delaware County experienced the “greatest turnover of dirt” in its history in the fall of 1919 as 345 farms totaling more than 46,000 aces exchanged hands at the then unheard of average price of $190 per acre. In commenting on the causes of the boom and on the future of the agricultural land market in Delaware County and Midwest in General, W. S. Beels the Leader editer, opined:

The waves of landbuting which sweep like a blizzard over the country are popularly charged up to the activities of the landsharks, but this is far from fact. It is a crop of young folks who must get out of the home nest or shoulder out the old folks who start the booms. The young men must have farms and they are willing to pay the price. The old folks must retire and go to the towns. Of course population increases and there are more ambitious young farmers than there are farms, since the free western ranges have been occupied. These conditions follo in periodical sequence, and the young men of today will live to see another land boom in the course of twenty years or less, when the new crop of youngsters get ready to strike out…When the next boom comes, because of the lack of free lands the large farms of the present will be reduced in size for the convenience of buyers or tenants.

Those who have a facility of looking intelligently into the future will realize that a Delaware County farm is a might good and safe investment right now, for in a few years someone is mighty certain to want it real bad at a long price.[64]

April 8, 1938: The Palestine Post reported that since the advent of the Nazi regime in Austria, the British Consulate in Vienna had handed out more than 12,000 applications for immigration to Australia. Immigration to New Zealand had been stopped "temporarily." South Africa demanded £250 for every immigrant.[65]

April 8, 1940: Soviet troops began the massacre of what would finally total 26,000 Polish officers in Katyn Forest near Smolensk, Russia. Many Jews were among the victims.[66]

April 8, 1941: According to some sources the Nazis established Kielce (Poland) ghetto today. Others report that the ghetto was actually established on March 31, 1941. Regardless, there is no conflict that the ghetto was liquidated in August, 1942 when 21,000 Jews were sent to Treblinka. A remnant was shipped to Auschwitz in August of 1944. Kielce's real claim to fame is that on July 4, 1946, the returning Jews were subjected to "an old-fashioned Nazi Pogrom" complete with tales of the blood libel.[67]

the Nazis and their allies took the Crimea (part of the Soviet Union) in October of 1941, the Jewish population numbered between fifty and sixty thousand. The Einsatzgruppen Units (special squads assigned to murder Jews) with the help of the local population took part in what was to date, the worst "ethnic cleansing" of the war.[68]

April 8, 1942: the same day that the Americans and Filipinos defending Bataan Peninsula surrendered, Enterprise steamed slowly out of Pearl Harbor. With her escorts - the cruisers Salt Lake City and Northampton, four destroyers and a tanker - she turned northwest and set course for a point in the north Pacific, well north of Midway, and squarely on the International Date Line.[69]

At 1232 (VW) April 8, 1942 this vessel stood out of Pearl Harbor in company with Task Force Sixteen, consisting of ENTERPRISE (Flagship), NORTHAMPTON, SALT LAKE CITY, BALCH, BENHAM, FANNING, ELLET and SABINE, under command of Vice-Admiral W. F. Halsey, jr., U.S.N., Commander Carriers, Pacific Fleet, for operations not disclosed at this time. After landing the Air Group aboard south of Oahu, a westerly, and then a northwesterly, course was set that took the Task Force 30 miles southwest of Nihoa Island. This course (310°T.) was continued with slight modifications.[70]

April 8, 1942: After minor alterations and repairs at Pearl Harbor, Enterprise on April 8, 1942 departed to rendezvous with the carrier Hornet and sail west, escorting Hornet on the mission to launch 16 Army B-25 Mitchells in the "Doolittle Raid" on Tokyo.

April 8, 1942

USS Enterprise departed Pearl Harbor, US Territory of Hawaii to make rendezvous with USS Hornet, which was en route to strike the Japanese home islands.[71]

April 8-9, 1943: One thousand Jews are murdered near Ternopol.[72]

April 8, 1944: The Jewish Agency telegraphed from Istanbul to Jerusalem that the steamship Maritza carrying 244 Jewish refugees from Romania had arrived that day in the Turkish port and that the passenger would be leaving in two day’s time by train for Palestine.[73]

April 8, 1953: Willis Ralph Goodlove (March 22, 1869-April 8, 1953) married

Myrtle Isabelle Andrews, March 4, 1896. She died August 29,

1962, at age 86 years. Both are buried at Jordan’s Grove Cem­etery (Bk. II, F-87). Their children were: Wallace Harold (Bk.

