Monday, March 31, 2014

This Day in Goodlove History, March 31, 2014

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Surnames associated with the name Goodlove have been spelled the following different ways; Cutliff, Cutloaf, Cutlofe, Cutloff, Cutlove, Cutlow, Godlib, Godlof, Godlop, Godlove, Goodfriend, Goodlove, Gotleb, Gotlib, Gotlibowicz, Gotlibs, Gotlieb, Gotlob, Gotlobe, Gotloeb, Gotthilf, Gottlieb, Gottliebova, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlow, Gutfrajnd, Gutleben, Gutlove

The Chronology of the Goodlove, Godlove, Gottlob, Gottlober, Gottlieb (Germany, Russia, Czech etc.), and Allied Families of Battaile, (France), Crawford (Scotland), Harrison (England), Jackson (Ireland), Jefferson, LeClere (France), Lefevre (France), McKinnon (Scotland), Plantagenets (England), Smith (England), Stephenson (England?), Vance (Ireland from Normandy), Washington, Winch (England, traditionally Wales), including correspondence with George Rogers Clark, and including ancestors William Henry Harrison, Andrew Jackson, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, John Adams, John Quincy Adams and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Martin Van Buren, Teddy Roosevelt, U.S. Grant, Benjamin Harrison “The Signer”, Benjamin Harrison, Jimmy Carter, Robert E. Lee, Jefferson Davis, William Taft, John Tyler (10th President), James Polk (11th President)Zachary Taylor, and Abraham Lincoln.

The Goodlove Family History Website:

The Goodlove/Godlove/Gottlieb families and their connection to the Cohenim/Surname project:

• New Address!

• • Books written about our unique DNA include:

• “Abraham’s Children, Race, Identity, and the DNA of the Chosen People” by Jon Entine.

• “ DNA & Tradition, The Genetic Link to the Ancient Hebrews” by Rabbi Yaakov Kleiman, 2004.

Birthdays on March 31….

Eva Z. Godlove

Duke of Gloucester Prince Henry(17th cousin 1x removed)

Lyle D. Kruse (2nd cousin 1x removed)

Mary F. Mckinnon Williams (2nd cousin 3x removed

Mary J. McKinnon Wright (2nd cousin 5x removed)

Rhonda R. Sherman (3rd cousin 1x removed)

Larry E. Smith (9th cousin 2x removed)

Charles M. Warren (6th cousin 5x removed)


Blake H.J. Whitehead (2nd cousin 1x removed)

Ryan L. Williams (4th great grandnephew of the wife of the 3rd great granduncle)

March 31, 1146: When Bernard preached the Second Crusade in 1146 in a field at Vézelay[1], the people of France and Germany, who had previously been somewhat apathetic about the expedition, almost tore him to pieces in their enthusiasm, flocking to join the army in such numbers that, Bernard complacently wrote to the Pope, the countryside seemed deserted. [2] Largely through the eloquence of the Cistercian monk Bernard of Clairvaux, a compaign for a new Crusade began, and among the first to heed this call was the King of France, Louis VII (husband of the 24th great grandmother), and his Queen, Eleanor of Aquitaine.(24th great grandmother) Unlike the First Crusade, the Second Crusade is led by two monarchs - Louis VII of France and Conrad III of Germany. The “German connection” led to more suffering for the Jews of the Rhineland. Thanks to the incitement by one monk, the town of Wurburg was demolished during the massacres of Jews living along the Rhine River. As had happened during the First Crusade, the Christian warriors decided to slaughter the Infidels in their midst as they moved to free the Holy Land from the Infidels. The growing class of Christian merchants benefited from the violence since the destruction of the Jewish community destroyed their Jewish competitors. All Christians did not engage in this anti-Semitic behavior. Bernard himself tried to protect the Jewish population. His message of Crusade was heard. His message concerning the Jews was not.[3] Communities attacked during the Second Crusade in included Aschaffenburg, Wuerzburg, and Nuremberg in 1146-47. [4] In 1146, before the new Crusaders arrived in the Holy Land, Zengy died, and he was replaced by a more powerful figure Nur ad-Din.[5]

1146-1147: Jewish Communities attacked during the Second Crusade in included Aschaffenburg, Wuerzburg, and Nuremberg in 1146-47. [6]

1147: The Hospitalers would engage in major military operations in Eleanor’s Second Crusade of 1147.[7]

1147: Eleanor of Aquitaine

Eleanor of Aquitaine enters Constantinople, 1147 A.D.
Illustration from Women Warlords, Tim Newark, Blandford Press, UK, 1989.



