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This Day in Goodlove History, July 27
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Jeff Goodlove email address: Jefferygoodlove@aol.com
Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove
The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, Thomas Jefferson, and ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson and George Washington.
The Goodlove Family History Website:
July 27, 432
St. Celestine I ends his reign as Catholic Pope [1]
July 27, 1054 – Siward, Earl of Northumbria invades Scotland and defeats Macbeth, King of Scotland somewhere north of the Firth of Forth. [2]
1055: Pope Victor II consecrated.[3] End of Buyides rule over Baghdad, End of Bratislav, Duke of Bohemia, Siward of Northumbria dies, succeeded by Tostig son of Godwin, Spitigniev II of Bohemia rules, Pope Victor II elected – a Bavarian, Seljuk Turks take Baghdad and solidify conquest of Persia, Harold’s brother Tostig becomes Earl of Northumbria, Seljuk Turks take Muslim powerand Baghdad, Harold's brother Tostig becomes earl of Northumbria, 13 Apr Pope Victor II (Gebhard, Count of Calw, etc.) Appointed. [4]
1056: Death of Henry III, Henry IV rules under guardianship of Empress Agnes, Gruffydd does homage to Harold of Wessex and Leofric of Mercia, Michael VI serves as Eastern Emperor, Beginning of democratic Pataria movement in Milan, Pagoda created at Shansi China, End of Henry III the Black as HRE – Henry IV named HRE to 1106 with mother Agnes as regent until 1065, Basil's dynasty in Byzantium ends, Henry III of Germany HRE dies, Henry IV becomes king, Death of Henry III of Germany (HRE) Henry IV becomes king. [5]
1061: Death of Spitigniev II of Bohemia, Death of Pope Nicholas II Pope Alexander II rules, Malcolm of Scotland invades Northumbria, Normans conquer Messina, Muslim Almoravid Dynasty in North Africa, Malcolm Canmore invades Northumbria, July 27 Pope Nicholas II dies, Pope Alexander II (Anselmo de Baggio) appointed September 30. [6]
1061-1067: ALI IBN RIDWAN
Abu-l-Hasan Ali ibn Radwan ibn Ali ibn Ja'far al-Misri. Born in Jiza near Cairo, c. 998. Flourished in Cairo and died there in 1061 or in 1067. Astrologer. physician. The author of many medical writings of which the most popular was his commentary on Galen'a Ars prava, which was translated by Gerardo Cremonese. I may still quote his treatise on hygiene with special reference to Egypt (fi daf mudar al-abdan bi-ard Misr). He wrote various other commentaries on Hippoctates and Galen and on Ptolemy's astrological books.
C. Brocklmann: Arabischen Litteratur (vol. 1, 484, 1898).[7]
1062: Almoravids from W Sahara found capital at Marrakech, Coup of Kaiserswerth – Archbishop Anno II of Cologne seizes Henry IV, Berengar of Tours opposes doctrine of transubstantiation, Marrakesh founded, Yusuf ben Tashfin founds Marrakesh in Morocco. [8]
Abu-l-Hasan al-Mukhtar ibn al-Hasan ibn Abdun ibn Sa'dun ibn Butlan. Latin name: Elluchasem Elimither. Flourished in Bagdad; died, probably in Antioch, in or soon after 1063. Christian physician. He wrote synoptic tables of hygiene, dietetics, domestic medicine, called the Tables of Health. He probably originated that form of synopsis, which was developed by ibn Jazla (q. v., second half of eleventh century). Medical polemic with Ali ibn Ridwan.
C. Brocklmann: Arabischen Litteratur (vol. 1, 483, 1898).[9]
Ali ibn Isa or Jesu Haly. flourished in Bagdad in the first half of the eleventh century. He is said to have been a christian. The most Famous Arabic oculist. His "Manual" in three books, Tadhkirat al-kahhalin, is the oldest Arabic work on ophthalmology of which the original text is completely extant. It is based partly on ancient knowledge, partly on personal experience. It is at once very detailed and very comprehensive. The first book deals with the anatomy and physiology of the eye; the second with the diseases externally visible; the third with hidden diseases, dietetics, and general medicine from the oculistic standpoint; 130 eye diseases are carefully described; 143 drugs characterized.
