Tuesday, August 16, 2011

This Day in Goodlove Hisotory, August 16

• This Day in Goodlove History, August 16

• By Jeffery Lee Goodlove

• jefferygoodlove@aol.com

• Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

• The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany) etc., and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), and Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with -George Rogers Clarke, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson.

• The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address! http://www.familytreedna.com/public/goodlove/default.aspx

• This project is now a daily blog at:

• http://thisdayingoodlovehistory.blogspot.com/

• Goodlove Family History Project Website:

• http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/g/o/o/Jeffery-Goodlove/

• Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

“Jacob’s Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History” by David B. Goldstein, 2008.

• My thanks to Mr. Levin for his outstanding research and website that I use to help us understand the history of our ancestry. Go to http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/ for more information. “For more information about the Weekly Torah Portion or the History of Jewish Civilization go to the Temple Judah Website http://www.templejudah.org/ and open the Adult Education Tab "This Day...In Jewish History " is part of the study program for the Jewish History Study Group in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

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In the News…

Rabbi Chaim Miller
Editor-in-Chief, Kol Menachem Publications

The Seven Most Powerful Teachings in Judaism
Posted: 8/12/11 12:06 PM ET

August 9 this year marks the saddest day on the Jewish calendar (Tisha b'Av) when the Holy Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed. But however much the Jews have been battered throughout history, they always seemed to bounce back. Here are the seven most powerful ideas in Judaism that have catalyzed Jewish renewal, time and time again. I'll teach you how you can apply them to your life.

1. "Every descent is for the sake of a future ascent" (Hasidic wisdom). Never perceive a failure (descent) as an isolated event. It's part of a learning curve. Broaden your lens a little and you will see this temporary setback as a tiny cog in a huge engine of overall progress.

What paralyzes us the most when it comes to taking action is the fear of failure. If you can program your brain to see everything that happens, no matter how bad it seems, as part of a process, then you can neutralize that fear.

Failure is a judgment that you make. If you frame each "descent" (regression) in your life as a necessary phase of future growth you will bounce out of every problem with relative ease.

2. Hard work is crucial to success. No exceptions (The Talmud). Forget any dreams of your life miraculously improving. Most people that win the lottery lose all their money within three years because they don't know what to do with it. Judaism teaches that you must work hard to succeed. It sounds so simple, but in the back of our minds we are all hoping for some sort of major, unearned break. So just forget about it. Something "free" is always tempting but ultimately it is "bread of shame": it compromises your sense of dignity and adequacy. If someone says, "I have worked hard, and I have not been successful," don't believe him. If someone says, "I have not worked hard and I have been successful," don't believe him. If someone says, "I have worked hard, and I have been successful," believe him!(The Talmud).

3. "A person should always say, 'The world was created for my sake'" (The Talmud). Obviously the world wasn't created for your sake and this is not an invitation to become a bigot. What the Talmud is teaching you to say is: I am totally responsible for my world. It's always very relieving to blame someone for your problems -- your parents, boss or maybe just bad luck. But that would mean that your life is just a tiny, irrelevant footnote to the real action on this planet, and that's not true. You were built to cope with whatever comes your way. In the Bible, when Joseph was reunited with his brothers who had tried to kill him and then sold him to slavery, he didn't even get angry with them. He understood that he was totally responsible for everything that came his way and that it's part of a bigger plan.

4. "Action is the most important thing" (Ethics of the Fathers). Do you know everything about electricity before turning on a light? Do you study aviation before getting on a plane? To be successful in life you need to prioritize action over planing, practice over theory. Obviously, I'm not suggesting that you act irresponsibly; it's just a question of emphasis. Don't allow yourself to pontificate for too long before actually doing something. Always look for the practical relevance of every idea.

5. "Since the Temple was destroyed God can only be found in the four cubits of law" (The Talmud). Personally, I hate following laws. I love to be unhampered, free-spirited and autonomous. But if you just do whatever you want, whenever you want, you will lack an important ingredient for your success: personal integrity. You know how the old joke goes, "I have standards, and if you don't like them then ... I have others." Well, that's a problem. If you know in your heart that you are not a person of integrity it will paralyze you. As humans, we need to be convinced that there is something essentially good and upright about us in order to function properly. So the "four cubits of the law" are crucial for our personal integrity.