Eleanor of Aquitaine was one of the most powerful and fascinating personalities of feudal Europe. At age 15 she married Louis VII, King of France, bringing into the union her vast possessions from the River Loire to the Pyrenees. Only a few years later, at age 19, she knelt in the cathedral of Vézelay before the celebrated Abbé Bernard of Clairvaux offering him thousands of her vassals for the Second Crusade. It was said that Queen Eleanor appeared at Vézelay dressed like an Amazon galloping through the crowds on a white horse, urging them to join the crusades.

While the church may have been pleased to receive her thousand fighting vassals, they were less happy when they learned that Eleanor, attended by 300 of her ladies, also planned to go to help "tend the wounded."

The presence of Eleanor, her ladies and wagons of female servants, was criticized by commentators throughout her adventure. Dressed in armor and carrying lances, the women never fought. And when they reached the city of Antioch, Eleanor found herself deep in a renewed friendship with Raymond, her uncle, who had been appointed prince of the city. Raymond, only a few years older than Eleanor, was far more interesting and handsome than Eleanor's husband, Louis. When Raymond decided that the best strategic objective of the Crusade would be to recapture Edessa, thus protecting the Western presence in the Holy Land, Eleanor sided with his view. Louis, however, was fixated on reaching Jerusalem, a less sound goal. Louis demanded that Eleanor follow him to Jerusalem. Eleanor, furious, announced to one and all that their marriage was not valid in the eyes of God, for they were related through some family connections to an extent prohibited by the Church. Wounded by her claim, Louis nonetheless forced Eleanor to honor her marriage vows and ride with him. The expedition did fail, and a defeated Eleanor and Louis returned to France in separate ships.

On her way home, while resting in Sicily, Eleanor was brought the news that her fair haired uncle had been killed in battle, and his head delivered to the Caliph of Baghdad. Although her marriage to Louis continued for a time, and she bore him two daughters, the relationship was over. In 1152 the marriage was annulled and her vast estates reverted to Eleanor's control. Within a year, at age thirty, she married twenty year old Henry who two years later became king of England.

In the papal bull for the next Crusade, it expressly forbade women of all sorts to join the expedition. All the Christian monarchs, including King Louis, agreed to this. But by this time Eleanor had problems of her own in her marriage to King Henry II of England. [8]

1147: United under the cross and ruled by strict religious principles, the Crusaders were able to set aside their differences. “Among those people who spoke so many different languages ther were the strongest pledges of concord and friendship,” reads a Crusader’s code written in 1147. “In addition to this they enforced the severest laws, for example that a death was to be demanded for a death, a tooth for a tooth. They forbade every kind of display of rich clothes; and women were not allowed to go our in public.” [9]

1147: - sixteenth century Northern Crusades (Baltic Crusades) against people of North Eastern Europe around the Baltic Sea .[10]

1147: Almohads, opposed group to Almoravids seize Marrakech and go on to capture Spain, Algeria and Tripoli, Christian Crusaders engage Turks in Palestine, Matilda leaves England, Crusaders perish in Asia Minor – failure of Second Crusade, Geoffrey of Monmouth – “Historia regum Britanniae”, Lisbon cathedral built, first mention of Moscow, Almohad Muslims conquer Morocco, beginning of second Crusade, start of Second Crusade following appeal by St. Barnard of Clairvaux to 1149, French and Germans begin second crusade, Second Crusade begins, Crusaders against the pagan Wends (Slavs) in the Baltic. Cursaders take Lisbon, Second Crusade begins, but most followers desert, [11]

March 31, 1283: Massacre of the Jews of Mayence in Germany.[12]