J. Hirschberg: Die arabischen Lehrbucher der Augenheilkunde (Abhd. der preuss. Ak. der Wiss., 117 p., Berlin, 1905).[10]
1063: End of Bela I king of Hungary as Germans conquer, Harold and Tostig subdue Wales, Alp Arslan rules the Seljuks, Pisa cathedral started, King Bela of Hungary dies when canopy collapses on him, Harold and Tostig subdue Wales. [11]
1064: Harold promises to support the claim of William of Normandy when Edward dies, Drought and famine begins in Egypt, Seljuks conquer Armenia, Hungarians seize Belgrade from Byzantium, “Ezzolied” written by German crusaders, Harold shipwrecked in Normandy and swears oath to support William of Normandy’s claim to England, Great German Pilgrimage to Jerusalem, Harold promises to support the claim of William of Normandy when Edward dies, Drought and famine begins in Egypt. [12]
1065: Muslim Seljuk Turks invade Asia Minor, Sancho II becomes king of Castille, Henry IV comes of age to rule on his own, Consecration of Westminster Abbey, Monk Wilhelm von Hirsau writes treatise on music theory, Song of Roland began to be written, End of Agnes as regent in HRE – Henry IV rules independently, Northumbria rebels against Tostig who is exiled, Nizamayeh academy founded at Baghdad, Muslim Seljuk Turks invade Asia Minor. [13]
1066: In 1066 three brothers, Hubert, Raymond and Robert, the sons of Harold (de Vaux) Lord of Normandy, accompanied William the Conqueror to England and their descendants became Lord de Vaux of Pentry and Bevar in Norfolk, of Gilliesland in Cumberland and Harrowden in Northamptonshire. Quite a number of the family emigrated to the United States."[14]
The family of Harold (de Vaux) Lord of Vaux in Normandy came with William the Conqueror to England. On the continent of Europe the de Vaux have been Dukes of Andrea, Princes of Joinville, Farauta & Altanara, Counts of Orange and Province and Kings of Vienna and Arles.[15]
1066: The invasion and conquest of England in 1066 by William the Conqueror and his Norman French army brought about a new phase in the development of the English language. Originally of Viking ancestry (that is why these French were called Normans, that is Norsemen), the Normans by the middle of the elevent century had become “Frenchified” in language and culture (their language is designated as Norman French, a dialect of Old French).[16]
The Payens (Pagens), changed their name to "Payne," then "Paine." They moved to England (from Normandy, as a departure point) during the time of Edward the Confessor. In 1066, Pagen was listed as having land in sixteen counties in England.
Although Edmund de Pagen inherited wealth. Hugh was the famous brother, who later acquired his own wealth, and fathered a line of knights, Earls, and landowners (as told by family histories). Part of this line eventually came to the Americas. [17]
The Norman invasion of 1066 at once transforms England into a centralized monarchy modeled on a French feudal order and officially brings an end to the Viking age. The renowned Bayou tapestry commemorating the Battle of Hastings on October 14, 1066 depicts the English King, Harold Godwinson, losing his Kingdom, and his life. William the Bastard, the victorious Duke of Normandy, and a descendant of the Viking “Rollo” is forever after known as William the Conqueror. Ultimately it is rather ironic that this Viking descendant brought the French language and culture, but when you look at the Bayou Tapestry it might have been French, but it was also very much Viking. Although the Normans are shown with French style armour and weapons, their ships are of Viking design.[18]
In 1066 the comet now known as Hailey hailed the Anglo-Saxon defeat at the Battle of Hastings. The Comet is captured on the famous Bayou Tapestry. [19]
After the Battle of Hastings in 1066, when the Norman French defeated the English, French became the language of the elite in English society, the only langujagge used by governmental officials and in the courts. Latin was the official language of the Catholic Church; only French and Latin were taught in the schools of the day, not English.[20]
1066: Battle of Hastings where William of Normandy defeats Harold the Confessor of England, end of Edward the Confessor, Death of Harald Hardrada king of Norway, Norman invasion leads to loss of prestige of English language, Beginning of Norman (Romanesque) architecture, Work begins at Fotheringay Castle in England, Halley’s Comet mentioned, William the Conqueror is first Norman King of England, first sighting of Halley's Comet, Romanesque architecture (Norman) flourishes, Edward the Confessor of ENG dies childless and the Witan (council) makes Harold II King who fights broth who attacks with Norse at Stamford Bridge, meanwhile William the Conqueror lands in Sussex – Battle of Hastings, Tostig and Harold Haardraada of Norway invade England – Harold defeats them at battle of Stamford Bridge killing both, Edward the confessor dies and Harold, son of Godwin competes for throne of England, Edward dies, Harold Godwineson successor, William of Normandy declares throne was promised to him, Battle of Hastings, conquered October 14 (William I the Conqueror) defeats Anglo-Saxon England, Deathof Norwegian king Harald Hardradaat Stamford Bridge, England ending England's Viking era, Edward the Confessor dies, Harold, son of Godwin (Earl of Essex) claims crown of England along with William of Normandy, Pope supports William, Norway attacks Britain, Harold wounded, William rules on Christmas. [21]