II, F-88), Ethel Vinetta, Bessie Marie, Wilma Laura, Mary lone,

William Paul, Gladys Lavona, and Kenneth Ivan. [74]

April 8, 1962 A Cuban military tribunal convicts 1,189 Cuban exiles who participated

in the failed Bay of Pigs invasion last year to 30 years of hard labor for treason - and sets a

ransom at $62 million dollars. RK[75]

April 8, 1963 General Edwin Walker’s aide, Max Claunch, sees a “Cuban or darkcomplected

man in a 1957 Chevrolet” cruise around Walker’s home several times. [76]

April 8, 2010: The fossil is one of two partial skeletons unearthed in a South African …more cave that belong to a previously unclassified species of pre-human dating back almost 2 million years and may shed new light on human evolution, scientists said on April 8, 2010. Fossils of the bones of a young male and an adult female suggest the newly documented species, called Australopithecus sediba, walked upright and shared many physical traits with the earliest known human Homo species. REUTERS/Mike Hutchings less

· The tooth of a hominid, Australopithecus sediba, embedded in a rock that contains significant parts of a skeleton of this early human ancestor.

The tooth of a hominid, Australopithecus …

Two years ago, scientists announced they had discovered partial skeletons from a new species of human ancestor in a South African cave. [77]


[1] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[2] [10]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elagabalus

[3] http://www.freewebs.com/bubadutep75/

[4] http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=210&endyear=219

[5] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 25.

[6] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine. Page 125.

[7] http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=210&endyear=219

[8] http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=210&endyear=219

[9] http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=210&endyear=219

[10] The Oriental Institute Museum, Photo by Jeff Goodlove, January 2, 2011.

[11] http://www.jewishhistory.org.il/history.php?startyear=210&endyear=219

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timetable_of_major_worldwide_volcanic_eruptions

[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timetable_of_major_worldwide_volcanic_eruptions

[14] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[15] mike@abcomputers.com

[16] http://penningtons.tripod.com/jeptha.htm

[17] Wikipedia

[18] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[19] mike@abcomputers.com

[20] Thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com

[21] This letter has been published (see Col. Eec. Pa. x, pp. 165—167). No other statement extant gives, perhaps, so satisfactory an account of the extraordinary occurrences attending the first efforts of Dunmore to extend the jurisdiction of Virginia over the disputed territory.” Crawford, at this date, was President of the Court in Westmoreland. He was the first to hold that office.

[22] John Penn was then Governor of Pennsylvania.

[23] During the year 1770, Crawford was appointed one of the magistrates for the county of Cumberland, within the limits of which was his home, as claimed by Pennsylvania. Upon the erection of Bedford county the next year out of a portion of Cumberland, his commission was renewed for that county; finally, when Westmore1and, in 1773, was erected into a county from Bedford, his office was continued; and, being the first named, he became by courtesy and usage Presiding Judge of its Courts, which office he held at date of this letter.

[24] 2 Arthur St. Clair. He was born in Thurso, Caitliness, Scotland, in 1734, and died at Greensburg, Pennsylvania., on the thirty-first day of August, 1818. He studied medicine with the celebrated John Hunter, in London; but afterward entered the army, having purchased an ensigncy in the 60th Foot, third of May (May 3)1757. He came in Boscawen’s fleet to America, in 1758; and served under Amherst at the taking of Louisburg. He was made a lieutenant on the seventeenth of April, 1759, and distinguished himself under Wolfe at Quebec. On the fourteenth day of May, 1760, he married, at Boston, Phiebe Bavard. He resigned his Commission on the sixteenth of April, 1762, and, immediately after the close of Pontiac’s War, in 1764, settled in the Ligonier valley, Pennsylvania, where he erected mills, and also a fine residence. He was appointed, in 1770, surveyor of Cumberland, also a justice of the Court of Quarter Sessions and of the Court of Common Pleas, and a member of the proprietary council: In 1771, he was a justice of Bedford county; also Recorder, Clerk of the Orphan’s Court., and Prothonotary. . Upon the erection of Westmoreland from Bedford, in 1773, he continued to hold the same offices for that. county. He was, therefore, one of Crawford’s associates upon the Bench, and the date of the above letter. St. Clair afterward held many offices of great responsibility, both civil and military, and died distinguished for his successes, but more so for his misfortunes and failures.