March 31, 1381: During a popular uprising in France known as The Revolt of the Maillotins, Jews in France were murdered and their property plundered for next three or four days. The regent exercising royal power for the youthful Charles VI was unable to save the Jews or gain them indemnification for their loss.[13]

1382: Fragments of the Bible had been translated into English by scholars such as Caedmon int the seventh century, the Venerable Bede in the eighth century and King Alfred in the ninth century, but no complete English Bible appeared until Wycliffe’s in 1382.[14] To achieve his goal of making the Scriptures widely available in the vernacular, Wycliffe gathered around him a small band of scholars, notably Nicholas of Hereford and John Purvey, who assisted himn in the work of translation. It is generally acknowledged that Wycliff did not do all the translating himself, although he was the inspiration and driving force behind the project. He and his associates wisely translated into the Middle English dialect, the most widely spoken dialect of the time in England, and byu so doing helped standardize and shape the future of our language. Wycliffe has been classed with Chaucer, Shakespeare, and Tyndale as one of the chief makers of the English language. Wycliff’es Bible was not a translation fromn the original languages for two reasons: first, the manuscripts that later became available had not yet been discovered; furthermore, he was not a Greek and Hebrew scholar, as those languages were not commonly taught in England at the time. But Wycliffe and associates were good Latin scholars, and the source for their translation of the Scriptures was Jerome’s Latin Vulgate.Almost 75 years would pass before the intyroduction of the printing press in Europe, hence all of Wycliff’s Bibles had to be handwritten. It took about ten months for a scribe to reproduce one copy of the Bible and the cost of a copy was between 30 and 40 English pounds, and enourmous sum of money in those days, considering the average yearly salary was only a fraction of that amount. In spite of the cost and the small number available, the Wycliff Bibles created a sensation among the common people of England. At last many of them dould hyear or read the Word of God for the first time in their own language.[15] Not only did Wycliffe oversee the first complete translation of the English Bible, he and collegues trained “poor priests” Wycliffe called them, and sent them throughout England, dressed in modest russet cloth, their backpacks stuffed with tracts and portions of the new translation of Scripture[16] Death of Louis of Hungary/Poland, Leopold III of Austria acquires Trieste, Turks capture Sofia, , John I King of Portugal to 1433 founder of Avis Dynasty, Scots with French army attack England, William of Wykeham founds Winchester College. [17]

March 31, 1492 Spain - Queen Isabella of Castile orders her 150,000 Jewish subjects to convert to Christianity or face expulsion. Jews, unlike conversos and Marranos, were not subject to the Inquisition. So, the Church leveled a ritual murder accusation against them in Granada and was thus was able to call for the expulsion of both Jews as well as Marranos from Spain. The Marranos themselves were accused of complicity in the case so both groups were ordered to leave within four months. Torquemada, the director of the Inquisition (and incidentally of Jewish descent), defended this against Don Isaac Abarbanel.[18]

Some Jews return to the Land of Israel. As many localities and entire countries expel their Jewish citizens (after robbing them), and others deny them entrance, the legend of the ‘Wandering Jew,’ a condemned harbinger of calamity, gains popularity.[19]

The Alhambra Decree, by Proclamation of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella, THE EDICT OF EXPULSION:

[list continues after Edict]