July 27, 1189 – Friedrich Barbarossa arrives at Niš, the capital of Serbian King Stefan Nemanja, during the Third Crusade. [22]
July 27, 1202 – Georgian-Seljuk wars: At the Battle of Basian the Kingdom of Georgia defeats the Sultanate of Rum. [23]
1203: Hojo family rules Japan after Minamoto Yoritomo’s death, Genghis Khan defeats rival Ongkhan, Mohammed of Ghor completes conquest of Upper India, Arthur Duke of Brittany murdered by order of uncle – King John of England, Wolfram von Eschenbach publishes “Parzibal” the German epic poem, Siena U founded, end of Alexius III the Byzantine Emperor, John of England orders murder of nephew Arthur the Duke of Brittany. [24]
July 27, 1214: French King Phillip II defeats the forces headed by Otto IV, the Holy Roman Emperor and King John of England at the Battle of Bouvines. For the Jews, this is a lose-lose proposition. King John and King Phillip were both notorious for the mistreatment of their Jewish subjects. Four years before the battle, King John had locked a group of Jews at Bristol Castle and said he would only free them if a 66,000-mark ransom were paid. King Phillip began exploiting and expelling Jews from the start of his reign in 1180. At the time of the battle, the king had actually allowed Jews back in his realm so he could take further financial advantage of them. Otto gets a pass because his relations with Jews are a “blank slate.”[25]
1215: The Fourth Lateran Council of 1215 adopted the doctrine of transubstantiation, i.e., the bread and wine used in the mass actually become converted into the body and blood of Christ. Groups of Jews in various European countries such as Germany, Poland, France, and Belgium were accused of stabbing the Host, forcing a nail through it, or misusing it in other ways. Arrested and tortured, they confessed and sometimes were burned. [26] The fourth Lateran Council also noted that the Jews’ own law required the wearing of identifying symbols. Pope Innocent III also reiterated papal injunctions against forcible conversion, and add” “No Christian shall do the Jews any personal injury…or deprive them of their possessions…or disturb them during the celebration of their festivals… or extort money from them by threatening to exhume their dead.”[27] Although Jews clearly provided a necessary service to Christians, who were banned from lending money, the downward spiral in relations intensified. At the Fourth Lateran Council in 1215, Pope Innocent III decreed that Jews (and Muslims) should be officially branded, “marked off in the eyes of the public from other peoples through the character of their dress. [28] Within a few years, King Henry lll of England ordered Jews to wear “the two tables of the Ten Commandments made of white linen or parchment.” Louis lX later decreed that all Jews should wear on the front and back of their garments “round pieces of yellow felt or linen, a palm long and four fingers wide.” The use of badges became relatively widespread throughout Europe within a couple of centuries and continued to be used as stigma. It persisted until the Enlightenment, only to be resurrected as the infamous yellow Star of David by the Nazis.[29]
English King John seals Magna Carta giving more power to barons, death of Bertrand de Born the English troubadour, death of Hartmann von der Aue the German poet, end of Genghis Khan in China, Frederick II crowned at Aix-la-Chapelle, King John seals Magna Carta at Runnymede, Hartman von der Aue the German poet dies, fourth Lateran Council prohibits trial by ordeal, Dominican Friars founded by the future St. Dominic the Spanish priest, Pope Innocent III nullifies Magna Carta, Magna Carta - due process established, Elsa - founder of Zen Buddhism - dies in Japan, Magna Carta, St. Dominic founds Dominican Order at Toulouse, Magna Carta - Rights of Barons - John appealed to Pope Innocent III who annuled it, but John died before response was given, Runnymede Magna Carta signed with Barons, Pope declares that John doesn't need to follow Magna Carta and civil war, Franciscan monks of Friars Minor recognized, Lateran Council reforms Catholic Church, Mongols capture Dadu (Beijing), Magna Carta signed by King John, Franciscans of Friars Minor recognized as monks, Lateran Council passes Church reforms. [30]
July 27, 1365
Daughter of Edward III and Philippa of Hainault.