6. "Words that come from the heart enter the heart" (The Sages). You can best understand this one by inverting it: "Words that don't come from the heart will not enter someone else's heart." Usually, we think that if we are sincere but fail to get the intended message across then it's the other person's fault. After all, you were genuine and you meant what you said, so it must be the other guy who is being a jerk. Judaism says no. You must judge the sincerity of your words by the results that they evoke. The human heart is wonderfully receptive. If you pull the right strings, it always responds. So when you fail to communicate, blame yourself. You can always enter someone else's heart if you get it right.

7. "All the days of your life are to bring the Messiah" (The Sages). Whether or not you believe in the idea of a Messiah, you can benefit tremendously from this teaching. The point is: You must do whatever it takes to get the job done. Commitment is the most powerful motivational tool that exists. The Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem Schneerson (1902-1994), built the largest Jewish organization in the world through teaching his disciples the value of commitment. You stay the course. You do whatever it takes. The possible you do right away, the impossible might take a little longer, but you will get it done. So ask yourself today: Am I just interested in my goals or am I committed to them? [1]

I Get Email!

In a message dated 8/15/2011 7:02:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time, JPT@donationnet.net writes:

A Sobering Warning about Iran's Nuclear Threat
to America

Dear Jeffery,

I urge you to carefully read this sobering warning regarding the threat Iran's nuclear program poses not just to Israel but to America from former CIA Director James Woolsey. We cannot afford to discount this threat just because Iran is far away; it has many options to strike at America.

“You could hide a small nuclear device in a bale of marijuana and smuggle it across the border. There are all sorts of ways to get across our borders—both our northern and southern borders. The amount of nuclear material you need for a bomb is twenty-five to thirty-five pounds—about the size of a volleyball or maybe a basketball. Assembling a bomb itself is fairly easy to do, unfortunately.

“Iran could also utilize what's called a 'Scud in a bucket.' A Scud is a short-range missile that could be equipped with a nuclear warhead and launched from a tramp steamer within one hundred miles of New York City. These people hate us for what we are. They have a passionate belief that they are the instruments of Allah's will; that infidels deserve at best to be put into a subservient position, and in many cases killed.”

As Iran comes ever closer to completing its nuclear weapons program, the day when Israel and the rest of the world must deal with the awful reality draws near. Yet instead of doing anything effective about this grave threat, the world is focusing on Israel. In some ways it's not surprising since in his Cairo speech, President Obama identified the Arab-Israeli conflict as second only to Al Qaeda as a threat to peace. But it's ridiculous! The Obama Administration and the UN are fully committed to creating a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.

Your ambassador to Jerusalem,
Dr. Michael Evans

This Day…

August 16: 1027: The King of Georgia, Giorgi I, passed away. Jews were among the subjects of this monarch who ruled over a country situated in the Caucuses, on the eastern edge of the Black Sea. Leonti Mroveli, a eleventh century chronicler of Georgian history, offers various dates for the arrival of the Jews including the period after the destruction of the First Temple or after the destruction of the Second Temple. Other sources claim that the first Jews arrived during the time of Alexander the Great or during the Sixth Century of the Common Era when they were fleeing persecution of the Byzantines. No matter which source you choose to believe, The Jews were there when King George died and remain there to this day.[2]

August 16, 1486: Twenty men and five women were burned after being sentence at an auto-de-fe in Toledo on the charge of Judaizing. Among them were Dr. Alonso Cota and many other notables of the town. They were marched through town being humiliated wearing the dreadful san benito, with their hands tied to their neck behind their backs.[3]

1489: We must here describe the burial place of the family as it was towards the close of this century that the two finest monuments were erected.

It was in the far famed Isle of Iona in the Reilig Orain (S. Oran's Chapel), within this sanctuary, says Monro Dean of the Isles, "lye the maist part of the Lords of the Isles, with their lynage; M'Kynnon and M’Quarie with their lynage, with sundry other inhabitants of the haill isles, because this sanctuary was wont to be the sepulture of the best men of the iles, and also of our kinges." Near the south end of this chapel is the tomb of Abbot MacKinnon's father. It consists of a plain black stone, a block of micaceous schistus intermixed with hornblende, and with an inscription in the old British character. On the wall above the tomb the Abbot erected one of those elaborately sculptured crosses still remaining in the Island, and inscribed upon it " Haec est crux Lauchlani Macfingone et ejus filii Johannis Abbatisde Hy[Iona]; facta an. Dom. MCCCCLXXXIX." And beneath it is engraved a lymphad or galley, as some think, in connection with the former occupation of the island by the Norwegians, for the device was a favourite one amongst those people. Far more probably, how ever, it was then, as now, a portion of the chief's coat of arms derived perhaps from the constant association of this clan with a seafaring life. The broken shaft alone remains, of which an engraving is appended. [4]