ISABEL and Fernando signed their names on March 31, 1492, to a document commencing thus: "You know, or ought to know, that since we were informed that there were certain evil Christians in these our realms who Judaized and apostatized from our Holy Catholic Faith, on account of the considerable communication of Jews with Christians, we commanded the said (Jews) in the Cortes which we held in the city of Toledo in the past year 1480, to go apart in all the cities, towns and places of our realms . . .and gave them Jewries and separate places where they might live, hoping that with their segregation the matter might be remedied. And moreover we have endeavored and given orders to have inquisition made in our said realms and seignories; which, as you know, has been done for more than twelve years, and is done; and many guilty persons have been sentenced by it, as is well known. . . . (Yet) there remains and is apparent the great injury to the Christians which has resulted and does result from the participation, conversation and communication which they have held and hold with the Jews, who have demonstrated that they would always endeavor, by all possible ways and manners, to subvert and draw away faithful Christians from our Holy Catholic Faith, and separate them from it, and attract and pervert them to their wicked belief and opinion, instructing them in the ceremonies and observances of their law, holding fasts during which they read and teach them what they have to believe and observe according to their law, causing them and their sons to be circumcized . . . notifying them of the Passover feasts before they come . . . giving them and taking to them from their houses unleavened bread and meat slaughtered with ceremonies. . . persuading them as far as possible to hold and observe the law of Moses, giving them to understand that there was no other true law but that; the which is clear from many utterances and confessions, not only by the Jews themselves, but by those who were perverted and injured by them, which has resulted in great harm, detriment and opprobrium to our Holy Catholic Faith. "For when some serious and detestable crime is committed by certain ones of a certain college or university, it is right that the college or university be dissolved and annulled, and that the lesser be punished for the greater and the ones for the others; and that those who pervert the good and honest life of cities and towns by the contamination that can injure others be expelled from among the people, even for more trifling causes which are injurious to the public. How much more so for the greatest, most perilous and most contagious of crimes, as this is? "On this account, we with the counsel and advice of many prelates and noblemen and cavaliers of our realms, and of other persons of knowledge and conscience in our council, having given much deliberation to the subject, have decided to command all of the said Jews, men and women, to leave our kingdoms, and never to return to them. All but those who choose to be baptized shall depart by the first day of July and not return under pain of death and confiscation. Any who receive or shelter the Jews after the date assigned shall have all their goods confiscated. But until the time appointed all Jews shall remain under the royal protection, and no one shall hurt them or their property under pain of death. The Jews may take out of Spain no gold, silver, minted money, nor other things forbidden by the laws of our kingdoms, save in merchandise not prohibited or concealed." [20]

Expulsion Order(Avila MunicipalArchives from Beth Hatefutsoph Photo Archive, Tel Aviv)

On March 31, 1492, the Alhambra Decree for the expulsion of the Jews was issued.[88] The Jews had until the end of July, three months, to leave the country and they were not to take with them gold, silver, money, arms, or horses.[88] Traditionally, it had been claimed that as many as 200,000 Jews left Spain, but recent historians have shown that such figures are exaggerated: Henry Kamen has shown that out of a total population of 80,000 Jews, a maximum of 40,000 left and the rest converted.[89] Hundreds of those that remained came under the Inquisition's investigations into relapsed conversos (Marranos) and the Judaizers who had been abetting them.[90][21]


1492 C.E.

Prior to the explosion of Zionist resettlement in twentieth-century Palestine, historically separated, Jewish communities are the Ashkenazim and Sephardim. The term Sephardi originally described Jews descended from the communities of North Africa and the Near East who follow the Sephadi rite of worship and cultural traditions.

The geographic origins and movments of Ashkenazi Jews are less well known. The term Ashkenaz appears in the Bible on several occasions and seems to refer to both a land and a people found somewhere close to the upper Euphrates and present day Armenia. [23]-*

March 31, 1495: – The Holy League is formed (also called the League of Venice) This alliance was formed by Pope Alexander VI against France and comprised of Ferdinand of Aragon (who also ruled Sciliy), Emperor Maxilmilan I, Milan and Venice. [24]

March 31st, 1521 - Magelhaes takes possession of Homohon, Archipelago of St Lazarus[25]

March 31, 1661: The marriage ceremony of Henrietta of England (8th cousin 10x removed) and Philippe I (husband of the 8th cousin 10x removed) took place March 31.[18] The marriage was greatly celebrated and she and her husband moved into the Palais des Tuileries.[19] As she had married Monsieur, Henrietta was styled Madame, la duchesse d'Orléans.[20]

The marriage started well and Philippe seems to have been a doting husband. A year into the marriage, Henrietta gave birth to a daughter later baptised Marie Louise. The paternity of the child was doubted by the court, who believed Louis XIV or the Count of Guiche to be the father. Henriette and Guiche had started an affair early in her marriage, despite his having been a former lover of Philippe.[21] These flirtations caused a once adoring Philippe to become intensely jealous and he complained to Queen Anne, who reprimanded both Louis and Henrietta.