June 16, 1332
Married Enguerrand VII de Coucy, 1st Earl of Bedford on July 27, 1365; Had issue.
Isabella of England marries Enguerrand of Coucy at Windsor.
July 27, 1753: The Ohio Company‘s July 27, 1753 instructions to Christopher Gist indicate that the road to the Whereas you have obtained a Commission from the College for Surveying our Lands,You are to provide a measuring wheel at the Companys expense and measure the Road
clear‘d by the Company from their Store at Wills Creek to the Fork of Mohongaly…
This reference to the ―Fork of Mohongaly…‖ proves that the Ohio Company road went to the
present-day location of Pittsburgh by m53.
Based on the July 27, 1753 Ohio Company record quoted above, it was a road to the mouth of the Monongahela River, which is just southwest of the proposed ―Shurtees‖ (Chartiers) Creek fort site. Chartiers Creek enters the Ohio River at Brunots Island, just northwest of the point where the Allegheny and Monongahela Rivers join to form the Ohio River.[33]
July 27, 1768: Rid to the Meadow again. Mr. Val Crawford and his brother William both came this afternoon. Finished going over my corn ground in the Neck, both with the plows and hoes.[34]
Valentine Crawford to George Washington
JACOB’S CREEK, July 27, 1774.
DEAR COLONEL :—On Sunday evening, or Monday morning, William Orr, one of the most orderly men I thought I had, ran away, and has taken a horse amid other things. I have sent you an advertisement of him. I am convinced he will make for some ship in Potomac river. I have sent two men after him, and furnished them with horses and money. I have also written to my brother, Richard Stephenson, in Berkeley, and James McCormick, to escort the men I sent, and to forward this letter and advertisement to you. I should have followed him myself,[35] but all the men, except some old ones, are gone with my brother down to the Indian towns.[36]
Since they started, there have been some savages seen about the Monongahela. We hourly expect them to strike somewhere. They have killed and taken, within this ten days, thirteen people up about the forks of Cheat river, which are about twenty-five miles from me. I would have followed the man who run away myself, but I have charge of both of my brothers[37] families, until they return. Besides, if I would leave home, the people would all give up my fort, and move over the mountains. I have above two hundred people in my fort at this time, chiefly women and children. All the men have gone to the Indian towns; and ever since they set off, all their families are flown to the forts.
It seems to me that our standing our ground here depends a good deal on the success of our men who have gone against the savages. The Governor wrote very earnestly to Captain Connolly to give my brother, William Crawford, the command ‘of all the men that are gone against the Indian towns.’ They number, including the militia that came from below, seven hundred men. It was also the wish of time Governor that Connolly him self should reside at Fort Pitt. However, Major McDonald came up here, and is gone down to Wheeling, in order to take the command; but I have seen several letters from Lord Dunmore[38] both to my brother and to ConnolIy, and he has not mentioned McDonalds name in them.[39] I heard by Mr. Brown, the express, who told inc himself, that, on Thursday last, he parted with Lord Dunmore, at Winchester, and he was to proceed immediately to this neighborhood, where I hope he will regulate matters himself.[40]
I have sold all the men but two; and I believe I should have sold them, but the man who is run away had a very sore foot, which was cut with an ax, and was not long well, and John Smith was not well of the old disorder he had when he left your house. I sold Peter Miller and John Wood to one Mr. Edward Cook, for £45, the money to be applied to the use of buihding your mill. I sold Thomas McPherson and his wife and James Lowe to Major John McCulloch and Jones Ennis, for £65, payable in six months, with interest from the date of sale. To my brother, I sold Wm. Luke, Thomas White, and the boy, John Knight. He is either to pay you for them, or he loses them in case you can prosecute your designs down the river. I took John Smith and William Orr on the same terms; so that, in justice, I am accountable to you for the man, if he is never got.