[25] Connolly had been arrested by St. Clair, and confined on his owning himself the author of certain advertisements requiring the people to meet as militia.

[26] Pittsburgh was then, according to the Pennsylvania claim, within the limits of Westmoreland county that county including, at that time, time whole of the province west of the Laurel Hill.

[27]Aeneas McKay, one of the magistrates at that date of Westmoreland. He resided at Pittsburgh.

[28] Hanna’s-town, the county-town, at that period, of Westmoreland county.

[29] ‘Dr. Connolly’s address to the magistrates of Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, was as follows:

Gentlemen: I am come here to be the occasion of no disturbances, but to prevent them. As I am countenanced by Government., whatever you may say or conceive, some of the Justices of this Bench are the cause of this appearance, and not me. I have done this to prevent myself from being illegally taken to Philadelphia. My orders from the Government of Virginia, not being explicit, but claiming the coun­try about Pittsburgh, I have raised the militia to support the civil an­thority of that colony vested in me.

“I am come here to free myself from a promise made to Captain Proctor, but have not 1conceived myself amenable to this court, by any authority from Pennsylvania, upon which account I can not apprehend that you have any right to remain here as justices of the peace consti­tuting a court under that province; but in order to prevent confusion, I agree that you may continue to act in that capacity, in all such mat­ters as may be submitted to your determination by the acquiescence of the people, until I may have instructions to the contrary from Vir­ginia, or unil his Majesty’s pleasure shall be further known on this subject. ‘ J. Conolly.”

[30] The answer of the magistrates of Westmoreland county to Dr. Con­nolly’s address was as follows:

“The ,jurisdiction of the Court and officers of the county of West-moreland rests on the legislative authority of the province of Pen nsyl­vania, confirmed by his Majesty in Council. That jurisdiction has been regularly exercised, and the Court and officers will continue to exercise it in the same regular manner. It is far from their intention to occasion or foment disturbances, and they apprehend that no such intentions can with propriety be inferred from any part of their con­duct; on the contrary, they wish, and will do all in their power, to preserve the public tranquility, in order to contribute to this very salutary purpose, they give information that every step will be. taken on the part of the province of Pennsylvania to accomidate any dif­ferences that have arisen between it and the colony of Virginia, by fixing a temporary line between them”


[32] http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924017918735/cu31924017918735_djvu.txt

[33] Wikipedia

[34] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[35] http://www.brookecountywvgenealogy.org/CONNELL.html

[36] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824

[37] From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, p. 244.

[38] Ancestors of Forrest Roger Garnett p. 1820.14

[39] (State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012.)

[40] History of Logan County and Ohio, O.L. Basking & Co., Chicago, 1880. page 692.

[41] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Washington_Custis_Lee


[43] History of the Nineteenth Army Corps by Richard B. Irwin, 1892.

[44] Battle of Mansfield, LA. State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012

[45][45] The Confederates, commanded by Gerneral Richard Taylor, turn back the Union advance, led by General Nathaniel Banks, at the Battle of Sabine Crossroads, Louisiana.(On This Day in America by John Wagman

[46] The Senate passes the Thirteenth Amendment on April 8, 1864, abolishing slavery in the United States. ( On This Day in America by John Wagman.)

[47] The weary soldiers resumed the march at an early hour on Friday, April 8. Companies A, D, I, C, and H, were detailed as train guard and so Maj. Ed Wright marched with only four companies, including the one commanded by Captain Rigby. Pushing over the muddy roads to within seven miles of Sabine Cross Roads, the men established camp on a branch of St. Patrick's Bayou. The soldiers immediately set about gathering firewood and cooking rations when suddenly, battle erupted near Mansfield, ten miles to the northwest. [42]

At 2 p.m., the sound of artillery was heard indicating that the head of the column was heavily engaged. Instinctively, Rigby and his men knew their services would soon be required and prepared to advance to the aid of their comrades. Ordered forward at 3 o'clock, the Hawkeyes moved at the double-quick for nearly six miles before they arrived at the scene of action and deployed into line of battle. As the Red Oak Boys arrived at the front, they "found the road so full of teams and stragglers on foot and on horseback as to make it impossible to move any farther." Swinging his men from column into line of battle, Major Wright was ordered to hold his men in reserve behind the crossroads as the unit numbered only six officers and 182 men. [43] Letter, WTR to father April 2, 1864.