Scottish and English Royalty

House of Stuart

Coat of Arms of England (1603-1649).svg

Charles I

•Charles II
•James II & VII
•Henry, Duke of Gloucester
•Mary, Princess Royal
•Henriette, Duchess of Orléans
•Princess Elizabeth of England

Soon after, Louis started an affair with one of Henrietts's ladies-in-waiting by the name of Louise de La Vallière, who had joined her household at the end of 1661 and had protected Henrietta with regards to her affair with Guiche.[26]

Titles, styles, honours and arms

Henrietta's arms as Duchess of Orléans with the coronet of a daughter of France

Titles and styles
•June 16, 1644 – March 31, 1661 Her Royal Highness Princess Henrietta of England
•March 31,1661 – June 30, 1670 Her Royal Highness Madame, Duchess of Orléans[27]

March 31, 1745: The Jews of Prague were exiled.[28]

March 31, 1751: Prince Frederick (son of King George II; b. February 1, 1707, d. March 31, 1751).[29]

Sunday March 31, 1754:

George Washington is commissioned Lieutenant Colonel of the Virginia Regiment; "with orders to take under my command the troops which were then in quarters at Alexandria and to march with it towards Oyo (Ohio) and aid Captain Trente in constructing fortresses and in defending the possessions of His Majesty against the enterprises and hostilities of the French." (Washington's journal). [30]

March 31, 1768:

Went into the Neck. At my return found Doctr. Rumney and Mr. Wm. Crawford at the House. Dr. Rumney went away in the Afternoon.

On the following day Rumney charged twelve “Nervous Powders” and ingredients for a medicinal brew to Patsy Custis’s account (reciept from William Rumney, February 18, 1769. [31]

March 31, 1771; Rid to Muddy Hole, Doeg Run and the mill before dinner. In the afternoon Vale Crawford came here and went away again the next morning.[32]

March 31, 1773: Preached at Stewert’s Crossings.[33]

March 31, 1774

31. Mr. George Johnston[34] dined here. I rid as [far as] the Gumspring with my People[35] and Vale. Crawford who were moving to the Ohio.[36]

March 31, 1774: The English Parliament passes the first Intolerable Act, punishing colonists for dumping tea into Bostonh Harbor.[37]

1774 Dunmore’s War Kiah Lindsey on Capt. John Stevenson’s roll Wm. & Henry Kersey, too. Westmoreland, VA.[38]

March 31, 1783: Emperor Joseph II allowed the Jews to live in so-called "Royal Cities" including Pest, which would later be the “Pest” in Budapest. By 1787 81,000 Jews would be living in Hungary. The Hungarian Jewish community would grow large and prosper but would all but perish in the Holocaust. Tragically, it was the Holocaust that produced Hungary’s most famous Jew, Elie Weisel.[39]

March 31, 1804: For acts regarding the division of the lands of the Louisiana, see U.S. Statutes at Large, II, 283-89, 331-32, Library of Congress (accessed August 26, 2005). (B00594, B00595) In a letter to Harrison dated March 31, 1804, President Thomas Jefferson informs Harrison of his new responsibilities and directs him to move quickly to determine how to implement the division and governance of the lands, Messages and Letters, Esarey, ed., 94. (B00596) [40]

March 31, 1862: Charles Marion Warren (b. March 31, 1862 in GA / d. December 5, 1940).[41]

Thurs. March 31[42], 1864

Marched 13 miles. Camped on old river

Again on a plantatin and a darky massa

Killed sheep hogs chickens

Had a good time[43]

William Harrison Goodlove Civil War Diary, 24th Iowa Infantry[44]

March 31, 1865: Battle of Boydton, VA.[45]

March 31, 1896: JAMES CRAWFORD, b. February 07, 1809, Haywood County, North Carolina; d. March 31, 1896, Hayville, Clay County, North carolina. [46]

March 31, 1899: Rumania barred Jews from professional and agricultural schools[47]

March 31, 1929:


AMY WINANS b September 19, 1834 in Shelby Co., Ohio d March 31, 1929 at Los Angeles, Calif. buried at Santa Ana, Calif. md May 15, 1853 at Quincy, Ohio James Dotson Cornell b January 13, 1831 at Quincy, Logan,