I should have sold the whole of the servants agreeable to your letter, if I could have got cash or good pay; but the confusion of the times put it out of my power. Out here, we have one day peace, and the next day war. It is hard to know how to (?), even if you were here yourself. I have been confined at home ever since I came up here. I only went down to Fort Pitt a day or two, and two of my own servants and two militia men ran away. I followed them, and caught them all down at Bedford, and brought them back. While I was gone, two of your men, John Wood and Peter Miller, stole a quantity of bacon and bread, and were to have started that very night I got home; but a man of mine discovered their design. I sold them immediately, and would have sold the whole, if I could, or delivered them to Mr. Simpson, but he would not be concerned with them at any rate.
My wagon and team have been at work at your mill for some time, hauling timber, stone, and lime and sand for it. I went over to assist in hauling some of the largest of the timber, but the late alarming accounts of the Indians have stopped the workmen, and I have brought home my team. I consider it a pity that the mill was ever begun in these times. It appears to me, sometimes, that it will be a very expensive job to you before it is done. All the carpenters I brought out for you stopped work on the sixth of May, except some who were at work on your mill; these 1 pay myself. I shall observe your orders in regard to settling with the carpenters.
Pray take all pains you can in advertising for the man who ran away, to prevent his getting off by water. I am, etc.[41]
Thursday, July 27th, 1775. Went shooting and knocked down a Young turkey. Nothing but…rogues in this country.[42]
July 27, 1775 - Benjamin Rush began his service as the first Surgeon General of the Continental Army. [43]
July 27, 1776: reported totals 21,882; effectives 16,010
A monthly strength report, including forces under George Washington and the Flying Camp in New Jersey under Hugh Mercer but excluding forces in South Carolina and other parts of the country. [44]
July 27, 1782: "As they lay black, bloody-burnt with powder." Slover also saw
their clothing and horses. (Slover's Narrative.) William Harrison was
tied to a stake, when the savages fired powder at him until he died;
they then quartered him, and left the quarters hanging on four poles.[45]
July 27, 1782
A gentleman from Fort Pitt informs, that another of Col. Crawford s party had escaped from the Indians by slipping from his guards whilst they were asleep. He says they tied Col. Harrison, who was taken in the same party, and was Col. Crawford’s son-in-law, to a stake where they fired powd~r at him till he died; when they quartered him and left the quarters hanging on four poles. H~ adds that about 40 of the party had fallen into the hands of the savages.”— [46]
July 27, 1784 - "Courier De L’Amerique" became the first French newspaper to be published in the United States. It was printed in Philadelphia, PA. [47]
July 27, 1789 - The Department of Foreign Affairs was established by the U.S. Congress. The agency was later known as the Department of State. [48]
July 27, 1803: Other records of Col. William Crawford’s heirs, who emigrated to the western frontier, were descendants of his daughter Effie, who married William McCormick. In Pendleton County, Kentucky, a few members of this branch are represented. William McCormick (undoubtedly the son of William and Effie (Crawford) McCormick and grandson of Col.William Crawford), from Fayette County, Pennsylvania, is recorded as having 500 acres n the South Fork of the Licking River; 4 miles above the said Fork, part of Philip Pendleton’s survey containing 1,900 acres. Dated April 21, 1792. Book A. page 225; Book A, page 406; Book G, page 12, Dated July 27, 1803.[49]
Other McCormick transactions in Pendleton County, Kentucky, may be found in Book F, pages 49, 50 and 270, in the Clerk of Courts office. These transactions were seemingly made in Hamilton County, Ohio, when Jane and John Lillard and Mary Ann McCormick signed off to Charles McCormick. (See the last will and testament of William McCormick, Sr. of Fayette County, Pennsylvania). These records mentions a Graham Wallace.[50]
July 27, 1804 - The 12th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified. With the amendment Electors were directed to vote for a President and for a Vice-President rather than for two choices for President.[51]
July 27, 1819: "The Vance Song"
Bright shines the sun on Clinch's Hill. So soft the west wind blows. The valleys are lined with flowers gay, Perfumed with the wild rose.