"Traveler ! " says a quaint writer, " To give you the root of those who enrich the dust of this tomb, I shall require to bespeak your patience. The MacKinnons are of the Alpinian family, who from A.D. 834 till the death of Alexander III. A.D. 1285, swayed the Scottish sceptre. Kenneth the great, the 69th king, took the patronymie of Kenneth MacAlpine from his brave and murdered father. [King Alpin who was killed at Dunkel Bridge 831-4 by Brudus and the Picts and beheaded, but his body was taken to Icolmkill and buried here.] King Alpin's third son was called Prince Gregor, the head of that clan. Prince Gregor had a son called Donn-gheal, latinized Dongallus, who in his turn had a son called Findan, or Fingon; and this is the root of that princely tribe the MacFingans or MacKinnons."[5]

1490 Jews expelled from Provence [to Italy].[6]



It is thought that a Norwegian princess started the first toll here - by stretching a chain across the strait and stopping boats getting through without paying. Known as Saucy Mary, she is reflected with her name in the village today! Tradition says that she built Caisteal Maol when she was married to one of the MacKinnon chiefs. It is known to have been built around 1490-1500 and was at one time called Dunakin (Hakon's fort). Bits of the castle collapsed in 1949 and 1989 but the remaining walls have now been secured to prevent further collapse.[8]

August 16, 1619

The first slaves arrive in Virginia, aboard a Dutch ship.[9]

Friday August 16, 1754

A Delaware Indian, Delaware George arrives at George Croghan's trading post near Wills Creek (present day Cumberland, Maryland). Delaware George brought with him a letter from Major Robert Stobo imprisoned in the French Fort Duquesne. In the letter, Stobo detailed the strength of the fort and its garrison. Croghan, a trader and British Indian agent, made copies for officials in the colonies of Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia.[10]

August 16, 1769; Horses returned from carrying Col. Lord, Mr. Barclay, Robert Goldsbury of Maryland, Mr. Hardwick, Mr. John Lewis and Warner Washington dined here.[11]

Thursday, August 16th, 1775. A great deal of company in town, being Committee day. No one willing to supply me with a little cash, tho’ I have applied to every man in town where there is a probability of getting any. Oh, the disadvantages of a ragged dress! Very uneasy.[12]

August 16, 1777 — we anchored at Milford.[13]

August 16, 1780

The British, under General Cornwallis, defeat the Americans, under General Horatio Gates, at the Battle of Camden, South Carolina.[14]

August 16, 1812

Detroit surrenders to the British commanded by General Isaac Brock, during the War of 1812.[15]

Served from August 16, until September 18, 1812.

. Capt. Samuel McCord . Lieut. Thomas Vance Lieut. James Foley

. Cornet, James Shipman . Sergt. James Roberts Sergt. William McKinnon

. Sergt. Sampson Hubbell . Sergt. Conrad Goodlove . Corp. Jeremiah Curl

. Corp. David Taylor . Trumpeter, William Eals

. Privates. . Privates. . Privates.

. Armstrong, Thomas . Anderson, James . Benson, George

. Clifford, John . Dawson, John . Frazure, Benjamin

. Foley, William . Gibbes, Samuel . Blend, John

. Green, John . Hopkins, Richard . Harr, Daniel

. Harvey, John . Hunter, George . Hodge, William

. Haines, William . Konklin, John . McDonald, James

. McCoy, John . Morris, Thomas . McGrew, Mathew

. Neihle, Lawrence . Smallwood, Walter . Thompson, John

. Vanmeter, Jacob . Welsh, James . Ward, John D.

. Ward, Robert

Roster of Ohio Soldiers in War of 1812 pg 146 vol 2 page 394

I wonder if Samuel McCord could be the son of Simon Kenton. JG 2005

August 16, 1864: William McKinnon Goodlove, and the Union Army, K Co. 57th Inf Reg. in Ohio at the Battle at Atlanta, Georgia on August 16, 1864

Tues. August 16, 1864

Went to sandhook in with evening with

Jo Crocus[16][17]

August 16, 1907

• To the history of the synagogue

• A synagogue unknown age was in Werneck. It was until around 1900 center of the Jewish municipality life at the place. After dissolution of the Jewish municipality 1904 also the synagogue was closed. From sandstone manufactured and in Ölfarbe the seized Aron ha Kodesch (Tora shrine) of the synagogue Werneck came into the 1906/07 again built synagogue to Geroda, which was solemnly inaugurated on August 16, 1907. During the destruction of the interior arrangement of the synagogue in Geroda the Wernecker Tora shrine might have been probably destroyed.