Federal troops had been driven from their first position on Honeycut Hill and, with the arrival of these fresh troops, formed a second position one mile to the rear at-Sabine Cross Roads. The brigade commander reported: "Under a heavy fire the men lay for over an hour, not daring to advance against an enemy who numbered thousands to our hundreds, and until their ammunition was almost entirely expended, while the enemy, plainly in sight, was adding to his force and extending his line, which from the first greatly outflanked us." In response to the rapidly deteriorating situation, the 24th Iowa was ordered into position on the left of the line. One officer recorded that the men "were soon exposed to the fire of the enemy's battery, which poured shrapnel and shell upon us." The troops could not stand long in such an exposed position and, Major Wright reported, "were compelled to retire before a much superior force both on our left flank and in our front." [44] Letter, WTR to father April 2, 1864.

All along the front, Union forces, hard pressed and low on ammunition, were forced from the field. The retreat soon turned to rout. In the gathering darkness soldiers in blue panicked on the narrow, crowded road. Many of the Federals threw down their weapons and accouterments in a desperate effort to elude Confederate pursuers. The retreat continued throughout the night to Pleasant Hill, a distance of eighteen miles.

[48] At daylight the next morning the march was renewed, with the Fourth division in advance. (Ed Wright,) ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgienweb/ia/state/military/civilwar/book/cwbk 24.txt.

[49] Five companies of the Twenty-fourth Iowa were detailed as escort for them in the rear. About 8 o’clock A. M. the advance encountered the enemy, who, after a short skirmish, retreated. The Third Division halted to await the arrival of the Nineteenth Corps, as the enemy was reported in strong force. (Ed Wright,) ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgienweb/ia/state/military/civilwar/book/cwbk 24.txt.

By noon the Federal infantry was exhausted. The predawn march, lack of water, and the stubborn Confederate resistance had all taken their toll. Landram requested relief and Brigadier General Thomas E. G. Ransom, XIII Corps commander, dispatched the Second Brigade of his Fourth Division. Landram was convinced that the advance was reckless and that “everything was going wrong,” and requested that Ransom come immediately to the front. (National Tribune, Washington, D.C. March 26, 1891.) (North & South, February 2003, Vol. 6, Number 2.

About 12:30 p.m. Brigadier General Ransom arrived at Honeycutt Hill. A veteran of Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and Vicksburg, Ransom was an outstanding officer. He knew that the Union position on Honeycutt Hull was a strong one, and he determined to wait until the Second Brigade arrived before deciding his next move. He reconnoitered the Confederate position and discovered “two batteries and a large force of infantry in line of battle in the edge of the woods… and also considerable bodies of infantry moving down the road leading to our right and rear.” During the scout Ransom found the Federal skirmishers firing “very briskly across the field” at the Confederates, but with no effect. He ordered the badly outnumbered skirmishers to cease firing to conserve their ammunition. Quiet descended over the plantation.

At 1:00 p.m. Banks arrived on the field. Lee told the commanding general that the Federals needed either to be heavily reinforced or withdrawn immediately. Ransom added that any further advance would lead to disaster. Banks opted to reinforce the position, and ordered Brigadier General Robert A. Cameron’s Third Division, XIII Corps, to the front.

Throughout the early afternoon Union observers reported the Confederates moving to the right. Although this was Mouton’s division deploying into position, the Federals interpreted it as a flanking maneuver. When the Second Brigade, Fourth Division, XIII Army Corps began to arrive on the field at 1:30 p.m., Ransom positioned them to extend the Union right flank. The 130th Illinois joined with the right of the 77th Illinois, and the 48th Ohio further lengthened the Federal line. The 19th Kentucky was called from its reserve position, and the 96th Ohio formed to the right of the Kentuckians.