Green are the woods through which Sandy flows. Peace dwells in the land. The bear doth live in the laurel green. The red buck roves the hills.
But Vance no more on Sandy behold Nor drink its crystal waves. The partial judge announced his doom. The hunters found his grave.
There's Daniel, Bill, and Lewis, A lie against me swore In order to take my life away That I may be no more.
But I and them shall meet again When Immanuel's trumpet shall blow. Perhaps I'll be wrapped in Abraham's bosom When they roll in the gulf below.
My body it will be laid in the tomb. My flesh it will decay, But the blood that was shed on Calvary Has washed my sins away.
Farewell, farewell, my old sweetheart, Your face I'll see no more. I'll meet you in the world above, Where parting is no more.[52]
Lynchburg Virginia Press July 27, 1819
On Friday the 16th instant, Abner Vance was executed at Abingdon, in pursuance of his sentence for the murder of Lewis Horton. He addressed about 4000 for an hour and a half, with considerable ability; and died with the most perfect composure and heroic fortitude. He accused some persons of giving false evidence against him; and said that if he obtained a fair trial, and nothing but truth had been sworn against him, he thought the penitentiary would have been the proper punishment for his offense. [53]
July 27, 1822: Andrew Jackson nominated for presidency by Tennessee house caucus. [54]
Wed. July 27, 1864:
Sea not so rough in morning but quite rough
In the evening sea sick all day[55]
July 27, 1865: The left wing of the regiment arrived the next day on July 27. Their ocean steamer had been much slower in its voyage to
Baltimore. Rigby reported fair ladies waving flags greeted the soldiers’ train at every farm and hamlet. In high spirits, Rigby pictured the trip across the Alleghenies as romantic, passing through dark tunnels and lofty cliffs of deep ravines. The ride across Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois was pleasant, but Camp McClellan, Davenport, Iowa, was the most beautiful sight. [56] Relatives and friends began arriving to greet the returned veterans. [57]
July 27, 1866 – The first permanent transatlantic telegraph cable is successfully completed, stretching from Valentia Island, Ireland, to Heart's Content, Newfoundland. [58]
July 27, 1868 – Treaty of Washington, supplementing the treaty of 1866.[59]
July 27, 1880 – Second Anglo-Afghan War: Battle of Maiwand – Afghan forces led by Mohammad Ayub Khan defeat the British Army in battle near Maiwand, Afghanistan. [60]
July 27, 1899
(Jordan’s Grove) Mr. Goodlove’s sister, Mrs. Davis and son, of Columbus, Ohio are making him and extended visit.[61]
July 27, 1935: As the condition of German Jews continues to deteriorate an “article entitled ‘Finish Up with the Jews’ urges German girls to wake up and not go with Jews any longer.” Equating social interaction with economic activity, the article continues, ‘Gewrman woman, if you buy froms, and German girl if you carry on with Jews, then both of your betray your German Volk and its Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, and commit a sin against your German volk and its future.’” [62]
• July 27, July 31; August 3, 1942: On three separate days, more than 10,500 Przemysl Jews are deported to Belzec. The first day of the Aktion, Wehrmacht lieutenant Dr. Alfred Battel rescues Jews in the imploy of the Wehrmacht.[63]
• July 27, 1942: Max Gottlieb, born July 6, 1896 in Neuhof . Resided Siegburg. Deportation: from Trier-Koln. July 27, 1942, Theresienstadt. October 1, 1944, Auschwitz . missing.[64]
• July 27, 1942: Kurt Gottlieb, born April 4,1932 in Linnich. Resided Siegberg. Deportation from Trier-Koln, July 27,1942, Theresienstadt . October 4,1944, Auschwitz[65]
July 27, 1942: Helene Gottlieb, born Kaufmann, March 17, 1907 in Linnich.