• Address/location of the synagogue: On property inter the today's building beautiful fount route 3 (former main street 23; the synagogue building had the address main street 22)

• Photo

• The Aron ha-Kodesch (Tora shrine) out Werneck, since 1911 in the synagogue in Geroda
(Source: The Encyclopedia OF Jewish Life S. Lit. Bd. 1 P. 427) After the indicated source the Tora shrine is to come from the year 1580

• The Synagogue from Francis Gottlob’s hometown.

August 16, 1920: Ottilie dutifully heard the objections to the Buck Creek proposal on August 16. After “a careful review and investigation of the merits of all claims and objections,” giving “due regard for the welgfare of adjoining districts and being fully advidsed in the premises,” he overruled them. Ottliewas concerned about whether the proposal met the letter of the law. It did, and he approved the boundaries as they had been specified in the petition filed by the Buck Creekers.” Apparently the tone and tenor of the hearing gave those filing objections no hope that an appeal to the county board of education could meet with success. Ottilie informed the objectors that they and any others who felt like them could more effectively voice their protest by voting against the proposal at the upcoming election. If as many people in the area were opposed to the plan as was claimned by the objectors, then the issue would be defeated.[18]

August 16, 1940

Vichy regulations creating a Doctors Guild limit the practice of medicine to persons born of French fathers.[19]


August 16-18, 1942

• The large Radom ghetto is liquidated. Eighteen thousand Jews are deported to Treblinka and 1,500 who resist deportations are shot on the spot. Four thousand Jews are put into a special labor ghetto in Radom.[21]

August 16, 2010

A note from the editor…

Notice the following documents say Conrad Godlove. He will go in to the war as Conrad Godlove, and come out as Conrad Goodlove. The question will always be, why? This is why my father had the DNA checked to see he and Ray Godlove had the same gggg grandfather, Francis Godlove, aka Franz Gotlop, Hessian Mercenary from Wernek, Bavaria. As it turned out, they did not. Very close but not exact. What we discovered through DNA, was that we had a very rare DNA that was discovered in 1997 and is now called, the Cohen Modal Haplotype. It is said to be the DNA of Jewish priests that descended from Aaron, Moses’ brother.

This is why I research the history of the movement of Jews throughout the world, and why I mention that there are FTDNA matches from different countries. I am attempting to find out where they came from and why. Eventually I would like to find out how, when, and where we connect to the fifty or so FTDNA matches. Where our common ancestors are from, and who they were. The Cohens were record keepers, and to have a connection to them gives me hope that the answer is out there waiting to be found, may be in my lifetime. Jeffery Lee Goodlove


[1] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/rabbi-chaim-miller/the-seven-most-powerful-t_b_920547.html

[2] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/

[3] Thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com



[6] http://christianparty.net/jewsexpelled.htm

[7] http://www.castles.org/Chatelaine/MAOL.HTM

[8] http://www.castles.org/Chatelaine/MAOL.HTM

[9] On this Day in America by John Wagman.

[10] http://www.nps.gov/archive/fone/1754.htm

[11] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 108.

[12] (Cresswell) From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969 pg. 141.

[13] [1] Journal kept by the Distinguished Hessian Field Jaeger Corps during the Campaigns of the Royal Army of Great Britain in North America, Translated by Bruce E. Burgoyne 1986

[14] On this day in America by John Wagman.

[15] On this Day in America by John Wagman.

[16] Cookus, Joseph. Age 29. Residence Mt. Vernon, nativity Virginia.Enlisted Aug. 7, 1862. Mustered Sept. 3, 1862. Taken prisoner May 16, 1863, Champion’s Hill, Miss. Paroled. Mustered out July 17, 1865, Savannah, Ga.

[17] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary.

[18] There Goes the Neighborhood, Rural School Consolidation at the Grass Roots in Twentieth Century Iowa, by David R. Reynolds, page 192.

[19] French Children of the Holocaust, A Memorial, by Serge Klarsfeld, page 9.

[20] History International.

• [21] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1773

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