Finally, the 83rd Ohio deployed to the right of the 96th Ohio. Ransom kept the line at the rear edge of the belt of timber and out of sight of the Confederates. He did not want to commit the infantry to a defensive position, nor expose the Federal’s weakness to Richard Taylor’s prying eyes. In all, about 2,400 Union infantrymen were posted on the right. (North and South, February 2003, Vol. 6, Number 2.)

“The U.S. Civil War out West”, The History Channel.

[50] The army, accompanied by an immense baggage train, was strung out in a long straggling line of many miles, as it made its way along the various roads through a dense pine forest. On the 8th of April at Sabine Cross Roads, near Mansfield, the advance cavalry came upon the Confederate army drawn up in order of battle across our line of march. The cavalry was soon routed and fled back upon the infantry in great confusion. One at a time the divisions of the Thirteenth Corps were sent into action and fought bravely to check the advancing foe, but each in turn was defeated. The Nineteenth Corps made a strong fight to recover the fortunes of the day but was overwhelmed by superior numbers, and the whole army was soon in retreat closely followed by the victorious Confederates, who were sending death and destruction into the disordered, fleeing mass of men and horses. But one-half of the Twenty-forth Iowa was engaged in this battle, as five companies were in the rear guarding the trains. The part of the regiment engaged and the division to which it belonged fought bravely for an hour, but was finally compelled to retreat with heavy loss. Captain W. C. Dimmit was mortally wounded and fell into the hands of the enemy, where he died. Dr. Witherwax, surgeon of the regiment, with his assistant, Dr. Lyons, were made prisoners while caring for the wounded. During the retreat the Twenty-fourth was frequently engaged in skirmishes with the enemy, in one of which Captain B. G. Paul was killed. At Alexandria Lieutenant-Colonel Wilds joined the regiment after some weeks’ absence in the recruiting service. Colonel Byam had resigned soon after the Battle of Champion’s Hill.


[51] Skirmishing- A small exchange of gun fire against the enemy. (Glossary of Slang) http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~keller/ovi80/work/letter.html.

[52]At 2 P. M…. the march was resumed. The troops marched very rapidly for five miles, when the enemy was discovered in force, the column was halted, and the First Brigade formed line of battle on the right of the road with the Second Brigade in line on the left. The engagement which ensued was generally known as the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, but has sometimes been called the battle of Mansfield. Major Wright, who was in command of the Twenty-fourth Iowa, and who wrote the official report of the part taken by that portion of his regiment which was engaged in the battle describing the movements of his regiment and brigade prior to the opening of the engagement, says: The Twenty-fourth, about 130 strong, Companies A, D, I, C and H having been detailed as train guard and left in the rear, under command of Capt. Martin, was ordered to form in the rear as a reserve to the Second Brigade. The lines being formed, the advance was ordered. The lines moved forward near a fourth of a mile, when, coming to the edge of the field beyond the timber, a halt was ordered, and the line immediately engaged the enemy. The Twenty-fourth, about three hundred paces in the rear, was ordered to lie down. From this position, my command received a severe raking artillery fire from the enemy’s guns posted in front of the right of the brigade. Having remained in this position about half an hour, during which time the front line was firing rapidly, I was ordered to move my command to the front, which I did by a left oblique movement, and came in on the left of the brigade, and took position in a ravine, at the edge of the timber. From the position occupied, I could see with my field glass at least 8,000 of the enemy forming in the distance, but not within range of our muskets. The enemy’s skirmishes had advanced to the edge of the hill in our front, and were protected by a battery immediately on their left, which had taken position behind some large buildings, from which place it was impossible for our line to dislodge it. The Fourth Division I could not learn anything of, and the only force to oppose these heavy columns of the enemy was the Third division, about 1200 strong, and some straggling cavalry. This position was held for near an hour, when, the enemy advancing in heavy force-at least ten to one-and most of the command being out of ammunition, we were overwhelmed by numbers and compelled to retire from the field. This, however, was no easy task, as the enemys cavalry was already far in our rear, the right and left, and we were assailed at all points. I ordered my command to confine their movements to the thick brush, as much as possible, and, by keeping in the woods between the road and an open field on our left, which was occupied by the enemy’s cavalry, succeeded in bringing the most of the command off the field, and forming in the rear of the Nineteenth Army Corps, about three miles from the battlefield, after which I procured ammunition for my men and joined with the One Hundred and Sixty-First New York Volunteers, and remained until after dark. The fight being over, I reported with my command to General Cameron, and marched back to Pleasant Hill arriving there at sunrise on the morning of the 9th. Casualties during the day were 34, a list of which is hereto appended. The officers and men of my command all behaved well and stood at their posts until ordered to fall back, delivering their fire with a precision not to be surpassed. I cannot close this report without making some comments about the manner in which this battle was managed. It was understood when the army arrived at St. Patrick’s Bayou that we had found the enemy in force, and why we should have been sent forward in detachments, only to be demolished by superior numbers, is a mystery to me. First the cavalry moved up and were repulsed. Next the Fourth Division was moved forward, and shared the same fate. Then the Third Division moved forward on double quick for five miles, along a road blocked by trains, only to come in contact with in overwhelming force, before which it was compelled to retire. Who is responsible? I leave the question for the historian to answer, believing it will be answered correctly.