Resided Siegburg. Deportation: From Trier-Koln, July 27, 1942, Theresienstadt
October 4, 1944, Auschwitz. Missing.[66]
• July 27, 1943: Number 156 Squadron, Royal Air Force, Huntingdonshire, England. U.S. and British Forces enter the third day of the Blitzkrieg Offensive. [67] 700 hundred planes are loaded with 3,000 pounds of incendiary bombs. Their primary target is the German people. Hamburg, Germany’s second largest city, becomes the first firestorm in military history. Hamburg burns for days. 45,000 bodies are recovered from the rubble.[68]
July 27, 1953

July 27, 1963: Ransom Smith (b. March 21, 1878 in GA / d. July 27, 1963 in GA).[70]
July 27, 1971: Scamp deployed to the western Pacific. [71]
July 27, 1997: Paul Quinton Nix (b. December 26, 1934 / d. July 27, 1997 in CA).[72]
July 27, 1997: Grace Louisa Francis Smith11, Gabriel Smith10, John “LR” Smith9, Ambrose J. Smith8, Christopher Smith7, Christopher Smith6, Thomas Smythe5, Thomas Smythe4, John Smythe3, Richard2, William1] (b. December 26, 1934 in AL / d. July 27, 1997 in Artesia CA) married Living Bierer, daughter of James Bierer and Margaret Pershing. [73]
[1] http://www.brainyhistory.com/days/july_27.html
[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
[3] http://freepages.military.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~bonsteinandgilpin/germany.htm
[4] mike@abcomputers.com
[5] mike@abcomputers.com
[6] mike@abcomputers.com
[7] http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam17.html
[8] mike@abcomputers.com
[9] http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam17.html
[10] http://www.levity.com/alchemy/islam17.html
[11] mike@abcomputers.com
[12] mike@abcomputers.com
[13] mike@abcomputers.com
[14] Ancestors and Friends, by William Lusk Crawford. pg 103.
[15] . LDowd, Clement. Life of Senator Zebulon Baird Vance from N. C. 1824].
[16] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 21.
[17] http://www.angelfire.com/mi4/polcrt/KnightsTemplar1.html
[18] Vikings, Fury from the North, History’s Mysteries, HISTI, 11/06/2000
[19] Comets, Prophets of Doom, 3/13/2005. H2.
[20] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 47.
[21] mike@abcomputers.com
[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
[23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
[24] mike@abcomputers.com
[25] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com/
[26] The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism From Ancient Times to the Present Day, Walter Laqueur page 57.
[27] www.wikipedia.org
[28] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine. Page 205.
[29] Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity and the DNA of the Chosen People, by Jon Entine. Page 206.
[30] mike@abcomputers.com
[31] Wikipedia
[32] http://www.brainyhistory.com/days/july_27.html
[33] In Search of Turkey Foot Road, page 67.
[34] Washington’s Journal, From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 107.
[36] The expedition “down to the Indian towns,” which “all the men, except some old ones,” were gone upon, was planned by Connolly, at “Fort Dunmore” (Pittsburgh), his purpose being to build a stockade fort at Wheeling creek, also once at the mouth of the Hockhocking, intending to “send parties, at the same time, against the Shawanese towns,” some of which were upon the Muskingum, others upon the Scioto—northern tributaries of the Ohio. William Crawford, in engaging in this enterprise, made his second trip down the river as captain. The first time done was the erection of a fort at the mouth of Wheeling, which was named Fort Fincastle.
[37] Colonel Andrew Lewis, having been authorized by Govermior Dunmore, on the temmtim(?) of June, to march an army down the Great Kanawba river, and erect a fort at its mouth, and then, if thought proper, to attack the hostile savages in their towns beyond the Ohio, his Lordship, a few days after, wrote Connolly, then in command amid(?) at Fort Pitt, as follows : ‘‘ You could not do better than send Captain William Crawford, with what men you can spare to join him, to cooperate with Colonel Lewis, or to strike a blow himself, if he thinks he can do it with safety. I know him to be prudent, active, amid resolute.”