Ohio d October 8, 1907 at Springville, Iowa son of Benjamin and Sophia (Cornell Family Bible says Lephia and James' death certificate says Lepha) (Hammond) Cornell. [48]

March 31, 1935: Larry Elmer Smith (b. March 31, 1935 in AL).[49]

March 31, 1942: After being open for only two weeks, the Belzac Concentration Camp has processed 15,000 Jews most of whom were from the Liviv Ghetto.[50]

March 31, 1942: Henny-Klara Gottlieb, born Silber, December 27, 1884 in Mainstockheim. Resided Braunshweig. Deportation: from Gelsenkirchen-Munster-Hannover, March 31, 1942. Missing. [51]

March 31, 1943: Crematorium II at Auschwitz begins operation[52]

March 31, 1944: It was announced that every Jew in Hungary would be required to wear a yellow badge as of April 5.[53]

March 31, 1945: Mother Maria of Paris, a Russian nun who had saved many French Jews by hiding them, was killed by the Nazis.[54]

March 31, 1945: The deportation of Jews from Slovakia comes to an end. In all, German and Slovak authorities deported about 70,000 Jews from Slovakia; about 65,000 of them were murdered or died in concentration camps. The overall figures are inexact, partly because many Jews did not identify themselves, but one 2006 estimate is that approximately 105,000 Slovak Jews, or 77% of their prewar population, died during the war.[55]

March 31, 1961 Chester Bowles, appalled to learn of what he calls “the Cuban

adventure” gives Dean Rusk a lengthy memorandum outlining his vigorous objections. Rusk

seems unmoved, and discourages Bowles from making his case directly to the President. JFK

does not see the memo.

Jackie Kennedy and three-year-old daughter, Caroline, are spending the Easter holiday

at the Kennedy estate in Palm Beach, Florida. The Secret Service surveillance teams are closely

monitoring a group of four Cubans living in Miami known to have close ties to pro-Castro

activists in Havana. One of the Cubans is heard to remark, “We ought to abduct Caroline Kennedy

to force the United States to stop interfering with Cuba’s Castro government.”

The deputy chief of the Passport Office writes to the Consular Section of the State

Department regarding LHO, stating: "...this file contains information first, which indicates that

mail from the mother of this boy is not being delivered to him and second, that is has been stated

that there is an impostor using Oswald's identification data and that no doubt the Soviets would

love to get hold of his valid passport, it is my opinion that the passport should be delivered to him

only on a personal basis and after the Embassy is assured to its complete satisfaction that he is

returning to the United States." Crossfire[56]

March 31, 1963 The supposed date that the photographs of Oswald are taken in

his backyard by Marina depicting him holding the rifle. Later proved forgeries.

In 1975, the Senate Intelligence Committee will hear testimony from a former

immigration inspector in New Orleans. While keeping the man's identity secret, the Committee

will report: “...he is absolutely certain that he interviewed Lee Harvey Oswald in a New Orleans jail

cell sometime shortly before April 1, 1963. Although the inspector is not now certain whether Oswald was

using that particular name at that time, he is certain that Oswald was claiming to be a Cuban alien. He

quickly ascertained that Oswald was not a Cuban alien, at which point he left Oswald in his jail cell.

According to the Warren Commission, Oswald does not arrive in New Orleans until the end of April,

nearly a month after the inspector's meeting with the jailed "Oswald." Crossfire[57]

March 31, 2003: Johnjoe McFadden. "Written in the genes." The Guardian (March 31, 2003). Excerpt:

"The Lemba are a tribe of Bantu-speaking black Africans who believe they are descended from Jews. ... Thompson's laboratory discovered that in their Y-chromosomes was a genetic marker found only among Jews. The Lemba tradition that a high priest named Buba led them out of Judaea may indeed be based on a real event. ... The Jewish gene in the Lemba tribe is found in only about 10% of the men, yet the whole tribe practices Jewish traditions."



• [2] The History of God by Karen Armstrong, page 203.


• [4] Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 4, page 343-344.

[5] Warriors of God by James Reston Jr, page 5.