I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your obedient servant,

Ed Wright, Major Twenty-fourth Regiment Iowa Infantry Volunteers.

(Roster of Iowa Soldiers in the War of the Rebellion Vol. III, 24th Regiment-Infantry ftp://ftp.rootsweb.com/pub/usgienweb/ia/state/military/civilwar/book/cwbk 24.txt.

While Landram’s men were fighting for survival, the Third Division, XIII Corps, was marching rapidly toward the front with five regiments, about 1,250 men. The closer the division came to the battlefield the more difficult it was to advance. The cavalry’s wagon train blocked much of the road, which was “full of teams and stragglers on foot and on horseback.” Brigadier General Robert A. Cameron therefore moved off the road, deploying his First Brigade to the right and the Second to the left.

Now pushing forward more rapidly, Cameron reached the edge of the open field. What he saw stunned him. One quarter of a mile in front of him, the 1st Indiana and the Chicago Mercantile Batteries were hotly engaged with the Confederates, and blue clad infantry were everywhere, fleeing for their lives. It was a scene of utter chaos.

As Cameron’s First Brigade advanced throught the dense woods they met panicked refugees fron the Fourth Division, and advancing groups of Confederates. Easily brushing the Rebels aside, the First Brigade reached the edge of the open field and saw masses of Confederates swarming in the valley before them. Opening fire, the brigade cleared the Rebels from their front, and minutes later repulsed a feeble Confederate attack.

To the left of the road, the Second Brigade pressed forward into the field to “take advantage of a slight elevation” and began to fire into the Confederates in their front. However, without help Cameron’s command would not be able to back the hold Confederates for long.

As Walker began to move around the Third Division’s left flank. Cameron responded by sending the 24th Iowa and Colonel Harai Robinson’s Third Cavalry Brigade to strengthen his left. To the right of the road, the 46th Indiana and the 29th Wisconsin continued to fire from inside the tree line. A heavy column of Confederate infantry was seen advancing obliquely across the field, moving to flank the First Brigade. This was Randal’s brigade, which had marched down the Confederate left and through the belt of timber. Once Randal determined the position of Cameron’s right flank, he moved to attack.

For an hour the men of the First Brigade were low on ammunition and in no shape to withstand Randal’s assault. The 46th Indiana pulled out of line, withdrew one hundred yards to the rear, and changed fronts to meet the growing threat to the right flank. The unit took up position just in time to be overwhelmed by Randal’s charge, and was forced back to the road. The 29th Wisconsin, nearly surrounded, fell back to form a new line with the Hoosiers.

West of the road, things were going no better for the Federals. The 28th Iowa and the , posted in the open field, were exposed to a “galling fire.” The Confederate artillery kept up pressure in front, while Walker’s soldiers worked their way around the Federal left flank. The Second Brigade knew it would be suicide to remain where they were and began to pull back.