[38]Lord Dunmore left Williamsburg, Virginia, July 10, 1774, for the frontiers, reaching Fredericksburg on the fifteenth, (July 15) and Winchester some days after. Here he remained some time to get in order as many men as possible for service against the savages. Smmchi(?) as were raised in the counties of Frederick, Berkeley, and Dunmore, were put under command of Adam Stepimemm as colonel. About the end of August, they marched for Pittsburgh, accompanied by his Lordship.
[39] In July, 1774, Major Angus McDonald arrived over the mountains, with a considerable force of Virginia militia, which, when embodied with those already raised in the West, amounted, accordimig to the above statement, to seven hundred men. McDonald “went down to Wheeling, in order to take command,” as there the whole force rendezvoused. A stockade fort (Fort Fincastle) was erected under the joint directions of Major McDonald and Captain Crawford.
[40] On the twenty-sixth of July, about four hundred men, having left Wheeling, arrived at the mouth of Fish creek,on the cast side of the Ohio, twenty-four miles below. Here they determined to move against time Shawanese villages upomm the Muskinmgun river, imi what is now Muskinmgum county, Ohiio. The men were led by Major McDonald. Captain Crawford remained at Fort Fincastle. The expedition proved successful. Wakatonnica, near what is now Dresden, Ohio, amid other Shiawanese towmis, were destroyed, amid considerable plunder secured. rI~hmis was the first effective blow struck by Virginia troops in Lord Dunmore’s War.
[41] The Washington-Crawford Letters
[42] (Cresswell) From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969 pg. 139.
[43] http://www.on-this-day.com/onthisday/thedays/alldays/jul27.htm
[44] The source is Charles H. Lesser, The Sinews of Independence (Chicago, 1976), 26—27.
[45] (The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser of July 27, 1782.)
[46] Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser, July 27, 1782
[47] http://www.on-this-day.com/onthisday/thedays/alldays/jul27.htm
[48] http://www.on-this-day.com/onthisday/thedays/alldays/jul27.htm
[49] Other McCormick transactions in Pendleton County, Kentucky, may be found in Book F, pages 49, 50, and 270, in the Clerk of Courts office. These transactions were seemingly made in Hamilton County, Ohio, when Jane and John Lillard and Mary Ann McCormick signed off to Charles McCormick. (See the last will and testament of William McCormick, Sr. of Fayette County, Pennsylvania). These records mentions a Graham Wallace.(From River to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, 1969. p. 188.)
[50] From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, pp. 188.
[51] http://www.on-this-day.com/onthisday/thedays/alldays/jul27.htm
[52] From: http://www.blueridgeinstitute.org/ballads/vancesong.html
[53] http://worldconnect.rootsweb.ancestry.com/cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=ricky_nj&id=I116198
[54] The Papers of Andrew Jackson, Volume V, 1821-1824
[55] William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary annotated by Jeffery Lee Goodlove
[56] Rigby Journal, July 19-27, 1865; ( The History of the 24th Iowa Infantry by Harvey H Kimball, August 1974, page 209.)
[57] Longley, Annals of Iowa (April, 1895), p. 56; Hoag Diary, Aug 2, 1865; Lucas, Iowa Historical Record (July, 1902), p. 551. The disbanding of the 24trh was a state act as opposed to their Federal discharge in Savannah. ( The History of the 24th Iowa Infantry by Harvey H Kimball, August 1974, page 209.)
[58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
[59] Timetable of Cherokee Removal.
[60] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/July_27
[61] Winton Goodlove papers.
[62] http://thisdayinjewishhistory.blogspot.com
[63] Encyclopedia of the Holocaust, Israel Gutman, Editor, page 1772.
• [64] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
• [2]Memorial Book: Victims of the Persecution of Jews under the National Socialist Oppression in Germany, 1933-1945.
[65] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg
[66] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.
[2] Gedenkbuch (Germany)* does not include many victims from area of former East Germany).
[67] WWII in HD: The Air War. 11/10/2010
[68] WWII in HD: The Air War. 11/10/2010
[69] LBJ Presidential Library, February 11, 2012
[70] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[71] This article incorporates text from the public domain Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships. The entry can be found here.Skipjack-class submarine:
[72] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
[73] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe
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