[6] Encyclopedia Judaica, Volume 4, page 343-344.

[7] Warriors of God, by James Reston Jr. page 12.


[9] U.S. Nedws and World Reprt Secrets of Christianity page 56





[14] Trial by Fire by Harold Rawlings, page 33.

[15] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 24.

[16] Trial by Fire, by Harold Rawlings, page 52




[20] This expulsion was huge, with jews emigrating to Maghreb, Algeria, Tunisia, Hungary, Greece, Turkey, Crete, Albania, Cyprus, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt and Libya.

[21] Wikipedia


[23] Jacobs Legacy, A Genetic View of Jewish History, by David B. Goldstein page 64.



[26] Wikipedia

[27] Wikipedia




[31] Custis Papers. George Washington Papers at the Library of Congress, 1741-1799: The Diaries of George Washington. The Diaries of George Washington. Vol. II. 1766-70. Donald Jackson and Dorothy Twohig, eds. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1976.

[32] (From River Clyde to Tymochtee and Col. William Crawford, by Grace U. Emahiser, 1969, page 119.)

[33] Diary of David McClure, Doctor of Divinity 1748-1820 with notes by Franklin B. Dexter, M.A. 1899. pg.110.

[34] George Johnston, Jr. (1750—1777), of Fairfax County was appointed a captain in the 2d Virginia Regiment in 1775. In Jan. 1777, with the rank of lieutenant colonel, he became an aide-de-camp to GW, serving until his death in the fall of 1777.

[35] Before Crawford could get his “People” to GW’s lands, Dunmore’s War broke out between settlers and Indians along the Ohio frontier. Less than two months after leaving Mount Vernon, Crawford gave up in the face of the hostilities and sold the servants to frontier buyers, including two to himself.

[36] (Crawford to GW, July 27, 1774, Papers, Colonial Series, io: 133—36).George Washington Diaries, an Abridgement, Dorothy Twohig, Ed. 1999

[37] ON Tnhis Day in America by John Wagman.




[41] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe

[42] Screened by a strong cavalry force under the command of Brig. Gen. Albert Lee, the regiment started at 6 a.m. on Thursday, March 31. Crossing the stream on a pontoon bridge, the rugged soldiers from Iowa followed the course of Cane River for sixteen miles through Cloutierville and went into camp one mile beyond the town. Letter, WTR to father April 2, 1864.

[43] Mrs. Phillip J. “Jack” Sleet had barely said goodbye to her husband, a scout with the 2nd Louisiana Cavalry, Company B, when thousands and thousands of Yankees appeared near her home. Two lines of soldiers took up residence between her house and her front fence. They began coming to her loding their caps and asking that they be filled with weal and other food. Her husband’s English plantation manager advised her to comply, “so he took the key to the meat house, gave food to these, then thay came in droves and stripped it completely. The whole top was hung with hams, bacon, et., and in a very short while it was empty except for a hogshead of molasses for the negroes.” They took that , too, and others killed cows, calves, and all fowls. “Little chickens too small to eat were stepped on and killed; setting hens were killed and the eggs destroyed.” Some of the soldiers asked the family’s slaves if they were treated well, “to say the word and they would burn their mistress and her children up in the house.” The slaves protested that they had a good master and mistress, but Mrs. Sleet still asked for and received a guard to protect her home. Lillie Dandridge Sleet Stinson, “Remininscences of the Battle of Pleasant Hill,” typescript. Mansfield State Commemorative Area, Mansfield, La.

[44] Annotated by Jeff Goodlove

[45] (State Capital Memorial, Austin, TX, February 11, 2012.)

[46] Crawford Coat of Arms



[49] Proposed Descendants of William Smythe.


[51] [1] Gedenkbuch, Opfer der Verfolgung der Juden unter der nationalsozialistischen Gewaltherrschaft in Deutschland 1933-1945. 2., wesentlich erweiterte Auflage, Band II G-K, Bearbeitet und herausgegben vom Bundesarchiv, Koblenz, 2006, pg. 1033-1035,.

[2] Gedenkbuch (Germany)* does not include many victims from area of former East Germany).







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