At that moment, “a heavy body of the enemy, moving down the road…in two lines” struck the center of the Third Division. These were probably elements of Walker’s division. Cameron’s entire command was caught in a deadly crossfire and the Second Brigade dissolved. Walker’s men advanced into the void left by the Second Brigade and began to fire into the rear of the First Brigade, which also disintegrated.

Occupying the road for miles was a train of nearly three hundered wagons belonging to Lee’s cavalry division. While the XIII Corps was being decimated, the train’s teamsters manage to get a number of wagons turned around on the narrow road. Those wagons that had not fled served to block the retreat of the infantry, cavalry, and artillerymen, who were all desperately attempting to escape.

(North & South, February 2003, Vol. 6, Number 2.)

Although neither commander had all his forces available and neither intended to fight a major action here, a general engagement was brought on by Mouton’s division late in the day. This was the battle of Sabine Cross Roads, April 8. The federals were routed with a loss of 2500 prisoners and much material. Mouton was killed (succeeded by Polignac). Ransom was wounded and succeeded by Cameron; Franklin was wounded but retained command. http:www.civilwarhome.com/redrivercampaign.htm

Major General Richard Taylor

Major General Richard Taylor (Zachary Taylor’s son)

“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” History Channel.

[53] Army of the Gulf:Major General Nathaniel P. Banks

Mansfield, Louisiana, April 8, 1864 KIA WIA MIA

XIII Army Corps: Brigadier General Thomas E. G. Ransom*

Staff 3 6 2

THIRD DIVISION:Brigadier General Robert A. Cameron

First Brigade: Lieutenant Colonel Aaron Flory*

46th Indiana 10 10 86

29th Wisconsin 14 20 40

Second Brigade: Colonel William Raynor

24th Iowa 06 14 21

28th Iowa*@ 08 41 26

56th Ohio 02 14 19

Division Total (331) 40 99 192

*denotes wounded in action at Mansfield

@denotes captured at Mansfield

[54] Mansfield Sabine Cross-Roads, Pleasant Grove, Louisiana;
By this time, Maj.
Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks

“The U.S. Civil War Out West.” The History Channel

Gen. Nathaniel P. Bank’s Red River Expedition had advanced about 150 miles up Red River. Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor, without any instructions from his commander, Gen. E. Kirby Smith, decided that it was time to try and stem this Union drive. He established a defensive position just below Mansfield, near Sabine Cross-Roads, and important communications center. On April 8, Bank’s men approached, driven Confederate cavalry before them. For the rest of the morning, the Federals probed the Rebel lines. In late afternoon, Taylor, though outnumbered, decided to attack. His men made a determined assault on both flanks, rolling up one and then another of Banks’s divisions. Finally, about three miles from the original contact, a third Union division met Taylor’s attack at 6:00 PM and halted it after more than an hour’s fighting. That night, Taylor unsuccessfully attempted to turn Bank’s right flank. Banks withdrew but met Taylor again on the 9th at Pleasant Hill. Mansfield was the decisive battle of the Red River Campaign, influencing Banks to retreat back toward Alexandria.

Results; Confederate victory

Location: DeSoto Parish

Campaign: Red River Campaign (1864)

Principal Commanders: Maj. Gen. Nathaniel P. Banks [US]; Maj. Gen. Richard Taylor [CS]

Forces Engaged: Bank’s Red River Expeditionary Force [US]; District of West Louisiana (two divisions) [CS]

Estimated Casualties: 4400 total (US 2,900; CS 1500)


April 8, 1864 Sabine Cross Roads, La. Union Killed 200, Wounded 900, missing 1800, total 2900. Confederate Loss, total, 1500.

Civil War Handbook, by William H. Price, page 68.

Pleasant Hill

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel.

Pleasant Hill

“The U.S. Civil War Out West” The History Channel

Mansfield State Historic Site- On April 8, the Red River Campaign climaxed here as Confederates under the leadership of General Richard Taylor met and defeated the Union troops. Banks retreated to Pleasant Hill and fought another engagement there. He then retreated further south. The park has a museum with relics, exhibits and a map of the battle. (318/872-1474) (Civil War Military Sites) http:www.crt.state.la.us/tourism/civilwar/milsites.htm

[55] The disaster was not long in coming. Over borne by numbers, outflanked on right and left, the Federals gave way in panic and utter rout. “Suddenly,” wrote a Northern newspaperman, “suddenly there was a rush, a shout, the crashing of trees, the breaking down of rails, the rush and scamper of men… I turned to my companion to inquire the reason of this extraordinary proceeding, but before he had the chance to reply, we found ourselves swallowed up, as it were, in a hissing, seething, bubbling whirlpool of agitated men.” Franklin lost his horse and was painfully wounded in the left tibia. Banks, with his usual personal courage, rode about in the thick of the melee trying to rally his fleeing army. “Form a line here,” he called to some of his men, “I know you will not desert me.” But on they ran. Guns, knapsacks, blankets-everything was thrown away by the frantic soldiers as the hue and cry of the exultant Southerners rang in their ears. (Frank Moore, ed., The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events New York, 1862-71 viii, 548).

Pandemonium was still further increased as the stampeding men converged on the road, for there they found their path obstructed by the cavalry train. As usual the teamsters had been among the first to panic, and after futile attemps to turn their wagons in the narrow road and drive to the rear, they had cut the mules from the traces and fled. The bare-tongued wagons formed an obstacle that the retreating artillery could not pass, and gun after gun was abandoned to Taylor’s men. (Ewer, 3d Massachusetts Cavalry, p. 155)

Still thicker and denser came the the frightened crowd (wrote another soldier), rushing past in every possible manner. Men without hats or coats, men without guns or accoutrements, cavalrymen without horses, and artillerymen without cannon, wounded men bleeding and crying at every step, men begrimed with smoke and powder-all in a state of fear and frenzy, while they shouted to our boys not to go forward any further, for they would all be slaughtered….The road was almost blocked up with wagons, caissons, mules and runaway horses, while negro teamsters and cavalrymen were driving directly through the ranks. (Beecher, 114th New York, p. 311.)

[56] The retreat continued throughout the night to Pleasant Hill, a distance of eighteen miles, where the Iowans finally went into camp at 7 a.m. on April 9. Although exhausted, a roll call was taken which revealed the extent of their loss. The 24th Iowa lost 18 percent of their number as thirty-five men were killed, wounded or missing. Among those captured by the enemy were Surgeon John M. Witherwax of Davenport, Assistant Surgeon Henry M. Lyons of Cedar Rapids, and, in Company B, Rigby’s cousin Jesse was listed as missing. O.R. pp. 259 and 286; Roster & Record, Volume 3, p. 872. Terrence J. Winschel Books at Iowa, The University of Iowa Libraries. http://www.lib.uiowa.edu/spec-coll/bai/winschel.htm

[57] (State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012.)

[58] (State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012.)

[59] Sources: Assorted notes of Edna B Owsley (Heaton's daughter), The Stormy Years (autobiography of Carter Harrison Jr.), and Ronnie Bodine (President of Owsley Historical Society), The Owsley's an Illinois Family a Birthday Book.

Submitted by Milancie Adams. Visit her website Keeping the Chain Unbroken: Owsley and Hill Family History Website for additional info on this family. Note - be sure to go to her home page and follow some of the other Harrison links in her family as well.


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Last Updated: 21 February 1998
© 1998 Josephine Bass and Becky Bonner. All rights reserved.

[60] www.frontierfolk.net/ramsha_research/families/Stephenson.rtf

[61] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe

[62] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 183.

[63] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 183.

[64] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 175-176.

[65] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[66] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[67] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[68] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[69] http://www.cv6.org/1942/doolittle/doolittle.htm



The Commanding Officer.


The Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet.


The Commander Carriers, Pacific Fleet.


Report of action in connection with the bombing of Tokyo on April 18, 1942 (Zone minus Ten).


(a) Articles 712, 874, U.S. Navy Regs, 1920.


(A) Track Chart.
(B) Executive Officer's report.

[71] http://www.theussenterprise.com/battles.html

[72] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1776

[73] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[74] Winton Goodlove:A History of Central City Ia and the Surrounding Area Book ll 1999

[75] http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/chrono1.pdf

[76] http://www.assassinationresearch.com/v2n1/chrono1.pdf

[77] http://news.yahoo.com/human-ancestor-fossils-hidden-plain-sight-lab-rock-202649442.html

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